Dr. K M Prabhukumar
Senior Scientist
Research Interests
Dr. Prabhukumar KM is working in the diversity and classification of Angiosperm flora of India. As a passionate field taxonomist, explored many of the unexplored forest regions especially southern part of Western Ghats and identified and documented the diversity, endemism and ecology of the rare, endangered and threatened species. Well experienced in the identification and conservation of plants in Medicinal Plants sector especially in the Ayurveda. Presently focusing on the floristic diversity of Balsaminaceae and Apiaceae in Asia to understand the taxonomic complexity and evolution of the plants under different geographical conditions over the time. Apart from botanical research, focusing the interest in the conservation Assessments of threatened species as a member of IUCN Species Survival Commission.
Dr. K M Prabhukumar
Senior Scientist
Research Summary
- Taxonomy and phylogeny of South Asian Impatiens
- Floristic and evolutionary studies on Balsaminaceae and Apiaceae
- IUCN Assessment of threatened plants of India
- Family to generic level conservation of Indigenous plants
- Role of Taxonomy in Ayurveda and Medicinal plants
Taxonomic accomplishments (Selected)
- Eugenia pokkudanii Maya, M.P. Kumar & Suresh
- Elaeocarpus gadgilii Maya, M.P. Kumar & Suresh
- Gentiana sasidharanii M.P. Kumar & Sunil
- Peucedanum pradeepianum M.P. Kumar, Indu et Hareesh
- Hedyotis soolamudianus Sunil, M.P. Kumar et Naveen
- Hedyotis indirae M.P. Kumar & Aiswarya
- Barleria sahyadrica M.P. Kumar & Sardesai
- Utricularia sunilii Naveen & M.P. Kumar
- Oberonia muthikulamensis Prasad, K.M.P. Kumar & P. Sudheshna
- Clematis pettimudiensis M.P. Kumar, Jagadeesan & Prasad
- Artabotrys sahyadricus Robi, M.P. Kumar & Hareesh
- Isachne manilalianan Sunil, K.M.P. Kumar & Thomas
- Arundinella muthikulamensis Sunil,M.P. Kumar & Thomas
- Impatiens panduranganiiM.P. Kumar, Jagadeesan & Prasad
- Impatiens mankulamensisM.P. Kumar, Jagadeesan & Nagaraj
- Justicia gambleana M.P. Kumar, Robi & Hareesh
- Phyllanthus balakrishnanii Sunil, M.P. Kumar et Naveen
- Exacum keralensis , K.M.P. Kumar, Pandur. & Deepu
- Impatiens glabrata M.P. Kumar, Hareesh & Bhaskar
- Zingiber sabuanumM.P. Kumar & A. Joe
- Habenaria sahyadrica M.P. Kumar, Nirmesh, V. B. Sreek. & P. Kumar
- Impatiens sasidharanii M.P. Kumar, Omalsree et Hareesh & V.B. Sreek.
- Impatiens sasidharanii hirsuta K.M.P. Kumar, Omalsree, Hareesh & Sreek.
- Justicia sivadasanii Sunil, M.P. Kumar et Naveen
- Impatiens neo-modesta Hareesh, M.P. Kumar & V. B. Sreek.
- Chlorophytum palghatense M.P. Kumar & Adsul
- Striga indica M.P. Kumar, P. Jayanthi, A. Rajendran et M. Sabu
- Premna rajendranii M.P. Kumar, T. Sunil, V. Sreeraj & V.T. Antony
- Striga kamalii Omalsree, M.P. Kumar, M. Sabu et Sunojkumar
- Ophiorrhiza sahyadriensis Hareesh, Sreekumar et M.P. Kumar
- Gymnostachyum warrieranum M.P. Kumar, Indu et Sreekumar
Dr. K M Prabhukumar
Senior Scientist
Research Articles (Selected)
- Ashwini M. Darshetkar, Mandar N. Datar, M. Prabhukumar, Soo-Yong Kim, Shubhada Tamhankar & Ritesh Kumar Choudhary. 2021. Systematic analysis of the genus Eriocaulon L. in India based on molecular and morphological evidence, Systematics and Biodiversity, DOI: 10.1080/14772000.2021.1914764.
