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In-force Patents

S.No Title Inventor Application No. Comp Filing Dt Patent No. Grant Date Status
1 A biologically pure bacterial strain of bacillus pantothenticus and novel bicontrol composition Behl Harimohan, Tewari Kalpana, Singh Nandita, Sidhu Om Prakash, Kumar Vishal, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Tuli Rakesh 2194DEL2006 5-Oct-06 294818 23-Mar-18 IF/2020
2 A novel soil improving synergistic composition useful for the reclamation of degraded land/soil Behl Hari Mohan, Sinha Arpita, Singh Nandita, Krishnappa Chandrashekhar, Sidhu Om Prakash, Kumar Vishal, Shukla Vinod Ku 1827DEL2006 14-Aug-06 284657 28-Jun-17 IF/2020
3 A herbal insecticidal composition for controlling insect pests Behl Hari Mohan, Kumar Vishal, Krishnappa Chandrashekhar, Lehri Alok, Singh Nandita, Sidhu Om Prakash, Shukla Vinod Kuma 1826DEL2006 14-Aug-06 253066 21-Jun-12 IF/2020
4 Herbal formulation for controlling body weight Palpu Pushpangadan, Chandana Venkateswara Rao, Raghavan Govindarajan,Ajay Kumar Singh Rawat, Sharad Kumar Srivastava,Kut 0988DEL2005 20-Apr-06 252659 25-May-12 IF/2020
5 Functional aphrodisiac rolled herbal bidis, and cigarettes Palpu Pushpangadan, Chandana Venkateswara Rao, Raghavan Govindarajan,Ajay Kumar Singh Rawat, Sharad Kumar Srivastava All 0989DEL2005 20-Apr-06 244788 20-Dec-10 IF/2020
6 Development of harbal nutritious chocklate and its processing Palpu Pushpangadan, Ajay Kumar Singh Rawat, Chandana Venkateswara Rao, Sanjeev Kumar Ojha, Gaddam Dayanand Reddy 2507DEL2004 16-Dec-04 248784 24-Aug-11 IF/2019
7 A synergistic antipyretic formulation Palpu Pushpangadan, Ajay Kumar Singh, Chandana Venkateswara Rao, Sharad Kumar Srivastava, Sayyada Khattoon 03219DELNP2006 5-Jun-06 239346 16-Mar-10 IF/2019
8 Herbal oro-dental care composition and process for preparing the same Palpu Pushpangadan, Chandana Venkateswara Rao, Sanjeev Kumar Ojha, Kuttan Pillai Narayanan Nair, Madan Mohan Pandey, Ajay Kumar Singh Rawat, Shanta Mehrotra 00500DELNP2004 27-Feb-04 232959 24-Mar-09 IF/2019
9 Herbal composition for gastrointestinal disorders Palpu Pushpangadan, Chandana Venkateswara Rao, Shanta Mehrotra, Sanjeev Kumar Ojha, Amresh, Ajay Kumar Singh Rawat 03501DELNP2004 9-Nov-04 245725 31-Jan-11 IF/2019
10 A novel anti-diabetic herbal formulation Palpu Pushpangadan, Chandana Venkateswara Rao, Ajay Kumar Singh Rawat, Vijay Kumar, Manju Patak 01286DELNP2005 31-Mar-05 240358 5-May-10 IF/2019
11 Artificial bidirectional promoter for activation of gene expression Tuli Rakesh, Vishwanath Sawant Samir, Chaturvedi Chandra Prakash, Kiran Kanti, Mehrotra Rajesh 01462DELNP2006 20-Mar-06 236110 24-Sep-09 IF/2019
12 Development of an antiulcer herbal composition(s) Pushpangadan Palpu, Rao Chandana Venkateswara, Mehrotra Shanta, Govindrajan Raghavan, Krishan Nair Radhakrishnan 00580DELNP2004 8-Mar-04 233430 30-Mar-09 IF/2019
