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Publication list [2010-2019]

S.No Paper Title Journal Impact Factor Area
1936 Purshottam DK, Srivastava RK, Misra P – Low-cost shoot multiplication and improved growth in different cultivars of Canna indica. 3 Biotech, 2019, 9(3) : Article Numebr- 67. 3 Biotech 1.786 Tissue Culture
1937 Kaur C, Raj R, Kumar Susheel, Purshottam DK, Agrawal L, Chauhan PS, Raj SK – Elimination of Bean yellow mosaic virus from infected cormels of three cultivars of gladiolus using thermo-, electro- and chemotherapy.  3 Biotech, 2019, 9(4) : Article Numebr- 1 3 Biotech 1.786 Virology
1938 Raj Rashmi, Agrawal L, Kumar Susheel, Chauhan PS,  Raj SK – Complete genome sequence analysis of Narcissus yellow stripe virus infecting Narcissus tazetta in India. 3 Biotech, 2019, 9: Article Number: 409. 3 Biotech 1.786 Virology
1939 Shivhare R, Lata Charu – Assessment of pearl millet genotypes for drought stress tolerance at early and late seedling stages. Acta Physiologiae Plantatrum, 2019, 41(3): Article Numebr-39. Acta Physiol Plant 1.608 MB
1940 Misra S, Dixit VK, Mishra SK, Chauhan PS – Demonstrating the potential of abiotic stress-tolerant Jeotgalicoccus huakuii NBRI 13E for plant growth promotion and salt stress amelioration. Annals of Microbiology, 2019, 69(4): 419-34. Ann Microbiol 1.431 Microbiology
1941 Pandey MK, Dasgupta CN, Mishra S,Srivastava M, Gupta VK, Suseela MR, Ramteke PW –  Bioprospecting microalgae from natural algal bloom for sustainable biomass and biodiesel production. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2019, 103(13): 5447-58. Appl Microbiol Biot 3.67 Algae
1942 Praveen A, Pandey VC, Mehrotra S, Singh N – Arsenic accumulation in Canna: Effect on antioxidative defense system. Applied Geochemistry, 2019, 108: Article Number – UNSP 104360 Applied Geochemistry 2.894 Eco-Auditing
1943 Kesharwani  AK, Mishra J – Detection of β-lactamase and antibiotic susceptibility of clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 2019, 17: 720-25. Biocatal Agric Biotechnol 0 Microbiology
1944 Behera SK, Tripathi P, Behera MV, Tuli R – Modeling net primary productivity of tropical deciduous forests in North India using bio-geochemical model. Biodiversity and Conservation, 2019, 28(8-9): 2105-21. Biodivers Conserv 3.142 Environmental Sciences
1945 Behera MD, Behera SK, Sharma S – Recent advances in biodiversity and climate change studies in India. Biodiversity and Conservation, 2019, 28(8-9): 1943-51. Biodivers Conserv 3.142 Environmental Sciences
1946 Sahu N, Singh SN, Singh P, Mishra S, Karakoti N, Bajpai R, Behera SK, Nayaka S, Upreti DK – Microclimatic variations and their effects on photosynthetic efficiencies and lichen species distribution along elevational gradients in Garhwal Himalayas. Biodiversity and Conservation, 2019, 28(8-9): 1953-76. Biodivers Conserv 3.142 Environmental Sciences
1947 Bhattacharya A, Giri VP, Singh SP Pandey S, Chauhan P, Soni SK, Srivastava Suchi, Singh PC,  Mishra A – Intervention of bio-protective endophyte Bacillus tequilensis enhance physiological strength of tomato during Fusarium wilt infection. Biological Control, 2019, 139: Article Number -104074. Biol Control 2.607 Microbiology
1948 Prateeksha, Singh BR, Gupta VK, Deeba F, Bajpai R, Pandey V, Naqvi AH, Upreti DK, Gathergood N, Jiang Y, Enshasy HAE, Sholkamy EN, Mostafa AA, Hesham AEL, Singh BN – Non-toxic and ultra-small biosilver nanoclusters trigger apoptotic cell death in fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans via Ras signaling. Biomolecules, 2019, 9(2): Article Number 47. Biomolecules 4.694 Herbal Drugs
1949 Prateeksha, Yusuf MA, Singh BN, Sudheer S, Kharwar RN, Siddiqui S, Abdel-Azeem AM, Fernandes Fraceto L, Dashora K, Gupta VK – Chrysophanol: A natural anthraquinone with multifaceted biotherapeutic potential. Biomolecules, 2019, 9(2): Article Number 68. Biomolecules 4.694 Herbal Drugs
1950 Singh BN, Raghubanshi AS, Koffas M, Gupta VK – Microbial engineering biotechnologie. Biotechnology Advances, 2019, 37(6-7): Article Number – 107399. Biotechnol Adv 12.831 Herbal Drugs
1951 Dhar UV, Lakhwani D, Pandey A, Singh S, Trivedi PK, Asif MH – Genome-wide identification and interactome analysis of members of two-component system in Banana. BMC Genomics, 2019, 20(1):659. Article Number 674. BMC Genomics 3.501 MB
1952 Srivastava Rakesh, Duan R, Ahn SH – Multiple roles of CTDK-I throughout the cell. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2019, 76(14): 2789-97. Cell Mol Life Sci 7.014 MB
1953 Shabir M, Khuroo AA, Agnihotri P, Tiwari JK, Husain T – A range extension of Gentiana capitata Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don subsp. Harwanensis (G.Singh) Halda (Gentianaceae) to Ladakh Trans-Himalaya, India. Check List, 2019,  15 (1): 105-08. Check List 0 Angiosperm
1954 Haq MU, Reshi ZA, Upreti DK – Three new records of lichenised fungi from India. Check List, 2019, 15 (3): 461-64. Check List 0 Lichenoology
1955 Bhargava A, Fuentes F, Shukla S, Srivastava S, Dubey S, Ohri D – Genetic variability in vegetable Chenopodium for morphological and quality traits over different cuttings. Ciencia e Investigacion Agraria, 2019, 46(2): 179-86. Cien Inv Agr 0.307 Pl Breed & Genetics
1956 Pandey S, Phulara  SC, Mishra SK, Bajpai R, Kumar Anil, Niranjan A, Lehri A, Upreti DK, Chauhan PC – Betula utilis extract prolongs life expectancy, protects against amyloid -β toxicity and reduces Alpha Synuclien in Caenorhabditis elegans via DAF -16 and SKN – 1.  Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 2019, 228: Article No. – 108647. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol 2.697 Microbiology
1957 Chauhan R, Awasthi S, Srivastava Sudhakar, Dwivedi S, Pilon-Smits EAH, Dhankher OP, Tripathi RD – Understanding selenium metabolism in plants and its role as a beneficial element. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2019, 49(21): 1937-58. Crit Rev Environ Sci Technol 5.98 Environmental Sciences
1958 Singh L, Dixit P, Srivastava RP, Pandey S, Verma PC, Saxena G  – Ethnobotany and pharmacology of Pinus species growing naturally in Indian Himalayas: A plant review. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2019, 20(15): 1281-87. Curr Pharm Biotechnol 1.516 Plant Transformation
1959 Wagh VV, Jain AK – Healing sacred forest in western Madhya Pradesh, India. Current Science, 116(7): 1060-61. Curr Sci 0.756 MB
1960 Kushwaha V, Rastogi S, Pandey MM, Saxena K, Khatoon S, Rawat AKS, Murthy PK – In vitro and in vivo antifilarial activity of standardized extract of Calotropis procera flowers against Brugia malayi. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2019, 19(14):1252-62. Curr Top Med Chem 3.442 Herbal Drugs
1961 Lal S, Kumar R, Ahmad S, Dixit VK, Berta G – Exploring the survival tactics and plant growth promising traits of root-associated bacterial strains under Cd and Pb stress: A modelling based approach.  Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 170:  267-77. Ecotox Environ Safe 4.527 Microbiology
1962 Dubey AK, Kumar N, Kumar Anil, Ansari MK, Ranjan R, Gautam A, Meenakshi, Sahu N, Pandey V, Behera SK, Mallick S, Pande V, Sanyal I – Over-expression of CarMT gene modulates the physiological performance and antioxidant defense system to provide tolerance against drought stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 171:  54-65. Ecotox Environ Safe 4.527 Environmental Sciences
1963 Kumar N, Gautam A, Dubey AK – Ranjan R, Pandey A, Kumari Babita, Singh G, Mandotra S, Chauhan PS, Srikrishna S, Dutta V, Mallick S – GABA mediated reduction of arsenite toxicity in rice seedling through modulation of fatty acids, stress responsive amino acids and polyamines biosynthesis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 173 : 15-27. Ecotox Environ Safe 4.527 Environmental Sciences
1964 Praveen A, Mehrotra S, Singh N – Mixed plantation of wheat and accumulators in arsenic contaminated plots: A novel way to reduce the uptake of arsenic in wheat and load on antioxidative defence of plant. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 182: Article No. – 109462. Ecotox Environ Safe 4.527 Eco-auditing
1965 Gautam A, Kumar N, Dubey AK, Ranjan R, Sahu N, Behera SK, Shah K, Tripathi RD, Mallick S – Sucrose plays key role in amelioration of arsenic induced phytotoxicity through modulating phosphate and silicon transporters, physiological and biochemical responses in C3 (Oryza sativa L.) and C4 (Zea mays L.). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2019.103930 Ecotox Environ Safe 4.527 Eco-auditing
1966 Singh K –  India’s bioenergy policy. Energy, Ecology and Environment, 2019, 4(5): 253-60. Energ Ecol Environ 0 Biomass
1967 Thangjam NM, Kumar Awadhesh, Shukla AC, Upreti DK – Diversity and distribution of lichens in Murlen National Park of Mizoram, India. Environment and Ecology, 2019, 37 (3) : 664-72. Environ Ecol 0 Lichenology
1968 Jatan R, Tiwari S, Asif MH, Lata Charu – Genome-wide profiling reveals extensive alterations in Pseudomonas putida-mediated mirnas expression during drought stress in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2019, 157: 217-27. Environ Exp Bot 3.712 MB
1969 Tiwari P, Indoliya Y, Singh PK, Singh PC, Chauhan PS, Pande Veena, Chakrabarty D – Role of dehydrin-FK506-binding protein complex in enhancing drought tolerance through the ABA-mediated signaling pathway. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2019, 158: 136-49. Environ Exp Bot 3.712 Microbiology
1970 Singh Neha, Agarwal N, Yadav HK – Genome-wide SNP-based diversity analysis and association mapping in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). Euphytica, 2019,  215(8): Article Number-139. Euphytica 1.527 MB
1971 Kumar R, Srivastava Ashish, Srivastava Aparana, Srivastava S, Prasad V, Raj SK – Studies on molecular variability of coat protein gene of Papaya ringspot virus-P isolates from India. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2019, 155(1): 369-76. Eur J Plant Pathol 1.744 Virology
1972 Giri VP, Pandey S, Kumari Madhuree, Paswan SK, Tripathi A, Srivastava M, Rao ChV, Katiyar R, Nautiyal CS, Mishra A – Biogenic silver nanoparticles as an efficient contrivance for wound healing acceleration than common antiseptic medicine. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2019, 366(16): fnz201. FEMS Microbiol Lett 1.994 Microbiology
1973 Kumar M, Yusuf MA, Yadav P, Narayan S, Kumar Manoj – Overexpression of Chickpea defensin dene confers tolerance to water-deficit stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10: Article Number-290 Front Plant Sci 4.106 MB
1974 Jatan R, Chauhan PS, Lata Charu – Pseudomonas putida modulates the expression of miRNAs and their target genes in response to drought and salt stresses in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Genomics, 2019, 111(4): 509-19. Genomics 3.16 Microbiology
1975 Bhardwaj A, Bag SK – PLANET-SNP pipeline: PLants based ANnotation and establishment of true SNP pipeline. Genomics, 2019, 111(5): 1066-77. Genomics 3.16 Bioinformatics
1976 Singh R, Dubey AK, Sanyal I – Optimisation of Adventitious Shoot Regeneration and Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation in Canna × generalis (Canna Lily). Horticultural Plant Journal, 2019, 5(1): 39-46. Hort Plant J 0 MB
1977 Aashutosh, Kumar M, Malik S, Singh MK, Singh SP, Chaudhary V, Sharma VR – Optimization of spacing, doses of vermi-compost and foliar application of salicylic acid on growth, flowering and soil health of Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev) cv. “Guldasta”. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology, 2019, 12(3): 213-24. IJAEB I Floriculture
1978 Devashree , Pandey A, Dikshit, Nayaka S – Antimicrobial activity of Roccella montagnei against pathogenic microorganisms. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 2019, 5(3):1426-31. IJARIIT 0 Lichenology
1979 Singh R, Singh DP, Gupta P, Jain P, Sanchita, Mishra T, Kumar Anil, Dhawan SS, Shirke PA – Nanoparticles alter the withanolide biosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism in Withania somnifera (Dunal). Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 127: 94-109. Ind Crop Prod 4.191 Phytochemistry
1980 Maurya KN, Pal PK, Shukla S – Relationship of opium yield with yield contributing traits in segregating populations derived through biparental mating in opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.).  Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 139: 94-109. Ind Crop Prod 4.191 Pl Breed & Genetics
1981 Kaur G, Arya SK, Singh B, Singh S, Dhar YV, Verma PC, Ganjewala D  – Transcriptome analysis of the palmarosa Cymbopogon martinii inflorescence with emphasis on genes involved in essential oil biosynthesis.  Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 140: Article No. – 111601. Ind Crop Prod 4.191 MB
1982 Verma PK, Rawat KK, Alam A – A new species of the genus Lejeunea Lib. (Marchantiophyta, Lejeuneaceae) from Nilgiri Hills, Western Ghats, India. Indian Forester, 2019,145(2) : 198-99. Indian For 0 Bryology
1983 Rawat KK, Gupta D, Sahai K – A note on the reproductive consequence of fruit feeding in Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) M. Arg. Indian Forester, 2019, 145(5): 481-86. Indian For 0 Seed Biology
1984 Rastogi RR, Singh Niraj, Singh S, Pal AK, Roy RK, Rana TS – Assessment of genetic variability in the Bougainvillea varieties using morphological and molecular markers. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 2019, 57(6):408-17. Indian J Exp Biol 0 Angiosperm
1985 Kumar V, Yadav HK – Therapeutic potential of an edible macro-fungus: Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Karst. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 2019, 18(4): 702-13. Indian J Tradit Know 0.92 Herbal Drugs
1986 Kumar Bhanu, Misra A, Kumar Sachin, Rawat AKS, Rawat YS, Ghosh S, Srivastava SK – Antitick potential and chemical variability among Ageratum conyzoides L. Germplasms collected from Eastern and Western Ghats of India. International Journal of Acarology, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/01647954.2019.1677772. Int J Acarol 1.236 Herbal Drugs
1987 Bisht N, Mishra SK, Chauhan PS – Bacillus amyloliquefaciens inoculation alters physiology of rice (Oryza sativa L. Var. IR-36) through modulating carbohydrate metabolism to mitigate stress induced by nutrient starvation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.09.154 Int J Biol Macromol 4.784 Microbiology
1988 Tiwari S, Shweta, Prasad M, Lata Charu – Genome-wide investigation of GRAM-domain containing genes in rice reveals their role in plant-rhizobacteria interactions and abiotic stress responses. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019: DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.11.162 Int J Biol Macromol 4.784 Microbiology
1989 Verma S Verma, PK, Chakrabarty D – Arsenic Bio-volatilization by Engineered Yeast Promotes Rice Growth and Reduces Arsenic Accumulation in Grains. International Journal of Environmental Research, 2019, 13(3): 475-85. Int J Environ Res 1.488 MB
1990 Singh V, Lehri A, Singh N – Assessment and comparison of phytoremediation potential of selected plant species against endosulfan.  International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2019, 16(7): 3231-48. Int J Environ Sci Te 2.031 Eco-Auditing
1991 Pandey S, Phulara SC, Jha A, Chauhan PS, Gupta P, Shukla V – 3-Methyl-3-buten-1-ol (isoprenol) confers longevity and stress tolerance in Caenorhabditis elegans. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2019,70(5):595-602. Int J Food Sci Nutr 2.792 Microbiology
1992 Devashree, Pandey A, Dikshit A, Nayaka S – Antimicrobial role of Usnea longissima against pathogenic microorganisms. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2019, 10 (5): 157-67. Int Sci Engg Res 0 Lichenology
1993 Marwa N, Singh N, Srivastava S, Saxena G, Pandey V, Singh N – Characterizing the hypertolerance potential of two indigenous bacterial strains (Bacillus flexus and Acinetobacter junii) and their efficacy in arsenic bioremediation. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2019, 126(4):1117-27. J Appl Micrbiol 2.16 Eco-auditing
1994 Sharma S, Raina AK, Upreti DK – Lichen diversity of Padder Valley Kishtwar (J&K), India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 2019, 11(2): 511-15. J Appl Nat Sci 0 Lichenoology
1995 Shukla I, Azmi L, Gupta SS, Upreti DK, Rao ChV – Amelioration of anti-hepatotoxic effect by Lichen rangiferinus against alcohol induced liver damage in rats. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, 2019, 10(3): 171-77. J Ayurveda Integr Med 0 Pharmacology
1996 Asthana AK, Sahu V, Gupta D – A new species of genus Cololejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. (Lejeuneaceae) from India. Journal of Bryology, 2019, 41(3): 274-77. J Bryol 1.361 Bryology
1997 Srivastava P, Sahu V, Asthana AK (Ellis LT et al) – New national and regional bryophyte records, 59: Aulacopilum glaucum Wilson, Entodontopsis nitens (Mitt.) W.R.Buck & Ireland, Solmsiella biseriata (Austin) Steere  Journal of Bryology, 2019, 41(2): 177, 182, 188. J Bryol 1.361 Bryology
1998 Srivastava P, Omar I, Asthana AK (Ellis LT et al) – New national and regional bryophyte records, 60: Indothuidium kiasense (R.S.Williams) Touw.  Journal of Bryology, 2019, 41(3): 290. J Bryol 1.361 Bryology
1999 Kushwaha P, Ahmad N, Dhar YV, Verma A, Haldar S, Mulani FA, Trivedi PK, Mishra PR, Thulasiram HV, Trivedi R – Estrogen receptor activation in response to Azadirachtin A stimulates osteoblast differentiation and bone formation in mice. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2019,  234(12) : 23719-735. J Cell Physiol 4.522 MB
2000 Khatoon S, Irshad S, Pandey MM, Rastogi S, Rawat AKS – A validated HPTLC densitometric method for determination of Lupeol, β-Sitosterol and Rotenone in Tephrosia purpurea: A seasonal study. Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2019, 57(8):688-96. J Chromatogr Sci 1.216 Herbal Drugs
2001 Singh AK, Rai A, Kushwaha M, Chauhan PS, Pandey V, Singh N – Tree growth rate regulate the influence of elevated CO2 on soil biochemical responses under tropical condition. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 231: 1211-21. J Environ Manage 4.865 Eco-auditing
2002 Adhikari D, Tiwary R, Singh PP, Upadhaya K, Singh B, Haridasan KE, Bhatt BB, Chettri A, Barik SK – Ecological niche modeling as a cumulative environmental impact assessment tool for biodiversity assessment and conservation planning: A case study of critically endangered plant Lagerstroemia minuticarpa in the Indian Eastern Himalaya.  Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 243: 299-307. J Environ Manage 4.865 Eco-auditing
2003 Upadhyaya RK,  Singh VR, Verma RS, Padalia RC, Kumar R, Chauhan A, Tewari SK – Development of postharvest management practices for quality essential oil production of Cymbopogon flexuosus (Nees ex Steud.) W. Watson. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 2019, 31(6): 556-61. J Essen Oil Res 1.233 Biomass
2004 Koul B, Taak P, Kumar Arvind, Kumar Anil, Sanyal I – Genus Psoralea: A review of the traditional and modern uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2019, 232: 201-26. J Ethnopharmacol 3.414 MB
2005 Misra A, Srivastava SK, Kumar Sanjeev, Shukla PK, Kumar Manish, Agrawal PK, Barik SK – Chemotaxonomic studies on natural population of Gloriosa superba (L.) collected from Gangetic plain (India) and their invitro antigout activity for the identification of elite germplasm(s). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2019, 112387 J Ethnopharmacol 3.414 Herbal Drugs
2006 Maurya KN, Pal PK, Asthana G, Srivastava A, Shukla S – Assessment of various genetic components through NCD-I and NCD-III designs of biparental mating in opium poppy. Journal of Genetics, 2019, 98, Article number: 27. J Genet 0.825 Pl Breed & Genetics
2007 Verma A, Pandey S, Pandey VN, Chaudhary LB – Brownea Jacq. (Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae): a plant of high horticultural and medicinal value. The Journal of the Greens and Gardens, 2019, 1(2): 20-23. J Greens and Gardens 0 Angiosperm
2008 Kumar Smita, Khare R, Trivedi PK – Arsenic-responsive high-affinity rice sulphate transporter, OsSultr1;1, provides abiotic stress tolerance under limiting sulphur condition. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 373: 753-62. J Hazard Mater 7.65 MB
2009 Goyat S, Grewal A, Singh D, Katiyar RS, Tewari SK, Nainwal RC, Bindu H – Sex-linked AFLP marker identification in dioecious Betelvine (Piper betle L.). Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 2019, 94(4): 422-27. J Hortic Sci Biotechnol 1.044 Biomass
2010 Tandon A, Fatima T, Anshu, Shukla D, Tripathi P, Srivastava Suchi, Singh PC – Phosphate solubilization by Trichoderma koningiopsis (NBRI-PR5) under abiotic stress conditions. Journal of King Saud University – Science, 2019, DOI:10.1016/j.jksus.2019.02.001 J King Saud Univ – Sci 2.835 Microbiology
2011 Howlader D, Singh V, Mohammad S, Gupta S, Pal US, Pal M –  Effect of topical application of pure honey in chemo-radiation-induced mucositis and its clinical benefits in improving quality of life in patients of oral squamous cell carcinoma.  Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, 2019, 18(1): 73-79. J Maxillofac Oral Surg 0 Phytochemistry
2012 Samaddar S, Han GH, Chauhan PS, Chatterjee P, Jeon S, Sa T – Changes in structural and functional responses of bacterial community under different levels of long-term compost application in paddy soils. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2019, 29(2): 292-96. J Microbiol Biotechnol 1.975 Microbiology
2013 Bajpai A, Nainwal RC, Singh D – Coptis teeta: A potential endemic and endangered medicinal plant of Eastern Himalayas. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2019, 8(4): 245-48. J Pharmacog Phytochem 0 Biomass
2014 Srivastava Mrinalini, Singh G, Sharma S, Shukla S, Misra P – Elicitation enhanced the yield of glycyrrhizin and antioxidant activities in hairy root cultures of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2019, 38(2): 373-84. J Plant Growth Regul 2.179 Tissue Culture
2015 Verma G, Khan S, Agarwal SK, Sharma S – Role of apoplastic calcium during germination and initial stages of seedling establishment in Vigna radiata seeds. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2019, 236: 66-73. J Plant Physiol 2.825 Plant Physiology
2016 Agarwal P, Singh PC, Chaudhry V, Shirke PA, Chakrabarty D, Farooqui A, Nautiyal CS, Sane AP, Sane VA – PGPR-induced OsASR6 improves plant growth and yield by altering root auxin sensitivity and the xylem structure in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2019, 240: Article Number – UNSP 153010. J Plant Physiol 2.825 Microbiology
2017 Datta SK – Need based Tissue Culture in Floriculture : A Success story. Journal of Plant Science Research, 2019, 35(2): 245-54. J Plant Sci Res 0 Floriculture
2018 Khuraijam JS, Mazumdar J – An updated checklist of Indian western Himalayan gymnosperms and lectotypification of three names. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2019, 11(9): 14204-11. J Threatened Taxa 0 Botanic Garden
2019 Verma S, Rawat AKS, Ramana MV, Dhaneshwar S – Gas Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometric profile of non-polar fraction and high-performance Thin-Layer Chromatographic analysis of methanolic fraction with simultaneous quantifications of protocatechuic acid and quercetin in Carissa carandas L. fruits. JPC – Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC, 2019, 32(3): 237-41. JPC-J Planar Chromat 0.826 Herbal Drugs
2020 Majumdar K, Adhikari D, Datta BK, Barik SK – Identifying corridors for landscape connectivity using species distribution modeling of Hydnocarpus kurzii (King) Warb., a threatened species of the Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 2019, 15(1): 13-23. Landscape Ecol Eng 1.469 Environmental Sciences
2021 Srivastava D, Verma G, Chauhan AS, Pande V, Chakrabarty D – Rice (Oryza sativa L.) tau class glutathione S-transferase (OsGSTU30) overexpression in Arabidopsis thaliana modulates a regulatory network leading to heavy metal and drought stress tolerance. Metallomics, 2019, 11(2):375-89. Metallomics 3.571 MB
2022 Shri M, Singh PK, Kidwai M, Gautam N, Dubey S, Verma G, Chakrabarty D – Recent advances in arsenic metabolism in plants: current status, challenges and highlighted biotechnological intervention to reduce grain arsenic in rice. Metallomics, 2019, 11(3): 519-32. Metallomics 3.571 MB
2023 Bisht N, Tiwari S, Singh PC, Niranjan A, Chauhan PS – A multifaceted rhizobacterium paenibacillus lentimorbus alleviates nutrient deficiency-induced stress in Cicer arietinum L. Microbiological Research, 2019, 2223-25: 110-19. Microbiol Res 3.701 Microbiology
2024 Gupta M, Chauhan PS, Sopory SK, Singla-Pareek SL, Pareek A, Adlakha N, Kaur C – Draft Genome Sequence of a Potential Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacterium, Pseudomonas sp. Strain CK-NBRI-02. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 2019, 8(43): e01113-19. Microbiol Resour Announc 0 Microbiology
2025 Mishra N, Panda T, Lodhiyal N Behera Sandip K – Studies on the gametophytic development, mating behaviour and reproductive biology of Macrothelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Ching (Thelypteridaceae). Micron, 2019, 124, Article Number: UNSP 102700. Micron 1.53 Pteridology
2026 Prateeksha, Rao ChV, Das AK, Barik SK, Singh BN – ZnO/ Curcumin nanocomposites for enhanced inhibition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence via LasR-RhlR quorum sensing system.  Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2019, 16(8):3399-3413. Mol Pharmaceutics 4.396 Herbal Drugs
2027 Reddy SD, Siva B, Kumar K, Babu VSP, Sravanthi V, Boustie J, Nayak VL, Tiwari AK, Rao ChV, Sridhar B, Shashikala P, Babu KS – Comprehensive analysis of secondary metabolites in Usnea longissima (Lichenized ascomycetes, Parmeliaceae) using UPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS and pro-apoptotic activity of barbatic acid. Molecules, Molecules, 2019, 24(2): Article No. 2270. Molecules 5.997 Pharmacology
2028 Bhatia A, Tripathi T, Singh S, Bisht H, Behl HM, Roy R, Sidhu OP – Comprehensive metabolite profiling in distinct chemotypes of Commiphora wightii. Natural Product Research, 2019, 33(1): 17-23. Nat Prod Res 1.999 Phytochemistry
2029 Mishra A, Srivastava SK, Shukla PK, Kumar Manish, Khalid M, Kushwaha P, Agrawal PK – Variability in alkaloid and phenolic content vis-a-vis antigout potential among the natural population of Gloriosa superba (L.) collected from Central India. Natural Product Research  (Formerly Natural Product Letter), 2019, DOI:10.1080/14786419.2019.1675069 Nat Prod Res 1.999 Herbal Drugs
2030 Gupta R, Asthana AK – New report of Trachyphyllum borgenii (Renauld & Cardot) Broth. (Bryophyta) from India with a Note on Its Disjunct Distribution in Madagasca. National Academy Science Letters-India, 2019, 42(2): 151-54. Natl Acad Sci Lett (India) 0.331 Bryology
2031 Johari D, Singh AP – Taxonomic Analyses Suggest a New Record of Lygodium japonicum (Lygodiaceae) from Terai Regions of Uttar Pradesh, India. National Academy Science Letters-India, 2019, 42(3): 283-86. Natl Acad Sci Lett (India) 0.331 Bryology
2032 Rai H, Nayaka S, Upreti DK, Gupta RK – A new record of Canomaculina (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) from Western Himalaya, India. National Academy Science Letters-India, 2019, 42(5): 429-31. Natl Acad Sci Lett (India) 0.331 Lichenology
2033 Singh VJ, Khare PB-  Studies on establishment of a population of Pteris vittata Linn. National Academy Science Letters-India, 2019, DOI:10.1007/s40009-019-00798-x Natl Acad Sci Lett (India) 0.331 Pteridology
2034 Meitei LR, Khuraijam JS -The genus Elaeocarpus (Elaeocarpaceae) in Northeast India. NeBIO, 2019, 10(1): 23-28. NeBIO 0 Botanic Garden
2035 Srivastava A, Srivastava AK, Mishra M, Shankar J, Agrahari A, Kamthan M, Singh PK, Yadav S, Parmar D – A proteomic approach to investigate enhanced responsiveness in rechallenged adult rats prenatally exposed to lindane. Neurotoxicology, 2019, 74: 184-95. Neurotoxicology 3.263 Environmental Sciences
2036 Ragavan P, Dubey SK, Panda M, Roy M, Ravichandran K, Trivedi RK, Jayaraj RSC, Mohan PM, Rana TS – Critical note on the identity and distribution of Sonneratia griffithii Kurz (Lythraceae) in India‐ a Critically Endangered Mangrove species. Nordic Journal of Botany, 2019, 37(1): Article Number – UNSP e02119. Nordic Journal of Botany 0.89 Angiosperm
2037 Bhargava A, Fuentes F, Shukla S , Srivastava Shilpi, Ohri D – Genetic association between foliage yield and contributing traits in vegetable Chenopods: Implications for genetic improvement. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2019, 47(1) :  24-33. Not Bot Horti Agrobo 0.624 Pl Breed & Genetics
2038 Dasgupta CN, Singh VK, Nayaka S, Kishore S, Lavania S – Molecular phylogeny of a commercially important thermophilic microalga Chlorella sorokiniana LWG002615 and associated bacterium Aquimonas sp. NBRI01 isolated from Jeori thermal spring, Shimla, India. Nucleus, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13237-019-00286-z. Nucleus 2.157 Algae
2039 Singh V, Pathak AK, Goel K, Pal M – Evaluation of topical application of Azadirachta indica (Neem) in prevention of gingivitis: A randomized control trial. Open Journal of Stomatology, 2019, 9(11): 249-59. Open Journal of Stomatology 0 Phytochemistry
2040 Azmi L, Shukla I, Gupta SS, Yadav NP, Kant P, Rao ChV – In vitro and in vivo study of Argyreia speciosa on chronic gastric ulceration and metabolic studies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 2019, 89(3): 1039-45. P Natl A Sci India B 0 Pharmacology
2041 Srivastava SK, Tiwari Surabhi, Srivastava N, Verma S, Rawat AKS – Chemotaxonomic Studies on Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. From Varied Phytogeographical Conditions of India for Its Industrial Prospection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 2019, 89(3): 1057-66. P Natl A Sci India B 0 Herbal Drugs
2042 Tiwari S, Shukla PK, Srivastava A, Kumar Manish, Mishra A, Srivastava SK – Pharmacognostic Evaluation and pharmacological validation of Sphaeranthus indicus DC. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 2019, DOI: DOI: 10.1007/s40011-018-01063-9 P Natl A Sci India B 0 Herbal Drugs
2043 Chaudhary MK, Misra A, Srivastava SK – Evaluation of Ephedrine Content and Identification of Elite Chemotype(s) of Ephedra gerardiana (Wall.) from Kashmir Himalayas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s40011-019-01153-2 P Natl A Sci India B 0 Herbal Drugs
2044 Kumari M,  Giri VP, Pandey S, Kumar M, Katiyar R, Nautiyal CS, Mishra A – An insight into the mechanism of antifungal activity of biogenic nanoparticles than their chemical counterparts. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2019, 157: 45-52. Pest Biochem Physiol 2.87 Microbiology
2045 Paswan SK, Srivastava Sajal, Rao ChV –  Wound healing activity of ethanolic extract of Selaginella bryopteris on rats. Pharmacognosy Journal, 2019: 11(5) : 984-90. Pharmacog J 0 Pharmacology
2046 Yadav RK, Azad A, Srivastava SK, Sharma B, Pal M – Nutritional value and nephrotoxicity effect of dillenia pentagyna fruit on alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2019, 15(62): 118-22. Pharmacogn Mag 1.26 Phytochemistry
2047 Srivastava A, Kumar Manish,  Misra A, Shukla PK, Agrawal PK, Srivastava SK – Evaluation of diosgenin content in Costus speciosus germplasm collected from Eastern Ghats of India and identification of elite chemotypes. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2019, 15(66): 462-67. Pharmacogn Mag 1.26 Herbal Drugs
2048 Sachan AK, Rao ChV, Sachan NK – In vitro studies on the inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase by hydro-ethanolic extract of Pluchea lanceolata, Alhagi pseudalhagi, Caesalpinia bonduc. Pharmacognosy Research, 2019, 11(3): 310-14. Pharmacognosy Res 0 Herbal Drugs
2049 Kumar V, Yadav HK – Assessment of genetic diversity in Lepidium sativum L. using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) marker. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2019, 25(2): 399-406. Physiol Mol Biol Plants 1.539 Pl Breed & Genetics
2050 Meena B, Singh Niraj, Mahar KS, Sharma YK, Rana TS  – Molecular analysis of genetic diversity and population genetic structure in Ephedra foliata: an endemic and threatened plant species of arid and semi-arid regions of India. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2019, 25(3): 753-64. Physiol Mol Biol Plants 1.539 Angiosperm
2051 Kumar M, Sharma VR, Kumar V, Sirohi U, Chaudhary V, Sharma S, Saripalli G, Naresh PK, Yadav HK, Sharma S – Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of Indian garlic (Allium sativum L.) collectionusing SSR markers. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2019, 25(2): 377-86. Physiol Mol Biol Plants 1.539 Pl Breed & Genetics
2052 Jangale BL, Chaudhari RS, Azeez A, Sane PV, Sane AP, Krishna B – Independent and combined abiotic stresses affect the physiology and expression patterns of DREB genes differently in stress-susceptible and resistant genotypes of banana. Physiologia Plantarum, 2019, 165(2): 303-18. Physiol Plantarum 3 MB
2053 Wagh VV, Hurrah IA – Lectotypification of Geranium grevilleanum Wall. (Geraniaceae). Phytotaxa, 2019, 395(3): 248-50. Phytotaxa 1.168 Angiosperm
2054 Behera Sandip K, Kushwaha AK, Khare PB, Barik SK – A new fern species of Christella (Thelypteridaceae) from India. Phytotaxa, 2019, 397(3): 246-52. Phytotaxa 1.168 Pteridology
2055 Khuraijam JS, Mazumdar J, McNeill J – Commentary on the place of valid publication and type designation of Abies densa (Pinaceae). Phytotaxa, 2019, 411(2): 119-22. Phytotaxa 1.168 Botanic Garden
2056 Tiwary R,  Singh H, Adhikari D, Singh PP, Barik SK – A new species of Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) from Eastern Himalaya. Phytotaxa, 2019, 413(1): 54-60. Phytotaxa 1.168 Angiosperm
2057 Agnihotri P, Husain D, Katiyar P,  Sahoo D, Rodda M, Husain T  – Heterostemma barikiana (Apocyanceae, Asclepiadoideae), a new species from India, Myanmar and Thailand. Phytotaxa, 2019, 419(2): 232-38. Phytotaxa 1.168 Angiosperm
2058 Pandey SP, Singh Amar Pal, Srivastava Shurti, Chandrashekar K, Sane AP – A strong early -acting wound -inducible promoter, RbPCD1pro, activates cryIAc expression within minutes of wounding to impart efficient protection against insects. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019, 17(7): 1458-70. Plant Biotechnol J 6.84 MB
2059 Khan K, Kumar V, Niranjan A, Shanware A, Sane VA – JcMYB1, a Jatropha R2R3 MYB transcription factor, modulates lipid biosynthesis in transgenic plants. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2019, 60(2): 462-75. Plant Cell Physiol 3.929 MB
2060 Agarwal P, Pathak S, Kumar RS, Dhar YV, Pandey A, Shukla S, Trivedi PK – 3 ‘ O-Methyltransferase, Ps3 ‘ OMT, from opium poppy: involvement in papaverine biosynthesis. Plant Cell Reports, 2019, 38(10):1235-48. Plant Cell Rep 3.499 Plant Transformation
2061 Sanchita, Trivedi PK, Asif MH – Updates on plant long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs): the regulatory components. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s11240-019-01726-z. Plant Cell Tiss Org 2.2 MB
2062 Mishra A, Singh SP, Mahfooz S,  Shukla R, Mishra N, Pandey S, Dwivedi S, Pandey V, Shirke PA, Nautiyal CS – External supplement of impulsive micromanager Trichoderma helps in combating CO2 stress in rice grown under FACE. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2019, 37(1-2):1-13. Plant Mol Biol Rep 1.604 Biomass
2063 Kumar M, Chauhan AS, Kumar M, Yusuf MA, Sanyal I, Chauhan PS – Transcriptome Sequencing of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes for Identification of Drought-Responsive Genes Under Drought Stress Condition. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2019, 37(3): 186-203. Plant Mol Biol Rep 1.604 Microbiology
2064 Singh SP, Pandey S, Mishra N, Giri VP,  Mahfooz, S, Bhattacharya A, Kumari M , Chauhan P, Verma P, Nautiyal CS, Mishra A   – Supplementation of Trichoderma improves the alteration of nutrient allocation and transporter genes expression in rice under nutrient deficiencies. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019, 143: 351-63. Plant Physiol Biochem 3.404 Microbiology
2065 Bisht N, Chauhan PS – Comparing the growth-promoting potential of Paenibacillus lentimorbus and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens in Oryza sativa L. Var. Sarju-52 under suboptimal nutrient conditions. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2020, 146: 187-97. Plant Physiol Biochem 3.404 Microbiology
2066 Kannaujia R,  Srivastava CM, Prasad V, Singh BN, Pandey V – Phyllanthus emblica fruit extract stabilized biogenic silver nanoparticles as a growth promoter of wheat varieties by reducing ROS toxicity. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019, 142: 460-71. Plant Physiol Biochem 3.404 Environmental Sciences
2067 Singh P, Singh AP, Sane AP – Differential and reciprocal regulation of ethylene pathway genes regulates petal abscission in fragrant and non-fragrant roses. Plant Science, 2019, 280: 330-39. Plant Sci 3.785 MB
2068 Dalvi VS, Patil YA, Krishna B, Sane PV, Sane AP – Indeterminate growth of the umbel inflorescence and bulb is associated with increased expression of the TFL1 homologue, AcTFL1, in onion. Plant Science, 2019, 287: Article Number- 110165 Plant Sci 3.785 MB
2069 Singh P, Singh Amar Pal, Tripathi SK, Kumar V, Sane AP – Petal abscission in roses is associated with the activation of a truncated version of the animal PDCD4 homologue, RbPCD1. Plant Science, 2019, 288: Article Number – 110242. Plant Sci 3.785 MB
2070 Halder P, Debnath M,  Ray S – Occurrence and diversity of microalgae in phytoplankton collected from freshwater community ponds of Hooghly district, West Bengal, India. Plant Science Today, 2019, 6(1): 8-16. Plant Sci Today 0 Algae
2071 Yadav SK, Archana, Singh R, Singh PK – Insecticidal fern protein Tma12 is possibly a lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase. Planta, 2019, 249(6): 1987-96. Planta 3.06 MB
2072 Jauhari N, Mishra S, Kumari B, Singh SN, Chauhan PS,Upreti DK – Bacteria induced degradation of anthracene mediated by catabolic enzymes. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 2019, DOI:10.1080/10406638.2017.1420667. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 1.237 Environmental Sciences
2073 Kumari B, Kriti K, Sinam G, Singh G, Jouhari N, Kumar N, Gautam A, Mallick S – Comparative Assessment of PAHs reduction in soil by growing Zea mays L.  augmented with microbial consortia and fertilizer: Modulation in uptake and antioxidant defense response. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/10406638.2019.1694544 Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 1.237 Environmental Sciences
2074 Prasad A, Patel P, Pandey S, Niranjan A, Misra P –  Growth and alkaloid production along with expression profiles of biosynthetic pathway genes in two contrasting morphotypes of prickly and prickleless Solanum viarum Dunal. Protoplasma, 2019, doi:10.1007/s00709-019-01446-3 Protoplasma 2.633 Tissue Culture
2075 Azmi L, Shukla I, Goutam A, Allauddin, Rao ChV, Jawaid T, Kamal M, Awaad AS,  Alqasoumi  SI,  AlKhamees  OA –  In vitro wound healing activity of 1-hydroxy-5,7-dimethoxy-2-naphthalene-carboxaldehyde (HDNC) and other isolates of Aegle marmelos L.: Enhances keratinocytes motility via Wnt/β-catenin and RAS-ERK pathways. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 2019, 27(4): 532-39. Saudi Pharm J 3.643 Pharmacology
2076 Azmi L, Shukla I, Goutam A, Rao ChV, Jawaid T, Awaad AS,    AlKhamees  OA, Kamal M –  Oxidative free radicals scavenging activity (in vitro and in vivo assay) of standardized fractions from the seeds of Argyreia speciosa (Ghav-patta) a traditional Indian medicine. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsps.2019.10.004 Saudi Pharm J 3.643 Pharmacology
2077 Nigam M, Mishra AP, Salehi B, Kumar M, Sahrifi-Rad M, Coviello E,  Iriti M, Sharifi-Rad J – Accelerated ageing induces physiological and biochemical changes in tomato seeds involving MAPK pathways. Scientia Horticulturae, 2019, 248: 20-28. Sci Hortic 1.961 MB
2078 Tripathi AM, Singh A, Singh R, Verma AK, Roy S – Modulation of miRNA expression in natural populations of A. thaliana along a wide altitudinal gradient of Indian Himalayas. Scientific Reports,  2019, 9: Article number-441. Sci Rep 4.011 MB
2079 Kumar J, Khan S, Mandotra SK, Dhar P, Tayade AB, Verma S, Toppo K, Arora R, Upreti DK, Chaurasia OP – Nutraceutical profile and evidence of alleviation of oxidative stress by Spirogyra porticalis (Muell.) Cleve inhabiting the high altitude Trans-Himalayan Region. Scientific Reports,  2019, 9(1): Article Number-4091. Sci Rep 4.011 Algae
2080 Prateeksha, Barik SK, Singh BN – Nanoemulsion-loaded hydrogel coatings for inhibition of bacterial virulence and biofilm formation on solid surfaces. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9 : : Article Number-6520. Sci Rep 4.011 Herbal Drugs
2081 Srivastava Vertika, Pandey S, Mishra A, Choubey AK – Green synthesis of biogenic silver particles, process parameter optimization and application as photocatalyst in dye degradation. SN Applied Sciences, 2019, 1: Article No. 1722. SN Applied Sciences 0 Microbiology
2082 Gupta P, Joseph S, Sinha GP – Enterographa assamica, a new species from North-East India. Taiwania, 2019, 64(1): 1-3. Taiwania 0.602 Lichenology
2083 Khuraijam J, Mazumdar J, Wiersema JH – Typification of the Himalayan endemic conifer Abies spectabilis (Pinaceae) revisited. Taxon, 2019, 67(6): 1213. Taxon 3.823 Botanic Garden
2084 Chaudhary S, Singh MP, Srivastava M, Rawat AKS – Functional properties for formulation development in mucilage of Deccan hemp (Java jute). Tropical Plant Research, 2019, 6(1): 129-32. Trop Plant Res 0 Herbal Drugs
2085 Chaudhary S, Singh MP, Rawat AKS – Qualitative and quantitative gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy analysis and characterization of naturally isolated mucilage in Hibiscus cannabinus L. (Malvaceae). Tropical Plant Research, 2019, 6(1): 101-05. Trop Plant Res 0 Herbal Drugs
2086 Nag P, Gupta RK, Upreti DK – Lichenized fungi Stereocaulon foliolosum Nyl. (Stereocaulaceae, Ascomycota), indicator of ambient air metal deposition in a temperate habitat of Kumaun, central Himalaya, India. Tropical Plant Research, 2019, 6(2): 199-205. Trop Plant Res 0 Lichenology
2087 Dutta D, Srivastava V, Tripathi A, Singh V, Ansari MM, Pant G, Mishra Manisha, Sharma S, Thota JR, Singh PK, Singh Bhupendra N – Mycobacterium bovis sigF mutant exhibits altered surface phenotype and compromised pathogenesis. Tuberculosis, 2019, 118: Article Number – UNSP 10185. Tuberculosis 2.79 MB
S.No Paper Title Journal Impact Factor Area
1760 Pandey Sudhakar, Ansari WA, Choudhary BR, Pandey Maneesh, Jena SN, Singh AK, Dubey RK, Singh B – Microsatellite analysis of genetic diversity and population structure of hermaphrodite ridge gourd (Luffa hermaphrodita). 3 Biotech, 2017, 8(1): Article Numeber-17. 3 Biotech 1.786 MB
1761 Raj Rashmi, Kaur C, Agrawal L, Chauhan PS, Kumar Susheel, Raj SK – Full-length genome sequence of Cyrtanthus elatus virus-A isolated from Narcissus tazetta in India. 3 Biotech, 2018, 8: Article Number: 168. 3 Biotech 1.786 Virology
1762 Kumar A, Pathak RK, Gayen A, Gupta S, Singh M, Lata C, Sharma H, Roy JK, Gupta SM – Systems biology of seeds: decoding the secret of biochemical seed factories for nutritional security. 3 Biotech, 2018, 8 (11): Article Numebr-460. 3 Biotech 1.786 MB
1763 Kondratyuk SY, Lokos L, Halda JP, Farkas F, Upreti DK, Thell A, Woo JJ, Oh SO, Hur JS – New and noteworthy lichen forming and lichenicolous fungi 7. Acta Botanica Hungarica, 2018, 60(1-2): 115-84. Acta Botanica Hungarica 0 Lichenology
1764 Singh RK, Srivastava Smriti, Chidley HG, Nath P, Sane VA – Overexpression of mango alcohol dehydrogenase (MiADH1) mimics hypoxia in transgenic tomato and alters fruit flavor components. Agri Gene, 2018,7: 23-33. Agri Gene 0 MB
1765 Sinha RK, Saha PR, Das AB, Jena SN, Sinha S  – In vitro clonal propagation of Musa Sp. cultivar Gopi: A palatable banana of Tripura, India. American Journal of Plant Biology, 2018 3(1): 12-16. Am J Plant Biol 0 MB
1766 Shabir M, Agnihotri P, Husain T – A note on the taxonomy of Jaeschkea microsperma (Gentianaceae). Annals of Plant Sciences, 2018, 7(1): 1964. Anal Plant Sci 0 Angiosperm
1767 Mishra A, Singh Satyendra Pratap, Mahfooz S, Singh Surendra Pratap, Bhattacharya A, Mishra Nishita, Nautiyal CS – Endophyte-mediated modulation of defense-responsive genes and systemic resistance in Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal under Alternaria alternata stress. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2018, 84(8): Artcle No. UNSP e02845-17. Appl Environ Microbiol 4.077 Microbiology
1768 Patel VK, Sundaram S, Patel AK, Kalra A – Characterization of Seven Species of Cyanobacteria for High-Quality Biomass Production. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2018, 43(1):109-21. Arab J Sci Eng 1.518 Algae
1769 Kaur C, Srivastava A, Raj SK -Sequence analysis of six full-length bean yellow mosaic virus genomes reveals phylogenetic diversity in India strains, suggesting subdivision of phylogenetic group-IV. Archives of Virology, 2018, 163(1):235-42. Arch Virol 2.261 Virology
1770 Gupta SC, Tripathi T, Paswan SK, Agarwal AG, Rao ChV, Sidhu OP – Phytochemical investigation, antioxidant and wound healing activities of Citrullus colocynthis (bitter apple). Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 2018, 8(8): 418-24. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed 1.587 Phytochemistry
1771 Basant N, Gupta Shikha – Multi-target QSPR modeling for simultaneous prediction of multiple gas-phase kinetic rate constants of diverse chemicals. Atmospheric Environment, 2018, 117: 166-74. Atmos Environ 4.012 Environmental Sciences
1772 Singh Niraj, Pal AK, Roy RK, Tewari SK, Tamta S, Rana TS – Characterization of Gladiolus germplasm using morphological, physiological, and molecular markers. Biochemical Genetics, 2018, 56(1-2): 128-48. Biochem Genet 1.931 Floriculture
1773 Singh R, Tiwari Sudeep, Patel RP, Soni SK, Kalra A – Bioinoculants and AM fungus colonized nursery improved management of complex root disease of Coleus forskohlii Briq. Under field conditions. Biological Control, 2018, 122: 11-17. Biol Control 2.607 Microbiology
1774 Choudhary D, Adhikary S, Ahmad N, Kothari P, Verma A, Trivedi PK, Mishra PR, Trivedi R – Prevention of articular cartilage degeneration in a rat model of monosodium iodoacetate induced osteoarthritis by oral treatment with Withaferin A. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2018, 99: 151-61. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 3.743 MB
1775 Dasgupta CN, Nayaka S, Toppo K, Singh AK, Deshpande U, Mohapatra A- Draft genome sequence and detailed characterization of biofuel production by oleaginous microalga Scenedesmus quadricaudaLWG002611. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2018, 11: Article No. 308. Biotechnology for Biofuels 5.452 Algae
1776 Singh A, Roy S – High altitude population of Arabidopsis thaliana is more plastic and adaptive under common garden than controlled condition. BMC Ecology, 2017, 17: Article Number-39. BMC Ecology 2.381 MB
1777 Khader SZA, Ahmed SSZ, Arunachalam T, Sanjeeva, Nayaka S, Balasubramanian SK, Ameen STS, Ponnusamy P – Radical scavenging potential, antiinflammatory and antiarthritic activity of isolated isomer Methyl-γ-Orsellinate and roccellatol from Roccella montagnei Bel. Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, 2018, 56(1): 39-45. Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University 0 Lichenology
1778 Mishra AP, Saklani S, Salehi B, Parcha V, Sharifi-Rad  Mehdi, Milella L, Iriti M , Sharifi-Rad J, Srivastava M -Satyrium nepalense, a high altitude medicinal orchid of Indian Himalayan region: chemical profile and biological activities of tuber extracts. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 2018, 64(8): 35-43. Cell Mol Biol 1.463 Phytochemistry
1779 Gupta SK, Sharma M, Majumder B, Maurya VK, Lohani M, Deeba F, Pandey V – Impact of Ethylene diurea (EDU) on growth, yield and proteome of two winter wheat varieties under high ambient ozone phytotoxicity. Chemosphere, 2018, 196: 161-73. Chemosphere 5.108 Environmental Sciences
1780 Gupta Shikha, Basant N – Predictive modeling: Solubility of C-60 and C-70 fullerenes in diverse solvents. Chemosphere, 2018, 201:361-69. Chemosphere 5.108 Environmental Sciences
1781 Agnello AC, Potysz A, Fourdrin C, Huguenot D, Chauhan PS – Impact of pyrometallurgical slags on sunflower growth, metal accumulation and rhizosphere microbial communities. Chemosphere, 2018, 208: 626-39. Chemosphere 5.108 Microbiology
1782 Khader SZA,  Ahmed SSZ,  Venkatesh KP,  Chinnaperumal K, Nayaka S – Larvicidal potential of selected indigenous lichens against three mosquito species–Culex quinquefasciatus, Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi. Chinese Herbal Medicines, 2018, 10(2): 152-56. Chinese Herbal Medicines 0 Lichenology
1783 Ingle KK, Uppadhyay V, Nayaka S, Trivedi S, Sahoo D – New records and an updated key of Pyrenula from India
. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2018, Special Vol: 37-46.
Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1784 Bajpai R, Semwal M, Singh CP – Suitability of lichens to monitor climate change. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2018, Special Volume: 182-89. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1785 Kondratyuk SY, Persson PE, Hansson M, Mishra GK, Nayaka S, Liu D, Hur JS, Thell A – Upretia, a new caloplacoid lichen genus (Teloschistaceae, Lichen Forming Ascomycota) from India. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2018, Special Volume: 22-31. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1786 Joseph S, Nayaka S, Sinha GP – Bibliography to the Indian lichens from the year 2010 onwards. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2018, Special Volume: 207-31. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1787 Nayak Sandeep Kumar, Behera PK, Bajpai R, Satapathy KB, Upreti DK – A need for lichen bio-deterioration study on Ratnagiri and Udayagiri excavation site of Jajpur, Odisha. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2018, 3(1): 20-23. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1788 Mishra GK, Shukla V, Nayaka S, Upreti DK – Lichen communities as a tool to map environmental condition in Champawat district of Uttarakhand. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2018, 3(1): 7-19. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1789 Das K , Rossi W , Leonardi M, Ghosh A, Bera I, Hembrom ME, Bajpai R, Joseph S, Nayaka S, Upreti DK, Wang Xiang-hua , Hofstetter V, Buyck B – Fungal biodiversity profiles 61-70. Cryptogamie Mycologie, 2018, 39 (4): 381-418. Cryptogamie Mycol 2.379 Lichenology
1790 Srivastava RP, Dixit P, Singh L, Verma PC, Saxena G – Status of Selinum spp. L. a Himalayan medicinal plant in India: a review of its pharmacology, phytochemistry and traditional uses. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2018, 19(14): 1122-34. Curr Pharm Biotechnol 1.516 Plant Transformation
1791 Roy S – Arabidopsis natural variants and the Indian scenario. Current Science, 2018, 114(2): 263-65. Curr Sci 0.756 MB
1792 Barik SK, Tiwari ON, Adhikari D, Singh PP, Tiwary R, Barua S – Geographic distribution pattern of threatened plants of India and steps taken for their conservation. Current Science, 2018, 114(3): 470-503. Curr Sci 0.756 Angiosperm
1793 Panda PC, Kumar S, Singh JP, Gajurel P, Kamila PK, Kashung S, Kulloli RN, Singh PP, Adhikari D, Bari SK – Improving macropropagation and seed germination techniques for conservation of threatened species.
Current Science, 2018, 114(3): 562-66.
Curr Sci 0.756 Angiosperm
1794 Lyngdoh MK, Chettri A, Adhikari D, Barik SK – Metapopulation modelling of threatened plants to assess conservation status and determine minimum viable population size. Current Science, 2018, 114(3): 532-38. Curr Sci 0.756 Angiosperm
1795 Adhikari D, Reshi Z, Datta BK, Samant SS, Chettri A, Upadhaya K, Shah MA, Singh PP, Tiwary R, Majumdar K, Pradhan A, Thakur ML, Salam N, Zahoor Z, Mir SH, Kaloo ZA, Bri SK –  Inventory and characterization of new populations through ecological niche modelling improve threat assessment. Current Science, 2018, 114(3): 519-31. Curr Sci 0.756 Angiosperm
1796 Chrungoo NK, Rout GR, Balasubramani SP, Rajasekharan PE, Haridasan K, Rao BRP, Manjunath R, Nagduwar G, Venkatasubramanian P, Nongbet A, Hynniewta M, Swain D, Salamma S, Souravi K, Jena SN, Barik SK – Establishing taxonomic identity and selecting genetically diverse populations for conservation of threatened plants using molecular markers. Current Science, 2018, 114(3): 539-53. Curr Sci 0.756 Angiosperm
1797 Haridasan K, Mao AA, Janarthanam MK, Pandey AK, Barik SK, Srivastava SK, Panda PC, Suresh G, Borthakur SK, Datta BK, Rao BRP – Contributions of plant taxonomy, herbarium and field germplasm bank to conservation of threatened plants: case studies from the Himalayas and Eastern and Western Ghats. Current Science, 2018, 114(3): 512-18. Curr Sci 0.756 Angiosperm
1798 Barik SK, Rao BRP, Haridasan, K, Adhikari D, Singh PP, Tiwary R- Classifying threatened species of India using IUCN criteria. Current Science, 2018, 114(3): 588-95. Curr Sci 0.756 Angiosperm
1799 Lade S, Sikarwar PS, Ansari MA, Khatoon S, Kumar N, Yadav HK, Ranade SA – Diversity in a widely distributed dioecious medicinal plant, Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers. Ex. Hook F. and Thomas . Current Science, 2018, 114(7): 1520-26. Curr Sci 0.756 MB
1800 Singh AK, Rai A, Banyal R, Chauhan PS, Singh N – Plant community regulates soil multifunctionality in a tropical dry forest. Ecological Indicators, 2018,95(1): 953-63. Ecol Indic 4.49 Environmental Sciences
1801 Dubey AK, Kumar Navin, Ranjan R, Gautam A,  Pande V, Sanyal I, Malliack S – Application of glycine reduces arsenic accumulation and toxicity in Oryza sativa L. by reducing the expression of silicon transporter genes. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 148:  410-17. Ecotox Environ Safe 4.527 MB
1802 Ranjan R,Kumar Navin, Dubey AK, Gautam A, Pandey SN, Mallick S – Diminution of arsenic accumulation in rice seedlings co-cultured with Anabaena sp.: Modulation in the expression of lower silicon transporters, two nitrogen dependent genes and lowering of antioxidants activity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 151:  109-17. Ecotox Environ Safe 4.527 Environmental Sciences
1803 Kumar Anurag, Rao ChV – An experimental evaluation of gastro protective effect of Trichosanthes cucumerina against chronic ulcers in rats. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2018, 5(10): 384-90. EJPMR 0 Pharmacology
1804 Singh K, Awasthi A, Sharma SK, Singh Shweta, Tewari SK – Biomass production from neglected and underutilized tall perennial grasses on marginal lands in India: a brief review. Energy, Ecology and Environment, 2018, 3(4): 207-15. Energ Ecol Environ 0 Biomass
1805 Dubey S, Shri M, Gupta A, Rani V, Chakrabarty D – Toxicity and detoxification of heavy metals during plant growth and metabolism. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2018, 16(4): 1169-92. Environ Chem Lett 4.617 MB
1806 Awasthi S, Chauhan R, Dwivedi S, Srivastava Suchi, Srivastava Sudhakar, Tripathi RD – A consortium of alga (Chlorella vulgaris) and bacterium (Pseudomonas putida) for amelioration of arsenic toxicity in rice: A promising and feasible approach . Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2018, 150:115-26. Environ Exp Bot 3.712 Environmental Sciences
1807 Dwivedi S, Mishra S, Tripathi RD – Ganga water pollution: A potential health threat to inhabitants of Ganga basin. Environment International, 2018, 117: 327-38. Environ Int 7.943 Environmental Sciences
1808 Behera MD, Gupta AK, Barik SK, Das P, Panda RM – Use of satellite remote sensing as a monitoring tool for land and water resources development activities in an Indian tropical site. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2018, 190(7): Article Number-401 Environ monit assess 1.959 Environmental Sciences
1809 Singh G, Kumari B, Sinam G, Kriti, Kumar Navin, Mallick S – Fluoride distribution and contamination in the water, soil and plants continuum and its remedial technologies, an Indian perspective– a review. Environmental Pollution, 2018,239: 95-108. Environ Pollut 5.714 Environmental Sciences
1810 Joseph S, Nayaka S, Randive P, Upreti DK – New records and a key to the species of Malmidea (lichenized Ascomycota) from India. Feddes Repertorium, 2018, 129(3): 189-92. Feddes Repertorium 0 Lichenology
1811 Srivastava RP, Dixit P, Singh L, Verma PC, Saxena G –  Comparative morphological and anatomical studies of leaves, stem, and roots of Selinum vaginatum C. B. Clarke and S. tenuifolium Wall. Flora, 2018, 248: 54-60. Flora 1.423 Angiosperm
1812 Singh H, Srivastava Alka, Kumar Amit, Sundaresan V, Husain T – Thalictrum nainitalense (Ranunculaceae), a new species from the Uttarakhand Himalaya, India. Folia Geobotanica, 2018, 53(4): 449-55. Folia Gebiot 1.046 Angiosperm
1813 Mudawal A, Srivastava A, Singh A, Shankar J, Yadav S, Mishra Manisha, Singh PK, Khanna VK, Parmar D – Proteomic approaches to investigate age related vulnerability to lindane induced neurodegenerative effects in rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2018, 115: 499-510. Food Chem Toxicol 3.775 MB
1814 Tewari S, Lata Charu – Heavy metal stress, signalling and tolerance due to plant-associated microbes: An overview. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: Article No. 452. Front Plant Sci 4.106 Microbiology
1815 Kumar Smita, Trivedi PK – Glutathione S-Transferases: Role in combating abiotic stresses including arsenic detoxification in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: Article Number-751. Front Plant Sci 4.106 MB
1816 Kashif Mohammad, Ahmad A, Siddiqui S, Kumar B, Khan JM – RNAPII CTD: A key regulator in eukaryotic gene expression. Gene Reports, 2018, 11: 188-95. Gene Reports 0 MB
1817 Gupta D, Sahu V, Rawat KK, Pande N, Asthana AK – The genus Porella (Porellaceae) in Govind Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttarakhand, India. Hattoria, 2018, 9: 11-30. Hattoria 0 Bryology
1818 Pandey S, Tiwari S, Kumar Anil, Niranjan A, Chand Jai, Lehri A, Chauhan PS – Antioxidant and anti-aging potential of Juniper berry (Juniperus communis L.) essential oil in Caenorhabditis elegans model system. Industrial Crops and Products, 2018, 120: 113-22. Ind Crop Prod 4.191 Phytochemistry
1819 Gupta R, Asthana AK – Studies on species composition and diversity of acrocarpous mosses at Pachmarhi Wildlife Sanctuary, Madhya Pradesh (India). Indian Forester, 2018,144(6) : 588-91. Indian For 0 Bryology
1820 Sahu V, Asthana AK – A study on photomorphogenesis of protonema and bud formation in Pohlia ludwigii (Spreng. Ex Schwägr.) Broth. Indian Forester, 2018,144(8) : 781-83. Indian For 0 Bryology
1821 Singh Niraj, Mahar MS, Verma S, Meena B, Roy RK, Tewari SK, Goel AK, Rana TS – Molecular analysis of genetic variability and relationship among Gladiolus cultivars. Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 2018, 17: 118-27. Indian J Biotechnol 0.343 Angiosperm Taxonomy
1822 Rastogi S, Pandey MM, Rawat  AKS – Phytochemical analysis, phenolic content and antioxidant properties of different parts of Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb.- A comparative study. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 2018, 17(2): 370-75. Indian J Tradit Know 0.92 Herbal Drugs
1823 Bajpai O, Dutta V, Chaudhary LB, Pandey J – Key issues and management strategies for the conservation of the Himalayan terai forests of India. International Journal of Conservation Science, 2018, 9(4): 749-60. Int J Conserv Sci 0 Angiosperm
1824 Chauhan T, Choudhary Amit, Kumar D, Sing KN  – Assessment of different methods for sap transmission of chilli leaf curl virus in Capsicum annuum L. and its validation through PCR amplification of AV1 coat protein gene. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2018, 7(2): 2697-2703. Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 0 Virology
1825 Chauhan PS, Mishra SK, Misra S, Dixit VK, Pandey S, Khare P, Khan MH, Dwivedi S, Lehri A – Evaluation of fertility indicators associated with arsenic-contaminated paddy fields soil.  International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2018,15(11): 2447-58. Int J Environ Sci Te 2.031 Microbiology
1826 Kumar A, Gupta K, Dixit S, Mishra K, Srivastava S – A review on positive and negative impacts of nanotechnology in agriculture. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2019, 16(4): 2175-84. Int J Environ Sci Te 2.031 Microbiology
1827 Kumar Sunil, Singh A, Kushwaha AK, Tiwari R, Chaudhary LB, Srivastava Mukesh, Kumar B – The UPLC-ESI-QqQ(LIT)-MS/MS method for quantitative determination of phytochemicals in ethanolic extracts of different parts of eight Ficus species: Development and validation. International Journal of Food Properties, 2018, 21 (1): 343-59. Int J Food Properties 1.398 Angiosperm
1828 Randive P, Nayaka S, Janarthanam MK – Lichens of Cotigao wildlife sanctuary, Goa. International Journal of Life Sciences, Special Issue, 2018, A9: 31-36. Int J Life 0 Lichenology
1829 Kumar A, Rao ChV, Singh K – Gastroprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Trichosanthes dioica fruit on experimental gastric ulcer in rats. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2018, 9(10): 4481-86 Int J Phrmaceut Sci Res 0 Pharmacology
1830 Pandey VC, Mishra T – Assessment of Ziziphus mauritiana grown on fly ash dumps: Prospects for phytoremediation but concerns with the use of edible fruit. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2018, 20(12): 1250-56. Int J Phytoremediat 2.237 Eco-Auditing
1831 Srivastava N, Suseela MR, Toppo K, Lawrence R – Fresh water Algal diversity of Central India. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Science, 2018, 7(4): 3039-49. Int J Res Dev Pharm Life Sci 0 Algae
1832 Pandey N, Pandey RK, Singh RK, Rawat AKS, Srivastava SK –  Efficacy of a novel herbal formulation as a topicalanesthetic in various intra-oral procedures in pediatric patients: a randomized placebo controlled single-blinded trial. International Journal of Scientific Research, 2018, 7(9): 60-65. Int J Scient Res 0 Herbal Drugs
1833 Pattanayak R, Das R., Das A., Padhi S.K., Pattnaik S., Sahu S.S., Mishra C.S.K., MishraS.S., Sahoo S.N., Debbarma J., Mohanty C.S., Sinam G., Sundaray J.K. and Swain P. (2018). Biosafety Evaluation of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) on Polypedates maculatus (Gray, 1830). International Journal of Zoological Investigations, 4(1): 61-72. Int J Zoo Invest 0 MB
1834 Sultan SM, Dikshit N, Mohanty CS, Rout PK, Raina SK – Biochemical evaluation of dent corn (Zea mays L.) genotypes cultivated under rainfed conditions in the hills of northwestern Indian Himalayan state of Jammu and Kashmir. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 2018, 10(1): 196-201. J Appl Nat Sci 0 MB
1835 Pandey G, Khatoon S, Pandey MM, Rawat AKS – Altitudinal variation of berberine, total phenolics and flavonoid content in Thalictrum foliolosum and their correlation with antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, 2018, 9(3): 169-76. J Ayurveda Integr Med 0 Herbal Drugs
1836 Singh B, Adhikari D, Barik SK – Aglaonema nebulosum (Araceae), range extension and first record from India.  Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 2018, 12(1): 239-43. J Bot Res Inst Texas 0 Angiosperm
1837 Sahu V, Katiyar P, Asthana AK, Rawat KK, Gupta D (Ellis LT et al.)  – New national and regional bryophyte records, 54: Lejeunea pallide-virens S.Hatt.; Plagiochila defolians Grolle & M.L.So. Journal of Bryology, 2018, 40(1): 82, 85-86. J Bryol 1.361 Bryology
1838 Khuraijam S – Ashy woodswallow, a new addition to the avian diversity of Loktak Lake and Keibul Lamjao National Park Important Bird Area (IBA), Manipur – India. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2018, 6(2): 326-27. J Entomol Zool Stud 0 Botanic Garden
1839 Rastogi S, Pandey MM, Rawat AKS – Ethnopharmacological uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology of genus Adiantum: A comprehensive review. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2018, 215: 101-19. J Ethnopharmacol 3.414 Herbal Drugs
1840 Shukla Shirpa, Hegde S, Kumar Anil, Chaudhary G, Tewari SK, Upreti DK, Pal M – Fatty acid composition and antibacterial potential of Cassia tora (leaves and stem) collected from different geographic areas of India. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 2018, 26(1): 107-11. J Food Drug Anal 4.176 Phytochemistry
1841 Dubey NK, Mishra DK, Idris A, Nigam D, Singh PK, Sawant SV – Whitefly and aphid inducible promoters of Arabidopsis thaliana L. Journal of Genetics, 2018, 97(1): 109-19. J Genet 0.825 MB
1842 Koul B,  Taak P,  Kumar Anil , Khatri T, Sanyal I – The Artemisia genus: a review on traditional uses, phytochemical constituents, pharmacological properties and germplasm conservation. Journal of Glycomics & Lipidomics, 2018, 7 (1): 142. J Glycomics Lipidomics 0 MB
1843 Verma S, Verma PK, Mehar AK, Bansiwal AK, Tripathi RD, Chakrabarty D – A novel fungal arsenic methyltransferase, WaarsM reduces grain arsenic accumulation in the transgenic rice plant. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 344: 626-34. J Hazard Mater 7.65 MB
1844 Shukla T, Khare R, Kumar Smita; Lakhwani D, Sharma D, Asif MH, Trivedi PK – Differential transcriptome modulation leads to variation in arsenic stress response in Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 351: 1-10. J Hazard Mater 7.65 MB
1845 Srivastava Suchi, Srivastava Sonal,  Bist V, Awasthi S, Chauhan R, Chaudhry V, Singh PC, Dwivedi S, Niranjan A, Agrawal L, Chauhan PS, Tripathi RD, Nautiyal CS – Chlorella vulgaris and Pseudomonas putida interaction modulates phosphate trafficking for reduced arsenic uptake in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 351: 177-87. J Hazard Mater 7.65 Microbiology
1846 Jaiswal V, Saxena S, Kaur I, Dubey P, Nand S, Naseem M, Srivastava PK, Barik SK – Application of four novel fungal strains to remove arsenic from contaminated water in batch and column modes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 356: 98-107. J Hazard Mater 7.65 MB
1847 Kidwai M, Dhar YV, Gautam N, Tiwari M, Ahmad IZ, Asif MH, Chakrabarty D – Oryza sativa class III peroxidase (OsPRX38) overexpression in Arabidopsis thaliana reduces arsenic accumulation due to apoplastic lignification. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 362: 383-93. J Hazard Mater 7.65 MB
1848 Wagh VV, Jain AK – Ethnopharmacological survey of plants used by the Bhil and Bhilala ethnic community in dermatological disorders in Western Madhya Pradesh, India. Journal of Herbal Medicine, 2018, doi.org/10.1016/j.hermed.2018.09.005. J Herb Med 1.554 Ethnobotany
1849 Singh VK, Verma D, Nayaka S, Toppo K, Lavania S – Cyanobacterial flora from thermal springs of the Kullu District, Himachal Pradesh, India. The Journal of Indian Botanical Society, 2018, 97(3-4): 31-37. J Indian Bot Soc 0 Algae
1850 Kumar Sunil, Singh A, Kumar B, Singh B, Lal Bahadur, Lal Mohan – Simultaneous quantitative determination of bioactive terpene indole alkaloids in ethanolic extracts of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don by ultra high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2018, 151: 32-41. J Pharmaceut Biomed 2.983 Phytochemistry
1851 Rathore US, Singh SK, Kumar Sudeep, Rishi Saloni – Application of botanicals for effective management of Alternaria blight of Pigeon pea. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2018, SP2: 328-38. J Pharmacog Phytochem 0 Microbiology
1852 Shukla S, Ojha SK, Mishra GK, Gupta S, Roy TVG – A review of comparative pharmacognostic and phytochemical study of drugs mentioned as Rasna: (Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern verses Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd.)
. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2018, 7(3): 2410-16.
