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CSIR-NBRI Skill Development Programme

CSIR-NBRI is a premier plant research centre, having a unique blend of expertise in classical and advanced plant sciences supported with state-of-art laboratories and infrastructures. Since its inception in 1953, CSIR-NBRI has been engaged in basic and applied botanical, horticultural and biotechnological research, providing S&T services in various sectors, spanning from plant resource identification, documentation, and conservation to bio-prospecting through development of new herbal, biotech, microbial and agri-horticultural technologies, products and services for industrial use and societal benefits. CSIR-NBRI has internationally accredited Herbarium and Botanic Garden, which serve as resource repositories for research, conservation, training and capacity building in botanical and allied disciplines. CSIR-NBRI is one of the NABL accredited laboratories in the area of herbal drug research. The institute has achieved several significant milestones in technology development in the domains of herbal health products, cosmaceuticals, microbial technologies and floral crafts in recent years.


Development of a cadre of employable skilled human resource in plant sciences for plant resource utilization.


To provide quality human resource at various levels and types of skills in the field of agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, aroma and herbal drugs and plant biotechnology sectors of Indian industry.

Aims & Objectives

  • Developing employment oriented skill programmes in the core competency areas of CSIR-NBRI
  • Creating a pool of skilled human resource for catering the manpower needs of plant based industries, and promoting their inter-linkages.
  • Aligning the skill programmes with CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative, National Skill Development Council and Sectoral Councils to meet the national objectives.
  • Developing market/industry driven courses with emphasis on hands-on practical learning.
  • Ensuring transparent selection and evaluation processes for achieving societal inclusiveness.

Application Form



Dr.Ajit Kumar Shasany, Director

Email: director[at]nbri[dot]res[dot]in

Nodal Officer

Dr. S.K. Tewari, Chief Scientist

Email: sktewari[at]nbri[dot]res[dot]in

Phone: 0522-2297961

Summary of SDP Courses

Course ProgrammeEducational qualificationDurationFee for individual candidate (Rs.)Fee for sponsored candidate (Rs.)Course coordinator
Plant Tissue Culture Technician (ASCI)10+2 preferably with science200 hrs5,000 20,000Dr. Debashish Chakrabarty
Soil and Water Testing Lab Analyst (ASCI)Graduate in Agriculture/ Science240 hrs5,000 20,000Dr. L.B. Yadav
Gardener (ASCI)5th pass300 hrs3,00020,000Dr. Arvind Jain
Bioinoculant Producer for Agricultural ApplicationGraduate in Sci/ Agric/ B.Tech.200 hrs 5,000 20,000Dr.Puneet Singh Chauhan
Certificate course on Advance BioinformaticsB.Sc., B.Tech., B.V.Sc. with knowledge of basic computer programming 200 hrs5,000 20,000Dr. Mehar Hasan Asif
Certificate course in Next generation sequence analysis PhD scholars, Post-docs, Scientists and University/college faculty 200 hrs10,000 30,000Dr. Samir Sawant
Environmental Monitoring Technician B.Sc./M.Sc. pursuing in Environ. Sci200 hrs5,000 20,000Dr. Vivek Pandey
Phytochemical Analysis Technician Graduate in Agric/ Sci240 hrs5,000 30,000Dr. Alok Lehri
Quality Analysts for Herbal IndustryScience/Pharmacy/Biotech Graduates200 hrs5,000 20,000Dr. Ch V Rao

Societal Skill/Training Programmes: * Additional programmes can be included.

Garden Maintenance/ Management Duration:
1-15days (customizable as per need)
Rs. 500-3000/ per course (physical mode)
Rs. 100-500/ per course (Online mode)
Course coordinator
Dr. SK Tewari
Dehydrated Floral Crafts
Conservation in Special Plant Houses
Ex-situ conservation in Field Gene Banks
Composting techniques
Training Programme on Bonsai Technique
Training Programme on Home Gardening
Training Programme on Kitchen Gardening