13 Development of anticough, anti-tissive and throat soothing herbal formulation Pushpangadan Palpu, Rao Chandana Venkateswara, Mehrotra Shanta, Rawat Ajay Kumar Singh, Govindrajan Raghavan, Vijayakumar Raghavan 00584DELNP2004 8-Mar-04 225350 11-Nov-08 IF/2019
14 The development of health protective herbal soft drink Pushpangadan Palpu, Mehrotra Shanta, Ojha Sanjeev Kumar, Khatoon Sayyade, Rawat Ajay Kumar Singh, Rastogi Subha,Srivastava Manjoosha, Seth Prahlad Kishore, Agarwal Ashok Kumar, Kakkar Poonam, Anand Mohini 02131DELNP2004 22-Jul-04 233541 30-Mar-09 IF/2019
15 Nontoxic dental care herbal formulation for preventing dental plaque and gingivitis Behl Hm, Sidhu Op, Shanta M, Pushpangadan P, Saimbi Cs 01266DELNP2005 31-Mar-05 227723 19-Jan-09 IF/2020
16 Chimeric delta endotoxin protein with extraordinarily high insecticidal activity Rakesh Tuli, Pradhyomna Kumar Singh,Samir V Sawant,Chandra Prakash Chaturvedi 02083DELNP2004 19-Jul-04 243632 28-Oct-10 IF/2020
17 Fermented herbal health drink from plant andrographis Pushpangadan; Palpu; Mehrotra; Shanta; Rawat; Ajay Kumar Singh; Khatoon; Sayyada; Srivastava; Sharad Kumar; Rastogi; Subha; Chaubay; Manjoosha; Agnihotri; Adarsh Kumar 01641DELNP2004 11-Jun-04 227860 22-Jan-09 IF/2020
18 A process for preparation of herbal colours useful for cosmaceutical applications Pushpangadan P, Mehrotra S, Rawat Aks, Khatoon S 0144DEL2001 14-Feb-01 230785 28-Feb-09 IF/2020
19 A process for preparation of herbal colours useful for cosmaceutical applications Pushpangadan Palpu; Mehrotra Shanta; Rawat Ajay Kumar Singh; Khatoon Sayyada; Govindarajan Raghavan 0143DEL2001 14-Feb-01 230948 28-Feb-09 IF/2020
20 A process for the preparation of herbal dry colours using natural dyes and natural ingredients for direct skin application and other purposes Virendra Kumar Kapoor, Palpu Pushpangadan 0244DEL2000 18-Jul-00 231666 7-Mar-09 IF/2020
S.No Title Inventor Application No. Comp Filing Dt Patent No. Grant Date Status
1 A novel formulation for improving the yield and quality of fiber in cotton plants Sawant Samir Viswanath, Singh Sunil Kumar, Singh Babita, Bhattacharya Parthasarathi 15/547370 28-Jul-17 10111427 30-Oct-18 IF
2 A wound inducible expression constructand a method of its preparation Sane Aniruddha Prafullachandra, Pandey Saurabh Prakash, Singh Amar Pal 15/538954 22-Jun-17 10287597 14-May-19 IF
3 A method for production of transgenic cotton plant. Sawant Samir Viswanath, Tripathi Rajiv Kumar, Idris Asif 2.014E+09 11-Apr-16 2.01E+09 28-Sep-17 IF
4 A method for production of transgenic cotton plant. Sawant Samir Viswanath, Tripathi Rajiv Kumar, Idris Asif 15/028,393 8-Apr-16 10041086 7-Aug-18 IF
5 A synergistic pharmaceutical composition for gastroinestinal disorders Garima Pandey, Chandana Venkateswara Rao, Om Prakash Sidhu, Ajay Kumar Singh Rawat, Chandra Shekhar Nautiyal 14/547296 19-Nov-14 10076550 18-Sep-18 IF/LP/No Commercial
6 A novel recombinant strain of trichoderma useful for enhancing nutritional value and growth of plants Mishra Aradhana, Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar 12823269 12-Aug-15 2658961 12-Aug-15 IF/EP DESIG.