J Pharmacog Phytochem 0 Herbal Drugs
1853 Srivastava A, Srivastava N, Tiwari S, Srivastava S, Dutt B, Rawat AKS  – Comparative phytochemical profiling in Swertia species collected from different geographical region of India using High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled with Photodiode Array Detector and Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-PDA-MS) followed by antioxidant potential. Journal of Phytochemistry & Biochemistry, 2018, 2(1): Article Number-1000105. J Phytochemistry Biochem 0 Herbal Drugs
1854 Shabir M, Agnihotri P, Tiwari JK, Husain T  – Gentiana aperta (Gentianaceae) – a new record to India from Ladakh Himalaya. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2018, 10(9): 12286-89. J Threatened Taxa 0 Angiosperm
1855 Kushwaha AK, Tewari LM, Chaudhary LB – Angiosperm diversity of Sonbhadra District, Uttar Pradesh: a checklist. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2018, 10(9): 12247-69. J Threatened Taxa 0 Angiosperm
1856 Gogoi R, Joseph S, Nayaka S, Yasmin F – Additions to the lichen biota of Assam State, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2019, 11(6): 13765-81. J Threatened Taxa 0 Angiosperm
1857 Amresh G, Agarwal VK, Rao ChV – Self microemulsifying formulation of Lagerstroemia speciosa against chemically induced hepatotoxicity. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 2018, 8(1): 164-69. J Trad Compl Med 0 Pharmacology
1858 Gupta A, Kumar P, Goshain O, Rai AK, Dwivedi Jyotsana – High-performance thin-layer chromatography analysis for simultaneous quantifications of phenolic biomarkers in Oxalis corniculata L. methanolic fraction. JPC – Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC, 2018, 31(4): 327-31. JPC-J Planar Chromat 0.826 Herbal Drugs
1859 Verma Shikhar, Dhaneshwar S, Ramana MV, Rawat AKS – Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and high-performance thin-layer chromatography quantifications of some physiologically active secondary metabolites in Averrhoa carambola L. fruits. JPC – Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC, 2018, 31(3): 207-12. JPC-J Planar Chromat 0.826 Herbal Drugs
1860 Dwivedi J, Gupta A, Verma S, Dwivedi M, Paliwal S, Rawat AKS – Validated High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatographic analysis of ursolic acid and beta-sitosterol in the methanolic fraction of Paederia foetida L. leaves. JPC – Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC, 2018, 31(5): 371-81. JPC-J Planar Chromat 0.826 Herbal Drugs
1861 Irshad S, Khatoon S – Development of a validated High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography method for the simultaneous estimation of Caffeic Acid, Ferulic Acid, beta-Sitosterol, and Lupeol in Convolvulus pluricaulis Choisy and its adulterants/substitutes. JPC – Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC, 2018, 31(6): 429-36. JPC-J Planar Chromat 0.826 Herbal Drugs
1862 Dwivedi J, Gupta A, Verma S, Paliwal S, Rawat AKS – Validated Simultaneous High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Ursolic Acid, beta-Sitosterol, Lupeol and Quercetin in the Methanolic Fraction of Ichnocarpus frutescen. JPC – Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC, 2019, 32(2): 103-08. JPC-J Planar Chromat 0.826 Herbal Drugs
1863 Wagh VV, Hurrah IA – Lectotypification of Boehmeria densiflora Hook. & Arn. (Urticaceae) and Hooker and Arnott’s sets of duplicates from Captain Beechey’s expedition. Kew Bulletin, 2018, 73(4): Article Number-50. Kew Bull 0.68 Angiosperm
1864 Joshi S, Upreti DK, Divakar PK, Lumbsch HT, Lucking R – A re-evaluation of thelotremoid Graphidaceae (lichenized Ascomycota: Ostropales) in India. Lichenologist, 2018, 50(6): 627-78. Lichenologist 1.51 Lichenology
1865 Alauddin, Chaturvedi S,  Malik MS,  Azmi L  Shukla I, Naseeme Z, Rao ChV, Agarwal NK – Formononetin and biochanin A protects against ritonavir induced hepatotoxicity via modulation of NfκB/pAkt signaling molecules. Life Sciences, 2018, 213: 174-82. Life Sci 3.448 Pharmacology
1866 Singh R, Patel R, Singh D, Soni SK, Tiwari Sudeep – Bioinoculant coated seed improved the growth and yield of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal. Med Plants, 2018, 10(3): 191-95. Med Plants 0 Microbiology
1867 Bajpay A, Nainwal RC, Singh D, Tewari SK – Medicinal value of Cyperus rotundus Linn: An updated review. Med Plants, 2018, 10(3): 165-70. Med Plants 0 Microbiology
1868 Singh A, Gupta R, Tandon S, Prateeksha, Pandey R – Anti-biofilm and anti-virulence potential of 3, 7-dimethyloct-6-2 enal derived from Citrus hystrix against bacterial blight of rice caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae. Microbial Pathogenesis, 2018,115:264-71. Microb Pathogenesis 2.581 Herbal Drugs
1869  Mishra A, Singh SP, Mahfooz S, Bhattacharya A, Mishra N, Shirke PA, Nautiyal CS – Bacterial endophytes modulates the withanolide biosynthetic pathway and physiological performance in Withania somnifera under biotic stress. Microbiological Research, 2018, 212-13: 17-28. Microbiol Res 3.701 Microbiology
1870 Dixit R, Agarwal L, Singh SP, Prateeksha, Singh PC, Prasad V, Chauhan PS – Paenibacillus lentimorbus induces autophagy for protecting tomato from Sclerotium rolfsii infection. Microbiological Research, 2018, 215: 164-74. Microbiol Res 3.701 Microbiology
1871 Kumar M, Yusuf MA, Nigam M, Kumar Manoj – An update on genetic modification of chickpea for increased yield and stress tolerance. Molecular Biotechnology, 2018, 60(8): 651-63. Mol Biotechnol 1.712 Microbiology
1872 Joshi S, Lee BG, Upreti DK, Hur JS- New records of Arthoniaceae from Vietnam. Mycotaxon, 2018, 133(1): 103-12. Mycotaxon 0.531 Lichenology
1873 Karmacharya N, Joshi S, Upreti DK, Chettri MK – Eighteen species of Graphidaceae new to Nepal. Mycotaxon, 2018, 133(4): 655-74. Mycotaxon 0.531 Lichenology
1874 Tripathi T, Bhatia A, Singh S, Sarvendra K, Khan AR, Sidhu OP, Roy R – Metabolite Profiling of Commiphora wightii (Guggul) with Respect to Seasons. Natural Product Communications, 2018, 13(10): 1345-48. Nat Prod Commun 0.554 Plant Physiology
1875 Srivastava Ankita, Asthana AK – First report of Fissidens gymnogynus Besch. (Bryophyta) from India. National Academy Science Letters-India, 2018, 41(4): 259-61. Natl Acad Sci Lett (India) 0.331 Bryology
1876 Shabir  M, Agnihotri  P, Tiwari  JK, Husain T – Gentianella tumailica (Gentianaceae) – A new species from cold deserts of northwest Himalaya, India. Nordic Journal of Botany, 2018, 36(6): Article Number-UNSP e01919. Nordic Journal of Botany 0.89 Angiosperm
1877 Singh Niraj, Verma RK, Kumar Narendra, Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Rana TS – Molecular analysis of genetic diversity and population structure in Everniastrum cirrhatum (Fr.) Hale (Parmeliaceae) in India. Nucleus, 2018, 19-27. Nucleus 2.157 Lichenology
1878 Tandon A, Fatima T, Gautam A, Yadav U,  Srivastava Suchi, Singh PC- Effect of Trichoderma koningiopsis on Chickpea rhizosphere activities under different fertilization regimes. Open Journal of Soil Science, 2018, 8: 261-75. Open J Soil Sci 0 Microbiology
1879 Goel R, Kumari R, Singh V, Pandey Richa, Kumari Renu, Srivastava Suchi,  Kumar Sushil – Perspectives of the Artemisia annua dry leaf therapy (ALT) for malaria and of its re-purposement as an affordable cure for artemisinin-treatable illnesses . Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 2018, 84(3): 731-80. P Indian Natl Sci Acad 0 Microbiology
1880 Bajpai R, Shukla V, Singh CP, Tripathi OP, Nayaka S, Upreti DK – Lichen community composition in Tawang district of Arunachal Pradesh, tool for long-term climate change monitoring. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 2018, 88(3): 915-22. P Natl A Sci India B 0 Lichenology
1881 Singh AP, Johari D – Hymenophyllum javanicum Spreng.: An addition to the Pteridophytic flora of Central India. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 2019, 2018,88(2): 531-37. P Natl A Sci India B 0 Pteridology
1882 Bera SK, Tripathi S, Gupta Sateesh Chandra, Bera S – Pollen and spores in yellow rain from Lucknow, northern India. Palynology, 2018, 42(4): 504-14 Palynology 1.253 Phytochemsitry
1883 Shukla PK, Misra A, Srivastava SK – Comparative pharmacognostical and pharmacological evaluation of two Achyranthes species. Pharmacognosy Journal, 2018: 10(2) 309-14. Pharmacog J 0 Herbal Drugs
1884 Azmi L, Shukla I, Gupta SS, Chaudhary A , Kant P , Yadav NP, Rao ChV –  Evaluation of Chemoprotective effect of Quercetin from Argyreia speciosa against N-methyl-N-Nitro-N-Nitrosoguanidine and NaCl-induced gastric carcinomas in Wistar Rats. Pharmacognosy Journal, 2018: 10(2) : 215-20. Pharmacog J 0 Pharmacology
1885 Gupta A, Dwivedi H, Rawat AKS –  High performance thin layer chromatographic analysis for the simultaneous quantification of two polyphenolic biomarkers in methanolic fraction of Bauhinia tomentosa L. floral buds. Pharmacognosy Journal, 2018: 10(4) :773-77. Pharmacog J 0 Herbal Drugs
1886 Srivastava Akansha, Awasthi K, Kumar Bhanu, Mishra Ankita, Srivastava SK –  Pharmacognostic and pharmacological evaluation of Hyssopus officinalis L.  (Lamiaceae) collected from Kashmir Himalayas, India. Pharmacognosy Journal, 2018: 10(4) : 690-93. Pharmacog J 0 Herbal Drugs
1887 Shukla PK, Misra Ankita, Kumar M, Jaichand, Singh K, Akhtar J, Srivastava SK, Agarwal PK, Rawat AKS – Simultaneous quantification of forskolin and iso-forskolin in Coleus forskohlii (Wild.) Briq. And identification of elite chemotype, collected from Eastern Ghats (India). Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2018, 13(Suppl 4): 881-85. Pharmacogn Mag 1.26 Herbal Drugs
1888 Rawat P, Kumar Anil, Singh TD, Pal M -Chemical composition and cytotoxic activity of methanol extract and its fractions of Streblus asper leaves on human cancer cell lines. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2018, 14(54): 141-44. Pharmacogn Mag 1.26 Phytochemistry
1889 Kumar Bhanu, Misra Ankita, Rawat AKS, Rawat YS, Srivastava SK – Simultaneous quantification of Precocene I and Precocene II through high-performance thin layer chromatography validated method in Ageratum conyzoides L. germplasms from western himalayas. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2018, 14(55): 141-46. Pharmacogn Mag 1.26 Herbal Drugs
1890 Alauddin, Chaturvedi S, Azmi L, Shukla I, Naseem Z, Rao ChV, Agarwal AK – Gastroprotective effect of formononetin against ethanol-induced gastric ulceration in rats via augmentation of cytoprotective markers and curtailing apoptotic gene expression. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2018, 14(59):S605-S612. Pharmacogn Mag 1.26 Pharmacology
1891 Ved A, Gupta A, Prakash O, Rawat AKS – Central nervous system activity of phenol-rich fraction of Piper sylvaticum roots. Pharmacognosy Research, 2018, 10(4): 339-42. Pharmacognosy Res 0 Herbal Drugs
1892 Shirke PA, Pathre UV, Sane PV – Adaptation strategies of two leaf cohorts of Prosopis juliflora produced in spring and monsoon. Photosynthetica, 2018, 56(1): 468-77. Photosynthetica 2.365 MB
1893 Mishra A, Nautiyal CS  – A novel Trichoderma fusant for enhancing nutritional value and defence activity in chickpea. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2018, 24(3): 411-22. Physiol Mol Biol Plants 1.539 Microbiology
1894 Pandey S, Shukla P, Misra P – Physical state of the culture medium triggers shift in morphogenetic pattern from shoot bud formation to somatic embryo in Solanum khasianum. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2018, 24(6): 1295-1305. Physiol Mol Biol Plants 1.539 Tissue Culture
1895 Kumar S, Raj R, Raj SK, Agrawal L, Chauhan PS, Srivastava A  – Study of biochemical and histopathological changes induced in the sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in response to Chilli leaf curl virus infection. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2018, 104: 95-102. Physiol Mol Plant Pathol 1.678 MB
1896 Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Nayaka S – The lichen genera Lepraria (Stereocaulaceae) and Leprocaulon (Leprocaulaceae) in India. Phytotaxa, 2018, 356(2):101-16. Phytotaxa 1.168 Lichenology
1897 Joshi S, Upreti DK, Bawingan P, Hur JS – New species in the family Graphidaceae (Ascomycota: Ostropales) from the Philippines. Phytotaxa, 2018, 345(2):152-58. Phytotaxa 1.168 Lichenology
1898 Chaudhary LB – Astragalus ladakhense (Galegeae, Leguminosae): a new synonym of Astragalus rhizanthus. Phytotaxa, 2018, 360(1): 71-73. Phytotaxa 1.168 Angiosperm
1899 Prasad MG, Sunojkumar P – Notes on the identity of two Indian species of Lindernia sensu stricto (Linderniaceae), and lectotypification of the name L. srilankana. Phytotaxa, 2018, 371(1): 42-48. Phytotaxa 1.168 Angiosperm
1900 Agnihotri P, Husain D, Sahoo D, Barik SK- A new species and typification in Pedicularis series Curvipes (Orobanchaceae). Phytotaxa, 2018, 371(4):260-66. Phytotaxa 1.168 Angiosperm
1901 Prasad MG, Sunojkumar P – Notes on the identity of two Indian species of Lindernia sensu stricto (Linderniaceae), and lectotypification of the name L. srilankana. Phytotaxa, 2018, 371(1): 42-48. Phytotaxa 1.168 Lichenology
1902 Asthana AK, Srivastava Ankita – A new species of Plaubelia Bridel (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta) from India. Phytotaxa, 2018, 374(4): 297-300. Phytotaxa 1.168 Bryology
1903 Khuraijam JS, Singh R, Calonje M, Mazumdar J – Lectotypification of Cycas beddomei (Cycadaceae). Phytotaxa, 2018, 383(1): 121-24. Phytotaxa 1.168 Angiosperm
1904 Salehi B, Mishra AP, Shukla Ila, Sharifi-Rad M, Contreras MDM, Segura-Carretero A, Fathi H, Nasrabadi NN10, Kobarfard F, Sharifi-Rad J – Thymol, thyme, and other plant sources: Health and potential uses. Phytotherapy Research, 2018: 32(9): 1688-1706. Phytotherapy Res 3.766 Herbal Drugs
1905 Salehi B, Krochmal‐Marczak B, Skiba D, Patra JK, Das SK, Das G, Popović‐Djordjević JB, Kostić AZ, Nanjangud V Anil Kumar,  Tripathi A, Al‐Snafi AE, Arserim‐Uçar DK, Konovalov DA, Csupor D, Shukla I, Azmi L, Mishra AK, Sharifi‐Rad J, Sawicka B, Martins N,Taheri Y, Fokou PVT, Capasso R, Martorell M – Convolvulus plant—A comprehensive review from phytochemical composition to pharmacy. Phytotherapy Research,2019: 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1002/ptr.6540 Phytotherapy Res 3.766 Herbal Drugs
1906 Agarwal AV, Singh D, Dhar YV, Michael R, Gupta P, Chandra D, Trivedi PK – Virus-Induced Silencing of Key Genes Leads to Differential Impact on Withanolide Biosynthesis in Medicinal Plant, Withania somnifera. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2018, 59(2): 262-74. Plant Cell Physiol 3.929 MB
1907 Bhatia C, Pandey A, Gaddam SR, Hoecker U, Trivedi PK – Low temperature enhanced flavonol synthesis eequires light-associated regulatory components in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2018, 59(10):2099-112. Plant Cell Physiol 3.929 MB
1908 Tripathi PK, Jena SN, Rana TS, Sathyanarayana N – High levels of gene flow constraints population structure in Mucuna pruriens L. (DC.) of northeast India. Plant Gene, 2018, 15: 6-14. Plant Gene 0 Angiosperm Taxonomy
1909 Kumar V, Singh Babita, Singh SK, Rai KM, Singh SP, Sable A, Pant P, Saxena G, Sawant SV -Role of GhHDA5 in H3K9 deacetylation and fiber initiation in Gossypium hirsutum. Plant Journal, 2018, 95(6): 1069-83. Plant J 5.726 MB
1910 Tripathi AM, Niranjan A, Roy S – Global gene expression and pigment analysis of two contrasting flower color cultivars of Canna. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 127: 1-10. Plant Physiol Biochem 3.404 MB
1911 Sharma M, Gupta SK, Majumder B, Maurya VK, Deeba F, Alam A, Pandey V – Proteomics unravel the regulating role of salicylic acid in soybean under yield limiting drought stress.  Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018,130: 529-41. Plant Physiol Biochem 3.404 Environmental Sciences
1912 Singh R, Gupta P, Khan F, Singh SK, Sanchita Mishra T, Kumar Anil, Dhawan SS, Shirke PA – Modulations in primary and secondary metabolic pathways and adjustment in physiological behaviour of Withania somnifera under drought stress. Plant Science, 2018, 272: 42-54. Plant Sci 3.785 Plant Physiology
1913 Singh G, Dhar YV, Asif MH, Misra P – Exploring the functional significance of sterol glycosyltransferase enzymes. Progress in Lipid Research, 2018, 69: 1-10. Prog Lipid Res 12.54 Tissue Culture
1914 Bansal P, Nath V – Peristome as a potential tool for delimiting Bryum Hedw. (Bryaceae) from India. Protoplasma, 2018, 255(5): 1267-80. Protoplasma 2.633 Bryology
1915 Verma P, Srivastava Sajal, Rao ChV – Hepatoprotective effect of Ethanolic Extract of Holarrhena antidysenterica against Paracetamol Induced Toxicity in Wistar Rats. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 2018, 11(4): 1633-39. Res J Pharmac Techol 0 Pharmacology
1916 Sanchita, Trivedi R, Asif MH, Trivedi PK – Dietary plant miRNAs as an augmented therapy: cross-kingdom gene regulation. RNA Biology, 2018,15(12): 1433-39. RNA Biol 5.477 MB
1917 Praveen A, Mehrotra S, Singh N, Pandey V – Nutrient constraints in arsenic phytoremediation. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2018, 65(1): 15-22. Russ J Plant Physiol 0.94 Plant Physiology
1918 Wagh VV, Jain AK – Status of ethnobotanical invasive plants in western Madhya Pradesh, India. South African Journal of Botany, 2018, 114: 171-80. S Afr J Bot 1.504 Ethnobotany
1919 Gupta S, Mallick S – Modelling the water-plant cuticular polymer matrix membrane partitioning of diverse chemicals in multiple plant species using the support vector machine-based QSAR approach. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 2018, 29(3): 171-86. SAR QSAR Environ Res 2.287 Environmental Sciences
1920 Sable A, Rai KM, Choudhary A, Yadav VK, Agarwal SK, Sawant SV – Inhibition of Heat Shock proteins HSP90 and HSP70 induce oxidative stress, suppressing cotton fiber development. Scientific Reports, 2018,8(1): Article Number -3620. Sci Rep 4.011 MB
1921 Pant P, Iqbal Z, Pandey BK, Sawant SV -Genome-wide comparative and evolutionary analysis of Calmodulin-binding Transcription Activator (CAMTA) family in Gossypium species. Scientific Reports, 2018,8: Article Number – 5573. Sci Rep 4.011 MB
1922 Arya SK, Dhar YV, Upadhyay SK, Asif MH, Verma PC – De novo characterization of Phenacoccus solenopsis transcriptome and analysis of gene expression profiling during development and hormone biosynthesis. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: Article number -7573. Sci Rep 4.011 MB
1923 Srivastava A, Singh V, Haque S, Pandey S, Mishra Manisha, Jawed A, Shukla PK, Singh PK, Tripathi CKM –  Response Surface Methodology-Genetic Algorithm Based Medium Optimization, Purification, and Characterization of Cholesterol Oxidase from Streptomyces rimosus. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): Article number-10913. Sci Rep 4.011 MB
1924 Singh P, Prasad R, Tewari R, Jaidi M, Kumar Susheel, Rout PK, Rahman LU – Silencing of quinolinic acid phosphoribosyl transferase (QPT) gene for enhanced production of scopolamine in hairy root culture of Duboisia leichhardtii. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: Article number-13939 . Sci Rep 4.011 MB
1925 Pandey S, Goel R, Bhardwaj A, Asif MH, Sawant SV, Misra P – Transcriptome analysis provides insight into prickle development and its link to defense and secondary metabolism in Solanum viarum Dunal. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: Article number-17092. Sci Rep 4.011 MB
1926 Kumar Sanjoy, Singh Ashutosh Kumar, Ghosh P – Distribution of soil organic carbon and glomalin related soil protein in reclaimed coal mine-land chronosequence under tropical condition. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 625:1341-50. Sci Total Environ 5.589 Plant Physiology
1927 Joseph S, Dudani SN and Nayaka S –
First report of lichens from St. Mary’s Islands, the south west coast, India. Studies in Fungi, 2018, 3(1): 264-70.
Studies in Fungi 0 Lichenology
1928 Shabir M, Agnihotri P, Tiwari JK, Husain T – Gentiana pringlei (Gentianaceae) – A new species from cold deserts of
Ladakh Himalaya, India
. Taiwania, 2018,63(4): 356-59.
Taiwania 0.602 Angiosperm
1929 Husain D, Agnihotri P, Srivastava AK, Singh H, Khuraijam J, Katiyar P, Husain T – Lectotypification of the name Dillenia indica (Dilleniaceae). Taxon, 2018, 67(4): 787-88. Taxon 3.823 Angiosperm
1930 Khuraijam J, Singh R, Calonje M, Mazumdar J – Proposal to conserve the name Cycas pectinata (Cycadaceae) with a conserved type. Taxon, 2018, 67(6): 1213. Taxon 3.823 Botanic Garden
1931 Kumar Vinod, Sharma AK, Rajput SK, Pal M, Dhiman M – Pharmacognostic and pharmacological evaluation of Eulaliopsis binata plant extracts by measuring of in-vitro/in-vivo safety profile and anti-microbial potential. Toxicology Research, 2018, 7(3): 454-64. Toxicol Res 1.593 Phytochemistry
1932 Patil HB, Chaurasia AK, Azeez A, Krishna B, Subramaniam VR, Sane AP, Sane PV – Characterization of two TERMINAL FLOWER1 homologs PgTFL1 and PgCENa from pomegranate (Punica granatum L.). Tree Physiology, 2018, 38(5): 772-84. Tree Physiol 3.477 MB
1933 Singh BN, Singh BR, Gupta VK, Kharwar RN, Pecoraro L – Coating with microbial hydrophobins: A novel approach to develop smart drug nanoparticle. Trends in Biotechnology, 2018, 36(11): 1103-06. Trends Biotechnol 13.747 Herbal Drugs
1934 Dudani SN, Nayaka S, Ingle KK, Joseph S – New species and new records of lichenized Ascomycota from tropical deciduous forests of the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot, India. Turkish Journal of Botany, 2018, 42: 346-53. Turk J Bot 1.087 Lichenology
1935 Pandey S, Rawat KK, Verma PK, Alam A – Diversity of family Pottiaceae in Mount Abu (Rajasthan) with morphology and anatomy of selected taxa. Vegetos, 2018, 31 : 64-75. Vegetos 0 Pl Breed & Genetics
S.No Paper Title Journal Impact Factor Area
1551 Singh RK, Chaurasia AK, Bari R, Sane VA – Tocopherol levels in different mango varieties correlate with MiHPPD expression and its over-expression elevates tocopherols in transgenic Arabidopsis and tomato. 3 Biotech, 2017, 7(5): Article Number: 352. 3 Biotech 1.497 MB
1552 Kumari Madhuree, Pandey S, Mishra SK, Nautiyal CS, Mishra A – Effect of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles on native soil microflora via plant transport during plant– pathogen – nanoparticles interaction. 3 Biotech, 2017, 7: Article Number: 345. 3 Biotech 1.497 Microbiology
1553 Kumari M, Shukla Shatrunajay, Pandey S, Giri VP, Bhatia A, Tripathi T, Kakkar P, Nautiyal CS, Mishra A –  Enhanced cellular internalization: A bactericidal mechanism more relative to biogenic nanoparticles than chemical counterparts. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9 (5): 4519-33. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 8.097 Microbiology
1554 Kondratyuk SY, Lokos L, Halda JP, Roux C, Upreti DK, Schumm F, Mishra GK, Nayaka S, Farkas E, Park JS, Lee BG, Liu D, Woo JJ, Hur JS – New and noteworthy lichens forming and lichenicolous fungi 6. Acta Botanica Hungarica, 2017, 59(1-2):137-260. Acta Botanica Hungarica 0 Lichenology
1555 Kondratyuk SY, Lokos L, Upreti DK, Nayaka S, Mishra GK, Ravera S, Jeong MH, Jang SH, Park JS and Hur JS – New monophylectic branches on the teloschistaceae (Lichen forming ascomycota) proved by three gene phylogeny. Acta Botanica Hungarica, 2017, 59(1-2):71-136. Acta Botanica Hungarica 0 Lichenology
1556 Bhambhani S, Lakhwani D, Shukla T, Pandey A, Dhar YV, Asif MH, Trivedi PK – Genes encoding members of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR) gene family from Azadirachta indica and correlation with azadirachtin biosynthesis. Acta Physiologiae Plantatrum, 2017, 39(2): Article Numebr-65. Acta Physiol Plant 1.438 MB
1557 Bajpai O, Pandey J, Chaudhary LB – Periodicity of different phenophases in selected trees from Himalayan Terai of India. Agroforestry Systems, 2017, 91(2): 363-74. Agroforest Syst 1.201 Angiosperm
1558 Pandey V , Sharma M , Deeba F , Maurya V , Gupta S , Singh S , Mishra A, Nautiyal C – Impact of Elevated CO2 on Wheat Growth and Yield under Free Air CO2 Enrichment. American Journal of Climate Change, 2017, 6, 573-96. Am J Climate Change 0 Environmental Sciences
1559 Bhatia A, Meena B, Shukla SK, Sidhu OP, Upreti DK, Mishra A,Roy R, Nautiyal CS – Determination of pentacyclic triterpenes from Betula utilis by High Performance Liquid Chromatography and High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Analytical Letters,  2017, 50(1): 233-42. Anal Lett 1.206 Phytochemistry
1560 Lone JA, Lone FA, Suseela MR – A review on phycological studies with special emphasis on Kashmir Himalayan Valley: Algal Biodiversity. Annals of Plant Sciences, 2017, 6(12): 1879-85. Anal Plant Sci 0 Algae
1561 Yadav RK,   Srivastava Shailendra K,  Bahadur  Lal, Lall AM, Pal M – Antioxidant and antidiabetic activity of Dillenia pentagyna Roxb. fruit extract. Annals of Phytomedicine, 2017, 6(1):121-26. Ann Phytomed 0 Phytochemistry
1562 Mishra SK, Khan MH, Misra Sankalp, Dixit VK, Khare P, Srivastava Suchi, Chauhan PS – Characterisation of Pseudomonas spp. And Ochrobactrum sp. Isolated from volcanic soil. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2017,  110(2): 253-70. Anton Leeuw Int J G 1.588 Microbiology
1563 Khuraijam JS, Kipgen L, Puri K & Badola H – Complexity in conserving bioresources of Koubru Hill range of Manipur, India. Asian Journal of Conservation Biology, 2017, 6(1): 66-70. Asian J Cons Biol 0 Botanic Garden
1564 Chaturvedi Amiy Dutt, Nagarajan K, Pal D, Kumar Awanish – Escherichia coli Generate oxidative stress and enhance lipid peroxidation in the kidney of the rat. Biochemistry & Analytical Biochemistry, 2017, 6(1):1000306. Biochem Anal Biochem 0 Pharmacology
1565 Tiwari V, Meena B, Nair KN, Upreti DK, Tamta Sushma, Rana TS – Assessment of genetic diversity and population structure of Bergenia stracheyi (Saxifragaceae) in the Western Himalaya (India). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2017, 70: 205-10. Biochem Syst Ecol 0.847 Angiosperm
1566 Ranjan A, Archana K, Ranjan S – Gossypium herbaceum Ghcyp1 regulates water-use efficiency and drought tolerance by modulating stomatal activity and photosynthesis intransgenic tobacco. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia,  2017, 14(3):869-80. Biosci Biotech Res Asia 0 MB
1567 Ragavan P, Zhou RC, Ng WL, Rana TS, Mageswaran T, Mohan PM, Saxena A -Natural hybridization in mangroves – an overview. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 185(2): 208-24. Bot J Linn Soc 3.124 Angiosperm
1568 Gupta A, Verma UP, Lal N, Ojha SK – Evolution and exploration of Azadirachta indica in dentistry: An update. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research, 2017, 21(8):1-15; Article no.BJMMR.33538. Brit J Med & Med Res 0 Herbal Drugs
1569 Sharma SK, Pal K, Chaturvedi K, Triwari NK – Quantification of African Marigold  (Tagetes erecta L.) productivity in sodic soils under integrated nutrient management. Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, 2017, 6(5):273-77. Bull Env Pharmacol Life Sci 0 Floriculture
1570 Praveen Ashish, Mehrotra Sonali, Singh N – Rice planted along with accumulators in arsenic amended plots reduced arsenic uptake in grains and shoots. Chemosphere, 2017, 184: 1327-33. Chemosphere 4.427 Eco-Auditing
1571 Gupta Shikha, Basant N – Modeling the aqueous phase reactivity of hydroxyl radical towards diverse organic micropollutants: An aid to water decontamination processes.. Chemosphere, 2017, 185:1164-72. Chemosphere 4.427 Environmental Sciences
1572 Mishra AK, Singh K, Behera SK, Chaudhary LB, Singh B, Mishra RM – Soil properties in response to different plant community structures in tropical moist deciduous forest from northern India. Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, 2017, 5(1): 66-74. Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability 0 Environmental Sciences
1573 Singh BN, Prateeksha, Upreti DK, Singh BR,  Defoirdt T, Gupta VK, De Souza AO, Singh HB,  Barreira  JCM, Ferreira ICFR, Vahabi K – Bactericidal, quorum quenching and anti-biofilm nanofactories: a new niche for nanotechnologists. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2017, 37(4):525-40. Crit Rev Biotechnol 5.239 Herbal Drugs
1574 Singh BN, Prateeksha, Rawat AK, Bhagat RM, Singh BR – Black Tea: Phytochemicals, cancer chemoprevention and clinical studies. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2017, 57(7):1394-1410. Crit Rev Food Sci 6.015 Herbal Drugs
1575 Prabha Sashi, Yadav A, Yadav HK, Kumar Sujit, Kumar R – Importance of molecular marker in linseed (Linum usitatissimum) genome analysis–A review. Crop Res, 2017, 52(1-3):61-66. Crop Research 0 Pl Breed & Genetics
1576 Anjali DB, Mohabe S, Reddy AM, Nayaka S, Kulana AK – Qualitative phytochemical analysis of three solvents extracts of some selected macrolichens from Seshachalam Biosphere Reserve, Andhra Pradesh. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2017, 2(1): 19-25. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1577 Bajpai R, Joseph J, Upreti DK – Additional distributional records of the lichen genus Cryptothecia in India. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2017, 2(2):41-47. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1578 Dasgupta CN, Toppo K, Nayaka S, Singh AK – Algal diversity and water quality assessment during summer in some suburban water bodies of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2017, 2(2):1-10. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Algae
1579 Deshmukh VP, Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Wagh VV, Rajurkar AV, Bondarkar SG – Lichen diversity of Gawilgarh fort, Amravati district, Maharashtra, India. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2017, 2(2): 53-57. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1580 Dixit P, Maurya A, Mishra T, Upreti DK, Pal M – Evaluation of Phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activity of the Roccella montagnei. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2017, 2 (1):14-18. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1581 Kondratyuk SY, Mishra GK, Nayaka S, Upreti DK – New records or otherwise interesting species of Teloschistaceae (lichenized fungi) from India. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2017, 2(1): 8-13. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1582 Mishra GK, Upreti DK – The lichen genus Parmotrema A. Massal. (Lecanorales, Ascomycota) from India with addition distributional records. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2017, 2(2):18-40. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1583 Mishra GK, Dubey N, Bagla H, Bajpai R, Nayaka S – An assessment of lichens diversity from Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra, India. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2017, 2(2): 11-17. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1584 Mohabe S, Anjali DB, Reddy AM, Nayaka S – Floristic assessment of lichens in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2017, 2(1): 1-7. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1585 Nayak SK, Behera PK, Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Satapathy KB – Lichen growth on Sun Temple of Konark in Odisha, India- A curse or blessing. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2017, 2(2):48-52. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1586 Randive P, Nayaka S, Janarthanam MK – An updated checklist of lichens from Goa with new records from Cotigao Wildlife Sanctuary. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2017, 2(1): 26-36. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1587 Tiwari Shalini, Lata C, Chauhan PS, Prasad V, Prasad M – A functional genomic perspective on drought signalling and its crosstalk with phytohormone-mediated signalling pathways in plants. Current Genomics, 2017, 18(6):469-82. Curr Genomics 2.172 Microbiology
1588 Rastogi S, Pandey MM, Rawat AKS – Spices: Therapeutic potential In cardiovascular health. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2017, 23(7): 989-98. Curr Pharm Des 2.757 Herbal Drugs
1589 Agnihotri P, Husain T, Shirke PA, Sidhu OP, Singh H, Dixit V, Khuroo AA, Amla DV, Nautiyal CS – Climate change-driven shifts in elevation and ecophysiological traits of Himalayan plants during the past century. Current Science, 2017, 112(3): 595-601. Curr Sci 0.883 Angiosperm
1590 Datta SK – Breeding of ornamentals: tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.). Current Science, 2017, 113(7): 1255-63. Curr Sci 0.883 Floriculture
1591 Asthana AK, Gupta R, Singh VJ, Hile VK, Dabhade GT – Distribution and conservation status of Anthoceros macrosporus Steph. (Anthocerotophyta) – an endemic and threatened hornwort of India . Current Science, 2017, 113(10): 1830-32. Curr Sci 0.883 Bryology
1592 Prakash O, Ved A, Kumar Saroj, Kumar R, Mariappan G, Rawat AKS – Exploring role of dietary fibres, nutraceuticals and functional foods in cardiovascular disorders. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2017, 15(2):67-69. Curr Top Nutraceut Res 0.232 Herbal Drugs
1593 Khuraijam JS, Singh R, Sharma SC, Roy RK, Lavaud S,Chayangsu S – Abnormal forking of pinnae in some Asian cycads. Cycads, 2017, 2(1): 19-21. Cycads 0 Botanic Garden
1594 Tripathi RK, Goel R, Kumari S, Dahuja A – Genomic organization, phylogenetic comparison, and expression profiles of the SPL family genes and their regulation in soybean. Development Genes and Evolution, 2017, 227 (2): 101–19. Development Genes and Evolution 2.125 MB
1595 Goyat S, Grewal A, Bindu K Hima, Singh Devendra, Katiyar RS, Tewari S Nainwal R – Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) based genetic diversity studies in betel vine (Piper betle L.). East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal, 2017, 82(2-4): E Afr Agr Forestry J 0 Biomass
1596 Behera SK, Sahu N, Mishra AK, Bargali SS, Behera MD, Tuli R – Aboveground biomass and carbon stock assessment in Indian tropical deciduous forest and relationship with stand structural attributes.  Ecological Engineering, 2017, 99: 513-24. Ecol Eng 3.023 Eco-auditing
1597 Awasthi A, Singh K, Singh RP – A concept of diverse perennial cropping systems for integrated bioenergy production and ecological restoration of marginal lands in India. Ecological Engineering, 2017, 105: 58-65. Ecol Eng 3.023 Environmental Sciences
1598 Dixit Bajpai Rakhi, Patel AK, Toppo K, Nayaka S – Emergence of toxic cyanobacterial species in the Ganga River, India, due to excessive nutrient loading. Ecological Indicators, 2017, 72:420-27. Ecol Indic 3.983 Algae
1599 Chauhan R, Awasthi S, Tripathi Preeti, Mishra Seema, Dwivedi S, Niranjan A, Mallick S,Tripathi P, Pande V, Tripathi RD – Selenite modulates the level of phenolics and nutrient element to alleviate the toxicity of arsenite in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017 138: 47-55. Ecotox Environ Safe 3.974 Environmental Sciences
1600 Gautam A, Rao ChV, Paswan SK, Verma P – Poisonous plant (Gloriosa superba L.): Its pharmacological and therapeutic profile. Elixir Applied Botany, 2017, 104: 45969-72. Elixir Appl Bot 0 Pharmacology
1601 Tripathi Pratibha, Singh PC, Mishra A, Srivastava Suchi, Chauhan R, Awasthi S, Mishra S, Dwivedi S, Tripathi Preeti, Kalra A, Tripathi RD, Nautiyal CS – Arsenic tolerant Trichoderma sp. reduces arsenic induced stress in chickpea (Cicer arietinum). Environmental Pollution, 2017, 223:137-45. Environ Pollut 4.358 Microbiology
1602 Basant N, Gupta S – QSAR modeling for predicting mutagenic toxicity of diverse chemicals for regulatory purposes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(16):14430-44. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2.8 Environmental Sciences
1603 Gupta Shikha, Basant Nikita – Modeling the pH and temperature dependence of aqueousphase hydroxyl radical reaction rate constants of organic micropollutants using QSPR approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(32):24936-46. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2.8 Environmental Sciences
1604 Upadhyay AK, Singh NK, Bankoti NS, Rai UN – Designing and construction of simulated constructed wetland for treatment of sewage containing metals. Environmental Technology, 2017 : 38 (21):2691-99. Environ Technol 1.666 Environmental Sciences
1605 Anjali DB, Mohabe S, Reddy MA, Nayaka S – Lichens wealth in Seshachalam biosphere reserve, Andhra Pradesh. EPTRI-ENVIS Newsletter: Eastern Ghats, 2017, 23(1): 2-5. EPTRI-ENVIS Newsletter: Eastern Ghats 0 Lichenology
1606 Kushwaha AK,Tewari LM, Chaudhary LB – Ethnobotanical uses of wild fruits of Sonbhadra district, Uttar Pradesh. Ethnobotany, 2017, 28: 86-90. Ethnobotany 0 Ethnobotany
1607 Chandrawati, Yadav HK – Development of linkage map and mapping of QTLs for oil content and yield attributes in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). Euphytica, 2017,  213(11): Article Number-258 (Page 1-11). Euphytica 1.546 MB
1608 Kumari Madhuri, Pandey Shilpa, Mishra A, Nautiyal CS -Finding a facile way for the bacterial DNA transformation by biosynthesized gold nanoparticles. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2017, 364(12): Article Number – fnx081. FEMS Microbiol Lett 1.735 Microbiology
1609 de Oliveria Filho JWG, Islam MT, Ali ES, Uddin SJ, Santos JVO, de Alencar MVOB, Júnior ALG, Paz MFCJ, de Brito MDRM, Sousa JMCE, Shaw S, de Medeiros MDGF, Dantas SMMM, Rolim HML, Ferreira PMP, Kamal MA, Pieczynska MD, Das N, Gupta VK, Mocan A, Dos Santos Andrade TJA, Singh BN, Mishra SK, Atanasov AG, Melo-Cavalcante AAC – A comprehensive review on biological properties of citrinin. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2017, 110:130-41. Food Chem Toxicol 3.977 Herbal Drugs
1610 Singh AK, Kushwaha M, Rai A, Singh N – Changes in soil microbial response across year following a wildfire in tropical dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 2017, 391:458-68. Forest Ecol Manag 3.169 Eco-Auditing
1611 Shukla Shipra, Mishtra T, Pal M, Meena Baleshwar, Rana TS, Upreti DK – Comparative analysis of fatty acids and antioxidant activity of Betula utilis bark collected from different geographical region of India. Free Radicals and Antioxidants, 2017,7(1): 80-85. Free Radicals and Antioxidants 0 Phytochemistry
1612 Prateeksha, Singh BR, Shoeb M, Sharma S, Naqvi AH, Gupta VK, Singh BN – Scaffold of selenium nanovectors and honey phytochemicals for inhibition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing and biofilm formation. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2017, 7: Article Number-93. Front Cell Infect Microbiol 3.52 Herbal Drugs
1613 Mahfooz S, Singh SP, Mishra N, Mishra A – A Comparison of Microsatellites in Phytopathogenic Aspergillus Species in Order to Develop Markers for the Assessment of Genetic Diversity among Its Isolates.  Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017,8: Article No. 1774. Front Microbiol 4.019 Microbiology
1614 Devi KA, Pandey G, Rawat AKS, Sharma GD, Pandey P – The endophytic symbiont-Pseudomonas aeruginosa stimulates the antioxidant activity and growth of Achyranthes aspera L.  Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017,8: Article No. 1897. Front Microbiol 4.019 Herbal Drugs
1615 Kumar Smita, Verma S, Trivedi PK – Involvement of small RNAs in phosphorus and sulphur sensing, signaling and stress: current update. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:285. Front Plant Sci 3.678 MB
1616 Gupta SM, Arora S, Mirza N, Pande A, Lata Charu, Puranik S, Kumar J,  Kumar Anil- Finger Millet: A “Certain” Crop for an “Uncertain” Future and a Solution to Food Insecurity and Hidden Hunger under Stressful Environments. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8  : Article Number-643. Front Plant Sci 3.678 MB
1617 Mishra Seema, Mishra A, Küpper H – Protein biochemistry and expression regulation of Cadmium/Zinc pumping ATPases in the hyperaccumulator plants Arabidopsis halleri and Noccaea caerulescens. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:Article Number: 835. Front Plant Sci 3.678 Environmental Sciences
1618 Srivastava A, Agarwal L, Raj R, Jaidi M, Raj SK, Gupta S, Dixit R, Singh PC, Tripathi T, Sidhu OP, Singh BN, Shukla S, Chauhan PS, Kumar Susheel – Ageratum enation virus infection induces programmed cell death and alters metabolite biosynthesis in Papaver somniferum. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8  : Article Number-1172. Front Plant Sci 3.678 MB
1619 Awasthi S, Chauhan, Srivastava Sudhaka, Tripathi RD – The Journey of arsenic from Soil to grain in rice. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8  : Article Number-1007. Front Plant Sci 3.678 Environmental Sciences
1620 Pandey Vibha, Ansari WA, Misra P, Atri N – Withania somnifera : Advances and implementation of molecular and tissue culture techniques to enhance its application. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: Article Number:  1390. Front Plant Sci 3.678 Tissue Culture
1621 Tewari S, Prasad V,  Chauhan PC, Lata Charu – Bacillus amyloliquefaciens confers tolerance to various abiotic stresses and modulates plant response to phytohormones through osmoprotection and gene expression regulation in rice. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: Article No. 1510. Front Plant Sci 3.678 Microbiology
1622 Agarwal AV, Gupta P, Singh D, Dhar YV, Chandra D, Trivedi PK –  Comprehensive assessment of the genes involved in withanolide biosynthesis from Withania somnifera: chemotype-specific and elicitor-responsive expression. Functional & Integrative Genomics, 2017, 17(4):477-90. Funct Integr Genomic 3.889 MB
1623 Tibpromma S, Hyde KD, Jeewon R…Chakrabarty D et al. – Fungal diversity notes 491–602: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa: Austroboletus appendiculatus Semwal, D. Chakr., K. Das, Indoliya, D. Chakrabarty, S. Adhikari & Karunarathna, new species. Fungal Diversity, 2017, 83(1): 184-89. Fungal Diversity 14.078 MB
1624 Mishra S, Srivastava AK, Verma S, Pandey S, Bargali SS, Rana TS, Nair KN – Phenetic and genetic diversity in Indian Luffa (Cucurbitaceae) inferred from morphometric, ISSR and DAMD markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2017, 64(5):995-1010. Genet Resour Crop Ev 1.13 Angiosperm
1625 Asthana AK, Asthana G, Srivastava P, Omar I – Three mosses to South India. Geophytology, 2017, 47(2): 145-53. Geophytology 0 Bryology
1626 Singh AP, Johari D – Microlepia speluncae (Pteridophytes): A new record and additional taxonomic circumscription from Terai region (marshlands) of Uttar Pradesh, India.  Geophytology, 2017, 47(1): 1-9. Geophytology 0 Pteridology
1627 Sharma SK, Pal Krishan, Singh KP, Tewari SK – Effect of integrated nutrient management on quality production of african marigold (Tagete serectaL.). HortFlora Research Spectrum, 2017, 6(4): 288-91. HortFlora Research Spectrum 0 Biomass
1628 Khuraijam, JS, Sharma SC,  Roy RK -. Orchids: Potential Ornamental Crop in North India. International Journal of Horticultural & Crop Science Research, 2017, 7(1): 1-8 IJHCSR 0 Botanic Garden
1629 Tiwari Sudeep, Pandey S, Chauhan PS, Pandey R –  Biocontrol agents in co-inoculation manages root knot nematode [Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White) Chitwood] and enhances essential oil content in Ocimum basilicum L. Industrial Crops and Products, 2017,97:292-301. Ind Crop Prod 3.849 Microbiology
1630 Mishra T, Pal M, Kumar Anil, Rai D, Tewari SK –  Termiticidal Activity of Punica granatum fruit rind fractions and its compounds against Microcerotermes beesoni. Industrial Crops and Products, 2017,107:320-25. Ind Crop Prod 3.849 Phytochemistry
1631 Bajpai V, Kumar Sunil, Singh A, Bano N, Pathak M, Kumar N, Misra-Bhattacharya S, Kumar B – Metabolic fingerprinting of dioecious Tinospora cordifolia (Thunb) Miers stem using DART TOF MS and differential pharmacological efficacy of its male and female plants. Industrial Crops and Products, 2017,101:46-53. Ind Crop Prod 3.849 Plant Physiology