- Maya A.M., Prabhukumar K.M., Sojan J. & Suresh V. 2021. Eugenia pokkudanii(Myrtaceae): a new species from Sky Islands of Nelliyampathy, Kerala, India. Phytotaxa. 502 (3): 283–288.
- Maya A.M., Prabhukumar K.M., Sujana, K.A., Sojan J. & Suresh V. 2021. Elaeocarpus gadgilii (Elaeocarpaceae), a new species from Western Ghats (India). Phytotaxa 489 (1): 087–093.
- Prabhukumar K.M., N. Sunil, C.M. Sreejith, V.V. Naveen Kumar and Indira Balachandran 2020. Gentiana sasidharanii (Gentianaceae), a new species from Western Ghats, India. Phytotaxa 443 (3): 295–299.
- Prabhukumar K.M., S. Hareesh, Ram Pradeep and Indira Balachandran 2020. Peucedanum pradeepianum (Apiaceae: Apioideae), a new species from Western Ghats, India. Phytotaxa 446 (1): 043–048.
- Naveenkumar, VV, M. Prabhukumar, Sunil, C. N., N. Bhavadas, C.M. Sreejith, & Indira Balachandran. 2020. Hedyotis shoolamudianus (Rubiaceae), a new species from Western Ghats, India. Phytotaxa. 438 (2): 159–162.
- Prabhukumar K.M., N. Sunil, V.V. Naveen Kumar, Tarun Chhabra, N. Mohanraj and Indira Balachandran. 2019. On the identity and distribution of Vasconcellea pubescens (Caricaceae) in Asia. Nelumbo 60 (2): 114-121.
- Ashwini M. Darshetkar, Mandar N. Datar, G. R. Rao, Shubhada Tamhankar, M. Prabhukumar and Ritesh Kumar Choudhary. 2019. Eriocaulon karaavalense (Eriocaulaceae) a new species from from India based on morphological and molecular evidence. Ann. Bot.Fennici. 56: 305-316.
- Prabhukumar M, Brijile E. & Indira Balachandran. 2019. Taxonomic studies on exotic and ornamental Costus (Costaceae) in south India. In: Asian Zingiberales: Resume & Prospects. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India. 205-224 pp.
- Prabhukumar M, Farsana B., George, S. & Indira Balachandran. 2018. Revisiting the taxonomy of Justicia beddomei (Acanthaceae). Phytotaxa 350 (1): 071–078.
- Prabhukumar M, Jagadeesan, R., V. V. Naveen Kumar, G. Prasad & Indira Balachandran. 2018. Rediscovery of Impatiens brevicornis L. (Balsaminaceae), a less known species of Western Ghats, India. Nelumbo 60(1): 13-17.
- Prabhukumar K. M., Z. Rogers, V. S. Hareesh and Indira Balachandran. 2018. The resurrection and lectotypification of the name Gnidia sisparensis (Thymelaeaceae). Phytotaxa.
- Sunil, C. N., Prabhukumar M, V. V. Naveen Kumar, V. P. Thomas, R. Jagadeesan & Indira Balachandran. 2018. Eriocaulon tuberiferum (Eriocaulaceae) a new record for south India. Nelumbo 60(1): 18-22.
- Naveenkumar, VV, M. Prabhukumar, Jagadeesan, R., Harinarayanan, CM, Maya C. Nair, M.K. Janarthanam & Indira Balachandran. 2018. Utricularia sunilii (Lentibulariaceae), a striking new species from southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India. Phytotaxa.
- Prasad, K., Sudheshna, P., & Prabhukumar, K. M. (2018). A new species of Oberonia (Orchidaceae) from Western Ghats of Kerala, India. Nordic Journal of Botany, 36(5), njb–01797. doi:10.1111/njb.01797.
- Prabhukumar M, R. Jagadeesan, G. Prasad, V.V. Naveen Kumar & Indira Balachandran. 2017. Clematis pettimudiensis (Ranunculaceae), a new species from Western Ghats, India. Phytotaxa. 326 (4): 289–294.
- Prabhukumar M., A.J. Robi, V.S. Hareesh, K.J. Dantus, P. Sujanapal & Indira Balachandran. 2017. Artabotrys sahyadricus (Annonaceae), a new species from Western Ghats of India. Webbia : Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography 72(1): 117–120.