7 A process for preparation of a novel insecticidal chitinase toxic against whiteflies, it”s encoding nucleotides and application there off Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Rahul, Rai Preeti, Singh Harpal, Mishra Manisha, Singh Ajit Pratap, Verma Praveen Chandra, Nair Kuttan Pillai Narayanan, Tuli Rakesh 2861194 25-Jun-14 2861194 7-Aug-18 IF
8 A process for preparation of a novel insecticidal chitinase toxic against whiteflies, it”s encoding nucleotides and application there off Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Rahul, Rai Preeti, Singh Harpal, Mishra Manisha, Singh Ajit Pratap, Verma Praveen Chandra, Nair Kuttan Pillai Narayanan, Tuli Rakesh 12824781 17-Jun-14 2798061 3-May-17 IF/EP DESIG.
9 A process for preparation of a novel insecticidal chitinase toxic against whiteflies, it”s encoding nucleotides and application there off Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Rahul, Rai Preeti, Singh Harpal, Mishra Manisha, Singh Ajit Pratap, Verma Praveen Chandra, Nair Kuttan Pillai Narayanan, Tuli Rakesh MX/A/2014/007944 27-Jul-14 351264 6-Oct-17 IF
10 A process for preparation of a novel insecticidal chitinase toxic against whiteflies, it”s encoding nucleotides and application there off Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Rahul, Rai Preeti, Singh Harpal, Mishra Manisha, Singh Ajit Pratap, Verma Praveen Chandra, Nair Kuttan Pillai Narayanan, Tuli Rakesh 15/084453 29-Mar-16 10006014 26-Jun-18 IF
11 A process for preparation of a novel insecticidal chitinase toxic against whiteflies, it”s encoding nucleotides and application there off Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Rahul, Rai Preeti, Singh Harpal, Mishra Manisha, Singh Ajit Pratap, Verma Praveen Chandra, Nair Kuttan Pillai Narayanan, Tuli Rakesh 2014/04656 24-Jun-14 2014/04656 30-Sep-15 IF
12 A gene for inducing male sterility in plants Samir V Sawant, Rakesh Tuli, Sudhir Pratap Singh 2.01E+11 27-May-11 ZL200980147541.4 6-Nov-13 IF
13 A gene for inducing male sterility in plants Samir V Sawant, Rakesh Tuli, Sudhir Pratap Singh 13/124984 10-Aug-11 8710301 29-Apr-14 IF
14 High yielding multiple disease resistant/tolerant stable variety `madakini` of opium poppy Shukla; Sudhir, Singh; Sant Prasad, Singh; Harikesh Bahadur, Pushpangadan; Palpu 11/009697 13-Dec-04 7442854 28-Oct-08 IF
15 Herbal soft drink Palpu; Pushpangadan, Mehrotra; Shanta, Rawat; Ajay Kumar Singh, Khatoon; Sayyada, Ojha; Sanjeev Kumar, Rastogi; Subha, Srivastava; Manjoosha, Seth; Prahlad Kishore, Agarwal; Ashok Kumar, Kakkar; Poonam, Anand; Mohini 10/539427 20-Dec-02



7550163 23-Jun-09 IF/LP/No Commercial
16 A novel d-endotoxin protein improved for insecticidal activity and host range and a gene for its high level expression in plants Rakesh Tuli, Pradhyomna Kumar Singh,Samir V Sawant,Chandra Prakash Chaturvedi 2.002E+09 17-Sep-04 2E+09 21-Nov-08 IF
17 A novel d-endotoxin protein improved for insecticidal activity and host range and a gene for its high level expression in plants Rakesh Tuli, Pradhyomna Kumar Singh,Samir V Sawant,Chandra Prakash Chaturvedi PI0215665-2 27-Sep-04 18-Mar-13 IF
18 Chimeric cryle .delta. Endotoxin and methods of controlling insects Rakesh Tuli, Pradhyomna Kumar Singh,Samir V Sawant,Chandra Prakash Chaturvedi 11/062225 18-Feb-05 7557186 7-Jul-09 IF
19 Chimeric cry1e .delta.endotoxin and methods of controlling insects Rakesh Tuli, Pradhyomna Kumar Singh,Samir V Sawant,Chandra Prakash Chaturvedi 10/107581 27-Mar-02 7053266 30-May-06 IF/No Renewal Required/Full Term Paid
20 A composition useful for qualitative screening of phasphate solubilising microorganisms and a qualitative method for screening microorganisms Chandra Shekhar Nautiyal, Sangeeta Mehta, Palpu Pushpangadan 09/798955 6-Mar-01 6638730 28-Oct-03 IF/No Renewal Required/Full Term Paid