1632 Dhar P, Dhar DG, Rawat AKS, Srivastava SK – Medicinal chemistry and biological potential of Cyperus rotundus Linn.: An overview to discover elite chemotype(s) for industrial use. Industrial Crops and Products, 2017, 108: 232-47. Ind Crop Prod 3.849 Herbal Drugs
1633 Daimari R, Nayaka S, Upreti DK, Hoque RR – New records of lichen for the mycota of Assam state, Eastern Himalaya. Indian Forester, 2017, 143(3): 239-44. Indian For 0 Lichenology
1634 Kashyap AK, Lal Bahadur, Tewari SK – Integrated nutrient management in Oat (Avena sativa L.) under reclaimed sodic soil. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 2017,51 (1): 78-81. Indian J agric Res 0 Biomass
1635 Gautam KK, Kaur C, Raj R, Kumar S, Jaidi M, Raj SK, Purshottam DK, Roy RK – Elimination of Cucumber mosaic virus from gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) cv. Zingaro through in vitro chemotherapy of capitulum explants. Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 2017, 16(4): 641-47. Indian J Biotechnol 0.368 Virology
1636 Kumar BK, Arya V, Upreti DK – Lichens as Key Indicators of Forest Health in Sauni-Binsar Grove, Kumaun Himalaya, India. Indian Journal of Ecology, 2017, 44(3): 654-57. Indian J Ecol 0 Lichenology
1637 Singh G, Saema S, Singh S, Misra P – Effect of antioxidant protection system on regeneration potential of different chemotypes of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal―A comparative analysis. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 2017, 55(4): 242-50. Indian J Exp Biol 0 Tissue Culture
1638 Sharma C, Irshad S, Khatoon S, Arya K -Pharmacognostical evaluation of Indian folk-traditional plants Coelogyne cristata and Pholidota articulata used for healing fractures. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 2017, 55(9):622-27. Indian J Exp Biol 0 Herbal Drugs
1639 Gupta SS, Azmi L, Shukla I, Mohapatra PK, Rao ChV -Protective effect of standardized extract of Glycine max seeds against experimentally induced gastroesophageal reflux disease in rats. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 2017, 55(11):768-75. Indian J Exp Biol 0 Herbal Drugs
1640 Pande N, Gupta D, Rawat KK, Sahu V, Asthana AK –  Rediscovery of Anthelia julacea (L.) Dumort. (Marchantiophyta: Antheliaceae) from India. Indian Journal of Forestry, 2017, 40 (2): 173-75. Indian J For 0 Bryology
1641 Randive R, Joseph S, Nayaka S, Janarthanam MK – Notes on foliicolous lichens from Western Ghats part of Goa, India. Indian Journal of Forestry, 2017, 40(3): 217-21. Indian J For 0 Lichenology
1642 Rawat KK, Gupta D, Sahai K – Flowering behavior of Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) Muell. Arg. In three forest communities of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh. Indian Journal of Forestry, 40 (4): 2017, 403-07. Indian J For 0 Seed Biology
1643 Sahu V, Asthana AK – A rare moss Grimmia nepalensis Mitt. (Bryophyta) new to India. Indian Journal of Forestry, 2017, 40(4) 323-25. Indian J For 0 Bryology
1644 Kumar Bhanu, Shukla PK, Niranjan A, Misra A, Rawat AKS, Srivastava SK – RP-HPLC quantification of five phenolic compounds in Biophytum sensitivum (L.) DC. (Oxalidaceae) and their biological evaluation. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 2017, 16(2): 319-24. Indian J Tradit Know 1.061 Herbal Drugs
1645 Pandey MM, Rastogi S, Khatoon S, MehrotrS, Rawat AKS- Evaluation of Ayurvedic compound formulations 6-Panchkola Churna. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 2017, 16(3): 514-18. Indian J Tradit Know 1.061 Herbal Drugs
1646 Sharma M, Sharma S, Sharma V, Sharma K, Yadav SK, Dwivedi P, Agrawal S, Paliwal SK, Dwivedi AK, Maikhuri JP, Gupta G, Mishra PR, Rawat AKS – Oleanolic–bioenhancer coloaded chitosan modified nanocarriers attenuate breast cancer cells by multimode mechanism and preserve female fertility. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017, 104(Pt A): 1345-58. Int J Biol Macromol 3.909 Herbal Drugs
1647 Khatoon S – A novel histological approach for identification of alkaloid bearing plants. International Journal of Botany, 2017: 13(1): 28-36. Int J Bot 0 Herbal Drugs
1648 Shukla AK, Srivastava PK, Singh B, Behera SK, Thomas T – Litterfall patterns and soil nutrient chemistry in varied tropical deciduous forests. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2017, 5(6) 1203-10. Int J Chem Stud 0 Environmental Sciences
1649 Singh U, John SA, Verma J, Shukla BM, Devranjan, Kumar S – Herbarium data management system (HDMS): Software for providing web based methods for value addition in herbarium specimen. International Journal of Current Innovation Research, 2017, 3(6): 686-90. Int J Curr Innovat Res 0 Herbarium
1650 Godheja J, Shekhar SK, Satyanarayan GNV, Singh SP,  Modi DR – Antibiotic and heavy metal tolerance of some indigenous bacteria isolated from petroleum contaminated soil sediments with a study of their aromatic hydrocarbon degradation potential. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2017, 6(3): 194-211. Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 0 Microbiology
1651 Snehi SK, Purvia AS, Parihar SS, Gupta G, Singh V, Raj SK – Overview of Begomovirus genomic organization and its impact. International Journal of Current Research, 2017, 9(11):61368-80. Int J Curr Res 0 Virology
1652 Baruah R, Mishra SK, Kalita DJ, Silla Y, Chauhan PS, Singh AK, Boruah HPD – Assessment of bacterial diversity associated with crude oil-contaminated soil samples from Assam. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2017, 14(10): 2155-72. Int J Environ Sci Te 2.037 Microbiology
1653 Singh D,  Amresh G, Shukla Pushpendra Kumar, Singh S, Singh RP – Phytochemical and in vivo pharmacological evaluation of various extracts of Ficus racemosa L. International Journal of Green Pharmacy, 2017,11(4):268-75. Int J Green Pharm 0 Herbal Drugs
1654 Gautam A, Verma P, Paswan SK, Shukla I, Rao ChV – Antihyperlipidemic activity of ethanolic extract of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius tuber in triton WR 1339 induced hyperlipidemic rats.International Journal of Pharmacognosy, 2017, 4(1): 15-22. Int J Pharmacog 0 Pharmacology
1655 Mishra T, Singh NB, Singh N – Restoration of red mud deposits by naturally growing vegetation. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2017, 19(5):439-45. Int J Phytoremediat 1.886 Eco-Auditing
1656 Gupta R, Asthana AK – Distributional pattern of genus Hypnum Hedw. (Bryophyta) in relation to habitat and altitude at Darjeeling hills (Eastern Himalaya). International Journal of Plant and Environment, 2017, 3(1): 21-24. Int J Plant Environ 0 Bryology
1657 Sahu V, Rawat KK, Srivastava A, Asthana AK – In-vitro propagation of saprophytic moss Splachnum sphaericum Hedw. International Journal of Plant and Environment, 2017, 3(2): 47-50. Int J Plant Environ 0 Bryology
1658 Sahu N, Singh A, Khatoon S, Kumar B, Arya KR – Macro-microscopic and LCMS markers for identification and authentication of herbal formulations of Taraxacum officinale and Launaea procumbens. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2017, 8(2):286-95. Int J Res Pharm Sci 0 Herbal Drugs
1659 Khare S, Chatterjee T, Chaturvedi Amiy Dutt – Proteomic approach of medicinal plant and its informatics use in health science. International Journal of Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Biomedical, 2017, 2(2):1-5. International Journal of Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Biomedical 0 Environmental Sciences
1660 Chandrawati D, Singh N, Kumar R,  Ranade SA, Yadav HK – Agro-morphological traits and microsatellite markers based genetic diversity in Indian genotypes of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2017, 19(3):707-18. J Agr SCI Tech-Iran 0.89 Pl Breed & Genetics
1661 Gupta A, Agrawal VK, Rao ChV- Exploration of analgesic and antiinflammatory potential of Lagerstroemia speciosa. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2017, 7 (2): 156-61 J App Pharm Sci 0 Pharmacology
1662 Dixit G, Praveen A, Tripathi T, Yadav VK, Verma PC – Herbivore-responsive cotton phenolics and their impact on insect performance and biochemistry. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 2017, 20(2): 341-51. J Asia-Pac Entomol 0.875 MB
1663 Singh AP, Johari D, Khare PB – A checklist of the pteridophytes (Ferns and Fern-Allies) of Uttar Pradesh, India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 2017, 114: 1-17. J Bombay Nat Hist Soc 0 Pteridology
1664 Asthana AK, Gupta D, Sahu V, Rawat KK (Ellis LT et al.) – New national and regional bryophyte records 52. (Acrobolbus ciliatus Mitt, Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce, Delongia glacialis (C.C.Towns.) N.E.Bell, Kariyawasam, Hedd. & Hyvönen and Herbertus dicranus (Taylor ex Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees) Trevis. Journal of Bryology, 2017, 39(3):285-86 and 290-92. J Bryol 1.079 Bryology
1665 Rawat KK, Sahu V, Asthana AK (Ellis LT et al.)  – New national and regional bryophyte records, 50: Lophozia ventricosa (Dicks.) Dumort. Var. ventricosa. Journal of Bryology, 2017, 39(1): 106-107. J Bryol 1.079 Bryology
1666 Gupta D, Rawat KK, Sahu V, Asthana AK (Ellis LT et al)  – New national and regional bryophyte records, 52: Acrobolbus ciliatus Mitt., Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce; Delongia glacialis (C.C.Towns.) N.E.Bell, Kariyawasam, Hedd. & Hyvönen; Herbertus dicranus (Taylor ex Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees) Trevis.  Journal of Bryology, 2017, 39(3): 285-86, 290-92. J Bryol 1.079 Bryology
1667 Kumar S, Kumar M, Yadav HK, Sharma S -Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev) germplasm based on RAPD markers. Journal of Environmental Biology,38(3) : 457-64. J Environ Biol 0.727 Pl Breed & Genetics
1668 Singh AK, Rai A, Pandey V, Singh N – Contribution of glomalin to dissolve organic carbon under different land uses and seasonality in dry tropics. Journal of Environmental Management, 2017, 192: 142-49. J Environ Manage 4.005 Eco-Auditing
1669  Shula  Shipra, Hegde S, Pal M, Tewari SK, Katiyar RS, Upreti DK – Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oil from leaves of Justicia adhatoda against methicillian resistant and sensitive strain along with their clinical isolates. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 2017,20(1):116-22. J Essent Oil Bear Pl 0.681 Phytochemistry
1670 Misra T, Srivastava M, Kumar Anil, Pal M, Tewari SK – Chemiccl Composition and termiticidal activity of Artemisia nilagirica essential oil growing in southern hilly regions of India. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 2017, 20(1):247-52. J Essent Oil Bear Pl 0.681 Phytochemistry
1671 Rawat P, Azad A, Kumar Anil, Singh TD, Pal M – A comparative study of chemical constituents and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Litchi chinensis growing in different geographical areas of India. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 2017,20(6):1627-32. J Essent Oil Bear Pl 0.681 Phytochemistry
1672 Pandey G, Gupta SS, Bhatia A, Sidhu OP, Rawat AKS, Rao ChV – Grilling enhances antidiarrheal activity of Terminalia bellerica Roxb. Fruits. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2017, 202:63-66. J Ethnopharmacol 3.115 Herbal Drugs
1673 Singh Niraj, Meena B, Pal AK, Roy RK, Tewari SK, Tamta S, Rana TS – Nucleotide diversity and phylogenetic relationships among Gladiolus cultivars and related taxa of family Iridaceae. Journal of Genetics, 2017, 96(1):135-45. J Genet 0.672 Floriculture
1674 Mishra T, Pandey VC, Singh Pratiksha, Singh NB, Singh N – Assessment of phytoremediation potential of native grass species growing on red mud deposits. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2017, 182(Part B):206-09. J Geochem Explor 2.858 Eco-auditing
1675 Khare R, Kumar Smita, Shukla T, Ranjan A, Trivedi PK –  Differential sulphur assimilation mechanism regulates response of Arabidopsis thaliana natural variation towards arsenic stress under limiting sulphur condition. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 337:198-207. J Hazard Mater 6.434 MB
1676 Singh N, Pal AK, Meena Baleshwar, Roy RK, Tamta S, Rana TS – Development of ISSR- and RAPD-derived SCAR markers for identification of Gladiolus germplasm . Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2017, 92(6): 577-82. J Hortic Sci Biotech 0.715 Angiosperm
1677 Ortuno-Sahagun D,  Zanker K, Rawat AKS,  Kaveri SV, Hegde P – Natural Immunomodulators. Journal of Immunology Research, 2017, Article Number: 7529408. J Immunol Res 3.298 Herbal Drugs
1678 Singh A, Bajpai V, Kumar Sunil, Rawat AKS, Kumar Brijesh – Analysis of isoquinoline alkaloids from Mahonia leschenaultia and Mahonia napaulensis roots using UHPLC-Orbitrap-MSn and UHPLC-QqQLIT-MS/MS. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2017, 7(2):77-86. J Pharm Analysis 0 Herbal Drugs
1679 Singh PC, Shukla Deepali, Fatima T, Nautiyal CS, Johri JK – Biological control of Fusarium sp. NBRI-PMSF12 pathogenic to cultivated betelvine by Bacillus sp. NBRI-W9, a potential biological control agent. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2017, 36(1):106-17. J Plant Growth Regul 2.047 Microbiology
1680 Rai A, Kumar S, Bauddh K, Singh N, Singh RP – Improvement in growth and alkaloid content of Rauwolfia serpentina on application of organic matrix entrapped biofertilizers (Azotobacter chroococcum, Azospirillum brasilense and Pseudomonas putida). Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2017, 40(16): 2237-47. J Plant Nutr 0.565 Eco-Auditing
1681 Upadhyay RK, Gupta A, Soni D, Garg R, Pathre UV, Nath P, Sane AP – Ectopic expression of a tomato DREB gene affects several ABA processes and influences plant growth and root architecture in an age-dependent manner. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2017, 214: 97-107. J Plant Physiol 2.833 Plant Physiology
1682 Singh AP, Johari D, Khare PB- Studies on ontogeny and reproductive behaviour of Lepisorus nudus (Hook.) Ching (Polypodiaceae). Journal of Plant Research, 2017, 130(2):281-90. J Plant Res 2 Environmental Sciences
1683 Sharma M, Gupta SK, Majumder B, Maurya VK, Deeba F, Alam F, Pandey V  – Salicylic acid mediated growth, physiological and proteomic responses in two wheat varieties under drought stress. Journal of Proteomics, 2017, 163:28-51. J Proteomics 3.722 Plant Physiology
1684 Srivastav N, Srivastava SK, Rachit, Chand Jai, Rawat AKS – A Modified HPTLC Method Development and Validation for Comparative Quantification of Analgesic Salicin in Industrially Important Bergenia Species. Journal of Research Analytica, 2017, 3(3): 114-19 J Res Anal 0 Herbal Drugs
1685 Singh V, Singh G, Pal M, Tandon K – Treatment of lichen planus: A comparative study. Journal of Traditional Medicine & Clinical Naturopathy, 2017, 6: 246 (Page-1-4). J Tradit Med Clin Natur 0 Phytochemistry
1686 Verma P, Paswan SK, Raj A, Nath V, Gupta RK, Verma S, Srivastava Sajal, Rao ChV – Hematological, antioxidant and protective performance of  Usnea longissima on chemical induced hepatotoxicity in experimental animals. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 2017, 5(5): 224-32. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine 0 Pharmacology
1687 Paswan SK, Gautam A, Verma P, Rao ChV, Sidhu OP, Singh AP, Srivastava Sajal – The Indian magical herb ‘Sanjeevni’ (Selaginella bryopteris L.) – A promising anti-inflammatory phytomedicine for the treatment of patients with inflammatory skin diseases. Journal of Pharmacopuncture, 2017, 20(2):93-99. Journal of Pharmacopuncture 0 Pharmacology
1688 Dixit V, Irshad S, Singh Harsh, Agnihotri P, Husain T, Khatoon S – High-performance thin-layer chromatographic determination of three therapeutic phenolic components in Leucas species.   JPC – Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC, 2017, 30(1): 25-31. JPC-J Planar Chromat 0.459 Herbal Drugs
1689 Niranjan A, Ngpoore NK, Anis N, Kumar Anil, Lehri A, Shirke PA, Tewari SK –  Simultaneous quantification of six phenolic compounds in various parts of Moringa oleifera Lam. Using high-performance thin-layer chromatography.   JPC – Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC, 2017, 30(6): 502-09. JPC-J Planar Chromat 0.459 Phytochemistry
1690 Kumar R, Yadav R, Soi S, Srinivasan, Yadav SS, Yadav A, Mishra JP, Mittal N, Yadav N, Kumar A, Vaishali, Yadav H, Upadhyaya HD – Morpho-molecular characterization of landraces/wild genotypes of Cicer for biotic/ abiotic stresses.  Legume Research, 2018, 40 (6): 974-84. Legume Res 0.232 MB
1691 Joshi S, Upreti DK, Thanh NT, Nguyen AD, Hur JS – New and interesting species in the family Graphidaceae (Ascomycota: Ostropales) from Vietnam. Lichenologist, 2017, 49(3):259-68. Lichenologist 1.865 Lichenology
1692 Imran M, Pant P, Shanbhag,  YP, Sawant SV, Ghadi SC – Genome sequence of microbulbifer mangrovi DD-13T reveals Its versatility to degrade multiple polysaccharides. Marine Biotechnology, 2017, 19(1):116-24. Mar Biotechnol 2.328 MB
1693 Mahar KS, Palni LMS, Ranade SA, Pande Veena, Rana TS – Molecular analyses of genetic variation and phylogenetic relationship in Indian soap nut (Sapindus L.) and closely related taxa of the family Sapindaceae. Meta Gene, 2017, 13: 50-56. Meta Gene 0 Angiosperm
1694 Kumari M, Pandey S, Giri VP, Bhattacharya A, Shukla R, Mishra A, Nautiyal CS – Tailoring shape and size of biogenic silver nanoparticles to enhance antimicrobial efficacy against MDR bacteria. Microbial Pathogenesis, 2017, 105:346-55. Microb Pathogenesis 2.332 Microbiology
1695 Misra S, Dixit VK, Khan MH, Mishra SK, Dviwedi G, Yadav Sumit, Lehri A, Chauhan PS –  Exploitation of agro-climatic environment for selection of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase producing salt tolerant indigenous plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. Microbiological Research, 2017, 205 : 25-34. Microbiol Res 2.777 Microbiology
1696 Joshi S, Upreti DK, Hur JS- Key to the lichen families Pyrenulaceae and Trypetheliaceae in Vietnam, with eight new records. Mycotaxon, 2017, 132(4):957-69. Mycotaxon 0.815 Lichenology
1697 Gupta R, Nath V, Asthana AK – Two species of Fissidens (Fissidentaceae): New to Indian Bryoflora. National Academy Science Letters-India, 2017: 40(4): 295-99. Natl Acad Sci Lett (India) 0.519 Bryology
1698 Asthana AK, Srivastava P, Omar I – Frullania larjiana S.K. Singh & D.K. Singh, a new addition to south Indian bryoflora. National Academy Science Letters-India, 2017, 40(6): 451-53. Natl Acad Sci Lett (India) 0.519 Bryology
1699 Aslam M, Handoo SA, Bazaz MA, Sharma OP, Reshi ZA, Khuraijam JS, Siddiqi TO – Ethnomedicinal properties, phytoconstituents and biological utilitization of Taxus wallichiana Zucc.: An overview.NeBIO, 2017, 8(1):67-77. NeBIO 0 Botanic Garden
1700 Jaidi M, Kumar S, Raj SK – First report of Chilli leaf curl India virus infecting Mirabilis jalapa in India. New Disease Reports, 2017, 35(2):02. New Dis Rep 0 Virology
1701 Prasad MG, Roy RK, Sunojkumar P – Re-establishment of the overlooked species Torenia godefroyi (Linderniaceae), and notes on the identity of T. lindernioides. Nordic Journal of Botany, 2017, 35(1): 45-47 Nordic Journal of Botany 0.846 Botanic Garden
1702 Adhikari S, Saha S, Biswas A, Rana TS, Bandyopadhyay TK, Ghosh P – Application of molecular markers in plant genome analysis: a review. Nucleus, 2017, 60(3): 283-97. Nucleus 2.21 Angiosperm
1703 Pathak AK, Singh V, Pal M, Mishra T, Goel K, Gupta VS – Evaluation of topical application of vajradanti gel in prevention of gingivitis. Open Journal of Stomatology, 2017, 7: 105-12. Open Journal of Stomatology 0 Phytochemistry
1704 Logesh AR, Chinlampianga M, Shukla AC, Upreti DK – Studies on lichens of Mizoram, Northheast India. P Natl Acad Sci India, Sect. B Biol Sci, 2015, 1-13. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 2017, 87(2): 445-47. P Natl A Sci India B 0 Lichenology
1705 Rai H, Nag P, Khare R, Upreti DK, Gupta RK – Twenty-eight new records of lichenized fungi from Nepal: A signature of undiscovered biodiversity in Central Himalaya. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 2017, 87(4):1363-76. P Natl A Sci India B 0 Lichenology
1706 Misra A, Shukla PK, Kumar Bhanu, Niranjan A, Rawat AKS, Srivastava SK – Simultaneous-HPLC quantification of phenolic acids in traditionally used ayurvedic herb Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) Jeffry. Pharmacognosy Journal, 2017: 9(4): 483-87. Pharmacog J 0 Herbal Drugs
1707 Misra A, Srivastava A, Khalid M, Kushwaha P, Srivastava SK – Evaluation of anti arthritic potential of Gloriosa superba (L.) elite germplasm collected from Eastern Himalayas, India . Pharmacogn J, 2017: 9(6) Suppl1: s87-s92. Pharmacog J 0 Herbal Drugs
1708 Ved A, Gupta A, Rawat AKS – Antioxidant and hepatoprotective potential of phenol-rich fraction of Juniperus communis Linn. Leaves. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2017, 13(49):108-13. Pharmacogn Mag 1.525 Herbal Drugs
1709 Verma Anjali, Kumar Anil, Upreti DK, Pande Veena, Pal M – Fatty acid profiling and in vitro antihyperglycemic effect of Leucas cephalotes (Roth) spreng via carbohydrate hydrolyzing enzyme inhibition. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2017, 13(49):22-25. Pharmacogn Mag 1.525 Phytochemistry
1710 Gupta SS, Azmi L, Mohapatra PK, Rao ChV – Flavonoids from whole plant of Euphorbia hirta and their evaluation against experimentally induced gastroesophageal reflux disease in rats. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2017, 13(49):127-34. Pharmacogn Mag 1.525 Pharmacology
1711 Misra A, Shukla PK, Kumar B, Chand J, Kushwaha P, Khalid M, Rawat AKS, Srivastava SK  – High-performance Thin-layer Chromatographic-densitometric Quantification and Recovery of Bioactive Compounds for Identification of Elite Chemotypes of Gloriosa superba L. Collected from Sikkim Himalayas (India) . Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2017, 13(51):700-05. Pharmacogn Mag 1.525 Pharmacology
1712 Khan F, Upreti P, Singh R, Shukla PK, Shirke PA – Physiological performance of two contrasting rice varieties under water stress. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2017, 23(1):85-97. Physiol Mol Biol Plants 1.151 Plant Physiology
1713 Chandrawati, Singh Neha, Kumar Sujit, Singh PK, Yadav VK, Ranade SA, Yadav HK  – Genetic diversity, population structure and association analysis in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2017, 23(1):207-19. Physiol Mol Biol Plants 1.151 MB
1714 Mishra MK, Srivastava Meenal, Singh G, Tiwari S, Niranjan A, Misra P – Overexpression of Withania somnifera SGTL1 gene resists the interaction of fungus Alternaria brassicicola in Arabidopsis thaliana. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2017, 97:11-19. Physiol Mol Plant Pathol 1.395 MB
1715 Singh G, Tiwari M, Singh Surendra Pratap, Singh R, Singh S, Shirke PA, Trivedi PK, Mishra P – Sterol glycosyltransferases required for adaptation of Withania somnifera at high temperature. Physiologia Plantarum, 2017, 160(3):297-311. Physiol Plantarum 2.58 Plant Physiology
1716 Bajpai V, Kumar Sunil, Singh A, Singh J, Negi MPS, Bag SK, Kumar N, Konwar R, Kymar B – Chemometric Based Identification and Validation of Specific Chemical Markers for Geographical, Seasonal and Gender Variations in Tinospora cordifolia Stem using HPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS Analysis. Phtochemical Analysis, 2017, 28(4):277-88. Phytochem anal 2.337 MB
1717 Shabir M, Agnihotri P, Husain D, Tiwari JK,  Husain T – Lectotypification of the names of three species of Gentiana (Gentianaceae) occurring in India. Phytotaxa, 2017, 324(3):293-97. Phytotaxa 1.185 Angiosperm
1718 Agnihotri P, Husain D, Husain T – Lectotypification of three names in genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) from India. Phytotaxa, 2017, 329(2):187-89. Phytotaxa 1.185 Angiosperm
1719 Yadav VK, Yadav VK, Pant P, Singh SP, Maurya R, Sable A, Sawant SV – GhMYB1 regulates SCW stage-specific expression of the GhGDSL promoter in the fibers of Gossypium hirsutum L. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2017, 15(9): 1163-74. Plant Biotechnol J 6.305 MB
1720 Singh Pooja, Khan Sana, Kumar Susheel, Rahman L – Establishment of an efficient Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation system in Pelargonium graveolens: an important aromatic plant. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 2017, 129(1):35-52. Plant Cell Tiss Org 2.004 Virology
1721 Singh Niraj, Pal AK, Roy RK, Tamta S, Rana TS – Development of cpSSR markers for analysis of genetic diversity in Gladiolus cultivars. Plant Gene, 2017, 10: 31-36. Plant Gene 0 Floriculture
1722 Singh Amit Pal, Dixit G, Kumar Amit, Mishra Seema, Kumar Navin, Dixit S, Singh PK, Dwivedi S, Trivedi PK, Pandey V, Dhankher OP, Norton GJ, Chakrabarty D, Tripathi RD – A protective role for nitric oxide and salicylic acid for arsenite phytotoxicity in rice (Oryza sativa L.).  Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2017,115: 163-73. Plant Physiol Biochem 2.718 Environmental Sciences
1723 Kumari M, Pandey S, Bhattacharya A, Mishra A, Nautiyal CS – Protective role of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles against early blight disease in Solanum lycopersicum. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2017, 121: 216-25. Plant Physiol Biochem 2.718 Microbiology
1724 Misra Aparna, Khan K, Niranjan A, Kumar Vinod, Sane VA – Heterologous expression of two GPATs from Jatropha curcas alters seed oil levels in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Science, 2017, 263: 79-88. Plant Sci 3.712 MB
1725 Luxmi Raj, Garg R, Srivastava Sudhakar, Sane AP – Expression of the SIN3 homologue from banana, MaSIN3, suppresses ABA responses globally during plant growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Science, 2017, 264: 69-72. Plant Sci 3.712 MB
1726 Shabir Mohd, Agnihotri  Husain D, Tiwari JK, Husain T – On the current status of the genus Gentiana L. (Gentianaceae) in India.  Pleione, 2017, 11(1):16-24. Pleione 0 Angiosperm
1727 Khuraijam JK, Agnihotri P, Katiyar P, Husain D, Husain T, Barik SK – Occurrence of globally threatened Hoya pandurata Tsian (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) in Manipur – a new record for India. Pleione, 2017, 11(2): 501-04. Pleione 0 Angiosperm
1728 Verma Giri, Dhar YV, Srivastava Dipali, Kidwai M, Chauhan PS, Bag SK, Asif MH, Chakrabarty D – Genome-wide analysis of rice dehydrin gene family: Its evolutionary conservedness and expression pattern in response to PEG induced dehydration stress.  PloS One, 2017, 12(5): Article number: e0176399. PLos One 2.766 Microbiology
1729 Pandey Renu, Kumar B, Meena Baleshwar, Srivastava Mukesh, Mishra Tripti, Tiwari Vandana, Pal M, Nair KN, Upreti DK, Rana TS – Major bioactive phenolics in Bergenia species from the Indian Himalayan region: Method development, validation and quantitative estimation using UHPLC-QqQLIT-MS/MS.Plos One,2017, 12(7): Article Number e0180950. PLoS One 2.766 Angiosperm
1730 Gupta S, Rai H, Upreti DK-Lichenized fungi Phaeophyscia (Physciaceae,   Ascomycota) as indicator of ambient air heavy metal deposition, along land use gradient in an alpine habitat of Western Himalaya, India. Pollution Research, 2017,36(1) : 150-57. Pollut Res 0 Lichenology
1731 Atul PK, Verma R, Kant R, Pal M, More NK – Effect of chlorpyrifos and Boerhavia diffusa extract on haemato-biochemical parameters in indigenous male domestic fowl. Progressive Research, 2017, 12: 52-57. Prog Res 0 Phytochemistry
1732 Yadav R, Mehrotra M, Singh AK, Niranjan A, Singh Rani, Sanyal I, Lehri A, Pande Veena, Amla DV – Improvement in Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) by the inhibition of polyphenolics released during wounding of cotyledonary node explants. Protoplasma, 2017, 254(1):253-69. Protoplasma 2.457 MB
1733 Varun Priyanka, Ranade SA, Saxena S – A molecular insight into papaya leaf curl—a severe viral disease. Protoplasma, 2017, 245(6): 2055-70. Protoplasma 2.457 MB
1734 Azmi L, Gupta SS, Shukla I, Kant P, Sidhu OP, Rao ChV – Effect of squalene in surgically induced gastro-oesophageal reflux disease on rats. Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, 2017, 9(1):01-09. Res J Pharmacol Pharmacodynamics 0 Pharmacology
1735 Mishra T, Shukla Shipra, Meena S, Singh R, Pal M, Upreti DK, Datta D – Isolation and identification of cytotoxic compounds from a fruticose lichen Roccella montagnei, and it’s in silico docking study against CDK-10. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia-Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy, 2017, 27 (6): 724-28. Rev Bras Farmacogn 1.596 Phytochemistry
1736 Tripathi Swati, Singh Shilpi, Roy RK – Pollen morphology of Bougainvillea (Nyctaginaceae): A popular ornamental plant of tropical and sub-tropical gardens of the world. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2017, 239:31-46. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 1.665 Botanic Garden
1737 Srivastava SK, Misra A, Mishra P, Shukla P, Kumar Manish,  Sundaresan V, Negi KS, Agrawal PK, Rawat AKS – Molecular and chemotypic variability of forskolin in Coleus forskohlii Briq., a high value industrial crop collected from Western Himalayas (India). RSC Advances, 2017, 7: 8843-51. RSC Adv 2.936 Herbal Drugs
1738 Pandey SP, Srivastava Shruti, Goel R, Lakhwani D, Singh P, Asif MH, Sane AP – Simulated herbivory in chickpea causes rapid changes in defense pathways and hormonal transcription networks of JA/ethylene/GA/auxin within minutes of wounding.Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, Article number: 44729. Sci Rep 4.122 MB
1739 Singh V,Goel R, Pande V,  Asif MH, Mohanty CS – De novo sequencing and comparative analysis of leaf transcriptomes of diverse condensed tannin-containing lines of underutilized Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: Article Number – 44733. Sci Rep 4.122 MB
1740 Singh PK, Indoliya Y, Chauhan AS, Singh SP, Singh Amil Pal, Dwivedi S, Tripathi RD, Chakrabarty D -Nitric oxide mediated transcriptional modulation enhances plant adaptive responses to arsenic stress . Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: Article Number: 3592. Sci Rep 4.122 MB
1741 Bhambhani S, Lakhwani D, Gupta P, Pandey A, Dhar YV, Bag SK, Asif MH, Trivedi PK – Transcriptome and metabolite analyses in Azadirachta indica: identification of genes involved in biosynthesis of bioactive triterpenoids. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1):  Article Number: 5043. Sci Rep 4.122 MB
1742 Kumar Navin, Dubey AK, Upadhyay AK, Gautam A, Ranjan R, Srikishna S, Sahu N, Behera SK, Mallick S – GABA accretion reduces Lsi-1 and Lsi-2 gene expressions and modulates physiological responses in Oryza sativa to provide tolerance towards arsenic. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): Article Number – 8786. Sci Rep 4.122 Environmental Sciences
1743 Chaurasia AK, Patil HB, Krishna B, Subramaniam VR, Sane PV, Sane AP – Flowering time in banana (Musa spp.), a day neutral plant, is controlled by at least three FLOWERING LOCUS T homologues. Scientific Reports, 2017,7(1): Article Number -5935. Sci Rep 4.122 MB
1744 Arya SK, Jain G, Upadhyay SK, Sarita, Singh H, Dixit S, Verma PC – Reference genes validation in Phenacoccus solenopsis under various biotic and abiotic stress conditions. Scientific Reports, 2017,7(1): Article Number -13520. Sci Rep 4.122 MB
1745 Mishra S, Mattusch J and Wennrich R – Accumulation and transformation of inorganic and organic arsenic in rice and role of thiol-complexation to restrict their translocation to shoot. Scientific Reports, 2017,7 : Article Number -40522. Sci Rep 4.122 Environmental Sciences
1746 Ingle KK, Trivedi S, Nayaka S, Upreti DK – The lichen genera Dictyomeridium and Polymeridium (Trypetheliales: Trypetheliaceae) in India. Taiwania, 2017, 62(1): 50-54. Taiwania 0.421 Lichenology
1747 Tripathi AM, Yadav A, Saikia SP, Roy S –  Global gene expression pattern in a forest tree species, Tectona grandis (Linn. F.), under limited water supply. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2017, 13(3): Article Number 66. Tree Genet Genomes 1.829 MB
1748 Singh BN, Upreti DK, Gupta VK, Dai XF, Jiang Y – Endolichenic fungi: A hidden reservoir of next generation biopharmaceuticals. Trends in Biotechnology, 2017, 35(9):808-13. Trends Biotechnol 13.578 Herbal Drugs
1749 Singh BN, Prateeksha, Gupta VK, Chen J, Atanasov AG – Organic Nanoparticle-Based Combinatory Approaches for Gene Therapy. Trends in Biotechnology, 2017, 35(12):1121-24. Trends Biotechnol 13.578 Herbal Drugs
1750 Bisht A, S Irshad S, Rawat AKS, Dwivedi H – Pharmacognostical studies on Saraca asoca (Roxb.) Willd. flower. Tropical Plant Research, 2017, 4(1):153-60. Trop Plant Res 0 Herbal Drugs
1751 Patel AK, Suseela MR, Singh M, Nayaka S – Change in physico-chemical character of nutrient media and carpet effluent in presence of six algae monocultures and their consortia. Tropical Plant Research, 2017, 4(2): 192–202. Trop Plant Res 0 Algae
1752 Mohabe S, Devi AB, Reddy AM, Pandhava G, Nayaka S – New distributional records in lichen family Graphidaceae for Andhra Pradesh, India. Tropical Plant Research, 2017, 4(3):383-90. Trop Plant Res 0 Lichenology
1753 Kumar Myusuf MA, Chauhan PS, Nigam M, Kumar M – Pseudomonas putida and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens alleviates the adverse effect of pesticides and poise soil enzymes activities in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) rhizosphere. Tropical Plant Research 2017, 4(3): 405-18. Trop Plant Res 0 Microbiology
1754 Poonam, Gautam A, Mallick S, Srivastava Sudhakar – A Successive application approach for effective utilization of three aquatic plants in Arsenic removal. Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 2017, 228(2): Article Number-54 (Page 1-7). Water Air Soil Poll 1.769 Environmental Sciences
1755 Poonam, Upadhyay MK, Gautam A, Mallick S, Srivastava Sudhakar – A successive application approach for effective utilization of three aquatic plants in arsenic removal. Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 2017, 228(2): 54. Water Air Soil Poll 1.769 Environmental Sciences
1756 Tripathi A, Yadav AK, Mishra PK, Rao ChV -Hepatoprotective activity of Ficus carica Linn stems extract against carbon tetrachloride liver damage in Wistar rats. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2017, 6(5):766-68. World J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci 0 Pharmacology
1757 Trivedi MH, Ramana KV, Rao ChV – Anti inflammatory and analgesic activities of Cordia monoica roxb stem. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2017, 6(9):1530-36. World J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci 0 Pharmacology
1758 Azmi L, Shukla I, Gupta SS, Paswan SK, Kant P, Rao ChV – HDNC (1-hydroxy-5, 7-dimethoxy-2 naphthalene-carboxaldehyde) for rapid recovery of gastric damage in incision wound model of rats. Wound Medicine, 2017, 18:47-51. Wound Med 0 Pharmacology
1759 Skelley P, Xu, G, Tang, W, Lindstrom, AJ, Marler T, Khuraijam JS, Singh R, Radha P, Rich S  – Review of Cycadophila Xu, Tang & Skelley (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Pharaxonothinae) inhabiting Cycas (Cycadaceae) in Asia, with descriptions of a new subgenus and thirteen new species. Zootaxa, 2017, 4267(1):1-63. Zootaxa 0.931 Botanic Garden
S.No Paper Title Journal Impact Factor Area
1315 Chandra LR, Gupta S, Pande V, Singh N – Impact of forest vegetation on soil characteristics: a correlation between soil biological and physico-chemical properties. 3 Biotech, 2015, 6:Article Number: 188. 3 Biotech 1.361 Eco-Auditing
1316 Kondratyuk SY, Lokos L, Halda JP, Upreti DK, Mishra GK, Moniri MH, Farkas E, Park JS, Lee BG, Liu D, Woo JJ, Layalal RGU, Oh SO and Hur JS – New and noteworthy lichen forming and lichenicolous fungi 5. Acta Botanica Hungarica, 2016, 58(3-4): 319-96. Acta Botanica Hungarica 0 Lichenology
1317 Misra Ankita, Srivastava Amit, Srivastava SK, Rawat AKS – Simultaneous Reverse-Phase HPLC determination of major antioxidant phenolics in Commelina benghalensis L. tubers. Acta Chromatographica, 2016, 28(4):541-54. Acta Chromatographica 0.755 Herbal Drugs
1318 Behera MD, Tripathi P, Mishra B, Kumar Sashi, Chitale VS, Behera SK – Above-ground biomass and carbon estimates of Shorea robusta and Tectona grandis forests using QuadPOL ALOS PALSAR data. Advances in Space Research, 2016, 57(2): 552-61. Adv Space Res 1.401 Eco-Auditing
1319 Meena Baleshwar, Tiwari V, Singh Niraj, Mahar KS, Sharma YK, Rana TS –  Estimation of genetic variability and population structure in Ephedra gerardiana Wall. ex Stapf (Ephedraceae): An endangered and endemic high altitude medicinal plant. Agri Gene, 2016,1:116-25. Agri Gene 0 Angiosperm
1320 Shukla V, Kumari Rupender, Patel DK, Upreti DK –  Characterization of the diversity of mycosporine-like amino acids in lichens from high altitude region of Himalaya. Amino Acids, 2016, 48(1):129-36. Amino Acids 3.173 Lichenology
1321 Kumari A, Raj R, Kumar S, Chauhan PS, Raj SK – Coexistence of three virus genera (Badnavirus, Potyvirus and Cucumovirus) in Canna species in India. Annals of Virology and Research, 2016, 2(1): Article No. 1008 (1-6). Ann Virol Res 0 Virology
1322 Tyagi A, Singh Shivani, Mishra Parneeta, Singh Akansha, Tripathi AM, Jena SN, Roy S – Genetic diversity and population structure of Arabidopsis thaliana along an altitudinal gradient. AOB Plants, 2016, 8: plv145 (Page 1-17) AOB Plants 2.238 MB
1323 Jha S, Agarwal S, Sanyal I, Amla DV – Single-step purification and characterization of a recombinant serine proteinase inhibitor from transgenic plants. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2016, 179(2):220-36. Appl Biochem Biotech 1.751 MB
1324 Bharati N, Barnawal D, Wasnik K, Tewari SK, Kalra A – Co-inoculation of Dietzia natronolimnaea and Glomus intraradices with vermicompost positively influences Ocimum basilicum growth and resident microbial community structure in salt affected low fertility soils. Applied Soil Ecology, 2016, 100: 211-25. Appl Soil Ecol 2.786 Biomass
1325 Bauddh K, Kumar Amit, Srivastava Sudhakar, Singh RP, Tripathi RD – A study on the effect of cadmium on the antioxidative defense system and alteration in different functional groups in castor bean and Indian mustard. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2016, 62(6): 87-91. Arch Agr Soil Sci 2.137 Environmental Sciences
1326 Singh Neha, Chandrawati, Kumar Rajendra, Kumar Sujit, Yadav HK – Study on genetic combining ability estimates for yield and related traits in linseed (Linum usitatissiumu L.). Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2016, 11(11):1594-1600. Aust J Crop Sci 0 Pl Breed & Genetics
1327 Rawat KK, Alam A, Verma PK – Checklist of mosses (Bryophyta) of Gangetic Plains, India. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 23(2): 97-106. Bangladesh J Plant Taxon 0.356 Bryology
1328 Mandotra SK, Kumar Pankaj, Suseela MR, Nayaka S, Ramteke PW – Evaluation of fatty acid profile and biodiesel properties of microalga Scenedesmus abundans under the influence of phosphorus, pH and light intensities. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 201: 222-29. Bioresource Technol 5.651 Algae
1329 Upadhyay AK, Mandotra SK, Kumar N, Singh NK, Singh L, Rai UN -Augmentation of arsenic enhances lipid yield and defense responses in alga Nannochloropsis sp. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 221:430-37. Bioresource Technol 5.651 Environmental Sciences
1330 Choudhury MP, Sarma M and Nayaka S – A preliminary study on lichens of ancient historical ruins of Bamuni Hills, Tezpur, Assam, North-east India. Bioscan, 2016,11(3): 1493-96. Bioscan 0 Lichenology
1331 Cotee-Jones HEW, Bajpai O, Chaudhary LB, Whittaker RJ – The Importance of Ficus (Moraceae) Trees for Tropical Forest Restoration. Biotropica, 2016,48(3): 413-19. Biotropica 1.73 Angiosperm
1332 Yadav AK, Mishra PK, Jain PK, Rao ChV, Tiwari S, Singh V – Investigation of Calendula officinalis whole plant as a gastroprotective and antioxidant in peptic ulcer. British Journal of Medical and Health Research, 2016, 3(7): 67-76. Br J Med Health Res 0 Pharmacology
1333 Bajpai R, Upreti DK – Lichens on man-made substrates. Bulletin of British Lichenological Society, 2016, 117: 33-37 Bull Brit Lichenological Soc 0 Lichenology
1334 Pattanayak R, Mishra G, Chanotiya CS, Rout PR, Mohany CS, Omkar –  Semiochemical profile of four aphidophagous Indian Coccinellidae (Coleoptera). Canadian Entomologist, 2016, 148(2):171-86. Can Entomol 1.264 MB
1335 Singh Namrata, Gupta S, Marwa N, Pandey V, Verma PC, Rathaur S, Singh N –  Arsenic mediated modifications in Bacillus aryabhattai and their biotechnological applications for arsenic bioremediation. Chemosphere, 2016, 164: 524-34. Chemosphere 4.208 Eco-Auditing
1336 Roy RK, Singh S – Migration and domestication of Bougainvillea: a historical review. Chronica Horticulturae, 2016, 56 (2): 10-15 Chronica Hort 0 Floriculture
1337 Srivastava J, Chandra H, Singh N, Kalra SJS – Understanding the development of environmental resistance among microbes: A review. Clean-Soil Air Water, 2016, 44(7):901-08. Clean-Soil Air Water 1.473 Eco-auditing
1338 Singh CP, Bakpai R, Singh RP, Upreti DK – Improving bioclimatic envelop modeling for Lichens through remote sensing based substratum correction: A study over Indian Himalaya. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2016, 1(2):1-19. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1339 Usmani MA, Toppo K, Nayaka S, Suseela MR, Sheikh S – Observation on fresh water algal flora of Sitapur district, Uttar Pradesh. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2016, 1(2):1-7. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Algae
1340 Shukla V, Upreti DK, Semwal M – Lichen monitoring, a valuable proxy for interpreting climate change phenomenon in Himalayas: exploring causes for glacier lake outburst flood in Kedarnath region. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2016, 1(2):1-5. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1341 Asthana AK, Priyanshu S – Three Mosses New to Bryoflora of Eastern Ghats. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2016, 1(1): 64-70. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Bryology
1342 Gupta R – Genus Schwetschkeopsis Broth. (Bryophyta): new addition to Central India. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2016, 1(2): 83-87. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Bryology
1343 Naik P, Nair A, Nayaka S, Sajankila SP – Antimutagenic activity of ethanolic extract of Roccella montagnei against sodium azide – An in vitro study. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2016, 1(2): 89-92. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1344 Rajaram SK, Innasimuthu GM, Alexander RA, Varghese R, Munusamy M, Nayaka S, Upreti DK  – Antioxidant activity of lichen Parmotrema austrosinense and its antimicrobial effect on selected plant pathogens. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2016, 1(2): 70-75. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Lichenology
1345 Srivastava A, Asthana AK  – Genus Entodon Müll. Hal. (Bryophyta) in Meghalaya . Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, 2016, 1(1): 43-51. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 0 Bryology
1346 Rawat KK, Kumar Krishna, Ashtana AK, Sahu V – Gymnomitrion crenatilobum Grolle (Marchantiophyta: Gymnomitriaceae): A rare liverwort, new to India. Cryptogamie Bryol, 2016, 37(3):291-93. Cryptogamie Bryol 1.062 Bryology
1347 Mishra S, Joshi S, Upreti DK, Srivastava AK – An updated account on graphidoid taxa from the foot hills of Indian Himalaya. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology, 2016, 6 (4): 312-27. Curr Res  Environ  Appl Mycol 0 Lichenology
1348 Joshi S, Upreti DK- Lichens of the Western Ghats new to India. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology, 2016, 6 (4): 328-33. Curr Res  Environ  Appl Mycol 0 Lichenology
1349 Agnihotri P, Husain D, Husain T – Aconite from Sikkim Himalaya, India.Current Science, 2016, 111(6): 984-85. Curr Sci 0.843 Angiosperm
