04:06:13 AM Thursday, 24 October 2024
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Plant Diversity, Systematics and Herbarium (PDSH) Division is mainly focusing on the documentation of plants and Lichens from under explored/un-explored areas of India; creative revisionary, monographic and molecular systematic studies of economically and taxonomically interesting group of plants; conservation of threatened and endemic plants; and enrichment of herbarium of the institute by adding representative collections from different bio-geographical regions of India and development of databases of plant resources.

The group has significantly contributed towards bio-prospecting plant resources along with other disciplines like Molecular Biology, Phytochemistry, Pharmacognosy& Pharmacology and Botanical Gardens of the institute, which has led to development of new varieties, process and technologies.


Herbarium (LWG) of the institute is recognized as a ‘National Repository’ by the National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) of India. The scientists of the PDSH division are significantly contributing towards the growth and development of the herbarium. There are about > 3.00 specimens belonging to different group of plants and lichens.

Training Course

The scientists of the PDSH division has been organizing a training course on “Classical and Modern Methods in Plant Taxonomy & Biosystematics” from time to time for students and young faculties, who are pursuing research and academics in plant systematics in the country. The purpose of organizing this training course is to inculcate interest in students and young faculties towards plant taxonomy.

The group is presently working on following R& D projects:

  • Plants and Lichens exploration in under/un-explored areas like Suhelwa Wild life Sanctuary, Terrain region (Uttar Pradesh); Pachmani Biosphere Reserve (Madhya Pradesh); North Eastern States, Western Himalayan region and Chambal Ravines.
  • Revisionary and monographic studies on Arthoniales, Buellia, Pyrenocarpus, Rinodina (Lichens); Mniaceae, Marchantiales (Bryophytes) Anemone, Desmodium, Ephedra, Geranium, Saxifraga, Uraria (Angiosperms)
  • Molecular Systematics, Phylogeny and phylogeography studies of Betula, Citrus spp., Commiphora, Ensete, Gymnema and Sonneratia.
  • Recovery, rescue and rehabilitation of threatened plants of India.