21 Chrysanthemum plant named `mother teresa` Subodh Kumar Datta 09/821100 30-Mar-01 PP13678 25-Mar-03 IF/No renewal required

Patent Applications filed

SNo Title Inventors Comp. Filing Date Application No. Status
1 A novel process for genetic transformation of withania somnifera Misra Pratibha, Tuli Rakesh 7-Sep-10 1902DEL2009 AB/No Inventive Step
2 Novel process for developing insect resistance transgenic plants using atmyb12 transcription factor Trivedi Prabodh Kumar, Misra Prashant, Pandey Ashutosh, Tiwari Manish, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Om Prakash Sidhu, Mehar Hasan Asif, Chakrabarty Debasis, Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Nath Pravendra, Tuli Rakesh 1/7/2010 0037DEL2010 AB/I
3 Nucleic acid sequence (aaa) encoding allium altaicum agglutinin (aaa) and its use thereof Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Singh Rahul, Rai Preeti, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Harpal, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Verma Praveen Chandra, Tuli Rakesh 14-Feb-11 0316DEL2010 PP/UE
4 Natural hair dye and its applications Mahesh Pal, Manjoosha Srivastava, Ranjan Banerji 24-Aug-10 0776DEL2010 PP/UE
5 Synergistic composition useful as microbiological growth medium and a process of high-throughput screening of phosphate-accumulating microorganisms Chandra Shekhar Nautiyal, Vasvi Chaudhry 18-Jul-11 1693DEL2010 PP
6 A phyto-pharmaceutical preparation useful for the treatment of filaria especially as a macrofilaricidal agent Rakesh Tuli, Ajay Kumar Singh Rawat, Sayyada Khatoon, Sharad Srivastava, Subha Rastogi, Madan Mohan Pandey, Kiriti Saxena, Vikash Kushwaha, Puvvada Kalpana Murthy 14-Jul-11 1695DEL2010 PP
7 A novel tailor-made cu/zn superoxide dismutase enzyme and a process for production of the same from an isolated polynucleotide of the plant withania somnifera Madanala Raju, Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Vishwanath Sawanth Samir, Pandey Vivek, Tuli Rakesh 31-Aug-10 2065DEL2010 PP
8 A method for developing pathogen tolerant transgenic plants Samir Vishwanath Sawant, Rakesh Srivastava, Meenal Srivastava, Pradhyumna Kumar Singh, Suchi Srivastava, Praveen Chandra Verma, Bhupendra Koul, Anoop Kumar Shukla, Chandra Shekhar Nautiyal, Devendra Vijay Amla 22-Dec-11 3177DEL2010 PP
9 A cost effective method of producing high density trichoderma based formulation Poonam Chaudhary Singh, Chandra Shekhar Nautiyal 15-Jul-11 1986DEL2011 PP
10 Allium fistulosum leaf agglutinin protein, its encoding gene, primer and process for prepation thereof Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Rai Preeti, Singh Rahul, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Harpal, Verma Praveen Chandra, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Tuli Rakesh 28-Dec-11 3850DEL2011 PP
11 A process for preparation of a novel insecticidal chitinase toxic against whiteflies, it”s encoding nucleotides and application there off Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Rahul, Rai Preeti, Singh Harpal, Mishra Manisha, Singh Ajit Pratap, Verma Praveen Chandra, Nair Kuttan Pillai Narayanan, Tuli Rakesh 28-Dec-11 3851DEL2011 PP
12 A bioinoculant composition comprising trichoderma protoplast fusant useful for enhancing nutritional value and growth of plants Mishra Aradhana, Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar 27-Dec-12 0010DEL2012 PP
13 An improved process for preparation of biofilm using plant gum formulation Srivastava Manjoosha, Misra Ankita, Srivastava Sharad, Rawat Ajay Kumar Singh 6-Nov-12 3410DEL2012 PP