1350 Khuraijam JS, Roy RK – Indian Cycas under severe threat. Current Science, 2016, 111 (11): 1756-58.

Volume:  111    Issue:  11    Pages:  1756-1758

Curr Sci 0.843 Botanic Garden
1351 Ved A, Rawat AKS, Gupta Amresh – Antioxidant and hepatoprotective potential of phenol-rich fraction from Piper sylvaticum roxb. Roots. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2016, 14(3):207-14. Curr Top Nutraceut Res 0.161 Herbal Drugs
1352 Rai A, Singh AK, Ghosal N, Singh N -Understanding the effectiveness of litter from tropical dry forests for the restoration of degraded lands. Ecol Eng, 2016, 93:76-81. Ecol Eng 2.914 Eco-auditing
1353 Pandey VC, Sahu Nayan, Behera SK, Singh N -Carbon sequestration in fly ash dumps: Comparative assessment of three plant association.  Ecol Eng, 2016, 95: 198-205. Ecol Eng 2.914 Eco-auditing
1354 Rai A, Singh AK, Pandey VC, Ghosal N, Singh N – The importance of Butea monosperma for the restoration of degraded lands.  Ecol Eng, 2016, 97: 619-23. Ecol Eng 2.914 Eco-auditing
1355 Kumari B, Singh DP – A review on multifaceted application of nanoparticles in the field of bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons. Ecol Eng, 2016, 97: 98-105. Ecol Eng 2.914 Environmental Sciences
1356 Dubey AK, Kumar Navin, Sahu Nayan, Verma Pankaj Kumar, Chakrabarty D, Behera SK, Mallick S – Response of two rice cultivars differing in their sensitivity towards arsenic, differs in their expression of glutaredoxin and glutathione S transferase genes and antioxidant usage. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016 124:393-405. Ecotox Environ Safe 3.743 MB
1357 Singh Namrata, Marwa N, Mishra SK, Mishra J, Verma PC, Rathaur S, Singh N –  Brevundimonas diminuta mediated alleviation of arsenic toxicity and plant growth promotion in Oryza sativa L. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016 125:25-34. Ecotox Environ Safe 3.743 Eco-Auditing
1358 Singh NK, Raghubanshi AS, Upadhyay AK, Rai UN – Arsenic and other heavy metal accumulation in plants and algae growing naturally in contaminated area of West Bengal, India. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016 130: 224-33. Ecotox Environ Safe 3.743 Environmental Sciences
1359 Kumar Anil, Dixit G, Singh Amit Pal, Dwivedi S, Srivastava Sudhakar, Mishra Kumkum, Tripathi RD – Selenate mitigates arsenite toxicity in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by reducing arsenic uptake and ameliorates amino acid content and thiol metabolism. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016 133: 350-59. Ecotox Environ Safe 3.743 Environmental Sciences
1360 Singh Vandana, Singh Pratiksha, Singh N  – Synergistic influence of Vetiveria zizanioides and selected rhizospheric microbial strains on remediation of endosulfan contaminated soil. Ecotoxicology, 2016, 25(7):1327-37. Ecotoxicology 1.951 Eco-Auditing
1361 Azmi L, Shukla I, Gupta SS, Parashar R, Kant P, Rao Ch V – Plant derived drugs and use in cancer treatment. Elixir Applied Botany, 2016, 92: 39047-50. Elixir Appl Bot 0 Pharmacology
1362 Kumar Pankaj, Mandotra SK, Suseela MR, Toppo K, Joshi P – Characterization and transesterification of fresh water microalgal oil. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2016, 38(6):857-64. Energ Source Part A 0.527 Algae
1363 Sharma PN, Tripathi A, Kumar N, Gupta Supriya, Kumar Praveen, Chatterjee J, Tewari RK – Iron plays a critical role in stomatal closure in cauliflower. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2016, 131:68-76. Environ Exp Bot 4.369 Plant Physiology
1364 Verma S, Verma PK, Pande Veena, Tripathi RD, Chakrabarty D -Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana expressing fungal arsenic methyltransferase gene (WaarsM) showed enhanced arsenic tolerance via volatilization. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2016, 132:113-20. Environ Exp Bot 4.369 MB
1365 Kumar Navin, Dubey AK, Jaiswal PK, Sahu Nayan, Behera SK, Tripathi RD, Mallick S – Selenite supplementation reduces arsenate uptake greater than phosphate but compromises the phosphate level and physiological performance in hydroponically grown Oryza sativa L. Environ Toxicol Chem, 2016, 35(1): 163-72. Environ Toxicol Chem 2.951 Environmental Sciences
1366 Verma P, Paswan SK, Raj A, Rastogi C, Srivastava S, Rao ChV – Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Dolichousnea longissima (Ach.) articus extract against cisplatin induced liver damage in wistar rats. European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 2016, 17(4): 1-8. Eur J Med Plants 0 Pharmacology
1367 Mahfooz S, Singh Satyendra P, Rakh R, Bhattacharya A, Mishra N, Singh PC, Chauhan PC, Nautiyal CS, Mishra A – A comprehensive characterization of simple sequence repeats in the sequenced Trichoderma genomes provides valuable resources for marker development. Front Microbiol, 2016,7:Article No 575.(Page 1-11). Front Microbiol 4.076 Microbiology
1368 Shivhare R, Lata Charu – Exploration of genetic and genomic resources for abiotic and biotic stress tolerance in pearl millet. Front Plant Sci, 2016, 7 : Article Number-2069. Front Plant Sci 4.298 MB
1369 Singh Amit P, Dixit Garima, Kumar Amit, Mishra Seema, Singh PK, Dwivedi S, Trivedi PK, Chakrabarty D, Mallick S, Pandey V, Dhankher OP, Tripathi RD – Nitric oxide alleviated arsenic toxicity by modulation of antioxidants and thiol metabolism in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Front Plant Sci, 2016, 6: 1272. Front Plant Sci 4.298 Environmental Sciences
1370 Pandey A, Misra Prashant, Alok Ansul, Kaur N, Sharma Shivani, Lakhwani D, Asif MH, Tiwari Siddharth, Trivedi PK – Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of Homeodomain Leucine Zipper Subfamily IV (HDZ IV) gene family from Musa accuminata. Front Plant Sci, 2016, 7: Article No. 20. Front Plant Sci 4.298 MB
1371 Goel R, Pandey A, Trivedi PK, Asif MH – Genome-wide analysis of the Musa WRKY gene family: Evolution and differential expression during development and stress. Front Plant Sci, 2016, 7: Article N. 299. Front Plant Sci 4.298 MB
1372 Deeba F, Pandey AK, Pandey V – Organ specific proteomic dissection of Selaginella bryopteris undergoing dehydration and rehydration. Front Plant Sci, 2016, 7: Article No. 425 (Page 1-20). Front Plant Sci 4.298 Plant Physiology
1373 Srivastava Suchi, Bist V, Srivastava Sonal, Singh PC, Trivedi PK, Asif MH, Chauhan PC, Nautiyal CS – Unraveling aspects of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens mediated enhanced production of rice under biotic stress of Rhizoctonia solani. Front Plant Sci, 2016, 7: Article No. 587. Front Plant Sci 4.298 Microbiology
1374 Verma Pankaj K, Verma Shikha, Pande Veena, Mallick S, Tripathi RD, Dhankher OP, Chakrabarty D – Overexpression of rice glutaredoxin OsGrx_C7 and OsGrx_C2.1 reduces intracellular arsenic accumulation and increases tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Front Plant Sci, 2016, 7: Article Number:  740. Front Plant Sci 4.298 MB
1375 Agrawal L,Gupta S, Mishra SK, Pandey G, Kumar Susheel, Chauhan PC, Chakrabarty D, Nautiyal CS – Elucidation of complex nature of PEG induced drought-stress response in rice root using comparative proteomics approach. Front Plant Sci, 2016, 7: Article No. 1466. Front Plant Sci 4.298 Microbiology
1376 Chandrawati, Singh N, Yadav VK, Kumar R, Kumar S, Yadav HK  – Genetic variability and interrelationship among morphological and yield traits in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). Genetika, 2016, 48(3): 881-92. Genetika-Belgrade 0.351 Pl Breed & Genetics
1377 Singh AK, Rai A, Singh N – Effect of long term land use systems on fractions of glomalin and soil organic carbon in the Indo-Gangetic plain. Geoderma, 2016, 277:41-50. Geoderma 4.036 Eco-Auditing
1378 Sahu V, Asthana AK – Mosses of Govind wildlife sanctuary, Uttarakhand, Western Himalaya, India. Geophytology, 2016, 46(2): 147-55. Geophytology 0 Bryology
1379 Mishra S, Upreti DK, Srivastava AK – Distribution, diversity of lichens in Terai region of Kumaun with reference to environmental pollution.  G- Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2016, 3(4): 29-36. G-J Environ Sci Technol (GJEST) 0 Lichenology
1380 Chandra P, Kannuja R, Pandey R, Shukla Shipra,  Lal Bahadur, Pal M, Kumar B- Rapid quantitative analysis of multi-components in Andrographis paniculata using UPLC-QqQLIT-MS/MS: Application to soil sodicity and organic farming. Industrial Crops and Products, 2016, 83:423-30. Ind Crop Prod 3.181 Phytochemistry
1381 Bharati Nidhi, Barnawal D, Shukla Samvedna, Tewari SK, Katiyar RS, Kalra A – Integrated application of Exiguobacterium oxidotolerans, Glomus fasciculatum, and vermicompost improves growth, yield and quality of Mentha arvensis in salt-stressed soils. Industrial Crops and Products, 2016,83:717-28. Ind Crop Prod 3.181 Biomass
1382 Misra Ankita, Srivastava SK, Srivastava PK, Shukla P, Agrawal PK, Rawat AKS – Chemotaxonomic variation in forskolin content and its correlation with ecogeographical factors in natural habitat of Coleus forskohlii Briq. Collected from Vidarbha (Maharashtra, India).Industrial Crops and Products, 2016, 84:50-58. Ind Crop Prod 3.181 Herbal Drugs
1383 Upadhyay RK,  Singh VR, Tewari SK – New agro-technology to increase productivity of chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.). Industrial Crops and Products, 2016,89:10-13. Ind Crop Prod 3.181 Biomass
1384 Bansal P, Nath V – Current Status of the Genus Bryum Hedw.In Central India. Indian Forester, 2016,142(6): 590-94. Indian For 0 Bryology
1385 Nainwal RC, Katiyar RS, Singh D, Tewari SK – Genetic studies in relation to improvement of gladiolus grown in partially reclaimed sodic soil. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 2016, 73(3):396-99. Indian J Hortic 0.146 Biomass
1386 Fatima N, Ahmad MK, Ansari JA, Rastogi N, Srivastava SK, Ahmad S, Ali Z – Antiproliferative and Antioxidant Studies of Anthocephalus cadamba Rox. Miq. Bark. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016, 78(4):525-31. Indian J Pharm Sci 0.66 Herbal Drugs
1387 Irshad Saba, Misra PK, Rawat AKS, Khatoon S – Authentication of commercial samples of Shankhpushpi through physico-phytochemical analysis and TLC fingerprinting. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 2016 15(4):646-53. Indian J Tradit Know 1.273 Herbal Drugs
1388 Goyat Shalini, Grewal A, Singh Devendra, Katiyar RS, Tewari SK, Nainwal RC, Bindu KH – Evaluation of genetic diversity of Piper betle cultivars using ISSR markers. International Journal of Advanced Research, 2016, 4(1): 571-79. Int J Adv Res 0 Biomass
1389 Mishra GK, Joshi S, Upreti DK – Lichenometric dating curve as applied to glacier retreat studies in the Himalaya. International Journal of Advanced Research, 2016, 4(2): 77-90. Int J Adv Res 0 Biomass
1390 Snehi SK, Raj SK, Prasad Vivek, Singh Vinod – Molecular Detection and Identification of Begomovirus Isolates Associated with Mosaic Disease of Ornamental Jatropha species from India.International Journal of Bacterio – Virology, 2016, 1(1):Article Number: IJBV-1-004 (Page 1-8). Int J Bact Virol 0 Virology
1391 Wagh VV – Preliminary study on Ethno-medicinal plants used for treating malarial fever in Pilibhit Tiger Reserve, Uttar Pradesh, India. International Journal of Bioassays, 2016, 5(7):4672-76. Int J Bioassays 0 Angiosperm
1392 Choudhury MP, Sarma M, Nayaka S, Upreti DK –  Distribution of lichens on few ancient monuments of Sonitpur district, Assam, North East India. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 2016, 8(11): 291-96. Int J Biodivers Conserv 0 Lichenology
1393 Sheikh MA, Raina AK, Upreti DK – Lichens – enshrouding the bare rocks in pappad area of samba district, jammu & kashmir. International Journal of Current Research and Review, 2016, 8(10):29-32. Int J Cur Res Rev 0 Lichenology
1394 Lone JA, Lone FA, Suseela MR, Toppo K – Phycological studies in Himalayan Dal Lake ecosystem: Seasonal composition and role of physico-chemical parameters. International Journal of Current Research, 2016, 8(5): 30147-155. Int J Curr Res 0 Algae
1395 Wagh VV – Diversity of Invasive Alien Plants in Soor Sarovar Bird Sanctuary (SSBS), Keetham, Agra, India. International Journal of Current Research in Biosciences and Plant Biology, 2016, 3(3): 62-69. Int J Curr Res Biosci Plant Biol 0 Angiosperm
1396 Batra A – Dissemination of dry flower technology for societal good. International Journal of Current Research in Biosciences and Plant Biology, 2016, 3(5): 97-101. Int J Curr Res Biosci Plant Biol 0 Floriculture
1397 Tripathi IP, Pathak V, Shukla PK, Dwivedi R – Antioxidant, antidiabetic potential and quantification of lupeoll in methanolic extract of Anethum sowa Linn. (seed). International Journal of Current Research in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016, 3(3):29-36. Int J Curr Res Chem Pharm Sci 0 Herbal Drugs
1398 Gupta S, Khare R, Bajpai O, Rai H, Upreti DK, Gupta RK, Sharma PK – Lichen as bioindicator for monitoring environmental status in Western Himalaya, India. International Journal of Environment, 2016, 5(2):1-15. Int J Environ 0 Lichenology
1399 Kumari B, Singh SN, Singh DP – Induced degradation of crude oil mediated by microbial augmentation and bulking agents. Int J Environ Sci Technol, 2016, 13(4): 1029-42. Int J Environ Sci Te 1.915 Environmental Sciences
1400 Azmi Lubna, Gupta SS, Shukla I, Kant P, Upreti DK, Rao ChV -Gastro protective effects of Usnea longissima metabolites on probiotic Lactobacillus casei. International Journal of Pharmacognosy, 2016, 3(3):140-48. Int J Pharmacog 0 Pharmacology
1401 Gupta SS, Azmi Lubna, Shukla I, Pal Lalchand, Mohaptra, Rao ChV -Serpyllifolia leaves extract on Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Int J Pharmacog, 2016, 3(8):346-53. Int J Pharmacog 0 Pharmacology
1402 Verma P, Paswan SK, Verma S, Singh SP, Rao ChV, Srivastava S, Gupta RK-Assessment of hepatoprotective activity of Musa paradisica Linn. whole plant extract against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2017, 8(1):126-131. Int J Phrmaceut Sci Res 0 Pharmacology
1403 Kumari A, Lal B, Rai UN – Assessment of native plant species for phytoremediation of heavy metals growing in the vicinity of NTPC sites, Kahalgaon, India. Int J Phytoremediation, 2016, 18(6):592-97. Int J Phytoremediat 1.77 Environmental Sciences
1404 Pandey VC – Phytoremediation efficiency of Eichhornia crassipes in fly ash pond. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2016, 18(5):450-52. Int J Phytoremediat 1.77 Eco-Auditing
1405 Nainwal RC, Singh Devendra, Katiyar RS, Tripathi SS, Sharma SK, Singh S, Sharma LK, Chaturvedi V, Tewari SK – Rehabilitation of sodic waste land through agro-forestry system. International Journal of Plant and Environment, 2016,  2(1-2): 29-35. Int J Plant Environ 0 Environmental Sciences
1406 Mishra S, Dwivedi S, Kumar A, Chauhan R, Awasthi S, Mattusch J, Tripathi RD  – Current status of ground water arsenic contamination in India and recent advancements in removal techniques from drinking water. International Journal of Plant and Environment, 2016, 2(1-2): 1-15. Int J Plant Environ 0 Environmental Sciences
1407 Singh Sweta, Joshi Y, Rawat AKS – Evaluation of phytochemical constituents of cryptogams of Almora district, Uttarakhand for their total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and antioxidant potential. International Journal of Research In Pharmacy and Chemistry, 2016, 6(4), 833-42. Int J Res Phar Chem 0 Herbal Drugs
1408 Khatoon S, Singh S, Singh AP, Singh N, Rawat AKS – Chemical evaluation of different parts of Juglans regia L. and simultaneous determination of important polyphenols by thin layer chromatography. International Journal of Research In Pharmacy and Chemistry, 2016, 6(4), 773-81. Int J Res Phar Chem 0 Herbal Drugs
1409 Saroj Lokesh M, Rawat P, Neetu, Kumar Anil, Tewari SK, Singh R, Pal M – Pharmacological evaluation for Anti-obesity activity of the crude extracts of Tamarindus indica (Leguminesae) in high fat diet induced obsese rats. International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research, 2016, 4(1): 145-60. Int J Sci Innovative Res (IJSIR) 0 Phytochemistry
1410 Kumar R,Toppo K, Mandotra SK, Suseela MR, Seth MK, Minhas U, Kesherwani R, Gupta SP – Quantitative analysis and first report of Euglena tuba from Himachal Pradesh, India. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2016, 5(12): 1336-39. Int J Sci Res 0 Algae
1411 Shukla S, Upadhyay KK, Mishra BK – Genetic relationshipbetween foliage yeld and its biochemical components in vegetable amaranth. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 2016,22(4):322-32. Int J Veg Sci 0 Pl Breed & Genetics
1412 Azmi L, Shukla I, Gupta SS, Bagga P, Rao ChV – A straightforward and receptive UV  Spectrophotometric method for the determination  of ibandronate sodium in pharmaceutical  formulations and bulk drugs. Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016, 6(3):  Article no.JAMPS.20079 J Adv Med Pharmaceut Sci 0 Pharmacology
1413 Ansari A, Sikarwar PS, Lade S, Yadav HK, Ranade SA – Genetic diversity clusters in germplasm of cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) an important food and indistrial legume crop. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2016, 18(5):1407-18. J Agr SCI Tech-Iran 0.813 Pl Breed & Genetics
1414 Maurya R, Yadav HK – Development of interspecific hybrid of J. curcas x J. integerrima and its molecular characterization using SSR markers. Journal of Agroecology and Natural Resource Management, 2016, 3(1): 101-05. J Agroecol Nat Resour Manage 0 MB
1415 Upadhyaya RK, Verma RS, Singh VR, Bahl JR, Sharma SK, Tewri SK – New agrotechnology for quality planting material production of rose-scented geranium (Pelargonium graveolens L. Herit.). Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 2016, 3(3):128-30. J Appl Res Med Arom Plants 0 Biomass
1416 Wagh VV, Jain AK – Conservation status of threatened ethno-medicinal plants in Western Madhya Pradesh, India. Journal of Biodiversity Management & Forestry, 2016, 5(2): 1000157 (1-8). J Biodiver Manage For 0 Angiosperm
1417 Kushwaha P, Khedgikar V, Sharma D, Yuen T, Gautam J, Ahmad N, Karvande A, Mishra PR, Trivedi PK, Sun L, Bhadada, SK, Zaidi M, Trivedi R –  MicroRNA 874-3p exerts skeletal anabolic effects epigenetically during weaning by suppressing Hdac1 expression. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2016, 291(8): 3959-66. J Biol Chem 4.125 MB
1418 Asthana AK, Srivastava P, Omar I, Rawat KK, Sahu V -New national and regional bryophyte records 46: (Brotherella harveyana (Mitt.) Dixon; Splachnum sphaericum Hedw  and  Syntrichia norvegica F.Weber. Journal of Bryology, 2016, 38(1):48 and 57. J Bryol 0.975 Bryology
1419 Asthana AK, Srivastava A, Sahu V, Rawat KK -New national and regional bryophyte records, 47: (Brotherella harveyana (Mitt.) Dixon; Duthiella declinata (Mitt.) Zanten and  Polytrichastrum alpinum (Hedw.) G.L.Sm. Journal of Bryology, 2016, 38(2):152, 156 and 160. J Bryol 0.975 Bryology
1420 Gupta R, Asthana AK and Singh VJ – New national and regional bryophyte records, 48: Brachythecium rivulare Schimp., Oxyrrhynchium hians (Hedw.) Loeske. Journal of Bryology, 2016, 38(3): 237 and 248. J Bryol 0.975 Bryology
1421 Malhotra S, Shukla Ruchi, Kulshrestha S, Siddiqui A – Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of Citrus medica Var Acidica essential oil. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences-Sec.B Biological Sciences, 2016, 6(2): 574-80. J Chem Bio Phy Sci Sec. B 0 Phytochemistry
1422 Malhotra S – Isolation of novel antioxidant sesquiterpene and antioxidant activity of Sphaeranthus indicus. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences-Sec. Biological Sciences, 2016, 6(2): 581-89. J Chem Bio Phy Sci Sec. B 0 Phytochemistry
1423 Srivastava Nishi, Srivastava Amit, Srivastava SK, Rawat AKS, Khan AR – Simultaneous quantification of Syringic acid and Kaemferol in extracts of Bergenia species using validated high performance thin layer chromatography densitometric method. Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2016, 54(3): 460-65. J Chromatogr Sci 0.984 Herbal Drugs
1424 Singh Sweta, Khatoon S, Joshi Y, Prgyadeep S, Upreti DK, Rawat AKS – A validated HPTLC densitometric method for simultaneous determination of Evernic and Usnic acids in four Usnea species and comparison of their antioxidant potential. Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2016, 54(9):1670-77. J Chromatogr Sci 0.984 Herbal Drugs
1425 Sinam G, Sahu V, Pandey N, Asthana AK – Effect of Arsenic on biochemicals and antioxidant enzymes in two species of Marchantia L. (Marchantiophyta): Role of enzymes in stress acclimatization. Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences, 2016. 8:79-85. J Environ Agric Sci 0 Environmental Sciences
1426 Ponmurugan P , Ayyappadasan G , Rama Shankar Verma RS and  Nayaka S -Survey, distribution pattern and elemental composition of lichens in Yercaud hills of Eastern Ghats in southern India.  Journal of Environmental Biology, 2016, 37(3): 407-12. J Environ Biol 0.697 Lichenology
1427 Upadhyay AK, Bankoti NS, Rai UN – Studies on sustainability of simulated constructed wetland system for treatment of urban waste: Design and operation. Journal of Environmental Management, 2016, 169: 285-92. J Environ Manage 4.01 Eco-auditing
1428 Singh Namarta, Srivastava Shubhi, Rathaur S, Singh N – Assessing the bioremediation potential of arsenic tolerant bacterial strains in rice rhizosphere interface. J Environ Sci, 2016, 48:112-19. J Envron Sci 2.937 Environmental Sciences
1429  Kumar Anil, Niranjan A, Lehri A, Srivastava RK, Tewari SK –  Effect of geographical climatic conditions on yield, chemical composition and carbon isotope composition of Nagarmotha (Cyperus scariosus R. Br.) essential oil. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 2016, 19(2): 368-73. J Essent Oil Bear Pl 0.493 Phytochemistry
1430 Mishra S, Alfeld M, Sobotka R, Andresen E, Falkenberg G, Küpper H – Analysis of sublethal arsenic toxicity to Ceratophyllum demersum: subcellular distribution of arsenic and inhibition of chlorophyll biosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016, 67(15): 4639-46. J Exp Bot 5.83 Environmental sciences
1431 Mishra BK, Mishra R, Jena SN, Shukla S – Gene actions of yield and its attributes and their implications in the inheritance pattern over three generations in Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum L.). Journal of Genetics, 2016, 95(3):705-17. J Genet 0.995 MB
1432 Bajpai R, Singh CP, Shukla P, Upreti Dk – Preliminary lichenometric studies in Eastern and North-Western Himalaya. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2016, 87(5):535-38. J Geol Soc India 0.479 Lichenology
1433 Toppo K, Suseela MR, Mandotra SK, Nayaka S – Algal diversity of high altitude zones in Govind wild life sanctuary, Uttarakhand, India. The Journal of Indian Botanical Society, 2016, 95(3&4):283-87. J Indian Bot Soc 0 Algae
1434 Usmani MA, Suseela MR, Toppo K, Sheikh S – Algal diversity in different habitats from northern region of Idukki district, Kerala, India. The Journal of Indian Botanical Society, 2016, 95(1&2):28-36. J Indian Bot Soc 0 Algae
1435 Pandey MM, Khatoon S, Rastogi S, Rawat AK – Determination of flavonoids, polyphenols and antioxidant activity of Tephrosia purpurea: a seasonal study. Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2016,14(6):447-55. J Integr Med 0 Herbal Drugs
1436 Kumar KGA, Sharma AK, Kumar Sachin, Ray DD, Rawat AKS, Srivastava SK, Ghosh S – Comparative in vitro anti-tick efficacy of commercially available products and newly developed phyto-formulations against field collected and resistant tick lines of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Journal of Parasitic Diseases, 2016,40(4):1590-96. J Parasitic Dis 0 Herbal Drugs
1437 Chandra P, Kannujia R, Saxena A, Srivastava M,  Lal Bahadur, Pal M, Singh BP, Ojha SK, Kumar B – Quantitative determination of multi markers in five varieties of Withania somnifera using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography with hybrid triple quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer combined with multivariate analysis: Application to pharmaceutical dosage forms. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2016, 119: 419-26. J Pharmaceut Biomed 3.255 Phytochemistry
1438 Mishra M, Sharad Saurabh, Maurya R, Mudawal A, Parmar D, Singh PK, Shukla PK – Proteome analysis of Bemisia tabaci suggests specific targets for RNAi mediated control. Journal of Proteomics, 2016, 132: 93-102. J Proteomics 3.914 MB
1439 Misra Ankita, Srivastava SK, Rawat AKS – A validated reversed-phase over-pressured layer chromatography-ultraviolet method for the quantification and optimum recovery of gallic acid in Annona muricata L. JPC – Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC, 2016, 29(2): 127-31. JPC-J Planar Chromat 0.736 Herbal Drugs
1440 Shukla PK, Misra Ankita, Kumar Manish, Rajan S, Agrawal PK, Rawat AKS, Srivastava SK – Intra-specific chemotypic variability of forskolin content in Coleus forskohlii (Wild.) Briq. growing in Nilgiri hills of India. JPC – Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC, 2016, 29(5): 347-55. JPC-J Planar Chromat 0.736 Herbal Drugs
1441 Verma S, Gupta A, Ramana MV, Rawat AKS – High-performance thin-layer chromatographic analysis for the simultaneous quantification of gallic acid, vanillic acid, protocatechuic acid, and quercetin in the methanolic fraction of Limonia acidissima L. Fruits. JPC – Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC, 2016, 29(5):356-60. JPC-J Planar Chromat 0.736 Herbal Drugs
1442 Gupta A, Verma S, Dwivedi S, Rawat AKS – High-performance thin-layer chromatographic analysis for the simultaneous quantification of lupeol and ursolic acid in the methanolic fraction of four different species of Bauhinia. JPC – Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC, 2016, 29(6):423-28. JPC-J Planar Chromat 0.736 Herbal Drugs
1443 Agnihotri P, Husain D, Katiyar P, Husain T – Notes on the typification of four Himalayan aconites. Kew Bulletin, 2016, 71(4): Article Number-52. Kew Bull 0.577 Angiosperm
1444 Singh Kirpal, Mishra AK, Singh B, Singh RP, Pata DD – Tillage effects on crop yield and physicochemical properties of sodic soils. Land Degrad Dev, 2016,  27(2):223-30. Land Degrad Dev 9.787 Eco-auditing
1445 Srivastava PK, Gupta Manjul, Shikha, Singh N, Tewari SK – Amelioration of sodic soil for wheat cultivation using bioaugmented organic soil amendment. Land Degrad Dev, 2016, 27(4):1245-54. Land Degrad Dev 9.787 Eco-auditing
1446 Singh K, Trivedi P, Singh G, Singh B, Patra DD – Effect of different leaf litters on carbon, nitrogen and microbial activities of sodic soils. Land Degradation & Development, 2016, 27(4): 1215-26. Land Degrad Dev 9.787 Biomass
1447 Luecking R , Nelsen MP, Aptroot A , Benatti MN, Binh NQ , Gueidan C, Gutierrez MC , Jungbluth P, Lumbsch HT, Marcelli MP, Moncada B, Naksuwankul K, Orozco T, Salazar-Allen N,  Upreti DK – A pot-pourri of new species of Trypetheliaceae resulting from molecular phylogenetic studies. Lichenologist, 2016, 48(6):639-60. Lichenologist 1.224 Lichenology
1448 Arora D, Siddiqui MH, Sharma PK, Singh SP, Tripathi A, Mandal P, Singh US, Singh PK, Shukla Y – Evaluation and physiological correlation of plasma proteomic fingerprints for deltamethrin-induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats. Life Sciences, 2016, 160:72-83. Life Sci 2.936 MB
1449 Pandey Namrta, Kumar Anil, Niranjan A, Lehri A, Meena Baleshwar, Rana TS, Tewari SK, Upreti DK – Biochemical composition of Betula utilis D. Don bark, collected from high altitudes of Indian Himalayas. Med Plants, 2016, 8(1):33-39. Med Plants 0 Phytochemistry
1450 Pathak A, Upreti DK, Dikshit A – Antidermatophytic Activity of the Fruticose Lichen Usnea orientalis. Medicines, 2016, 3(24):1-6. Medicines 0 Lichenology
1451 Verma S, Verma PK, Meher AK, Dwivedi S, Bansiwal AK,   Pande Veena, Srivastava PK, Verma PC, Tripathi RD, Chakrabarty D – A novel arsenic methyltransferase gene of Westerdykella aurantiaca isolated from arsenic contaminated soil: phylogenetic, physiological, and biochemical studies and its role in arsenic bioremediation. Metallomics, 2016, 8(3): 344-53 Metallomics 3.975 Environmental Sciences
1452 Singh A, Saxena G, Verma PC – Oral rabies vaccine design for expression in plants. Methods Mol Biol, 2016,1404: 547-67. Methods Mol Biol 0 MB
1453 Sardar SS, Pradhan K, Shukla RP, Saraswat R, Srovastava Ankool, Jena SN, Das AB –  In silico mining of EST-SSRs in Arachis hypogaea L. and their utilization for genetic structure and diversity analysis in cultivars/breeding lines in Odisha, India. Mol Breeding, 2016, 36(4):49 (1-16). Mol Breeding 2.465 MB
1454 Joshi Y, Falswal A, Tripathi M, Upadhyay S, Bisht A, Chandra K, Bajpai R, Upreti DK –  One hundred and five species of lichenicolous biota from India: An updated checklist for the country. Mycosphere, 2016, 7(3): 268-94. Mycosphere 0.721 Lichenology
1455 Joshi S, Upreti DK, Egbe AE, Hur JS- New records of crustose lichens and a lichenicolous Arthonia from Vietnam. Mycotaxon, 2016, 131(4):925-37. Mycotaxon 0.538 Lichenology
1456 Shukla AK, Upadhyay SK, Mishra M, Saurabh S, Singh R, Singh H, Tahkur N, Rai P, Pandey P, Hans AL, Srivastava Subhi, Rajaure V, Yadav SK, Singh MK, Kumar J,  Chandrashekar K, Verma PC, Singh AP, Nair KN, Bhadauria S, Wahajuddin M, Singh Sarika, Sharama Sharad, Omkar, Upadhyay RS, Ranade SA,Tuli R, Singh PK – Expression of an insecticidal fern protein in cotton protects against whitefly. Nature Biotechnol, 2016, 34(10):1046-51. Nat Biotechnol 41.667 MB
1457 Mishra T, Pal M, Meena S, Datta D, Dixit P, Kumar A, Baleshwar, Rana TS, Upreti DK – Composition and in vitro cytotoxic activities of essential oil of Hedychium spicatum from different geographical regions of western Himalaya by principal components analysis. Natural Product Research, 2016 : 30(10) : 1224-27. Nat Prod Res 1.828 Phytochemistry
1458 Asthana AK, Sahu V – Lejeunea aquatica Horik.: A New Addition to Indian Bryoflora. National Academy Science Letters-India, 2016,39(4):287-90. Natl Acad Sci Lett (India) 0.369 Bryology
1459 Johari D, Singh AP – A new taxonomic circumscription and record of Selaginella ciliaris (Selaginellaceae) from Terrai regions of Uttar Pradesh. National Academy Science Letters-India, 2016, 40(1):41-66. Natl Acad Sci Lett (India) 0.369 Pteridology
1460 Soni N, Singh V, Mohammad S, Singh RK, Pal US, Singh R, Aggrwal J, Pal M  – Effects of honey in the management of alveolar osteitis: A study. National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery, 2016, 7(2): 136-47. Natl J Maxillofac Surg 0 Phytochemistry
1461 Srivastava A, Kumar Susheel, Jaidi M, Raj SK – Association of Cotton leaf curl Multan virus and its associated betasatellite with leaf curl disease of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis in India. New Disease Reports, 2016, 33:4. New Dis Rep 0 Virology
1462 Singh Niraj, Pal AK, Roy RK, Tewari SK, Tamta Sushma, Rana TS – Assessment of genetic variation and population structure in Indian Gladiolus cultivars inferred from molecular markers. Nucleus, 2016, 59(3):235-44. Nucleus 2.387 Floriculture
1463 Baghel KS, Tewari BN, Shrivastava R, Malik SA , Lone MUD, Jain NK, Tripathi C, Kanchan RK, Dixit S, Singh K, Mitra K, Negi MPS, Srivastava M, Misra S, Bhatt MLB, Bhadauria S –  Macrophages promote matrix protrusive and invasive function of breast cancer cells via MIP-1 beta dependent upregulation of MYO3A gene in breast cancer cells. Oncoimmunology, 2016, 5(7): Article Number: e1196299. Oncoimmunology 7.719 MB
1464 Gupta M, Srivastava PK, Shikha, Niranjan A, Tewari SK – Use of a bioaugmented organic soil amendment in combination with gypsum for Withania somnifera growth on sodic soil. Pedosphere, 2016, 26(3):299-309. Pedosphere 1.734 Eco-Auditing
1465 Siddiqui A, Shukla S, Rastogi A, Bhargava A, Niranjan A, Lehri A – Relationship among phenotypic and quality traits in indigenous and exotic accessions of linseed. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 2016, 51(12): 1964-72. Pesq agropec bras 0.542 Pl Breed & Genetics
1466 Pal M, Mishra T, Kumar Anil, Tewari SK – Biological evaluation of terrestrial and marine plant originated labdane Diterpenes (A Review). Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 2016, 50(8):558-67. Pharm Chem J+ 0.445 Phytochemistry
1467 Shukla I, Azmi L, Gupta SS, Kant P, Rao ChV – Performance Enhancing Traditional Medicines in Sports. The Pharma Review, 2016, 4(4) 124-131. Pharma Review 0 Pharmacology
1468 Shukla PK, Misra Ankita, Srivastava SK, Rawat AKS – Reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatographic ultra-violet (photo diode array) quantification of oleanolic acid and its isomer ursolic acid for phytochemical comparison and pharmacological evaluation of four Leucas species used in ayurveda. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2016, 12(46):159-64. Pharmacogn Mag 1.069 Herbal Drugs
1469 Srivastava Mrinalini, Sharma Swati, Misra P – Elicitation based enhancement of secondary metabolites in Rauwolfia serpentina and Solanum khasianum hairy root cultures. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2016, 12(46):315-20. Pharmacogn Mag 1.069 Herbal Drugs
1470 Rawat P, Saroj LM, Kumar A, Singh TD, Tewari SK, Pal M – Phytochemicals and cytotoxicity of Launaea procumbens on human cancer cell lines. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2016, 12:431-35. Pharmacogn Mag 1.069 Phytochemistry
1471 Rawat P, Saroj LM, Kumar Anil, Singh TD, Tewari SK, Pal M – Phytochemicals and cytotoxicity of Launaea procumbens on human cancer cell lines. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2016, 12(47):S431-S35. Pharmacogn Mag 1.069 Phytochemistry
1472 Chaurasia AK, Patil HB, Azeez A, Subramaniam VR, Krishna B, Sane AP, Sane PV – Molecular characterization of CONSTANS-Like (COL) genes in banana (Musa acuminata L. AAA Group, cv. Grand Nain). Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2016, 22(1): 1-15. Physiol Mol Biol Plants 0.883 MB
1473 Bajpai V, Singh A, Chandra P, Negi MP, Kumar N, Kumar B – Analysis of phytochemical variations in dioecious Tinospora cordifolia stems using HPLC/QTOF MS/MS and UPLC/QqQLIT -MS/MS. Phytochem anal, 2016, 27(2):92-99. Phytochem anal 2.292 Plant Physiology
1474 Kumar Sunil, Singh A, Bajpai V, Srivastava M, Singh BP, Ojha SK, Kumar B – Simultaneous determination of bioactive monoterpene indole alkaloids in ethanolic extract of seven Rauvolfia species using UHPLC with Hybrid Triple Quadrupole Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry. Phytochem Anal. 2016, 27(5): 296-303. Phytochem anal 2.292 Herbal Drugs
1475 Rastogi S, Pandey MM, Rawat AKS – Traditional herbs: a remedy for cardiovascular disorders. Phytomedicine, 2016,23(11):1082-89. Phytomedicine 3.526 Herbal Drugs
1476 Jain A, Mahmoudi A, Chaudhary M, Thakur R and Raina SN – Comparative chromosome morphology and physical mapping of 18S-5.8S-26S and 5S ribosomal DNA loci in diploid and newly synthesized autotetraploids of Phlox drummondii Hook. Phytomorphology, 2016, 66 (1-2): 51-55. Phytomorphology 0 Pl Breed & Genetics
1477 Anand KK, Jena SN, Chaudhary LB, Singh M – Conflict between morphological and molecular data: A case study in Ficus krishnae DC. (Moraceae). Phytotaxa, 2016, 247 (2): 143-47. Phytotaxa 1.24 Angiosperm
1478 Rawat KK, Sahu V, Verma PK, Asthana AK –  Kurzia trichoclados (Lepidoziaceae, Marchantiophyta)-A disjunct liverwort newly reported for India. Phytotaxa, 2016, 261(3):287-90. Phytotaxa 1.24 Bryology
1479 Singh H, Srivastava Alka, Husain T – Lectotypification of Thalictrum cultratum(Ranunculaceae). Phytotaxa, 2016, 289 (1): 99-100. Phytotaxa 1.24 Angiosperm
1480 Husain D, Katiyar P, Agnihotri P, Husain T – Lectotypification of the names of two species of Omphalogramma (Primulaceae). Phytotaxa, 2016, 280(3):297-300. Phytotaxa 1.24 Angiosperm