- Prabhukumar M, Sunil, C. N., V. V. Naveen Kumar, V. P. Thomas, Judin Jose& Indira Balachandran. 2017. Isachne manilaliana (Poaceae), a new species from Western Ghats, Kerala, India. Webbia : Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography 72(2): 161-164.
- Prabhukumar M, R. Jagadeesan, G. Prasad, B.N. Nagaraj, V.V. Naveen Kumar, V. Bhaskar & Indira Balachandran. 2017. Two new taxa of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from southern parts of Western Ghats, India. Phytotaxa. 296 (3): 281–286.
- Prabhukumar M, Sunil, C. N., V. V. Naveen Kumar, N. Bhavadas, T. Chhabra & Indira Balachandran. 2017. Eleusine multiflora (Poaceae: Chloridoideae), a new record for India. Nelumbo 59(1): 25-28.
- Prabhukumar M, T. Chhabra, A.J. Robi, R. Jagadeesan, Sunil, C. N. & Indira Balachandran. 2017. Rediscovery of Arisaema translucens (Araceae) and notes on A. tuberculatum, two strict endemics of Nilgiris, India. Phytotaxa 306 (1): 085–090.
- Jagadeesan, R., Prabhukumar M, G. Prasad, V. V. Naveen Kumar& Indira Balachandran. 2017. Symplocos bractealis (Symplocaceae), a new addition to the flora of India. Nelumbo 59(1): 29-32.
- Prabhukumar, K.M, Thomas, V.P., Sabu, M and Prasanth. 2017. Praying Mantis Ginger (In) Peter, K.V(Ed) Horticultural Crops of High Nutritive values. Brillion Publishing New York. p. 317-327.
- Sunil, C. N., M. Prabhukumar, V. V. Naveen Kumar, V. P. Thomas, Judin Jose& Indira Balachandran. 2017. Arundinella muthikulamensis (Poaceae), a new species from the Western Ghats of Kerala, India. Webbia : Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography 72(1): 101-104.
- Pankaj Kumar, M. Prabhukumar, Nirmesh, T. K., V. B. Sreekumar, V. S. Hareesh & Indira Balachandran. 2016. A new species of Habenaria (Orchidaceae, Habenariinae) from Western Ghats, India. Phytotaxa. 244 (2): 196-200.
- Naveen Kumar V.V., K.M. Prabhukumar, N. Bhavadas & C.N. Sunil. 2016. Rediscovery of Phyllanthus macrocalyxArg. (Phyllanthaceae), a rare endemic species of Western Ghats, India. Current Science. 110 (1): 31-35.
- Prabhukumar, K. M., V. S. Hareesh, V. Bhaskar, V. B. Sreekumar, T. K. Nirmesh and Indira Balachandran. 2016. Impatiens glabrata (Balsaminaceae) – A new species from southern Western Ghats, India. Phytotaxa 266 (1): 033–039.
- Prabhukumar K. M., A. Joe, & Indira Balachandran. 2016. Zingiber sabuanum sp. nov. (Zingiberaceae): a new species from Kerala, India. Phytotaxa 247 (1): 092–096.
- Prabhukumar K. M., A. J. Robi, V. S. Hareesh & Indira Balachandran. 2016. Justicia gambleana (Acanthaceae): a new species from Kerala, India. Kew Bulletin.71 (39): 1-5.
- Prabhukumar K. M., V.V. Naveen Kumar, N. Bhavadas, C.N. Sunil, Pankaj Kumar and Indira Balachandran. 2016. Peristylus tentaculatus (Orchidaceae), a new record for India from Western Ghats. Rheedea. 26(1): 77–79.
- Prabhukumar, K. M., Avinash A. Adsul, Jose Mathew & Indira Balachandran. 2016. Nomenclature notes on the status of Chlorophytum clivorumMathew & K.V.George (Asparagaceae). Phytotaxa. 243 (2): 199-200.
- Pankaj Kumar, M. Prabhukumar, Nirmesh, T. K., V. B. Sreekumar, V. S. Hareesh & Indira Balachandran. 2016. A new species of Habenaria (Orchidaceae, Habenariinae) from Western Ghats, India. Phytotaxa. 244 (2): 196-200.