14 A novel formulation for polyherbal masticatory product useful for tobacco de-addiction and health rejuvenation Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar, Kumar Dinesh, Rawat Ajay Kumar Singh, Agarwal Sudha, Mani Dayanandan, Ojha Sanjeev Kumar, Pal Anirban, Rao Chandana Venkateswara, Darokar Mahendra Pandurang, Kalra Alok 4-Jul-14 2008DEL2013 PP
15 A method for production of transgenic cotton plant. Sawant Samir Viswanath, Tripathi Rajiv Kumar, Idris Asif 10-Oct-14 3041DEL2013 PP
16 Herbal composition for the management of diabetes Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar, Rao Chandana Venkateshwara, Ojha Sanjeev Kumar, Rawat Ajay Kumar Singh, Mani Dayanandan, Anirban Pal, Kumar Dinesh 29-May-15 1591DEL2014 PP
17 A synergistic pharmaceutical composition for gastroinestinal disorders Garima Pandey, Chandana Venkateswara Rao, Om Prakash Sidhu, Ajay Kumar Singh Rawat, Chandra Shekhar Nautiyal 25-Jun-14 1698DEL2014 PP
18 A primer sequence for the preparation of insecticidal protein from microsorium scolopendriurn Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Singh Rahul, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Rai Preeti, Saurabh Sharad, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Singh Harpal, Mishra Manisha, Singh Ajit Pratap, Verma Praveen Chandra, Nair Kuttan Pillai Narayanan, Tuli Rakesh 12-Nov-14 3265DEL2014 PP
19 A wound inducible expression constructand a method of its preparation Sane Aniruddha Prafullachandra, Pandey Saurabh Prakash, Singh Amar Pal 23-Dec-14 3865DEL2014 PP
20 A novel formulation for improving the yield and quality of fiber in cotton plants Sawant Samir Viswanath, Singh Sunil Kumar, Singh Babita, Bhattacharya Parthasarathi 28-Jan-15 0231DEL2015 PP
21 Blood detoxifying composition used in liver disorders Dalip Kumar Upreti, Chandana Venkateshwara Rao, Tikam Singh Rana, Sanjeeva Nayaka, Rawat Ajay Kumar Singh, Gopal Samudrum Nilkhantan Hariharan, Rajesh Bajpai, Joni Sharma 11-Mar-16 0660DEL2015 PP
22 Novel reversible expression system for transgene expression in plants Sawant Samir Vishwanath, Singh Surendra Pratap 16-Apr-15 1060DEL2015 PP
23 A herbal emulsion based formulation useful for vulvovaginal candidiasis and a process for the preparation thereof Brahma Nand Singh, Prateeksha, Vishwajeet Jadoun, Chandana Venkateswara Rao, Saroj Kanta Barik 27-Sep-18 2.01811E+11 PP
24 A synergistic herbal formulation useful for urolithiasis and nephrolithiasis Srivastava Sharad, Misra Ankita, Barik Saroj Kanta, Srivastava Vikas, Singh Dhirendra, Hafizurrahman Khan, Sankhwar Satya Narayan, Tandon Salil 2.01811E+11 PP
25 An essential oil composition and herbal emulsion based formulation of the same and a process for preparation thereof Saroj Kanta Barik, Brahma Nand Singh, Highland Kuayang, Padmaraj Gajurel, Prateeksha 26-Mar-19 2.01911E+11 PP
26 Trimethoxy tetrahydrobenzo dioxolo isochromene compound and pharmaceutical composition comprising same for management of inflammation Raja Roy, Om Prakash Sidhu, Naibedya Chattopadhyay, Tusha Tripathi, Yasir Akhtar Khan, Chandana Venkateshwara Rao, Saroj Kanta Barik 26-Mar-19 2.01911E+11 PP
27 A novel ready to use formulation useful against soil pathogens and a process for the preparation thereof Mishra Aradhana, Bhattacharya Arpita 3/29/2019 2.01911E+11 PP
SNo Title Inventors Comp. Filing Date Application No. Status
1 A gene for inducing male sterility in plants Samir V Sawant, Rakesh Tuli, Sudhir Pratap Singh 15-Apr-11 2009321261 IF
2 A gene for inducing male sterility in plants Samir V Sawant, Rakesh Tuli, Sudhir Pratap Singh 16-May-11 EP09795538.9 RO/EP/NP/IF
3 A gene for inducing male sterility in plants Samir V Sawant, Rakesh Tuli, Sudhir Pratap Singh 16-May-11 EP09795538.9 IF/EP DESIG.