1481 Asthana AK and Omar I – Archidium acanthophyllum Snider, a new record to moss flora of India. Phytotaxonomy, 2016, 16(1): 38-41. Phytotaxonomy 0 Bryology
1482 Singh Shilpi, Roy RK, Chandra S, Kumar S – Comparative analysis of growth and floral characteristics of Indian Bougainvillea varieties. Plant Archives, 2016, 16(1):252-56. Plant Archives 0 Floriculture
1483 Saema S, Rahman LU, Singh R, Niranjan A, Ahmad IZ, Misra P – Ectopic overexpression of WsSGTL1, a sterol glucosyltransferase gene in Withania somnifera, promotes growth, enhances glycowithanolide and provides tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses. Plant Cell Rep, 2016, 35(1):195-211. Plant Cell Rep 2.869 Plant Transformation
1484 Singh Rani, Yadav Reena, Amla DV, Sanyal I – Characterization and functional validation of two scaffold attachment regions (SARs) from Cicer arietinum (L.). Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 2016, 125(1):135-48. Plant Cell Tiss Org 2.002 MB
1485 Srivastava Ashish, Kumar Susheel, Jaidi M, Raj SK, Shukla S –  First report of tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus on opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) in India. Plant Dis, 2016,100(1):232-33. Plant Dis 3.173 Virology
1486 Kumar Susheel, Srivastava A, Jaidi M,  Chauhan PS, Raj SK –  Molecular characterization of a begomovirus, alphasatellite and betasatellite associated with leaf curl disease of Parthenium hysterophorus in India. Plant Dis, 2016,100(11):2299-2305. Plant Dis 3.173 Virology
1487 Verma Nidhi, Jena SN, Shukla S, Yadav Kusum – Genetic diversity, population structure and marker trait associations for alkaloid content and licit opium yield in India-wide collection of poppy (Papaver somniferum L.). Plant Gene, 2016, 7: 26-41. Plant Gene 0 Pl Breed & Genetics
1488 Singh PK, Tripathi Preeti, Dwivedi S, Awasthi Surabhi, Shri Manju, Chakrabarty D, Tripathi RD – Fly-ash augmented soil enhances heavy metal accumulation and phytotoxicity in rice (Oryza sativa L.); A concern for fly-ash amendments in agriculture sector. Plant Growth Regulation, 2016: 78(1): 21-30. Plant Growth Regul 2.646 MB
1489 Pandey Vibha, Srivastava Rakesh, Akhtar N, Mishra J, Mishra P, Verma PC – Expression of Withania somnifera steroidal glucosyltransferase gene enhances withanolide content in hairy roots. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2016,, 34(3):681-89. Plant Mol Biol Rep 1.932 Biomass
1490 Sharma, Deepika, Tiwari, Manish, Pandey Ashutosh, Bhatia, Chitra, Sharma Ashish, Trivedi PK –  MicroRNA858 Is a potential regulator of phenylpropanoid pathway and plant development. Plant Physiol, 2016,171(2):944-59. Plant Physiol 6.456 MB
1491 Tiwari Shalini, Lata Charu, Chauhan PS, Nautiyal CS – Pseudomonas putida attunes morphophysiological, biochemical and molecular responses in Cicer arietinum L. during drought stress and recovery. Plant Physiol Biochem, 2016, 99, 108-17. Plant Physiol Biochem 2.724 Microbiology
1492 Dixit G, Singh Amar Pal, Kumar Amit, Mishra Seema, Dwivedi S, Kumar Smita, Trivedi PK, Pandey V, Tripathi RD – Reduced arsenic accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) shoot involves sulfur mediated improved thiol metabolism, antioxidant system and altered arsenic transporter. Plant Physiol Biochem, 2016, 99:86-96. Plant Physiol Biochem 2.724 Environmental Sciences
1493 Pandey C, Khan E, Panthri M, Tripathi RD, Gupta M – Impact of silicon on Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) root traits by regulating growth parameters, cellular antioxidants and stress modulators under arsenic stress. Plant Physiol Biochem, 2016, 104:216-25. Plant Physiol Biochem 2.724 Environmental Sciences
1494 Verma PK, Verma S, Meher AK, Pande V, Mallick S, Bansiwal AK, Tripathi RD, Dhankher OP,  Chakrabarty D – Overexpression of rice glutaredoxins (OsGrxs) significantly reduces arsenite accumulation by maintaining glutathione pool and modulating aquaporins in yeast. Plant Phyiol Biochem, 2016,106:208-17. Plant Physiol Biochem 2.724 Environmental Sciences
1495 Gupta R, Asthana AK  – Diversity and Distribution of liverworts across habitats and altitudinal gradient at Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve (India). Plant Science Today, 2016, 3(4):354-59. Plant Sci Today 0 Bryology
1496 Dixit R, Agarwal L, Gupta S, Kumar Manoj, Yadav Sumit, Chauhan PS, Nautiyal CS – Southern blight disease of tomato control by 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase producing Paenibacillus lentimorbus B-30488.  Plant Signal Behav, 2016, 11(2):e1113363. Plant Signalling Behaviour 0 Microbiology
1497 Agnihotri  P, Katiyar P, Husain T – Ethnobotanically important plants of Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India.  Pleione, 2016, 10(1): 32-42. Pleione 0 Angiosperm
1498 Roy S, Tripathi AM, Yadav Amrita, Mishra Parneeta, Nautiyal CS – Identification and expression analyses of miRNAs from two contrasting flower color cultivars of Canna by deep sequencing. Plos One, 2016, 11(1):e0147499. PLoS One 2.806 MB
1499 Kumar Susheel, Chauhan PS, Agrawal L, Raj R, Srivastava Ashish, Gupta S, Mishra SK, Yadav Sumit, Singh PC, Raj SK, Nautiyal CS  – Paenibacillus lentimorbus inoculation enhances tobacco growth and extenuates the virulence of cucumber mosaic virus. PloS one, 2016, : e0149980 (Page 1-23). PLoS One 2.806 Microbiology
1500 Upadhyay SK, Singh H, Dixit S, Mendu V, Verma PC – Molecular characterization of Vitellogenin and Vitellogenin receptor of Bemisia tabaci. Plos One, 2016, 11(5):e0155306 (Page 1-18). PLoS One 2.806 MB
1501 Mishra Tripti, Arya RK, Mena S, Joshi Pushpa, Pal M, Meena Baleshwar, Upreti DK, Rana TS, Datta  Dipak -Isolation, characterization and anticancer potential of cytotoxic triterpenes from Betula utilis bark. PloS One, 2016, 11(7):e0159430. PloS One 2.806 MB
1502 Singh D, Nainwal RC, Bahadur Lal, Tewari SK – Site specific nutrient management in oat (Avena sativa L.) under partially reclaimed sodic soil. Progressive Research, 2016, 11 (Sp-VIII): 5230-33. Prog Res 0 Biomass
1503 Saxena SC, Nainwal RC, Singh D  – Evaluation of integrated nutrient management practices for soybean based cropping systems in Uttrakhand. Progressive Research, 2016, 11 (Sp-VIII): 5432-5434. Prog Res 0 Biomass
1504 Gupta P, Suman S, Mishra M, Mishra S, Srivastava N, Kumar V, Singh PK, Shukla Y – Autoantibodies against TYMS and PDLIM1 proteins detected as circulatory signatures in Indian breast cancer patients. Proteomics Clin Appl, 2016, 10(5):564-73. Proteomics Clin Appl 3.814 MB
1505 Agarwal Parul, Pathak Sumya, Lakhwani D, Gupta Parul, Asif MH, Trivedi PK – Comparative analysis of transcription factor gene families from Papaver somniferum: identification of regulatory factors involved in benzylisoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis. Protoplasma, 2016, 253(3):857-71. Protoplasma 2.87 MB
1506 Anwar MS, Kapri A, Chaudhry V, Mishra A, Ansari MW, Souche Y, Nautiyal CS, Zaidi MG, Goel R – Response of indigenously developed bacterial consortia in progressive degradation of polyvinyl chloride. Protoplasma, 2016, 253(4): 1023-32. Protoplasma 2.87 Microbiology
1507 Pandey VC, Bajpai O, Singh N – Energy crops in sustainable phytoremediation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 54:58-73. Ren Sus Energ Rev 8.05 Eco-Auditing
1508 Bajpai O, Pandey J, Chaudhary LB – Ethnomedicinal uses of tree species by Tharu Tribes in the Himalayan Terai Region of India. Research Journal of Medicinal Plant, 2016, 10(1): 19-41. Res J Med Plants 0 Ethnobotany
1509 Singh S, Sharma SK, Chaturvedi V, Upadhyay RK, Chauhan PS, Pal M, Tewari SK – Growth, Yield and Quality of Bixa orellana L . morphotypes. Research Reviews: Journal of Botanical Science, 2016, 5(3): 40-42. Res Rev J Bot Sci 0 Biomass
1510 Narzary D, Ranade SA, Divakar PK, Rana TS- Molecular differentiation and phylogenetic relationship of the genus Punica (Punicaceae) with other taxa of the order Myrtales. Rheedea, 2016, 26(1): 37-51. Rheedea 0 Angiosperm
1511 Pandey S, Rana TS, Nair KN – Revision of the Trichosanthes tricuspidata – bracteata complex (Cucurbitaceae) in India. Rheedea, 2016, 26 (2): 83-93. Rheedea 0 Angiosperm
1512 Prateeksha, Paliya BS,  Bajpai R, Jadaun V, Kumar J,  Kumar Sanket, Upreti DK, Singh BR, Nayaka S, Joshi Y,  Singh BN -The genus Usnea: a potent phytomedicine with multifarious ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology. RSC Advances , 2016,6: 21672-96. RSC Adv 3.108 Herbal Drugs
1513 Sharma M, Sharma S, Sharma V, Agarwal S, Dwivedi P, Paliwal SK, Maikuri JP, Dwivedi AK, Gupta G, Mishra PR, Rawat AKS -Design of folic acid conjugated chitosan nanocur-bioenhancers to attenuate the hormone-refractory metastatic prostate carcinoma by augmenting oral bioavailability. RSC Advances , 2016,6:25137-48. RSC Adv 3.108 Herbal Drugs
1514 Singh BN, Saha C, Galun D,  Upreti DK, Bayry J, Kaveri SV-European Viscum album: a potent phytotherapeutic agent with multifarious phytochemicals, pharmacological properties and clinical evidence . RSC Advances , 2016, 6(36): 23837-57. RSC Adv 3.108 Herbal Drugs
1515 Shukla S, Maurya KN, Mishra BK, Rastogi A -Identification of heterotic crosses based on the combining ability of novel genotypes in opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.). Russian Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 42(2):137-44. Russ Agricult Sci 0 Pl Breed & Genetics
1516 Anjali DB, Mohabe S, Nayaka S and Reddy AM – In-vitro antimicrobial activity of lichen Ramalina conduplicans Vain. Collected from Eastern Ghats, India. Science Research Reporter, 2016, 6(2): 99-108. Sci Rec Rep 0 Lichenology
1517 Lakhwani D, Pandey A, Dhar YV, Bag SK, Trivedi PK, Asif MH – Genome-wide analysis of the AP2/ERF family in Musa species reveals divergence and neofunctionalisation during evolution. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 18878. Sci Rep 4.259 MB
1518 Shivhare R, Lata C- Selection of suitable reference genes for assessing gene expression in pearl millet under different abiotic stresses and their combinations. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:23036. (Page 1-12). Sci Rep 4.259 Microbiology
1519 Indoliya Y, Tiwari P, Chauhan AS, Goel R, Shri M, Bag SK, Chakrabarty D – Decoding regulatory landscape of somatic embryogenesis reveals differential regulatory networks between japonica and indica rice subspecies. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:23050. Sci Rep 4.259 MB
1520 Choudhary D, Pandey A, Adhikary S, Ahmad N, Bhatia C, Bhambhani S, Trivedi PK, Trivedi R- Genetically engineered flavonol enriched tomato fruit modulates chondrogenesis to increase bone length in growing animals. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:21668. (Page 1-13) Sci Rep 4.259 MB
1521 Gunapati S, Ram Naresh, Ranjan Sanjay, Nigam D, Hans Aradhana,Verma PC, Gadre R, Pathre UV, Sane AP, Sana VA – Expression of GhNAC2 from G. Herbaceum, improves root growth and imparts tolerance to drought in transgenic cotton and Arabidopsis. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, Article number: 24978. (Page 1-16) Sci Rep 4.259 MB
1522 Singh Gaurav, Tiwari M, Singh SP, Singh Surendra,  Trivedi PK, Mishra P – Silencing of sterol glycosyltransferases modulates the withanolide biosynthesis and leads to compromised basal immunity of Withania somnifera. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: Article number: 25562. Sci Rep 4.259 MB
1523 Tyagi A, Yadav A, Tripathi AM, Roy S – High light intensity plays a major role in emergence of population level variation in Arabidopsis thaliana along an altitudinal gradient. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:26160. Sci Rep 4.259 MB
1524  Kumari Madhuree, Mishra A, Pandey Shirpa, Singh Satyendra Pratap, Chaudhry V, Mudiam MKR, Shukla Shatrunajay, Kakkar P, Nautiyal CS – Physico-Chemical condition optimization during biosynthesis lead to development of improved and catalytically efficient gold nano particles. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: Article Number 27575 (Page 1-14). Sci Rep 4.259 Microbiology
1525 Bajpai R, Mishra Seema, Dwivedi S, Upreti DK – Change in atmospheric deposition during last half century and its impact on lichen community structure in Eastern Himalaya. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: Article Number 30838. Sci Rep 4.259 Lichenology
1526 Srivastava Smiriti, Singh RK, Pathak G, Goel R, Asif MH, Sane AP, Sane VA – Comparative transcriptome analysis of unripe and mid-ripe fruit of Mangifera indica (var. “Dashehari”) unravels ripening associated genes. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, Article Number: 32557. Sci Rep 4.259 MB
1527 Pandey Ashutosh, Alok A, Lakhwani D, Singh J, Asif MH, Trivedi PK – Genome-wide expression analysis and metabolite profiling elucidate transcriptional regulation of flavonoid biosynthesis and modulation under abiotic stresses in banana. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, Article Number: 31361. Sci Rep 4.259 MB
1528 Bhardwaj A, Dhar YV, Asif MH, Bag SK – In Silico identification of SNP diversity in cultivated and wild tomato species: insight from molecular simulations. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, Article Number: 38715. Sci Rep 4.259 MB
1529 Nayaka SK, Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Satapathy KB-Diversity of lichen flora of Odisha, India- A review. Studies in Fungi, 2016, 1(1): 114-24. Studies in Fungi 0 Lichenology
1530 Agnihotri P, Husain D, Singh Harsh, Husain T – Sikkim Himalayas – Revisiting the Delphinium viscosum Hook. f. & Thoms. (Ranunculaceae) complex in the Himalaya. Taiwania, 2016,61(1): 16-20. Taiwania 0 Angiosperm
1531 Gupta Reesa, Nath V, Asthana AK – Present status of family Dicranaceae (Bryophyta) in Pachmarhi Wildlife Sanctuary, Central India. Taiwania, 2016, 61(3):253-59. Taiwania 0 Bryology
1532 Husain D, Katiyar P, Agnihotri P, Husain T – Proposals to add the term lectoparatype to the Code. Taxon, 2016, 65(2):410-11. Taxon 2.447 Angiosperm
1533 Husain D, Katiyar P, Agnihotri P, Husain T – Proposal to add a new paragraph to Recommendation 9A. Taxon, 2016, 65(2): 413. Taxon 2.447 Angiosperm
1534 Husain D, Katiyar P, Agnihotri P, Husain T- Three more proposals on typification and the definition of a gathering. Taxon, 2016, 65(4): 898-99. Taxon 2.447 Angiosperm
1535 Kumar KGA, Tayade AB, Kumar Rajesh, Gupta S, Sharma AK, Nagar G, Tewari SS, Kumar Bhanu, Rawat AKS, Srivastava SK, Kumar Sachin, Ghosh S – Chemo-profiling and bioassay of phytoextracts from Ageratum conyzoides for acaricidal properties against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari: Ixodidae) infesting cattle and buffaloes in India. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, 2016,7(2):342-49. Ticks and Tick-borne Dis 3.23 Herbal Drugs
1536 Joshi Y, Tripathi M, Jinnah Z, Bisht K, Upreti DK – Host specificity of epiphytic macrolichens: a case study of Jageshwar forest (Uttarakhand) India. Trop Ecol, 2016, 57(1):1-8. Trop Ecol 0 Lichenology
1537 Pandey D, Pandey VC – Sacred plants from ancient to modern era: Traditional worshipping towards plants conservation. Tropical Plant Research, 2016, 3(1): 136-41. Trop Plant Res 0 Eco-Auditing
1538 Gupta S, Rai H, Upreti DK, Sharma PK, Gupta RK- New addition to the Lichen flora of Uttarakhand, India.  Tropical Plant Research, 2016, 3(1):224-29. Trop Plant Res 0 Lichenology
1539 Bhat M, Goni R, Verma S, Upreti DK- New additions to the lichen flora of Jammu and Kashmir state (India).  Tropical Plant Research, 2016, 3(1):157-61. Trop Plant Res 0 Lichenology
1540 Gupta R, Nath V, Asthana AK -Genus Brachymenium Schwägr. (Bryophyta) at Pachmarhi Wildlife Sanctuary (Madhya Pradesh), India. Tropical Plant Research, 2016, 3(2):283-88. Trop Plant Res 0 Bryology
1541 Uppadhyay V, Ingle KK, Trivedi S, Upreti DK- Diversity and distribution of lichens from the monuments of Gwalior division, Madhya Pradesh with special reference to rock porosity and lichen growth.  Tropical Plant Research, 2016, 3(2):384-89. Trop Plant Res 0 Lichenology
1542 Mishra S, Upreti DK, Srivastava AK- New records of lichens from foothills of Kumaun Himalayas to the lichen flora of Uttarakhand, India.  Tropical Plant Research, 2016, 3(2):434-39. Trop Plant Res 0 Lichenology
1543 Mohabe S, Devi AB, Nayaka S, Reddy M – New species and new records of Graphis (Ostropales: Graphidaceae) from Eastern Ghats, India.  Tropical Plant Research, 2016, 3(3) : 611-15. Trop Plant Res 0 Lichenology
1544 Ingle KK, Nayaka S, Suresh HS – Lichens in 50 ha permanent plot of Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu, India. Tropical Plant Research, 2016, 3(3):694-700. Trop Plant Res 0 Lichenology
1545 Sahai K, Rawat KK, Gupta D – A note on precocious pollen germination in Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz. Tropical Plant Research, 2016, 3(3):606-10. Trop Plant Res 0 Palynology
1546 Pandey VC, Bajpai O, Singh N – Plant regeneration potential in fly ash ecosystem. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2016, 15:40-44. Urban For Urban Gree 2.113 Eco-Auditing
1547 Singh AP, Johari D – Role of pteridophytes in livelihoods of Tharu tribes of Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh State Biodiversity Board, 2016:19-30. Uttar Pradesh State Biodiversity Board 0 Pteridology
1548 Prakash A, Manika N, Yadav RK – Observations on useful underutilized wild food plants among the Tharu tribal of Uttar Pradesh for sustaining local people, their livelihood and maintaining biodiversity. Uttar Pradesh State Biodiversity Board, 2016:31-43. Uttar Pradesh State Biodiversity Board 0 Ethnobotany
1549 Kumar Susheel, Jaidi M, Raj SK – Molecular characterization of a Begomovirus and Betasatellite infecting wild sunflower (Helianthus spp.) in India. Virology Research Journal, 2016, 1(1): 1-9. Virol Res J 0 Virology
1550 Sonkar Neha, Yadav AK, Mishra PK, Jain PK, Rao ChV -Evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of Annona  squamosa leaves and bark extract against carbon  tetrachloride liver damage in wistar rats. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016, 5(8):1353-60. World J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci 0 Pharmacology
S.No Paper Title Journal Impact Factor Area
1059 Rajan A, Sawant SV – Genome-wide transcriptomic comparison of cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) leaf and root under drought stress. 3 Biotech, 2015, 5(4):585-96. 3 Biotech 0.992 MB
1060 Asthana AK, Sahu V – Two new records of Plagiothecium from India. Acta Botanica Hungarica, 2015, 57(1-2):1-6. Acta Botanica Hungarica 0 Bryology
1061 Kumar Susheel, Gautam KK, Raj SK – Sequence analysis and genetic diversity of five new Indian isolates of cucumber mosaic virus . Acta Virologica, 2015, 59(4): 398-404. Acta Virol 1.222 Virology
1062 Batra A, Dwivedi AK – Mutational studies on Chrysanthemum cv. ‘Maghi ’with particular reference to induction of flower colour mutation. Agrica, 2015, 4(2):93-101. Agarica 0 Floriculture
1063 Singh Arpita, Kumar GR, Gupta SS, Sigh S, Rawat AKS, Rao ChV – Hepatoprotective potential of Ziziphusoenoplia (L.) mill roots against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Advanced Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics (AJPCT), 2015, 3(1): 64-78. Am J Phytomed Clinical Therapeut 0 Pharmacology
1064 Cottee-Jones HE, Bajpai O, Chaudhary LB, Whittaker RJ – Isolated Ficus trees deliver dual conservation and development benefits in a rural landscape. Ambio, 2015 , 44(7):678-84. Ambio 2.555 Angiosperm
1065 Wagh VV, Jain AK – New addition to the flora of Madhya Pradesh, India. Annals of Plant Sciences, 2015, 4(12):1233-35. Anal Plant Sci 0 Angiosperm
1066 Singh BN, Upreti DK, Singh BR, Pandey G, Verma S, Roy S, Naqvi AH, Rawat AKS – Quercetin sensitizes fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans to induce apoptotic cell death by modulating quorum sensing. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2015,  59(4):2153-68. Antimcrob Agents Ch 4.415 Herbal Drugs
1067 Srivastava A, Singh BN, Deepak D, Rawat AKS, Singh BR – Colostrum hexasaccharide, a novel Staphylococcus aureus quorum sensing inhibitor. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2015,  59(4):2169-78. Antimcrob Agents Ch 4.415 Herbal Drugs
1068 Dasgupta CN, Suseela MR,  Mandotra SK, Kumar Pankaj, Pandey MK,  Toppo K, Lone JA – Dual uses of microalgal biomass: An integrative approach for biohydrogen and biodiesel production. Applied Energy, 2015, 146:202-08. Appl Energy 5.746 Algae
1069 Jena SN, Verma S, Nair KN, Srivastava AK, Misra S, Rana TS – Genetic diversity and population structure of the mangrove lime (Merope angulata) in India revealed by AFLP and ISSR markers. Aquatic Botany, 2015, 120 (Part B):260-67. Aquat Bot 1.846 Angiosperm
1070 Kaur C, Kumar Susheel, Raj SK – Association of a distinct strain of Chilli veinal mottle virus with mottling and distortion disease of Datura inoxia in India. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 2015, 48(6):545-54. Arch Phytopath Plant Protect 0 Virology
1071 Raj SK, Kumar Susheel, Srivastava A – Association of tomato leaf curl Palampur virus with yellow mosaic disease of Armenian cucumber (Cucumis melo var. flexuoses) and wild melon (C. callosus var. agrestis) in India. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 2015, 48(9-12):751-59. Arch Phytopath Plant Protect 0 Virology
1072 Srivastava A, Jaidi M, Kumar S, Raj SK – Molecular identification of a new begomovirus associated with leaf crumple disease of Jatropha curcas L. in India. Archives of Virology, 2015, 160(2):617-19. Arch Virol 2.255 Virology
1073 Srivastava A, Kumar S, Jaidi M, Raj SK -Molecular characterization of a new begomovirus associated with leaf yellow mosaic disease of Jatropha curcas in India. Archives of Virology, 2015, 160(5):1359-62. Arch Virol 2.255 Virology
1074 Rastogi A, Mishra BK, Srivastava Mirnalini, Siddiqui A, Pandey Rawali, Verma N, Shukla S –  Identification of Heterotic Crosses Based on Combining Ability in Vegetable Amaranthus (Amaranthus tricolor L.). Asian Journal of Agricultural Research, 2015, 9 (3): 84-94. Asian J Agr Res 0 Pl Breed & Genetics
1075 Paswan SK, Verma P, Raj A, Azmi L, Srivastava Sajal, Rao ChV – Role of nutrition in the management of diabetes mellitus. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Science, 2015, 2(4):42-47. Asian Pac J Health Sci 0 Pharmacology
1076 Raj A, Singh N – Phytoremediation of arsenic contaminated soil by arsenic accumulators: a three year study. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2015, 94(3):308-13. B Environ Contam Tox 1.191 Eco-auditing
1077 Shah AB, Rai UN, Singh RP – Correlations between some hazardous inorganic pollutants in the Gomti River and their accumulation in selected macrophytes under aquatic ecosystem. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2015, 94(6):783-90. B Environ Contam Tox 1.191 Environmental Sciences
1078 Tiwari V, Mahar KS, Singh Niraj, Meena Baleshwar, Nair KN, Datt B, Upreti DK, Tamta Sushma, Rana TS – Genetic variability and population structure of Bergenia ciliata (Saxifragaceae) in the Western Himalaya inferred from DAMD and ISSR markers. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2015, 60: 165-70. Biochem Syst Ecol 0.988 Angiosperm
1079 Rai H, Khare R, Baniya CB, Upreti DK, Gupta RK – Elevational gradients of terricolous lichen species richness in the Western Himalaya. Biodiversity and Conservation, 2015, 24(5):1155-74. Biodivers Conserv 2.258 Lichenology
1080 Khuraijam JS, Roy RK – A new species of Luisia Gaud. (Orchidaceae) from northwestern Bihar, India. Biodiversity Journal, 2015, 6(3): 699-702. Biodivers J 0 Botanic Garden
1081 Hsie BS, Mendes KR, Antunes WC, Endres L, Campos MLO, Souza FC, Santos ND, Singh B, Arruda ECP, Pompelli MF – Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) modulates stomatal traits in response to leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit. Biomass & Bioenergy, 2015, 81:273-81. Biomass Bioenergy 3.249 Biomass
1082 Pandey Vibha, Dhar YV, Gupta P, Bag SK, Atri N, Asif MH, Trivedi PK, Misra P – Comparative interactions of withanolides and sterols with two members of sterol glycosyltransferases from Withania somnifera. BMC Bioinformatics, 2015, 16: 120 (Page 1-10) BMC bioinformatics 2.435 MB
1083 Garg Anchal, Agarwal Lalit, Misra RC, Sharma Shubha, Ghosh S – Andrographis paniculata transcriptome provide molecular insights into tissue-specific accumulation of medicinal diterpenes. BMC Genomics, 2015, 16:659. (1-16). BMC Genomics 3.867 Microbiology
1084 Singh M, Bag SK, Bhardwaj A, Ranjan A, Mantri S, Nigam D, Sharma YK, Sawant SV – Global nucleosome positioning regulates salicylic acid mediated transcription in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biology, 2015, 15:Article No. 13 (Page 1-21). BMC Plant Biol 3.631 MB
1085 Misra Ankita, Srivastava SK, Verma S, Rawat AKS – Nutritional evaluation, antioxidant studies and quantification of poly phenolics, in Roscoea purpurea tubers. BMC research notes, 2015,  8:324 BMC Res Notes 0 Herbal Drugs
1086 Roy RK, Khuraijam JS – Ex-situ conservation of cacti and succulents at CSIR-NBRI Botanic Garden, Lucknow, India.  Cactus World, 2015, 33(3): 205-07. Cactus World 0 Botanic Garden
1087 Aeron A, Chauhan PS, Dubey RC, Maheshwari DK, Bajpai VK – Root nodule bacteria from Clitoria ternatea L. are putative invasive nonrhizobial endophytes. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 2015, 61(2) :131-42. Can J Microbiol 1.335 Microbiology
1088 Bajpai O, Kumar Anoop, Srivastava AK, Kushwaha AK, Pandey J, Chaudhary LB – Tree species of the Himalayan Terai region of Uttar Pradesh, India: a checklist. Check List: The Journal of Biodiversity Data, 2015, 11(4): Article No 1718 (1-15). Check List 0 Angiosperm
1089 Srivastav M, Kumar A, Hussain T –  Diversity of angiospermic plants in Dhanaulti Region, Uttarakhand: An emerging tourist destination in Western Himalaya. Check List, 2015, 11(4): Article 1702. Check List 0 Angiosperm
1090 Pal M, Mishra T, Kumar Anil, Baleshwar, Upreti DK, Rana TS – Characterization of fatty acids in the bark of growing in high altitudes of Hmalaya. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2015, 51(2): 326-27. Chem Nat Compd 0.473 Phytochemistry
1091 Singh Shilpi, Khuraijam JS, Roy RK – Checklist of invasive alien species in CSIR-NBRI Botanic Garden, Lucknow, India. Communications in Plant Sciences, 2015, 5(3-4): 59-65. Commun Plant Sci 0 Botanic Garden
1092 Gupta Manjul, Srivastava PK, Singh SB, Singh N, Tewari SK – Organic amendments with plant growth promoting fungi support paddy cultivation in sodic soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2015, 46(18):2332-41. Commun Soil Sci Plan 0.529 Eco-auditing
1093 Kumar Birendra, Kumar Umesh, Yadav HK – Identification of EST-SSRs and molecular diversity analysis in Mentha piperita. Crop Journal, 2015, 3(4):335-42. Crop J 0 Pl Breed & Genetics
1094 Joshi S, Upreti DK, Nguyen TT, Nguyen AD, Oh SO, Hur Jae-Seoun- A new species of Fissurina and new records of Graphidaceae from Vietnam. Cryptogamie, Mycologie, 2015, 36(4):383-97. Cryptogamie Mycol 1.509 Lichenology
1095 Anjali DB, Mohabe S, Reddy AM, Nayaka S – Antimicrobial activities of 2-Propanol crude extract from lichen Parmotrema tinctorum (Despr.ex. Nyl.) Hale, collected from Eastern Ghats, India. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology, 2015, 5(3): 160-68. Curr Res  Environ  Appl Mycol 0 Lichenology
1096 Babiah PS, Upreti DK, John SA – Assessment of fungicidal potential of lichen Heterodermia leucomelos (L.) Poelt against pathogenic fungi. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology, 2015, 5(2): 92-100. Curr Res  Environ  Appl Mycol 0 Lichenology
1097 Nair KN, Mishra A, Suseela MR, Tivedi PK, Sawant SV, Nautiyal CS – Transforming plant biology to translational research applications – National Botanical Research Institute. Current Science, 2015, 108(6):1066-71. Curr Sci 0.967 Herbal Drugs
1098 Singh BN, Prateeksha, Rao ChV, Rawat AKS, Upreti DK, Singh BR –  Antimicrobial nanotechnologies: what are the current possibilities? Current Science, 2015, 108(7):1210-13. Curr Sci 0.967 Herbal Drugs
1099 Singh A, Tyagi A, Tripathi AM, Gokhale SM, Singh N, Roy S – Morphological trait variations in the west Himalayan (India) populations of Arabidopsis thaliana along altitudinal gradients. Current Science, 2015, 108(12):2213-22. Curr Sci 0.967 Eco-auditing
1100 Misra P, Purshottam DK, Goel AK, Nautiyal CS-Welwitsschia mirabilis – induction, growth and organiztion of mature leaf callus. Current Science, 2015,109(3):567-71. Curr Sci 0.967 Plant Transformation
1101 Bajpai O, Pandey J, Chaudhary LB – Consequences of western disturbance-triggered cooling on the flowering of tree species in the Himalayan Terai region. Current Science, 2015, 109(10):1781-82. Curr Sci 0.967 Angiosperm
1102 Singh AK, Singh N – Application of Lantana camara L. in villages of Sonebhadra, India: A possible management strategy to control invasion. Eco Envir Cons, 2015, 21(1): 257-59. Eco Environ Cons 0 Eco-auditing
1103 Pandey VC – Assisted phytoremediation of fly ash dumps through naturally colonized plants. Ecol Eng, 2015, 82: 1-5. Ecol Eng 2.74 Eco-auditing
1104 Rai UN,  Upadhyay AK, Singh NK, Dwevedi S, Tripathi RD- Seasonal applicability of horizontal sub-surface flow constructed wetland for trace elements and nutrient removal from urban wastes to conserve Ganga River water quality at Haridwar, India. Ecol Eng, 2015, 81:115-22. Ecol Eng 2.74 Eco-auditing
1105 Tripathi V,  Abhilash PC, Singh HB, Singh N, Patra DD – Effect of temperature variation on lindane dissipation and microbial activity in soil. Ecol Eng, 2015, 79:54-59. Ecol Eng 2.74 Eco-auditing
1106 Behera SK, Behera MD, Tuli R – An indirect method of estimating leaf area index in a tropical deciduous forest of India. Ecological Indicators, 2015, 58:356-64. Ecol Indic 3.19 Eco-auditing
1107 Tripathi P, Singh PC, Mishra A, Tripathi RD, Nautiyal CS – Trichoderma inoculation augments grain amino acids and mineral nutrients by modulating arsenic speciation and accumulation in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2015, 117: 72-80. Ecotox Environ Safe 3.13 Microbiology
1108 Upadhyay AK, Singh NK, Singh R, Rai UN – Amelioration of arsenic toxicity in rice: Comparative effect of inoculation of Chlorella vulgaris and Nannochloropsis sp. on growth, biochemical changes and arsenic uptake. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2015 124: 68-73. Ecotox Environ Safe 3.13 Environmental Sciences
1109 Verma P, Paswan S, Singh Surya Prakash, Shrivastva S, Rao ChV – Assessment of hepatoprotective potential of Solanum xanthocarpum (whole plant) Linn. Against isoniazid and rifampicin induced hepatic toxicity in Wistar rats.Elixir Applied Botany, 2015, 77:35578-83. Elixir Appl Bot 0 Pharmacology
1110 Kumar Smita, Dubey RS, Tripathi RD, Chakrabarty D, Trivedi PK – Omics and biotechnology of arsenic stress and detoxification in plants: Current updates and prospective. Environment International, 2015, 74:221-30. Environ Int 5.929 Environmental Sciences
1111 Srivastava PK, Singh M, Gupta M, Singh N, Tripathi RD, Nautiyal CS -Mapping of arsenic pollution with reference to paddy cultivation in the middle Indo-Gangetic Plains. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2015, 187(4) :198 (1-14) Environ monit assess 1.633 Eco-auditing
1112 Bajpai R, Shukla V, Singh Niraj, Rana TS, Upreti DK – Physiological and genetic effects of chromium (+VI) on toxitolerant lichen species, Pyxine cocoes. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2015, 22(5):3727-38. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2.76 Lichenology
1113 Pandey VC, Prakash Prem, Bajpai O, Kumar Akhilesh, Singh N – Phytodiversity on fly ash deposits: evaluation of naturally colonized species for sustainable phytorestoration. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2015, 22(4):2776-87. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2.76 Eco-auditing
1114 Shukla V, Patel DK, Bajpai R, Semwal M, Upreti DK – Ecological implication of variation in the secondary metabolites in Parmelioid lichens with respect to altitude. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2016, 23(2):1391-97. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2.76 Lichenology
1115 Wagh VV, Jain AK – Inventory of ethnobotanicals and other systematic procedures for regional conservation of medicinal and sacred plants. Environment Systems and Decisions, 2015, 35(1):143-56. Environ Syst Decis 0 Ethnobotany
1116 Tripathi P, Singh RP, Sharma YK, Tripathi RD – Arsenite stress variably stimulates pro-oxidant enzymes, anatomical deformities, photosynthetic pigment reduction and antioxidants in arsenic tolerant and sensitive rice seedlings. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2015, 34(7):1562-71. Environ Toxicol Chem 2.763 Environmental Sciences
1117 Srivastava SK,  Srivastava M,  Misra Ankita,  Pandey Garima,  Rawat AKS – A review on biological and chemical diversity in Berberis (Berberidaceae). EXCLI  J, 2015,14:247-67. EXCLI  J 1.292 Herbal Drugs
1118 Ghosh S, Tiwari SS, Kumar Bhanu, Srivastava S, Sharma AK, Kumar Sachin, Bandhopadhyay A, Julliet S, Kumar R, Rawat AKS –  Identification of potential plant extracts for anti-tick activity against acaricide resistant cattle ticks, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari: Ixodidae). Experimental and Applied Acarology, 2015,66(1):159-71. Exp Appl Acarol 1.812 Herbal Drugs
1119 Singh Sweta, Pal M, Kumar Anil, Sharma SK, Tewari SK – The influence of NACL-induced stress on the growth and volatile profile of Curcuma longa L. leaves. Facta Universitatis Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 2015, 13(1):59-66. Facta Universitatis Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology 0 Biomass
1120 Singh Amit P, Dixit Garima, Mishra Seema, Dwivedi S, Tiwari M,  Mallick S, Pandey V, Trivedi PK, Chakrabarty D, Tripathi RD – Salicylic acid modulates arsenic toxicity by reducing its root to shoot translocation in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Front Plant Sci, 2015, 6: 340   (Page 1-12) Front Plant Sci 4.495 Environmental Sciences
1121 Muthamilarasan M, Khan Y, Jaishankar J, Shweta S, Lata Charu, Prasad M – Integrative analysis and expression profiling of secondary cell wall genes in C-4 biofuel model Setaria italica reveals targets for lignocellulose bioengineering. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6: Article No. : 965. Front Plant Sci 4.495 Microbiology
1122 Shukla T, Kumar Smita, Khare R, Tripathi RD, Trivedi PK – Natural variations in expression of regulatory and detoxification related genes under limiting phosphate and arsenate stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6: Article Number 898. Front Plant Sci 4.495 MB
1123 Hulse-Kemp AM, Lemm J, Plieske J, Ashrafi H, Buyyarapu R, Fang DD, Frelichowski J, Giband M, Hague S, Hinze LL, Kochan KJ, Riggs PK, Scheffler JA, Udall JA, Ulloa M, Wang SS, Zhu QH, Bag SK, Bhardwaj Archana, Burke JJ, Byers RL, Claverie M, Gore MA, Harker DB, Islam MS, Jenkins JN, Jones DC, Lacape JM, Llewellyn DJ, Percy RG, Pepper AE, Poland JA, Rai KM, Sawant SV, Singh SK, Spriggs A, Taylor JM, Wang F, Yourstone SM, Zheng X, Lawley CT, Ganal MW, Van Deynze A, Wilson IW, Stelly DM – Development of a 63K SNP array for cotton and high-density mapping of intraspecific and interspecific populations of Gossypium spp. G3-Genes Genomes Genetics, 2015, 5(6): 1187-1209. G3-Gens Genom Genet 2.91 MB
1124 Pandey VC, Bajpai O, Pandey DN, Singh N – Saccharum spontaneum: an underutilized tall grass for revegetation and restoration programs. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2015, 62 (3) :443-50. Genet Resour Crop Ev 1.258 Eco-auditing
1125 Sahai K, Rawat KK – Degrading populations of Cajanus cajan (Wight et Arn.) Maesen, in parts of the Western Ghats, India. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2015, 62(4):515-23. Genet Resour Crop Ev 1.258 Seed Biology