- Naveen Kumar V.V., K.M. Prabhukumar, N. Bhavadas & C.N. Sunil. 2016. Rediscovery of Phyllanthus macrocalyxArg. (Phyllanthaceae), a rare endemic species of Western Ghats, India. Current Science. 110 (1): 31-35.
- Prabhukumar K. M., M. Omalsree, V. S. Hareesh, V. Bhaskar, Nirmesh, T.K., Sreekumar, V. B. & Indira Balachandran. 2015. Two new taxa of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Western Ghats of India. Phytotaxa 238(3): 255-264.
- Prabhukumar K. M., V. B. Sreekumar, Satheesh George and Indira Balachandran. 2015. Gymnostachyum warrieranum (Acanthaceae), a new species from Western Ghats of India with morphological and molecular data. Kew Bulletin. 70(3): 1-9.
- Prabhukumar K. M., P. E. Sreejith, M. G. Prasad, T. K. Ahmedul Kabeer and Indira Balachandran. 2015. Rediscovery of presumed extinct Impatiens concinnaf. (Balsaminaceae) from Western Ghats. Current Science. 1027-1028.
- Prabhukumar, K. M., V. S. Hareesh, V. B. Sreekumar, T. K. Nirmesh and Indira Balachandran. 2015. Impatiens neo-modesta (Balsaminaceae)- A new species from Western Ghats, India. Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography.70(2): 231-235.
- Prabhukumar K. M., V. S. Hareesh, Avinash A. Adsul, Indira Balachandran & Shrirang R. Yadav. 2015. A new species of Chlorophytum (Asparagaceae) from southern Western Ghats of India. Phytotaxa. 188 (5): 282–286.
- Prabhukumar K. M., V. P. Thomas, M. Sabu, A. V. Prasanth and K. V. Mohanan. 2015. Induced mutation in ornamental gingers (Zingiberaceae) using chemical mutagens viz. Colchicine, Acridine and Ethylmethanesulphonate. Journal of Horticulture, Forestry and Biotechnology. 19(2), 18- 27.
- Sunil CN, KM Prabhu Kumar, V.V. Naveen Kumar, VS Hareesh & EC Baiju. 2015. A striking species of Justicia (Acanthaceae) from India. Kew Bulletin. 70(4): 1-5.
- Omalsree, M., M. Prabhukumar, M. Sabu, P. Sunojkumar, Binu Thomas & A. Rajendran. 2015. A new species of Striga Lour., section Polypleurae (Orobanchaceae) from southern Western Ghats of India. Phytotaxa. 212 (2): 163–168.
- Anil Kumar, K. A., M. Prabhukumar and P. S. Udayan. 2015. Gentiana kurumba, a new species of Gentianaceae from Western Ghats of Kerala, India with notes on interrelationships and population structure. Taiwania. 60(2): 81-85.
- Aishwarya, K., M. Prabhukumar & M. Sabu. 2015. Boesenbergia kingii (Zingiberaceae): a new record for South India, Webbia: J. of Plant Taxonomy and Geography. 70(2): 319-322.
- V. S., V. B. Sreekumar, K. M. Prabhukumar, T. K. Nirmesh and K. A. Sreejith. 2015. Ophiorrhiza sahyadriensis (Rubiaceae), A new species from Southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India. Phytotaxa. 202 (3): 219–224.
- Suresh V, Sojan Jose, Prabhukumar K.M., Maya C Nair, Prakash Kumar R & Madhusoodanan PV. 2015. Oldenlandia dineshii (Rubiaceae: Spermacoceae), a new species from the Palakkad Gap region of Western Ghats, India. Kew Bulletin. 70(13): 1-5.
- Hareesh V.S., V.B. Sreekumar, K.M. Prabhukumar and M. Sabu. 2015. Lectotypification of Ophiorrhiza heterostyla Dunn and the new record of rugosa var. angustifolia (Thwaites) Ridsdale (Rubiaceae) for India. Webbia: J. of Plant Taxonomy and Geography.70(1): 109-112.
Dr. K M Prabhukumar
Senior Scientist
Dr. K M Prabhukumar
Senior Scientist
Research Scholars
Dr. K M Prabhukumar
Senior Scientist
Plants Diversity, Systematics and Herbarium Division,
CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute,
Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow – 226001, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
Phone no.: 0522-2297839
Email: prabhu.krishna@nbri.res.in