4 A gene for inducing male sterility in plants Samir V Sawant, Rakesh Tuli, Sudhir Pratap Singh 16-May-11 EP09795538.9 IF/EP DESIG.
5 A gene for inducing male sterility in plants Samir V Sawant, Rakesh Tuli, Sudhir Pratap Singh 16-May-11 EP09795538.9 IF/EP DESIG.
6 A gene for inducing male sterility in plants Samir V Sawant, Rakesh Tuli, Sudhir Pratap Singh 16-May-11 EP09795538.9` IF/EP DESIG.
7 A gene for inducing male sterility in plants Samir V Sawant, Rakesh Tuli, Sudhir Pratap Singh 27-May-11 2.0098E+11 IF
8 Synergistic composition useful as microbiological growth medium for rapid screening of phosphate accumulating microorganisms Chandra Shekhar Nautiyal, Vasvi Chaudhry 20-Jul-11 13/187046 IF
9 A gene for inducing male sterility in plants Samir V Sawant, Rakesh Tuli, Sudhir Pratap Singh 10-Aug-11 13/124984 IF
10 Allium fistulosum leaf agglutinin protein, its encoding gene, primer and process for prepation thereof Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Rai Preeti, Singh Rahul, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Harpal, Verma Praveen Chandra, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Tuli Rakesh 17-Dec-12 PCT/IN2012/000822 RO
11 A process for preparation of a novel insecticidal chitinase toxic against whiteflies, it”s encoding nucleotides and application there off Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Rahul, Rai Preeti, Singh Harpal, Mishra Manisha, Singh Ajit Pratap, Verma Praveen Chandra, Nair Kuttan Pillai Narayanan, Tuli Rakesh 28-Dec-12 PCT/IN2012/000860 RO
12 A novel recombinant strain of trichoderma useful for enhancing nutritional value and growth of plants Mishra Aradhana, Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar 31-Dec-12 PCT/IN2012/000863 RO
13 A novel recombinant strain of trichoderma useful for enhancing nutritional value and growth of plants Mishra Aradhana, Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar 25-Jul-13 2825670 PP
14 A novel recombinant strain of trichoderma useful for enhancing nutritional value and growth of plants Mishra Aradhana, Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar 30-Jul-13 12823269.1 RO/EP/NP/IF
15 A novel recombinant strain of trichoderma useful for enhancing nutritional value and growth of plants Mishra Aradhana, Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar 5-Sep-13 14/003376 IF
16 A process for preparation of a novel insecticidal chitinase toxic against whiteflies, it”s encoding nucleotides and application there off Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Rahul, Rai Preeti, Singh Harpal, Mishra Manisha, Singh Ajit Pratap, Verma Praveen Chandra, Nair Kuttan Pillai Narayanan, Tuli Rakesh 17-Jun-14 12824781.4 PP
17 A process for preparation of a novel insecticidal chitinase toxic against whiteflies, it”s encoding nucleotides and application there off Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Rahul, Rai Preeti, Singh Harpal, Mishra Manisha, Singh Ajit Pratap, Verma Praveen Chandra, Nair Kuttan Pillai Narayanan, Tuli Rakesh 24-Jun-14 2014/04656 IF
18 Allium fistulosum leaf agglutinin protein, its encoding gene, primer and process for prepation thereof Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Rai Preeti, Singh Rahul, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Harpal, Verma Praveen Chandra, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Tuli Rakesh 24-Jun-14 14/368443 IF
19 Allium fistulosum leaf agglutinin protein, its encoding gene, primer and process for prepation thereof Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Rai Preeti, Singh Rahul, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Harpal, Verma Praveen Chandra, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Tuli Rakesh 25-Jun-14 2861158 PP