1126 Maurya R, Kumar Umesh, Katiyar Ratna, Yadav HK – Correlation and path coefficient analysis in Jatropha curcas L. Genetika, 2015, 47(1): 63-70. Genetika-Belgrade 0.308 Pl Breed & Genetics
1127 Verma N, Shukla S, Yadav K, Mishra BK, Rastogi A – Biochemical characterization based on SDS-Page analysis and correlation among traits in opium poppy (Papaver somniferum l.) germplasm. Genetika, 2015, 47(3):1029-50. Genetika-Belgrade 0.308 Pl Breed & Genetics
1128 Roy S, Tripathi AM, Mishra G,  Nair KN, Rana TS, Upreti DK – Plant barcoding of a wildlife sanctuary across a wide climatic zone, Uttaranchal, India. Genome, 2015, 58(5):273. Genome 1.356 MB
1129 Paul S, Bhardwaj A, Bag SK, Sokurenko EV, Chattopadhyay S – PanCoreGen — Profiling, detecting, annotating protein-coding genes in microbial genomes. Genomics, 2015, 106(6):367-72. Genomics 2.386 MB
1130 Shukla P, Bajpai R, Singh CP, Sharma N, Upreti DK – Lichen diversity in alpine regions of eastern Sikkim with respect to long term monitoring programme of Indian Space Research Organization. Geophytology, 2015, 45(1):57-62. Geophytology 0 Lichenology
1131 Asthana AK, Sahu V- Occurrence of Tetralophozia filiformis (Steph.) Urmi in Uttarakhand, India. Geophytology, 2015, 45(1): 81-85. Geophytology 0 Bryology
1132 Mishra GK, Upreti DK – Altitudinal distribution of cetrarioid lichens in Govind Wildlife Sanctuary, Garhwal  Himalaya, Uttarakhnad, India. Geophytology, 2015, 45(1): 9-19. Geophytology 0 Lichenology
1133 Rawat KK, Sahu V, Verma PK, Asthana AK – Horikawaella S. Hatt. & Amakawa (Marchantiophyta: Solenostomataceae) from Sikkim, India. Geophytology, 2015, 45(1): 67-70. Geophytology 0 Bryology
1134 Mohabe S, Nayaka S, Reddy MA and Devi AB- Diorygma kurnoolensis (Graphidaceae), a new saxicolous lichen species from Andhra Pradesh, India, Geophytology, 2015, 45(1): 47-50. Geophytology 0 Lichenology
1135 Asthana AK, Sahu V, Srivastava A- In-vitro propagation of three species of Bryum Hedw.: A comparative study. Geophytology, 2015, 45(2): 215-20. Geophytology 0 Bryology
1136 Bajpai R, Shukla , Upreti DK – New records to Indian lichen flora. Geophytology, 2015, 45(2): 269-72. Geophytology 0 Lichenology
1137 Srivastava Shobhit Prakash, Mishra A, Srivastava M – Commonly called babools: Plants of multipurpose medicinal uses. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biotechnology (IJPTB), 2(2): 21-31. IJPTB 0 Phytochemistry
1138 Sakthi AR, Naveenkumar A, Deepikha PS, Balakrishnan N, Kumar KK, Devi E Kokila, Balasubramani V, Arul L, Singh PK, Sudhakar D, Udayasuriyan V, Balasubramanian P – Expression and inheritance of chimeric cry2AX1 gene in transgenic cotton plants generated through somatic embryogenesis. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant, 2015, 51(4): 379-89. In Vitro Cell Dev-Pl 1.152 MB
1139 Shukla S, Mishra BK, Mishra Ritu, Siddiqui A, Pandey Rawali, Rastogi A – Comparative study for stability and adaptability through different models in developed high thebaine lines of opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.). Industrial Crops and Products, 2015, 74:875-86. Ind Crop Prod 3.449 Pl Breed & Genetics
1140 Yaseen M, Kumar Birendra, Ram Dasha, Singh Man, Anand Sarita, Yadav HK, Samad A – Agro morphological, chemical and genetic variability studies for yield assessment in clary sage (Salvia sclarea L.). Industrial Crops and Products, 2015, 77:640-47. Ind Crop Prod 3.449 Pl Breed & Genetics
1141 Sahu V, Asthana AK – Diversity in Mosses of Pithoragarh and its Neighbouring Areas, Western Himalaya, India. Indian Forester, 2015,141(11):1183-91. Indian For 0 Bryology
1142 Tyagi AK, Shandilya U, Srivastava A, Tyagi A, Kumar M, Rastogi S, Rawat AKS, Singh RRB – Effect of different plant extracts, fatty acid and oils on conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) production by Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens.  Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2015, 85(3).282-86. Indian J Anim Sci 0.174 Herbal Drugs
1143 Asthana AK, Omar I, Srivastava P  -Lejeunea minutiloba A. Evans, new to bryoflora of South India with a note on its interesting morphoform. Indian J For, 38(3):245-48. Indian J For 0 Bryology
1144 Singh D, Nainwal RC, Katiyar RS, Tewari SK –  Integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of garlic under sodic wasteland conditions. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 2015, 72(3):434-37. Indian J Hortic 0.129 Biomass
1145 Shukla Shipra, A Kumar, Bahadur L, Pal M – Fatty acid composition of Sonchus arvensis L. roots. Indian Journal of Natural Product  Resources (IJNPR), 2015, 6(1):62-64 Indian J Nat Prod Resour 0 Phytochemistry
1146 Gupta A, Verma S, Kushwaha P, Srivastava SK, Rawat AKS – Phytochemical and antioxidant studies of Salvadora persica L. stem & twig. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 2015, 49(1): 71-75. Indian J Pharmaceut Education Res (IJPER) 0.109 Herbal Drugs
1147 Singh S, Upreti DK, Lehri A, Paliwal AK – Quantification of lichens commercially used in traditional perfumeary industries in Uttar Pradesh, India. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences, 2015, 4(1): 29-33. Indian J Plant Sci 0 Lichenology
1148 Irshad Saba, Pragyadeep S, Rawat AKS, Misra PK, Khatoon S – Comparative pharmacognostical studies of two medicinally important Indian Evolvulus species. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 2015, 14(4):564-70. Indian J Tradit Know 0.371 Herbal Drugs
1149 Khuraijam JS, Roy RK – Propagation of Indian Cycads: Methods and Precautions. Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, 2015, 23(1): 101-03. Indian J Trop Biodiv 0 Botanic Garden
1150 Trivedi MH, Ramana KV, Rao ChV –  Evaluation of anti inflammatory and analgesic activities of Cordia sebestena L. roots. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2015, 5(8):2765-68. Indo Am J Pharmaceut Res 0 Herbal Drugs
1151 Khatoon S – Macro-microscopy & planar chromatography-Important tools for quality control and identification of adulterants/substitutes of Unani drugs. International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy Medicine and Bioallied Sciences, 2015, 3(1):58-64. Int J Adv Pharm Med Bioallied Sci 0 Herbal Drugs
1152 Dey AK, Mishra GK, Rout J, Upreti DK – An enumeration of epiphytic lichens from Hojai sub-division of Nagaon district, Assam, India. International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences, 2015, 2(10): 111-15. Int J Adv Res Biol Sci 0 Lichenology
1153 Jha S, Sanyal I, Amla DV-High-level expression and purification of a therapeutic recombinant serine protease inhibitor from transgenic tomato plants. International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, 2015, 4: (01): 1158-76. Int J Adv Res Sci Eng (IJARSE) 0 MB
1154 Roy PS, Behera MD, Murthy MSR, Roy A, Singh S, Kushwaha SPS, Jha CS, Sudhakar S, Joshi PK, Reddy CS, Gupta S, Pujar G, Dutt CBS, Srivastava VK, Porwal MC, Tripathi P, Singh JS, Chitale V, Skidmore AK, Rajshekhar G, Kushwaha D, Karnatak H, Saran S, Giriraj A, Padalia H, Kale M, Nandy S, Jeganathan C, Singh CP, Biradar CM, Pattanaik C, Singh DK, Devagiri GM, Talukdar G, Panigrahy RK, Singh H, Sharma JR, Haridasan K , Trivedi S, Singh KP, Kannan L, Daniel M, Misra MK, Niphadkar M, Nagabhatla N, Prasad N, Tripathi OP, Prasad PRC, Dash P, Qureshi Q, Tripathi SK, Ramesh BR, Gowda B, Tomar S, Romshoo S, Giriraj S, Ravan SA, Behera SK, Paul S, Das AK, Ranganath BK, Singh TP, Sahu TR, Shankar U, Menon ARR, Srivastava G, Neeti, Sharma S, Mohapatra UB, Peddi A, Rashid H, Salroo I, Krishna PH, Hajra PK, Vergheese AO, Matin S, Chaudhary SA, Ghosh S, Lakshmi U, Rawat D, Ambastha K, Malik AH, Devi BSS, Gowda B, Sharma KC, Mukharjee P, Sharma A, Davidar P, Raju RRV, Katewa SS, Kant S, Raju VS, Uniyal BP, Debnath B, Rout DK, Thapa R, Joseph S, Chhetri P, Ramachandran RM – New vegetation type map of India prepared using satellite remote sensing: Comparison with global vegetation maps and utilities. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2015 :142–59. Int J Appl Earth Obsr Geioinfor 3.798 Eco-auditing
1155 Singh Shweta, Pal M, Lehri A, Tewari SK – Biological activities of rhizome and leaf essential oil of turmeric (Curcuma longa L). International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research, 2015,13(Special Issue):349-56. Int J Basic Appl Agric Res 0 Biomass
1156 Wagh VV, Jain AK – Invasive alien flora of Jhabua district, Madhya Pradesh, India. International Journal of Biodiversity Conservation, 2015, 7(4): 227-37. Int J Biodivers Conserv 0 Angiosperm
1157 Chaudhary LB, Siwakoti M – A complete list of the species of Astragalus L. (Fabaceae) of Nepal with three new records. International Journal of Current Researches in Biosciences and Plant Biology, 2015, 2(4): 33 -44. Int J Curr Res Biosci Plant Biol 0 Angiosperm
1158 Kumar R, Singh N, Pandey SN – Potential of green synthesized zero-valent iron nanoparticles for remediation of lead-contaminated water.Int J Environ Sci Technol, 2015, 12(12): 3943-50. Int J Environ Sci Te 2.344 Environmental Sciences
1159 Datta SK, Chakrabarty C – Classical and modern methods for characterization of ornamental crops. International Journal of Horticulture, 2015, 5(21):1-45. Int J Hortic 0 Floriculture
1160 Gupta SS, Lubna A, Shukla A, Verma P, Mohapatra PK, Rao ChV – Structural and functional characterization of flavonoid ingredient of Andrographis serpyllifolia leaves extract against experimentally induced gastroesophageal reflux disease.  International Journal of Indigenous Medicinal Plants, 2015, 48: 1803-10. Int J Indigenous Med Plants 0 Herbal Drugs
1161 Batra A – To study the behaviour of colour change in some dehydrated ornamental flowers. International. Journal of  Latest Research in Science and Technology, 2015, 4(4):141-44. Int J Latest Res Sci Technol 0 Floriculture
1162 Siddiqui A,  Shukla S – Conservation of plant genetic resources and their utilisation in global perspective. International Journal of Life Sciences, 2015, 4(1):46-61. Int J Life Sci 0 Pl Breed & Genetics
1163 Rawat Preeti, Neetishwar Saroj, Rawat P, Kumar Piyush, Singh TD, Pal M – Evaluation for total phenolic, total flavonoid and antioxidant activity of leaves and roots of Pyrus pashia. International Journal of MediPharm Research, 2015, 1(3):193-96. Int J MediPharm Res 0 Phytochemistry
1164 Sundararaj JP, Kuppuraj S, Ganesan A, Ponnusamy P, Nayaka S – In vitro assesssment of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of different solvent extracts from lichen Ramalina nervulosa. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2015, 7(8):200-04. Int J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci 0 Lichenology
1165 Srivastava M, Gupta K, Kumar Geetendra, Malhotra S – Phytochemical analysis of Zizyphus jujuba (Lam.) seeds. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2015, 7(2):29-34. Int J Pharm Res 0 Phytochemistry
1166 Pathak VK, Maiti A, Gupta SS, Shukla I, Rao ChV – Effect of the Standardized Extract of Holarrhena antidysenterica Seeds against Steptozotocin-Induced Diabetes in Rats. International Journal of Pharma Research & Review,  2015, 4(4):1-6. Int J Pharma Res Rev 0 Pharmacology
1167 Ganesan A, Thangapandian MP, Ponnusamy P, Sundararaj JP, Nayaka S – Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of parmeliod lichens from Shevaroy hills of Eastern Ghats, India. International Journal of PharmTech Research, 2015, 8(9):13-23. Int J PharmTech Res 0 Lichenology
1168 Raj A, Jamil S, Srivastava PK, Tripathi RD, Sharma YK, Singh N – Feasibility study of Phragmites karka and Christella dentata grown in West Bengal as arsenic accumulator. Int J Phytoremediat, 2015, 17 (9):869-78. Int J Phytoremediat 2.085 Eco-auditing
1169 Tripathi RD, Kumar A, Dwivedi S, Chauhan R, Tripathi P, Adhikari B, Dhara MC, Nautiyal CS – Characterization of rice germplasms for sufficient selenium and low arsenic accumulation in grains. International Journal of Plant and Environment, 2015, 1(1): 31-42. Int J Plant Environ 0 Environmental Sciences
1170 Usmani MA, Toppo K, Sheikh K, Nayaka S – Biomass nutrient profile of the green alga Golenkinia radiata chodat. Research article. International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research, 2015,2(9):1756-62. Int J Rec Adv Multi Res 0 Lichenology
1171 Patel AK, Suseela MR, Singh Munna, Nayaka S – Application of Response Surface Methodology for optimization of Biomass, Carbohydrate and Lipid production in BG11+ by Scenedesmus quadricauda. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2015, 5(6):199-216. Int J Res Eng Appl Sci 0 Algae
1172 Neetu, Singh AK, Kumar Rakesh, Pal M – Heterosis and inbreeding depression in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench). International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research, 2015,3(2): 15-24. Int J Sci Innovative Res (IJSIR) 0 Phytochemistry
1173 Saema S, Ahmad IZ,  Misra P- Rapid in vitro plant regeneration from nodal explants of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal: a valuable medicinal plant. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2015,4(6):1649-52. Int J Sci Res 0 Plant Transformation
1174 Rana Kiran, Nayaka S., Shukla P, Upreti DK – Notes on occurrence of fruiticose lichens in Joram Top, Ziro Valley, Arunachal Pradesh with 10 new records to the state. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR, 2015, 4(12): 1999-2003. Int J Sci Res 0 Lichenology
1175 Roy RK, Khuraijam JS, Singh Shilpi – Lagerstroemia for urban landscapes in India. International Journal of Scientific Research, 2015, 4(6): 164-66. Int J Scient Res 0 Botanic Garden
1176 Pandey N, Lehri A, Mehrotra Sonali, Srivastava JB – Arsenic pollution scenario in Easern U.P., India: A review. International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2015, 4(11):83-86. Int Res J Environ Sci 0 Phytochemistry
1177 Paswan SK, Verma P, Raj A, Rastogi C, Srivastava Sajal, Rao ChV – Herbal alternatives for the treatment of hepatic disorders: An updated review, Journal of Advances in Biology, 2015, 8(2):1543-54. J Adv Biol 0 Pharmacology
1178 Srivastava SK, Singh Adarsh Pratap, Rawat AKS – Comparative botanical and phytochemical evaluation of Calotropis procera Linn. and Calotropis gigantea Linn. root. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2015, 5(7): 41-47. J App Pharm Sci 0 Herbal Drugs
1179 Singh M, Srivastava PK, Verma PC, Kharwar RN, Singh N, Tripathi RD  – Soil fungi for mycoremediation of arsenic pollution in agriculture soils. J Appl Microbiol, 2015, 119(5):1278-90. J Appl Micrbiol 2.156 Eco-auditing
1180 Dixit V, Irshad S, Agnihotri P, Paliwal AK, Husain T – Evaluation of  antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of Leucas urticaefolia (Lamiaceae). Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2015, 5 (Suppl 1): 39-45. J Appl Pharmaceut Sci 0 Angiosperm
1181 Verma Nidhi, Shukla S – Impact of various factors responsible for fluctuation in plant secondary metabolites. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 2015, 2(4):105-13. J Appl Res Med Arom Plants 0 Pl Breed & Genetics
1182 Dudani SN, Nayaka S, Mahesh M, Chandran MDS, Ramachandra TV -Lichen diversity in the sacred forest fragments of Central Western Ghats. Journal of Biodiversity Management & Forestry, 2015, 4(2):1-6. J Biodiver Manage For 0 Lichenology
1183 Wagh VV, Datt B, Husain T – An assessment of diversity of genus Geranium L.(Geraniaceae) in India with Special Emphasis on Indian Himalayan Region. Journal of Biodiversity Management & Forestry, 2015, 4(2): 1000140 (1-6). J Biodiver Manage For 0 Angiosperm
1184 Gupta R, Nath V, Asthana AK – New national and regional bryophyte records (Bryum porphyroneuron var. erythrinum (Mitt.) M.Fleisch and  Ptychostomum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) J.R. Spence & H.P.Ramsay. Journal of Bryology, 2015, 37(1):70, 77. J Bryol 1.325 Bryology
1185 Asthana AK, Srivastava A – New national and regional bryophyte records: Fissidens griffithii Gangulee & Fissidens robinsonii Broth. Journal of Bryology, 2015, 37(2): 133-34. J Bryol 1.325 Bryology
1186 Gupta R, Nath V, Asthana AK, Pande N – New national and regional bryophyte records: Hygrohypnum choprae Vohra, Plagiothecium cavifolium (Brid.) Z.Iwats. Journal of Bryology, 2015, 37(4): 316, 318. J Bryol 1.325 Bryology
1187 Srivastava Nishi, Srivastava Amit, Srivastava SK, Rawat AKS, Khan AR – Simultaneous quantification of syringic acid and kaempferol in extracts of Bergenia species using validated high-performance thin-layer chromatographic-densitometric method. Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2016,54(3):460-65. J Chromatogr Sci 1.32 Herbal Drugs
1188 Pandey VC, Pandey DN, Singh N – Sustainable phytoremediation based on naturally colonizing and economically valuable plants. J Cleaner Production, 2015, 86(1):37-39. J Clean Prod 4.959 Eco-auditing
1189 Kumar Anil, Niranjan A, Lehri A, Tewari SK, Amla DV, Raj SK, Srivastava R,  Shukla SV –  Isotopic ratio mass spectrometry study for differentiation between natural and adulterated essential oils of lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) and palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii). Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 2015, 18(2): 368-73. J Essent Oil Bear Pl 0.313 Phytochemistry
1190 Upadhyay RK, Bahl JR, Patra DD, Tewari SK – A new agro-technology for Increasing oil yield and yield contributing characters of menthol mint (Mentha arvensis L.). Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 2015, 18(4):785-90. J Essent Oil Bear Pl 0.313 Biomass
1191 Pal M, Mishra Tripti, Kumar Anil, Baleshwar, Upreti DK, Rana TS – Chemical constituents and antimicrobial potential of essential oil from Betula utilis growing in high altitude of Himalaya (India). J Essent Oil Bearing Plants, 2015, 18(5):1078-82. J Essent Oil Bear Pl 0.313 Phytochemistry
1192 Rastogi S, Pandey MM, Rawat AKS – Medicinal plants of the genus Betula-Traditional uses and a phytochemical-pharmacological review. J Ethnopharmacol, 2015, 159:62-83. J Ethnopharmacol 3.055 Herbal Drugs
1193 Veena N, Arora S, Singh RR, Katara A, Rastogi S, Rawat AKS – Effect of Asparagus racemosus (shatavari) extract on physicochemical and functional properties of milk and its interaction with milk proteins. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2015, 52(2):1176-81. J Food Sci Tech Mys 1.241 Herbal Drugs
1194 Mohanty CS, Pradhan RC, Singh V, Singh Neha, Pattanayak R, Om Prakash, Chanotiya CS, Rout PK – Physicochemical analysis of Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC seeds with fatty acids and total lipids compositions. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2015, 52(6):3660-70. J Food Sci Tech Mys 1.241 MB
1195 Srivastava Ankul, Sawant SV, Jena SN – Microarray-based large scale detection of single feature polymorphism in Gossypium hirsutum L. Journal of Genetics, 2015, 94(4):669-76. J Genet 1.108 MB
1196 Pandey VC, Singh N – Aromatic plants versus arsenic hazards in soils. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2015, 157:77-80. J Geochem Explor 2.147 Eco-auditing
1197 Dixit Garima, Singh Amit Pal, Kumar Amit, Singh PK, Kumar Smita, Dwivedi S, Trivedi PK,  Pandey V, Norton GJ, Dhankher OP, Tripathi RD –  Sulfur mediated reduction of arsenic toxicity involves efficient thiol metabolism and the antioxidant defense system in rice. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 298:241-51. J Hazard Mater 4.836 Environmental Sciences
1198 Suseela MR, Toppo K – Contribution to the knowledge of fresh water red algae (Rhodophyta) of India. The Journal of Indian Botanical Society, 2015, 94(1&2):136-40. J Indian Bot Soc 0 Algae
1199 Tiwari SS, Singh RS, Rawat AKS – Phytochemicals, heavy metals and antioxidant studies on Semecarpus anacardium Linn. (Fruit). Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2015, 92:01.07. J Indian Chem Soc 0 Herbal Drugs
1200 Srivastava N, Srivastava A, Srivastava SK, Rawat AKS, Khan AR – Simultaneous quantification of Bergenin, Epicatechin, (+)-Catechin, and Gallicin in Bergenia ciliata using high performance liquid chromatography. J Liq Chromatogr RT, 2015, 38(12):1207-12. J Liq Chromatogr RT 0.669 Herbal Drugs
1201 Srivastava Nishi, Singh BN, Srivastava A, Khan AR, Srivastava SK, Sharma A, Rawat AKS – Evaluation of phenolic content recoveries in hydrolyzed extracts of Bergenia ciliata using RP-HPLC, GC-MS after silylation, and validation through antioxidant potential. J Liq Chromatogr RT, 2015, 38(19):1722-30. J Liq Chromatogr RT 0.669 Herbal Drugs
1202 Chen XQ, Shao LD, Pal M, Shen Y, Cheng X, Xu G, Peng LY, Wang K, Pan ZH, Li MM; Leng Y, He J; Zhao QS – Hupehenols A-E, Selective 11 beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 (11 beta-HSD1) Inhibitors from Viburnum hupehense. Journal of Natural Products, 2015, 78(2):330-34. J Nat Prod 3.662 Phytochemistry
1203 Devi AB , Mohabe S, Reddy AM,, Nayaka S –  Efficacy of a potential lichen Parmotrema andinum (Müll. Arg.) Hale against pathogenic microorganisms. Journal on New Biological Reports (JNBR), 2015, 4(2):149-56. J New Biol Rep 0 Lichenology
1204 Mohabe S, Nayaka S, Reddy AM,  Anjali Devi B – Stigmatochroma microspora (Physciaceae), a new species from India. Journal on New Biological Reports (JNBR), 2015, 4(2):127-31. J New Biol Rep 0 Lichenology
1205 Khatoon S, Irshad S, Rawat AKS, Misra PK – Comparative Pharmacognostical Studies of Blue and White Flower Varieties of Clitoria ternatea L.  Journal of Pharmacognosy & Natural Products, 2015, 1(1):109 (1-6). J Pharmacogn Nat Prod 0 Herbal Drugs
1206 Dixit Veena, Verma Pritt, Agnihotri P, Paliwal AK, Rao ChV, Husain T – Antimicrobial, antioxidant and wound healing properties of Leucas lanata Wall. ex Benth. Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2015, 4(1):9-16. J Phytopharmacol 0 Angiosperm
1207 Dubey VK, Chandrasekhar K, Srivastava Alok, Aminuddin, Singh VP, Dhar K, Arora PK – Expression of coat protein gene of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV-subgroup IA) Gladiolus isolate in Nicotiana tabacum. J Plant Interactions, 2015, 10(1):296-304. J Plant Interaction 0 Virology
1208 Snehi SK, Raj SK, Prasad V, Singh V – Recent research findings Related to management strategies of Begomoviruses. Journal of Plant Pathology & Microbiology, 2015,6(6):1000273. J Plant Pathol Microb 0 Virology
1209 Kaur C, Kumar Susheel, Raj SK, Chauhan PS, Sharma Neeta – Characterization of a new isolate of Bean yellow mosaic virus Group-IV associated with mosaic disease of Gladiolus in India. Journal of Plant Pathology & Microbiology, 2015, 6(10): 1000309. J Plant Pathol Microb 0 Virology
1210 Verma G, Mishra Sujata, Sangwan N, Sharma S –  Reactive oxygen species mediate axis-cotyledon signaling to induce reserve mobilization during germination and seedling establishment in Vigna radiata. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2015, 184: 79-88. J Plant Physiol 2.971 Plant Physiology
1211 Nainwal RC, Singh D, Katiyar RS, Sharma L, Tewari SK- Response of garlic to integrated nutrient management practices in a sodic soil of Uttar Pradesh, India. J Spices Aromatic Crops, 2015, 24(1):33-36. J Spices Aromatic Crops 0 Biomass
1212 Singh D,  Nainwal RC, Bahadur L, Tewari SK -Integrated nutrient management in calendula (Calendula officinalis L.) grown in partially reclaimed sodic soil condition. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 2015, 24(2):129-32 J Spices Aromatic Crops 0 Biomass
1213 Kumar Anoop, Bajpai O, Mishra AK, Sahu N, Behera SK, Bargali SS, Chaudhary LB – A checklist of the flowering plants of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2015, 7(7): 7309-7408 J Threatened Taxa 0 Angiosperm
1214 Kumar Bhanu, Srivastava SK, Rawat AKS – Intra-specific variation of Precocene I in wild population of Ageratum conyzoides L. from the Western Himalayas. JPC – Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC, 2015, 28(5):391-94. JPC-J Planar Chromat 0.611 Herbal Drugs
1215 Gupta A, Verma S, Khatoon S, Dwivedi S, Rawat AKS – High-Performance thin-layer chromatographic analysis for the simultaneous quantification of four phenolics in flowers and flower buds of Bauhinia purpurea L., Bauhinia variegata L., and Bauhinia acuminata L.. JPC – Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC, 2015, 28(6):452-57. JPC-J Planar Chromat 0.611 Herbal Drugs
1216 Misra Ankita, Srivastava SK, Rawat AKS, Kaveri SV – Moringa oleifera (Lam.)- A tree with miraculous medicinal, nutritional and socio-economical benefits. La Phytotherapie Europeenne, 2015, 84:22-26. La Phytothérapie européenne 0 Herbal Drugs
1217 Yadav RK, Prakash A – Aromatic medicinal resources in Uttar Pradesh. Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, 2015, 3(3):  1000160. Med & Arom Plants 0 Ethnobotany
1218 Niranjan A, Tewari SK, Lehri A, Amla DV – Extraction of polyphenols from Trewia nudiflora L. and its antioxidant activity. Med Plants, 2015, 7(1):9-19. Med Plants 0 Phytochemistry
1219 Singh Shweta, Sharma LK, Sharma SK, Singh D, Niranjan A, Upadhyay RK, Dhiman M, Tewari SK – Selection of high quality turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) genotype for sodic wastelands of Northern India, Medicinal Plants, 2015, 7(2) :109-13. Med Plants 0 Biomass
1220 Sharma D, Tiwari M, Lakhwani D, Tripathi RD, Trivedi PK – Differential expression of microRNAs by arsenate and arsenite stress in natural accessions of rice. Metallomics, 2015, 7(1):174-87. Metallomics 3.54 Environmental Sciences
1221 Singh A, Srivastava Subhi, Chouksey A, Panwar BS, Verma PC, Roy S, Singh PK, Saxena G, Tuli R – Expression of Rabies Glycoprotein and Ricin Toxin B Chain (RGP-RTB) fusion protein in tomato hairy roots: A step towards oral vaccination for rabies. Mol Biotechnol, 2015, 57(4):359-70. Mol Biotechnol 1.752 MB
1222 Agarwal S, Singh A, Tripathi P, Mishra Manisha, Singh PK, Singh MP – Cypermethrin-Induced nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurodegeneration alters the mitochondrial function:a proteomics study. Mol Neurobiol, 2015, 51(2):448-65. Mol Neurobiol 5.397 MB
1223 Joshi S, Upreti DK, Wang XY,  Hur JS – Graphis yunnanensis (Ostropales, Graphidaceae), a New Lichen Species from China. Mycobiology, 2015, 43(2): 118-21. Mycobiology 0 Lichenology
1224 Joshi Y, Upadhyay S, Shukla S, Nayaka S, Rawal RS – 2015 – New records and an updated checklist of lichenicolous fungi from India. Mycosphere, 2015, 6(2): 195-200. Mycosphere 0 Lichenology
1225 Devi RKS, Rout J, Upreti DK, Nayaka S, Pinokiyo A –  New records of lichens from Manipur State, North-eastern India. Mycosphere, 2015, 6(6): 796-813. Mycosphere 0 Lichenology
1226 Joshi S, Upreti DK, Plata ER, Nguyen TT, Nguyen AD, Oh  Soon-Ok, Hur JS – Ocellularia lumbschii and O. saxicola spp. Nov. from Vietnam. Mycotaxon, 2015, 130(3):911-19. Mycotaxon 0.61 Lichenology
1227 Joshi S, Upreti DK, Oh Soon-Ok, Nguyen TT, Nguyen AD, Hur Jae-Seoun – New records of crustose lichens and a lichenicolous Arthonia from Vietnam. Mycotaxon, 2015, 130:329-36. Mycotaxon 0.61 Lichenology
1228 Asthana AK, Sahu V – Campylopus schmidii (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaegr. (Bryophyta) a New Addition to Indian Himalaya. National Academy Science Letters-India, 2015, 38(5):437-39. Natl Acad Sci Lett (India) 0.345 Bryology
1229 Narzary D, Verma S, Mahar KS, Rana TS – A Rapid and effective method for isolation of genomic DNA from small amount of silica-dried leaf tissues. National Academy Science Letters-India, June 2015, 38(5): 441-44. Natl Acad Sci Lett (India) 0.345 Angiosperm
1230 Singh V, Pathak AK, Pal M, Sareen S, Goel K – Comparative evaluation of topical application of turmeric gel and 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate gel in prevention of gingivitis. National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery, 2015, 6(1):67-71. Natl J Maxillofac Surg 0 Phytochemistry
1231 Jaidi M, Kumar S, Srivastava A, Raj SK – First report of Ageratum enation virus and Ageratum leaf curl betasatellite infecting Calendula officinalis in India. New Disease Reports, 2015, 32:6. New Dis Rep 0 Virology
1232 Jaidi M, Kumar Susheel, Srivastava A, Raj SK – First report of Clerondendron yellow mosaic virus on golden dewdrop (Duranta erecta) in India. New Disease Reports, 2015, 32, 12. New Dis Rep 0 Virology
1233 Jaidi M, Srivastava A, Kumar Susheel, Raj SK, Singh R  – First report of natural occurrence of Papaya leaf crumple virus on soyabean in India. New Disease Reports, 2015, 32:15. New Dis Rep 0 Virology
1234 Divakar PK, Crespo A, Wedin M, Leavitt SD, Hawksworth DL, Myllys L, McCune B, Randlane T, Bjerke JW, Ohmura Y, Schmitt I, Boluda CG Alors D, Roca-Valiente B, Del-Prado R, Ruibal C, Buaruang K, Núñez-Zapata J, Amo de Paz G, Rico VJ, Molina MC, Elix JA, Esslinger TL, Tronstad IKK, Lindgren H, Ertz D, Gueidan C, Saag, L, Kristiina M, Singh Garima, Grande FD, Parnmen S, Beck A, Benatti MN, Blanchon D, Candan M, Clerc P, Goward T, Grube M, Hodkinson BP, Hur JS, Kantvilas G, Kirika PM, Lendemer J, Mattsson JE, Messuti MI, Miadlikowska J, Nelsen M, Ohlson JI, Pérez-Ortega S, Saag A, Sipman HJM, Sohrabi M, Thell A, Thor G, Truong C, Yahr R, Upreti DK, Cubas P, Lumbsch HT – Evolution of complex symbiotic relationships in a morphologically derived family of lichen-forming fungi. New Phytologists, 2015,208:1217-26. New Phytol 7.21 Lichenology
1235 Khuraijam JS, Roy RK – Propagation of threatened Nepenthes khasiana: Methods and precautions. Notulae Scientia Biologicae, 2015, 7(2):313-15. Notulae Scientia Biologicae, 0 Botanic Garden
1236 Khedgikar V, Ahmad N, Kushwaha P, Gautam J, Nagar GK, Singh D, Trivedi PK, Mishra PR, Sangwan NS, Trivedi R – Preventive effects of Withaferin A isolated from the leaves of an Indian medicinal plant Withania somnifera (L.): Comparisons with 17-β-estradiol and alendronate. Nutrition, 2015, 31(1): 205-13. Nutrition 2.839 MB
1237 Joshi Y, Nayal S, Tripathi M, Bisht K, Upreti DK – Distribution and diversity of lichenized fungi colonizing Jageshwar group of temples, Almora, Uttarakhand. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 2015, 85(2):545-54. P Natl A Sci India B 0 Lichenology
1238 Srivastava SK, Misra Ankita, Kumar D, Srivastava Amit, Sood A, Rawat AKS – Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet photodiode array detector validated simultaneous quantification of six bioactive phenolic acids in Roscoea purpurea tubers and their In vitro cytotoxic potential against various cell lines. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2015, 11(Suppl 3):488-95. Pharmacogn Mag 0.831 Herbal Drugs
1239 Verma Sushma, Singh Shweta, Sharma Suresh, Tewari SK, Roy RK, Goel AK, Rana TS – Assessment of genetic diversity in indigenous turmeric (Curcuma longa) germplasm from India using molecular markers. Physiol Mol Biol Plants, 2015, 21(2): 233-42. Physiol Mol Biol Plants 0 Angiosperm
1240 Bhatia A, Bharti SK, Tripathi T, Mishra A, Sidhu OP, Roy R, Nautiyal CS- Metabolic profiling of Commiphora wightii (guggul) reveals a potential source for pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals. Phytochemistry, 2015, 110:29-36. Phytochemistry 2.779 Phytochemistry
1241 Srivastava A, Jaidi M, Kumar Susheel, Raj SK, Shukla S – Association of Papaya leaf curl virus with the leaf curl disease of grain amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.) in India. Phytoparasitica, 2015, 43(1):97-101. Phytoparasitica 1.034 Virology
1242 Tiwari R, Sudhakar JV, Chaudhary LB, Murthy GVS, Durgapal A – Revisit the taxonomy of Ficus krishnae (Moraceae). Phytotaxa, 2015, 192(3):169-80. Phytotaxa 1.087 Angiosperm
1243 Agnihotri P, Husain D, Husain T – Lectotypification of the name Aconitum naviculare (Ranunculaceae). Phytotaxa, 2015, 218(2):195-96. Phytotaxa 1.087 Angiosperm
1244 Mishra GK, Upreti DK –  The lichen genus Cetrelia (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) in India. Phytotaxa, 2015, 236(3):201-14. Phytotaxa 1.087 Lichenology
1245 Asthana AK, Sahu V – Occurrence of a rare and interesting moss Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) Ehrh. Ex P. Beauv. var. ciliata Prodr. in Govind Wild Life Sanctuary, Uttarakhand. Phytotaxonomy, 2015, 14: 155-57. Phytotaxonomy 0 Bryology
1246 Goni R, Mishra GK, Upreti DK, Sharma N – Occurrence of lichen species Pseudovernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf from Jammu & Kashmir, India. Phytotaxonomy, 2015, 14: 114-16. Phytotaxonomy 0 Lichenology
1247 Mohabe S, Upreti DK, Trivedi S- Diversity of lichens in Umaria district, Madhya Pradesh. Phytotaxonomy, 2015, 14: 117-21. Phytotaxonomy 0 Lichenology
1248 Upreti DK, Debnath R, Uppadhya V, Raut J – Diversity and distribution of lichens in north and west districts of Tripura. Phytotaxonomy, 2015, 14 : 122-29. Phytotaxonomy 0 Lichenology
1249 Bajpai R, Yadav SK, Upreti DK – Lichen flora of Mount Abu, Sirohi district of Rajasthan, India with two new records. Phytotaxonomy, 2015, 15: 75-80 Phytotaxonomy 0 Lichenology
1250 Pandey A, Misra Prashant, Trivedi PK – Constitutive expression of Arabidopsis MYB transcription factor, AtMYB11, in tobacco modulates flavonoid biosynthesis in favour of flavonol accumulation. Plant Cell Reports, 2015, 34(9):1515-28 Plant Cell Rep 3.088 MB
1251 Kumari A, Kumar S, Raj SK, Johri JK, Nautiyal CS – First report of Canna yellow mottle virus associated with yellow vein mosaic disease of betel vine (Piper betel L.) in India. Plant Dis, 2015, 99(8):1189. Plant Dis 3.192 Virology
1252 Kumari A, Kaur C, Kumar S, Raj SK, Roy RK, Nautiyal CS – First report of Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus Causing a mosaic disease of Canna sp. in India. Plant Dis, 2015, 99(6):897. Plant Dis 3.192 Virology
1253 Srivastava A, Kumar S, Raj SK – Molecular characterization of a begomovirus and betasatellite causing yellow vein net disease of Ageratum houstonianum. Plant Dis, 2015, 99(5): 627-31. Plant Dis 3.192 Virology
1254 Kumar Susheel, Raj R, Kaur C, Raj SK –  Association of Nerine yellow stripe virus with mosaic disease of Crinum asiaticum ornamental plant in India.Plant Dis, 2015,99(11):1655. Plant Dis 3.192 Virology
1255 K umar Susheel, Raj R, Kaur C, Raj SK, Roy RK  – First Report of Cyrtanthus elatus virus A in Narcissus tazetta in India. Plant Dis, 2015, 99(11):1658. Plant Dis 3.192 Virology
1256 Gautam KK, Srivastava Ashish, Kumar Susheel,  Snehi SK, Raj SK, Nautiyal CS –  First report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ (16SrI group) associated with yellows disease of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) from India. Plant Disease Report, 2015,31: 24. Plant Dis Report 0 Virology
1257 Rai A, Bhardwaj A, Misra Prashant, Bag SK, Adhikari B, Tripathi RD, Trivedi PK, Chakrabarty D – Comparative transcriptional profiling of contrasting rice genotypes shows expression differences during arsenic stress. Plant Genome-US, 2015, 8(2):1-14. Plant Genome-US 3.509 MB
1258 Madanala Raju, Gupta V, Pandey AK, Srivastava Subhi, Pandey V, Singh PK, Tuli R – Tobacco chloroplasts as bioreactors for the production of recombinant superoxide dismutase in plants, an industrially useful enzyme. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2015, Plant Mol Biol Rep 2.304 MB
1259 Asthana AK, Sahu V – Archilejeunea minutilobula Udar et U. S. Awasthi  (Lejeuneaceae-Marchantiophyta) new to Gangetic  plains of India. Plant Sci Today, 2015, 2(4): 132-34. Plant Sci Today 0 Bryology
1260 Verma PK, Rawat KK- Afroz Alam – Plagiochila sisparensis Steph. – A vulnerable liverwort from Nilgiri Hills, Western Ghats. Plant Sci Today, 2015, 2(4): 151-53. Plant Sci Today 0 Bryology
1261 Gupta R, Asthana AK  – Hornwort diversity at Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve (Madhya Pradesh), India. Plant Science Today, 2015, 2(4):145-50. Plant Sci Today 0 Bryology
1262 Alam A, Rawat KK, Verma PK, Sharma V, Gupta DS  – Moss flora of Central India. Plant Science Today, 2015, 2(4):159-71. Plant Sci Today 0 Bryology