20 A process for preparation of a novel insecticidal chitinase toxic against whiteflies, it”s encoding nucleotides and application there off Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Rahul, Rai Preeti, Singh Harpal, Mishra Manisha, Singh Ajit Pratap, Verma Praveen Chandra, Nair Kuttan Pillai Narayanan, Tuli Rakesh 25-Jun-14 2861194 PP
21 A process for preparation of a novel insecticidal chitinase toxic against whiteflies, it”s encoding nucleotides and application there off Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Rahul, Rai Preeti, Singh Harpal, Mishra Manisha, Singh Ajit Pratap, Verma Praveen Chandra, Nair Kuttan Pillai Narayanan, Tuli Rakesh 25-Jun-14 2012360018 PP
22 A process for preparation of a novel insecticidal chitinase toxic against whiteflies, it”s encoding nucleotides and application there off Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Rahul, Rai Preeti, Singh Harpal, Mishra Manisha, Singh Ajit Pratap, Verma Praveen Chandra, Nair Kuttan Pillai Narayanan, Tuli Rakesh 26-Jun-14 BR1120140159300 PP
23 A process for preparation of a novel insecticidal chitinase toxic against whiteflies, it”s encoding nucleotides and application there off Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Rahul, Rai Preeti, Singh Harpal, Mishra Manisha, Singh Ajit Pratap, Verma Praveen Chandra, Nair Kuttan Pillai Narayanan, Tuli Rakesh 27-Jun-14 14/369610 PP
24 Allium fistulosum leaf agglutinin protein, its encoding gene, primer and process for prepation thereof Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Rai Preeti, Singh Rahul, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Harpal, Verma Praveen Chandra, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Tuli Rakesh 30-Jun-14 BR1120140162549 PP
25 A novel formulation for polyherbal masticatory product useful for tobacco de-addiction and health rejuvenation Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar, Kumar Dinesh, Rawat Ajay Kumar Singh, Agarwal Sudha, Mani Dayanandan, Ojha Sanjeev Kumar, Pal Anirban, Rao Chandana Venkateswara, Darokar Mahendra Pandurang, Kalra Alok 4-Jul-14 PCT/IN2014/000446 RO
26 A process for preparation of a novel insecticidal chitinase toxic against whiteflies, it”s encoding nucleotides and application there off Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Rahul, Rai Preeti, Singh Harpal, Mishra Manisha, Singh Ajit Pratap, Verma Praveen Chandra, Nair Kuttan Pillai Narayanan, Tuli Rakesh 27-Jul-14 MX/A/2014/007944 PP
27 Allium fistulosum leaf agglutinin protein, its encoding gene, primer and process for prepation thereof Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Rai Preeti, Singh Rahul, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Saurabh Sharad, Singh Harpal, Verma Praveen Chandra, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Tuli Rakesh 28-Aug-14 2.0128E+11 IF
28 A method for production of transgenic cotton plant. Sawant Samir Viswanath, Tripathi Rajiv Kumar, Idris Asif 13-Oct-14 PCT/IN2014/000651 RO
29 A synergistic pharmaceutical composition for gastroinestinal disorders Garima Pandey, Chandana Venkateswara Rao, Om Prakash Sidhu, Ajay Kumar Singh Rawat, Chandra Shekhar Nautiyal 19-Nov-14 14/547296 PP
30 A wound inducible expression constructand a method of its preparation Sane Aniruddha Prafullachandra, Pandey Saurabh Prakash, Singh Amar Pal 29-Apr-15 PCT/IN2015/050033 PP
31 Herbal composition for the management of diabetes Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar, Rao Chandana Venkateshwara, Ojha Sanjeev Kumar, Rawat Ajay Kumar Singh, Mani Dayanandan, Anirban Pal, Kumar Dinesh 11-Jun-15 PCT/IN2015/000238 PP
32 A novel recombinant strain of trichoderma useful for enhancing nutritional value and growth of plants Mishra Aradhana, Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar 12-Aug-15 12823269.1 IF/EP DESIG.
33 A novel recombinant strain of trichoderma useful for enhancing nutritional value and growth of plants Mishra Aradhana, Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar 12-Aug-15 12823269.1 IF/EP DESIG.
34 A novel recombinant strain of trichoderma useful for enhancing nutritional value and growth of plants Mishra Aradhana, Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar 12-Aug-15 12823269.1 IF/EP DESIG.
35 A primer sequence for the preparation of insecticidal protein from microsorium scolopendriurn Singh Pradhyumna Kumar, Singh Rahul, Krishnappa Chandrashekar, Rai Preeti, Saurabh Sharad, Upadhyay Santosh Kumar, Singh Harpal, Mishra Manisha, Singh Ajit Pratap, Verma Praveen Chandra, Nair Kuttan Pillai Narayanan, Tuli Rakesh 12-Nov-15 PCT/IN2015/050165 AB/No Commercial
36 A novel formulation for polyherbal masticatory product useful for tobacco de-addiction and health rejuvenation Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar, Kumar Dinesh, Rawat Ajay Kumar Singh, Agarwal Sudha, Mani Dayanandan, Ojha Sanjeev Kumar, Pal Anirban, Rao Chandana Venkateswara, Darokar Mahendra Pandurang, Kalra Alok 22-Dec-15 18546 PP
37 A novel formulation for polyherbal masticatory product useful for tobacco de-addiction and health rejuvenation Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar, Kumar Dinesh, Rawat Ajay Kumar Singh, Agarwal Sudha, Mani Dayanandan, Ojha Sanjeev Kumar, Pal Anirban, Rao Chandana Venkateswara, Darokar Mahendra Pandurang, Kalra Alok 30-Dec-15 PI 2015704828 PP
38 A novel formulation for improving the yield and quality of fiber in cotton plants Sawant Samir Viswanath, Singh Sunil Kumar, Singh Babita, Bhattacharya Parthasarathi 28-Jan-16 PCT/IN2016/050027 PP
39 A method for production of transgenic cotton plant. Sawant Samir Viswanath, Tripathi Rajiv Kumar, Idris Asif 8-Apr-16 15/028,393 PP
40 A method for production of transgenic cotton plant. Sawant Samir Viswanath, Tripathi Rajiv Kumar, Idris Asif 11-Apr-16 2014333405 PP
41 A method for production of transgenic cotton plant. Sawant Samir Viswanath, Tripathi Rajiv Kumar, Idris Asif 11-Apr-16 BR 11 2016 008009-2 PP
42 Novel reversible expression system for transgene expression in plants Sawant Samir Vishwanath, Singh Surendra Pratap 18-Apr-16 PCT/IN2016/050013 PP
43 Herbal composition for the management of diabetes Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar, Rao Chandana Venkateshwara, Ojha Sanjeev Kumar, Rawat Ajay Kumar Singh, Mani Dayanandan, Anirban Pal, Kumar Dinesh 8-Sep-16 18977 PP
44 Herbal composition for the management of diabetes Nautiyal Chandra Shekhar, Rao Chandana Venkateshwara, Ojha Sanjeev Kumar, Rawat Ajay Kumar Singh, Mani Dayanandan, Anirban Pal, Kumar Dinesh 8-Sep-16 PI 2016001652 PP
45 A wound inducible expression constructand a method of its preparation Sane Aniruddha Prafullachandra, Pandey Saurabh Prakash, Singh Amar Pal 22-Jun-17 15/538954 PP
46 A novel formulation for improving the yield and quality of fiber in cotton plants Sawant Samir Viswanath, Singh Sunil Kumar, Singh Babita, Bhattacharya Parthasarathi 28-Jul-17 15/547370 PP
47 Novel reversible expression system for transgene expression in plants Sawant Samir Vishwanath, Singh Surendra Pratap 16-Oct-17 15/567040 PP