1263 Rawat KK, Alam A, Verma  PK  –Moss flora of Rajasthan and Punjab plains. Plant Sci Today, 2015, 2(4): 154-58. Plant Sci Today 0 Bryology
1264 Rawat KK, Verma PK, Alam A–Nomenclatural updates in Kashyap’s Liverwort flora of western Himalayas and Panjab plains. Plant Sci Today, 2015,2(4): 179-183. Plant Sci Today 0 Bryology
1265 Kumar S, Asif MH, Chakrabarty D, Tripathi RD, Dubey RS, Trivedi PK -Comprehensive analysis of regulatory elements of the promoters of rice sulfate transporter gene family and functional characterization of OsSul1;1 promoter under different metal stress. Plant Signal Behav, 2015, 10(4):e990843. Plant Signalling Behaviour 0 MB
1266 Verma PC, Singh H, Negi AS, Saxena G, Rahman LU, Banerjee S – Yield enhancement strategies for the production of picroliv from hairy root culture of Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. Plant Signal Behav, 2015;10(5):e1023976 (1-11). Plant Signalling Behaviour 0 Plant Transformation
1267 Saema S, Rahman LU, Niranjan A, Ahmad IZ,  Misra P  RNAi-mediated gene silencing of WsSGTL1 in Withania somnifera affects growth and glycosylation pattern. Plant Signal Behav, 2015, 10(12):e1078064 Plant Signalling Behaviour 0 Plant Transformation
1268 Kumar M, Mishra S, Dixit V, Kumar Manoj, Agarwal L, Chauhan PS, Nautiyal CS – Synergistic effect of Pseudomonas putida and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens ameliorates drought stress in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Plant Signal Behav, 2016, 11(1):e1071004. Plant Signalling Behaviour 0 Microbiology
1269 Mishra MK, Singh G, Tiwari Shalini, Singh Ruchi, Kumari Nishi, Misra P –  Characterization of Arabidopsis sterol glycosyltransferase TTG15/UGT80B1 role during freeze and heat stress. Plant Signal Behav, 2015, 10(12):e1075682. Plant Signalling Behaviour 0 Plant Transformation
1270 Azeez A, Sane AP  –  Photoperiodic growth control in perennial trees. Plant Signal Behav, 2015, 10(12):e1087631. Plant Signalling Behaviour 0 MB
1271 Singh H, Agnihotri P, Dixit V, Pande PC, Husain T – An assessment of ethnomedicinal plant diversity in Haat Kali Sacred Grove in Kumaun Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India. Pleione, 2015, 9(2): 456-64. Pleione 0 Angiosperm
1272 Khuraijam JS, Singh R – Gymnosperms of Northeast India: distribution and conservation status. Pleione, 2015, 9(2): 283-88. Pleione 0 Botanic Garden
1273 Agnihotri P, Husain D, Husain T – An assessment of diversity, endemism and distribution of the genus Aconitum L. (Ranunculaceae) from India. Pleione, 2015, 9(1):95-102. Pleione 0 Angiosperm
1274 Chaudhry V, Bharti SK, Bhatia A, Mishra SK, Chauhan PS, Mishra A, Sidhu OP, Nautiyal CS – Metabolite profiling reveals abiotic stress tolerance in Tn5 mutant of Pseudomonas putida.  PLOS One , 2015, 10(1):e0113487. PLoS One 3.057 Microbiology
1275 Kumar J, Dhar P, Tayade AB, Gupta D, Chaurasia OP, Upreti DK, Toppo K, Arora R, Suseela MR, Srivastava RB – Chemical composition and biological activities of trans-Himalayan alga Spirogyra porticalis (Muell.) Cleve. PLoS One, 2015,10(2):e0118255. PLoS One 3.057 Algae
1276 Khan K, Agarwal P, Shanware A, Sane VA – Heterologous expression of two Jatropha aquaporins imparts drought and salt tolerance and improves seed viability in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana.Plos One, 2015, 10(6):e0128866. PLoS One 3.057 MB
1277 Upadhyay SK, Sharma S, Singh H, Dixit S, Kumar J, Verma PC, Chandrashekar K – Whitefly genome expression reveals host-symbiont interaction in amino acid biosynthesis. Plos One, 2015, 10(5):e0126751. PLoS One 3.057 Plant Transformation
1278 Srivastava R, Rai KM, Pandey B, Singh Sudhir P, Sawant SV – Spt-Ada-Gcn5-Acetyltransferase (SAGA) complex in plants: Genome wide identification, evolutionary conservation and functional determination. Plos One, 2015, 10(8): e0134709 PLoS One 3.057 MB
1279 Rai A, Singh R, Shirke PA, Tripathi RD, Trivedi PK, Chakrabarty D – Expression of rice CYP450-like-gene (Os08g01480) in Arabidopsis modulates regulatory network leading to heavy metal and other abiotic stress tolerance. Plos One, 2015, 10(9): e0138574. Plos One 3.057 MB
1280 Singh D, Nainwal RC, Tewari SK – Integrated nutrient management in non-traditional crop Oat (Avena sativa L.) under partially reclaimed soil. Progressive Research– An International Journal, 2015, 10 (Sp-V): 2499-2502. Prog Res 0 Biomass
1281 Katiyar RS, Nainwal RC, Singh D, Tewari SK – Genetic characterization and performance of diverse cultivars of Damask Rose (Rosa damascene mill L.) in sodic soil. Progressive Research– An International Journal, 2015, 10 (Sp-V): 2643-45. Prog Res 0 Biomass
1282 Verma RK, Singh D, Nainwal RC, Kumar Ajay, Rajamani V – Study on plant diversity of Vijay Sagar Bird Sanctuary,wetland of Mahoba district of Uttar Pradesh. Progressive Research– An International Journal, 2015, 10(Sp-V): 2660-65. Prog Res 0 Biomass
1283 Kumar Ajay, Singh D, Nainwal RC, Verma RK, Thomas T –  Assessment of various soil and their properties of different districts of Uttar Pradesh. Progressive Research– An International Journal, 2015, 10 (Sp-V): 2757-59. Prog Res 0 Biomass
1284 Singh A, Selvakumar P, Saraswat A, Tomar PPS, Mishra M, Singh PK, Sharma Ashwani K – Characterization and Cloning of an 11S Globulin with Hemagglutination Activity from Murraya paniculata. Protein Peptide Lett, 2015, 22(8):750-61. Protein Peptide Lett 1.069 MB
1285 Mudawal A, Singh A, Yadav S, Mishra M, Singh PK, Chandravanshi LP, Mishra J, Khanna VK, Bandyopadhyay S, Parmar D – Similarities in lindane induced alterations in protein expression profiling in different brain regions with neurodegenerative diseases. Proteomics, 2015, 15(22):3875-82. Proteomics 4.079 MB
1286 Singh Ruchi, Pandey Neha, Naskar J, Shirke PA – Physiological performance and differential expression profiling of genes associated with drought tolerance in contrasting varieties of two Gossypium species. Protoplasma, 2015, 252(2):423-38. Protoplasma 2.343 Plant Physiology
1287 Sanchita, Singh R, Mishra A, Dhawan SS, Shirke PA, Gupta MM, Sharma A – Physiological performance, secondary metabolite and expression profiling of genes associated with drought tolerance in Withania somnifera. Protoplasma, 2015, 252(6):1439-50. Protoplasma 2.343 Plant Physiology
1288 Singh R, Pandey Neha, Kumar Anil, Shirke PA – Physiological performance and differential expression profiling of genes associated with drought tolerance in root tissue of four contrasting varieties of two Gossypium species. Protoplasma, 2015, 253(1):163-74. Protoplasma 2.87 Plant Physiology
1289 Verma AK, Yadav A, Dewangan J, Singh SV, Mishra M, Singh PK, Rath SK – Isoniazid prevents Nrf2 translocation by inhibiting ERK1 phosphorylation and induces oxidative stress and apoptosis. Redox Biology, 2015, 6:80-92. Redox Biol 0 MB
1290 Edrisi SA,  Dubey RK, Tripathi V, Bakshi M, Srivastava P, Jamil S, Singh HB, Singh N, Abhilash PC – Jatropha curcas L.: A crucified plant waiting for resurgence. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015, 41: 855-62. Renew Sust Energ Rev 6.798 Eco-auditing
1291 Bajpai O, Kushwaha AK, Srivastava Awadhesh Kumar, Pandey J, Chaudhary LB -Phytosociological status of a monotypic genus Indopiptadenia: A near threatened tree from the Terai-Bhabar region of central Himalaya. Research Journal of Forestry, 2015, 9(2):35-47 Res J For 0 Angiosperm
1292 Kumar Akhilesh, Tewari SK – Origin, Distribution, ethnobotany and pharmacology of Jatropha curcas. Research Journal of Medicinal Plant, 2015, 9(2):48-59. Res J Med Plants 0 Biomass
1293 Ghosh S, Tiwari SS, Srivastava S, Kumar S, Sharma AK, Nagar G, Kumar KG, Kumar R, Rawat AKS – In vitro acaricidal properties of Semecarpus anacardium fruit and Datura stramonium leaf extracts against acaricide susceptible (IVRI-I line) and resistant (IVRI-V line) Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Research in Veterinary Science, 2015, 101:69-74. Res Vet Sci 1.504 Herbal Drugs
1294 Singh BN, Prateeksha, Pandey G, Jadaun V, Singh S, Bajpai R, Nayaka S,  Naqvi AH, Rawat AKS, Upreti DK, Singh BR – Development and characterization of a novel Swarna-based herbo-metallic colloidal nano-formulation inhibitor of Streptococcus mutans quorum sensing. RSC Advances , 2015,5(8): 5809-22. RSC Adv 3.289 Herbal Drugs
1295 Jadaun V,  Prateeksha, Singh BR, Paliya BS, Upreti DK, Rao ChV, Rawat AKS, Singh BN – Honey enhances the anti-quorum sensing activity and anti-biofilm potential of curcumin. RSC Advances, 2015, 5:71060-70. RSC Adv 3.289 Herbal Drugs
1296 Singh SP, Singh SP, Pandey T, Singh RR, Sawant SV – A novel male sterility-fertility restoration system in plants for hybrid seed production. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: Article number: 11274. Sci Rep 5.228 MB
1297 Pandey Ashutosh, Misra Prashant, Choudhary D, Yadav R, Goel R, Bhambhani S,  Sanyal I, Trivedi R, Trivedi PK – AtMYB12 expression in tomato leads to large scale differential modulation in transcriptome and flavonoid content in leaf and fruit tissues. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: Article No.12412 Sci Rep 5.228 MB
1298 Singh BR, Singh BN, Singh A, Khan W, Naqvi AH, Singh HB – Mycofabricated biosilver nanoparticles interrupt Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing systems. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:13719. Sci Rep 5.228 MB
1299 Singh H, Rai KM, Upadhyay SK, Pant P, Verma PC, Singh AP, Singh PK – Transcriptome sequencing of a thalloid bryophyte; Dumortiera hirsuta (Sw) Nees: assembly, annotation, and marker discovery. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: :15350 (Pages 1-10) Sci Rep 5.228 MB
1300 Dixit Garima, Singh Amit Pal, Kumar Amit, Dwivedi S, Deeba F, Kumar Smita,  Suman S, Adhikari B, Shukla Y, Trivedi PK,  Pandey V, Tripathi RD –  Sulfur alleviates arsenic toxicity by reducing its accumulation and modulating proteome, amino acids and thiol metabolism in rice leaves. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: Article Number: 16205. Sci Rep 5.228 Environmental Sciences
1301 Gupta P, Goel R, Agarwal AV, Asif MH, Sangwan NS, Sangwan RS, Trivedi PK – Comparative transcriptome analysis of different chemotypes elucidates withanolide biosynthesis pathway from medicinal plant Withania somnifera. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:18611 Sci Rep 5.228 MB
1302 Chakrabarty D, Chauhan PS, Chauhan AS, Indoliya Y, Lavania UC, Nautiyal CS – De novo assembly and characterization of root transcriptome in two distinct morphotypes of vetiver, Chrysopogon zizaniodes (L.) Roberty. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:18630 (Page 1-13). Sci Rep 5.228 Microbiology
1303 Pandey Ashutosh K., Majumder Baisakhi, Keski-Saari Sarita, Kontunen-Soppela Sari, Mishra Ashvarya, Sahu Nayan, Pandey V, Oksanen Elina – Searching for common responsive parameters for ozone tolerance in 18 rice cultivars in India: Results from ethylenediurea studies. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 532: 230-38. Sci Total Environ 3.976 Plant Physiology
1304 Koul B, Yadav R, Sanyal I, Tripathi B, Sharma V, Amla DV – Comparative performance of modified full-length and truncated Bacillus thuringiensis-cry1Ac genes in transgenic tomato. SpringerPlus, 2015, 4:203 (1-14). SpringerPlus 0 MB
1305 Asthana AK, Srivastava Ankita – A study on genus Fissidens Hedw. in Meghalaya (North-Eastern Hills), India. Taiwania, 2015, 60(3):137-42. Taiwania 0 Bryology
1306 Maurya R, Gupta A, Singh SK, Rai KM, Chandrawati, Katiyar Ratna, Sawant SV, Yadav HK – Genomic-derived microsatellite markers for diversity analysis in Jatropha curcas. Trees, 2015, 29(3): 849-58. Trees-Struct Funct 1.706 Pl Breed & Genetics
1307 Singh Rekha, Suresh BG, Yadav HK, Pandey RM – Genotype × environment interactions and stability analysis for grain yield and protein content in grain Amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.).Trends in Biosciences, 2015, 8(15): 3791-96. Trends in Biosciences 0 Pl Breed & Genetics
1308 Sahu V, Asthana AK – Bryophyte diversity in Terai regions of Uttar Pradesh, India with some new additions to the state. Tropical Plant Research, 2015, 2(3):180-91. Trop Plant Res 0 Bryology
1309 Shukla P, Upreti DK, Tewari LM – Ecological role and conservational aspects of lichenized ascomycetes Usnea sensu lato, in Uttarakhand, India. Uttar Pradesh State Biodiversity Board, 2015: 113-15. Uttar Pradesh State Biodiversity Board 0 Lichenology
1310 Mittal N, Saxena RS, Yadav R, Bhardwaj J, Yadav N, Kumar A, Yadav HK, Kumar R- Comparative quantitative gene expression analysis between salinity tolerant and susceptible varieties of chickpea. Vegetos, 2015, 28(2):103-10. Vegetos 0 Pl Breed & Genetics
1311 Srivastava A, Kumar S, Jaidi M, Raj SK – Characterization of a novel begomovirus associated with yellow mosaic disease of three ornamental species of Jatropha grown in India. Virus Research, 2015, 201:41-49. Virus Res 2.526 Virology
1312 Azmi L, Ojha SK, Rao ChV – Curcumin: Boon for human being. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2015, 4(6):239-49. World J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci 0 Pharmacology
1313 Gupta M, Azmi L, Gupta SS, Verma P, Paswan S, Shukla I, Rastogi C, Khan M, Kumar V, Rao ChV – Pisonia aculeate a herbal drug: Godsend for liver dysfunction.  World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2015, 4(7):285-95. World J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci 0 Pharmacology
1314 Paswan SK, Verma P, Yadav MS, Bhowmik D, Gupta SS, Lubna A, Shukla I, Bhargava K, Rao ChV -Review- Advance technique in ocular drug delivery system. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2015, 4(5):346-65. World J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci 0 Pharmacology
S.No Paper Title Journal Impact Factor Area
840 Asthana AK, Srivastava Ankita – Homalothecium arenarium (Lesq.) Lawt., a new record from India. Acta Botanica Hungarica, 2014, 56(3-4):263-67. Acta Botanica Hungarica 0 Bryology
841 Mishra BK, Rastogi A, Verma N, Shukla S, Prasad B, Parmar D, Sharma NC – Effect of genotype, environment and their interaction on seed and opium yield in opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) and comparison of different stability models for GEI. Acta Horticulturae, 2014, 1036: 163-68. Acta Hort 0 MB
842 Chatterjee A, Shukla S, Rastogi A, Mishra BK, Singh SP – Comparative study of mutagens effectiveness for elite lines with enhanced thebaine in commercial poppy (Papaver somniferum L.). Advances in Applied Agricultural Science, 2014, 2(12):11-26. Adv Appl Agr Sci 0 Pl Breed & Genetics
843 Wagh VV, Jain AK – Ethnomedicinal Uses of Underground Plant Parts in Jhabua District of Madhya Pradesh, India. Advances in Biological Research, 2014, 8 (4): 151-56. Adv Biol Res 0 Ethnobotany
844 Gupta M, Shikha, Srivastava PK, Tewari SK – Prospects of sodic soil amelioration for increased crop production in India. Advances in Bioresearch, 2014, 5(1): 160-62. Adv Biores 0 Soil Science
845 Gupta M, Shikha, Srivastava PK, Tewari SK – Quality evaluation of vermicompost at various phases of farm waste composting and during storage. Advances in Bioresearch, 2014, 5(1): 65-72. Adv Biores 0 Soil Science
846 Pandey Ashutosh K, Majumder B, Keski-Saari Sarita, Kontunen-Soppela Sari, Pandey V, Oksanen Elina – Differences in responses of two mustard cultivars to ethylenediurea (EDU) at high ambient ozone concentrations in India. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2014, 196:158-66. Agr Ecosyst Environ 3.402 Plant Physiology
847 Srivastava Amit, Tripathi A, Verma S, Srivastava Nishi, Rawat AKS, Deepak D – A novel method for quantification of lactose in mammalian milk through HPTLC and determination by a mass spectrometric technique. Analytical Methods, 2014, 6(18): 7268-76. Anal Methods 1.821 Herbal Drugs
848 Upadhyay AK, Singh NK, Rai UN –  Comparative metal accumulation potential of Potamogeton pectinatus L. and Potamogeton crispus L.: Role of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants in tolerance and detoxification of metals. Aquatic Botany, 2014, 117:27-32. Aquat Bot 1.608 Environmental Sciences
849 Tripathi RD, Singh R, Tripathi P, Dwivedi S, Chauhan R, Adhikari B, Trivedi PK – Arsenic accumulation and tolerance in rootless macrophyte Najas indica are mediated through antioxidants, amino acids and phytochelatins. Aquatic Toxicology, 2014, 157:70-80. Aquat Toxicol 3.451 Environmental Sciences
850 Rastogi A, Mishra BK, Singh Munna, Mishra Ritu, Shukla S – Role of micronutrients on quantitative traits and prospects of its accumulation in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2014, 60(10): 1389-1409. Arch Agr Soil Sci 0.549 Pl Breed & Genetics
851 Pattanayak Rojalin, Mishra, Geetanjali, Omkar, Chanotiya CS, Rout PK, Mohanty CS – Does the volatile hydrocarbon profile differ between the sexes: a case study on five Aphidophagous ladybirds. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 2014, 87(3): 105-25. Arch Insect Biochem 1.021 Entomology
852 Srivastava A, Kumar S, Raj SK, Pande SS – Association of a distinct strain of hollyhock yellow vein mosaic virus and Ludwigia leaf distortion betasatellite with yellow vein mosaic disease of hollyhock (Alcea rosea) in India. Archives of Virology, 2014, 159(10):2711-15. Arch Virol 2.39 Virology
853 Jha S, Sanyal I, Amla DV -Single amino acid substitutions in recombinant plant-derived human α1-proteinase inhibitor confer enhanced stability and functional efficacy. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA), 2014, 1840(1):416-27. BBA-Gen Subjects 4.381 MB
854 Kumar A, Dwivedi S, Singh RP, Chakrabarty D, Mallick S, Trivedi PK, Adhikari B, Tripathi RD –  Evaluation of amino acid profile in contrasting arsenic accumulating rice genotypes under arsenic stress. Biologia Plantarum, 2014, 58(4):733-42. Biol Plantarum 1.849 MB
855 Choudhry N,  Singh Shweta,  Siddiqui MB,  Khatoon S – Impact of seasons and dioecy on therapeutic phytoconstituents of Tinospora cordifolia, a Rasayana drug. BioMed Research International, 2014, Article Number: 902138. Page 1-11. Biomed Res Int 1.579 Herbal Drugs
856 Rai V, Tandon PK, Khatoon S – Effect of chromium on antioxidant potential of Catharanthus roseus varieties and production of their anticancer alkaloids: Vincristine and Vinblastine. BioMed Research International, 2014, Article Number: 934182 (10 pages). Biomed Res Int 1.579 Herbal Drugs
857 Tiwari Sadhana, Singh SN, Garg SK – Bacterial reduction of Cr(VI) and Fe(III) in in vitro conditions. Bioremediation Journal, 2014, 18(2): 158-68. Bioremed J 0.5 Environmental Sciences
858 Mandotra SK, Kumar Pankaj, Suseela MR, Ramteke PW – Fresh water green microalga Scenedesmus abundans: A potential feedstock for high quality biodiesel production. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 156:42-47. Bioresource Technol 4.494 Algae
859 Mishra A, Kumari Madhuree, Pandey Shipra, Chaudhary V, Gupta KC, Nautiyal CS – Biocatalytic and antimicrobial activities of gold nanoparticles synthesized by Trichoderma sp. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 166:235-42. Bioresource Technol 4.494 Microbiology
860 Jauhari N, Mishra S, Kumari B, Singh SN- Bacteria-mediated aerobic degradation of hexacosane in vitro conditions. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 170:62-68. Bioresource Technol 4.494 Environmental Sciences
861 Mishra Shweta, Singh SN, Pande Veena – Bacteria induced degradation of fluoranthene in mineral salt medium mediated by catabolic enzymes in-vitro condition. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 164:299-308. Bioresource Technol 4.494 Environmental Sciences
862 Asif MH, Lakhwani D, Pathak S, Gupta P, Bag SK, Nah P, Trivedi PK –  Transcriptome analysis of ripe and unripe fruit tissue of banana identifies major metabolic networks involved in fruit ripening process. BMC Plant Biology, 2014, 14:316 (Page 1-15) BMC Plant Biol 3.813 MB
863 Gupta SS, Sharma J, Kumar G Rajesh, Pandey G, Mohapatra PK, Rawat AKS, Rao ChV –  Effect of Andrographis serpyllifolia leaves extract on experimentally induced typhoid using Salmonella typhi. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 4(2): 230-39. Brit J Pharmaceut Res 0 Pharmacology
864 Pandey G, Chaudhary V, Yadav S, Chauhan PS, Gupta SS, Mishra A, Rawat AKS, Rao ChV – Wound healing activity of Premna latifolia Roxb. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 4(8): 929-42. Brit J Pharmaceut Res 0 Pharmacology
865 Pandey Garima, Kumar G Rajesh, Gupta SS, Ojha SK, Rao ChV – Wound repair and anti-inflammatory potential of Fumaria indica in excision wound-induced rats. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 4(2): 257-66. Brit J Pharmaceut Res 0 Pharmacology
866 Verma PK, Schlauer J, Rawat KK, Giri K – Status of insectivorous plants in northeast India. Carnivorous Plant Newletter, 2014, 43:49-58. Carnivorous Plant Newletter 0 Angiosperm
867 Kumari B, Rajput S, Gaur P, Singh SN, Singh DP – Biodegradation of pyrene and phenanthrene by bacterial consortium and evaluation of role of surfactant. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 2014, 60(5):22-28. Cell Mol Biol 1.234 Environmental Sciences
868 Singh M, Rai UN, Nadeem U, David AA –  Role of Potamogeton pectinatus in phytoremediation of metals. Chemical Science Review and Letters, 2014, 3(11S):123-29. Chem Sci Rev Lett 0 Environmental Sciences
869 Jaiswal, SK, Dubey MK, Das S, Rao ChV – Gastroprotective effect of the iridoid fraction from Barleria prionitis leaves on experimentally-induced gastric ulceration. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 2014, 12(10):738-44. Chin J Nat Medicine 1.114 Pharmacology
870 Roy RK, Singh S – Percy- Lancaster – the last three generations of British Horticulturist : the Renaissance of Indian Horticulture. Chronica Horticulturae, 2014 54(1) : 18-23. Chronica Hort 0 Floriculture
871 Shukla P, Upreti DK, Tewari LM – Lichen genus Usnea (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) in Uttarakhand, India. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology, 2014, 4(2): 188-201. Curr Res  Environ  Appl Mycol 0 Lichenology
872 Pandey VC, Singh N – Fast green capping on coal fly ash basins through ecological engineering.  Ecol Eng, 2014, 73: 671-75. Ecol Eng 2.58 Eco-auditing
873 Pandey VC, Singh N, Singh RP, Singh DP – Rhizoremediation potential of spontaneously grown Typha latifolia on fly ash basins: Study from the field, Ecol Eng, 2014, 71: 722-27. Ecol Eng 2.58 Eco-auditing
874 Singh K, Gautam NN, Singh B, Goel VL, Patra DD – Screening of environmentally less-hazardous fuelwood species. Ecol Eng, 2014, 64:424-29. Ecol Eng 2.58 Biomass
875 Srivastava Pankaj, Sharma YK, Singh N – Soil carbon sequestration potential of Jatropha curcas L. growing in varying soil conditions. Ecol Eng, 2014, 68:155-66. Ecol Eng 2.58 Eco-auditing
876 Srivastava Shubhi, Singh N – Mitigation approach of arsenic toxicity in chickpea grown in arsenic amended soil with arsenic tolerant plant growth promoting Acinetobacter sp. Ecol Eng, 2014, 70:146-53. Ecol Eng 2.58 Eco-auditing
877 Tripathi Vishal, Dubey RK, Edrisi SA, Narain K, Singh HB, Singh N, Abhilash PC -Towards the ecological profiling of a pesticide contaminated soil site for remediation and management. Ecol Eng, 2014, 71:318-25 Ecol Eng 2.58 Eco-auditing
878 Tripathi Vishal, Dubey RK, Singh HB, Singh N, Abhilash PC – Is Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek a suitable crop for Lindane contaminated soil? Ecol Eng, 2014, 73:219-23 Ecol Eng 2.58 Eco-auditing
879 Verma SK, Singh K, Fupta AK, Pandey VC, Trivedi Pragya, Verma RK, Patra DD – Aromatic grasses for phytomanagement of coal fly ash hazards. Ecol Eng, 2014, 73: 425-28. Ecol Eng 2.58 Eco-auditing
880 Singh V, Singh N – Uptake and accumulation of endosulfan isomers and its metabolite endosulfan sulfate in naturally growing plants of contaminated area. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2014, 104: 189-93. Ecotox Environ Safe 2.762 Eco-auditing
881 Dubey RK, Tripathi V, Singh N, Abhilash PC – Phytoextraction and dissipation of lindane by Spinacia oleracea L.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2014, 109:22-26. Ecotox Environ Safe 2.762 Eco-auditing
882 Kumar Amit, Singh RP, Singh PK, Awasthi S, Chakrabarty D, Trivedi PK, Tripathi RD – Selenium ameliorates arsenic induced oxidative stress through modulation of antioxidant enzymes and thiols in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Ecotoxicology, 2014, 23(7):1153-63. Ecotoxicology 2.706 Environmental Sciences
883 Goel AK, Roy RK- Conservation and popularization Cycads in India- at CSIR-NBRI Botanic Garden. Encephalartos, 2014, 116: 9-12. Encephalartos 0 Botanic Garden
884 Karakoti N, Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Mishra GK, Srivastava A, Nayaka S- Effect of metal content on chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll degradation in lichen Pyxine cocoes (Sw.) Nyl.: A case study from Uttar Pradesh, India. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014, 71(5): 2177-83. Environ Earth Sci 1.765 Lichenology
885 Bajpai R,  Shukla V,  Upreti DK,  Semwal M – Selection of suitable lichen bioindicator species for monitoring climatic variability in the Himalaya. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2014, 21(19):11380-94. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2.828 Lichenology
886 Jha V, Jha AK, Goel AK – Calotropis procera based ‘Aartak Paat’ cottage industry related with ‘Chhath’ festival in North Bihar. Ethnobotany, 2014, 25(1-2): 166-68. Ethnobotany 0 Ethnobotany
887 Kumar S, Kumari B, Goel AK – Study of leafy vegetables supplemented to malnutrition among tribals in Jharkhand. Ethnobotany, 2014, 25(1-2):135-38. Ethnobotany 0 Ethnobotany
888 Nath V, Bansal P – Perspectives in ethnobryological studies. Ethnobotany, 2014, 25(1-2):56-68. Ethnobotany 0 Bryology
889 Sahoo AK, Pal DC, Goel AK – A glimpse of the tribal and ethnobotanical diversity in India. Ethnobotany, 2014, 25(1-2):47-55. Ethnobotany 0 Ethnobotany
890 Khuraijam JS, Goel AK – Ethnobotanical use of Houttuynia cordata by Meitei community of Manpur, India. Ethnobotany, 2014, 26:106-10. Ethnobotany 0 Ethnobotany
891 Pandey G, Rao ChV, Gupta SS, Verma KK, Singh Munna – Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of leaf extract of Achyranthes aspera Linn. (Prickly Chaff Flower). European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 2014, 4(6): 695-708. Eur J Med Plants 0 Pharmacology
892 Watal G, Dhar P, Srivastava SK, Sharma B – Herbal Medicine as an Alternative Medicine for Treating Diabetes: The Global Burden. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2014 (2014), Article ID 596071. Evid Based Complement Alter Med 1.88 Herbal Drugs
893 Parmar N, Virdi AS, Singh Narpinder, Kaur A, Bajaj R, Rana JC, Agarwal L, Nautiyal CS – Evaluation of physicochemical, textural, mineral and protein characteristics of kidney bean grown at Himalayan region. Food Res Int, 2014, 66:45-57. Food Res Int 2.818 Microbiology
894 Adekunle VA, Nair KN, Srivastava AK, Singh NK – Volume yield, tree species diversity and carbon hoard in protected areas of two developing countries. Forest Science and Technology, 2014: 10(2) 89-103. For Sci Tecnol 0 Angiosperm
895 Bansal P, Nath V – Genus Bryum Hedw. in Peninsular India. Frahmia, 2014, 4:1-11. Frahmia 0 Bryology
896 Rawat KK, Verma PK- On a collection of liverworts from Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, India with Frullania rhystocolea Herzog, new to India. Frahmia, 2014,8 : 1-7. Frahmia 0 Bryology
897 Asif MH, Lakhwani D, Pathak S, Bhambhani S, Bag SK, Trivedi PK- Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the mitogen-activated protein kinase gene family from banana suggest involvement of specific members in different stages of fruit ripenin Funct Integr Genomic 2.479 MB
898 Dubey Sonali, Shri M, Misra Prashant, Lakhwani D, Bag SK, Asif MH, Trivedi PK, Tripathi RD, Chakrabary D – Heavy metals induce oxidative stress and genome-wide modulation in transcriptome of rice root. Funct Integr Genomic, 2014: 14(2):401-17. Funct Integr Genomic 2.691 MB
899 Chandrawati, Maurya R, Singh PK, Ranade SA, Yadav HK – Diversity analysis in Indian genotypes of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) using AFLP markers. Gene, 2014, 549(1):171-78. Gene 2.138 Pl Breed & Genetics
900 Nath K, Kumar Susheel, Poudyal RS, Yang YN, Timilsina R, Park YS, Nath J, Chauhan PS, Pant B, Lee C-H – Developmental stage-dependent differential gene expression of superoxide dismutase isoenzymes and their localization and physical interaction network in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Genes & Genomics, 2014, 36(1): 45-55. Genes Genom 0.596 Microbiology
901 Maurya KN, Shukla S, Asthana G – Pattern of quantitative inheritance of yield and component traits in opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.). Genetika, 2014, 46(2):569-78. Genetika-Belgrade 0.347 Pl Breed & Genetics
902 Karakoti N, Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Nayaka S – Lichen flora of Govind Wildlife Sanctuary in Uttarkashi district, Uttarakhand, India. Geophytology, 2014, 44(1): 41-48. Geophytology 0 Lichenology
903 Rawat S, Upreti DK, Singh RP – Five new lichen records from India. Geophytology, 2014, 44(1):77-80. Geophytology 0 Lichenology
904 Sahu V, Asthana AK – Two moss species new to Govind Wild Life Sanctuary in Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand, India. Geophytology, 2014, 44(2): 149-54. Geophytology 0 Bryology
905 Verma PK, Rawat KK, Yadav A – A note on Plagiochilla furcifolia Mitt. (Marchantiophyta: Plagiochilaceae) from India. Geophytology, 2013, 44(1):85-88. Geophytology 0 Bryology
906 Rawat S, Upreti DK – Macrolichen biomass in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Chamoli District, Uttarakhand, India. Geophytology, 2014, 44(2):155-67. Geophytology 0 Lichenology
907 Bansal P, Nath V – Present status of genus Bryum Hedw., (Bryophyta) in Rajasthan, India. G- Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2014, 1(6):118-22. G-J Environ Sci Technol (GJEST) 0 Bryology
908 Shukla P, Upreti DK, Tewari LM  –  Secondary metabolite variability in lichen genus Usnea in India: A potential source for bioprospection. G- Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2014, 2(3): 29-40. G-J Environ Sci Technol (GJEST) 0 Lichenology
909 Nayaka S, Upreti DK, Tandon J – Heavy metal accumulation in Pyxine cocoes (Sw.) Nyl. transplanted at Kolkata city, West Bengal, India.  G- Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2014, 2(1): 1-5. G-J Environ Sci Technol (GJEST) 0 Lichenology
910 Daimari R,  Hazarika N,  Hoque RR,  Nayaka S, Upreti DK – New records of epiphytic lichens from three districts of Assam, India. Indian Forester, 2014, 140(8):807-11. Indian For 0 Lichenology
911 Sahu V, Asthana AK – Diversity of liverworts and hornworts in Pithoragarh and its neighbouring areas, western Himalaya of India. Indian Forester, 2014, 140(4): 389-94. Indian For 0 Bryology
912 Gupta SS, Sharma J, Rao ChV – Effects of flavonoids from Andrographis serpyllifolia leaves extract on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicityin wistar rats. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 2014, 4(5): 534-37. Indian J Appl Res 0 Pharmacology
913 Asthana AK, Gupta S-Two mosses (Bryohpyta) new to western Himalaya. Indian J For, 2014, 37(2): 189-92. Indian J For 0 Bryology
914 Biju H, Bagool RG, Nayaka S – Diversity of lichens in Idukki districts with new records to flora of Kerela. Indian J For, 2014, 37(3):333-40. Indian J For 0 Lichenology
915 Biju H, Bagool RG, Nayaka S – New records of Graphidaceous lichens from Western Ghats, India. Indian J For, 2014, 37(4):477-81. Indian J For 0 Lichenology
916 Nayaka S, Saxena P – Physiological responses and ecological success of lichen Stereocaulon foliolosum and moss Racomitrium subsecundum growing in same habitat in Himalaya. Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, 2014, 4(3):167-79. Indian J Fundam Appl Sci 0 Lichenology
917 Kumar Satish, Roy RS, Goel AK, Tewari SK – Comparative studies on growth and cut flowers production of gerbera under naturally ventilated polyhouse and low cost greenhouse in north eastern plains of Uttar Pradesh. Indian J Hort, 2014, 71(4):531-35. Indian J Hortic 0.134 Floriculture
918 Sharma N, Gupta PC, Singh A, Rao ChV – Pharmacognostical, phytochemical investigations and HPTLC fingerprinting of Pentapetes phoenicea L. leaves. Indian J Nat Prod Resour, 2014, 5(2): 158-63. Indian J Nat Prod Resour 0 Pharmacology
919 Gupta A, Verma S, Kushwaha P, Srivastava S, Rawat AKS- Quantitative estimation of Asiatic acid, Asiaticoside and Madecassoside in two accessions of Centella asiatica (L) Urban for morpho-chemotypic variation. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 2014, 48(3) : 75-79. Indian J Pharmaceut Education Res (IJPER) 0.177 Herbal Drugs
920 Gupta A, Verma S, Kushwaha P, Srivastava SK, Rawat AKS  – Estimation of asiatic acid, asiaticoside and madecassoside in two accessions of Centella asiatica (L) Urban for morpho-chemotypic variation. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 2014, 48(2) : 65-69. Indian J Pharmaceut Education Res (IJPER) 0.177 Herbal Drugs
921 Negi KS, Koranga SS, Ojha SN, Rawat AKS, Srivastava S – NKO-24 (IC0573223; INGR13069), a Spiked Ginger Lily (Hedychium spicatum) Germplasm with Bold Seed, Early Emergence and Late Senescence. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 2014, 26(1):81-84. Indian J Plant Genet Resour 0 Herbal Drugs
922 Shukla P, Upreti DK, Tiwari P – Assessment of dye yielding potential of Indian lichens. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences, 2014, 3(1): 57-63. Indian J Plant Sci 0 Lichenology
923 Gupta M, Srivastava PK, Shikha, Tewari SK – The role of bioameliorants in sodic soil reclamation. Indian J Sci Res, Spl. Ed & NCWPCEB, 2014:52-56. Indian J Sci Res (IJSR) 0 Biomass
924 Shukla P, Upreti DK, Nayaka S, Tiwari P – Natural dyes from Himalayan lichens. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 2014, 13(1): 195-201. Indian J Tradit Know 0.411 Lichenology
925 Agarwal M, Rai V, Khatoon S, Mehrotra S – Effect of microbial load on therapeutically active constituent glycyrrhizin of Glycyrrhiza glabra L.  Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 2014, 13(2): 319-24. Indian J Tradit Know 0.411 Herbal Drugs
926 Choudhary N, Siddiqui MB, Khatoon S – Pharmacognostic evaluation of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers and identification of biomarkers. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 2014, 13(3):543-50. Indian J Tradit Know 0.411 Herbal Drugs
927 Khatoon S, Singh H, Rathi A, Ojha SK, Rawat AKS – Standardization of an ayurvedic formulation-kalyanavleha and estimantion of Curcumin using HPTLC. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 2014, 13(3):535-42. Indian J Tradit Know 0.411 Herbal Drugs
928 Koul B, Amla DV, Sanyal I – Expression of insecticidal toxin coded by modified full-leangt and truncated Bt-cry1Ac gene in transgenic tomato for assessment of their stability and efficacy against target insects. International Archives of Science and Technology, 2014, 14(1): 1-8. Int Archives Sci Technol 0 MB
929 Koul B, Amla DV, Sanyal I, Singh R – Analysis of response to water deficit in three Indian varieties of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) for drought tolerance. International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research, 2014, 4(3): 35-48. Int J Agr Agri Res 0 Microbiology
930 Koul B, Srivastava Sugandha, Amla DV, Sanyal I  – Establisment and optimization of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and regeneration of tomato (Solanum lycopesicum L.). International Journal of Biosciences (IJB), 2014, 4(10):51-59. Int J Biosci 0 MB
931 Kushwaha Meenakshi, Verma AK – Antagonistic activity of Trichoderma spp, (A bio-control agent) against isolated and identified plant pathogens. International Journal of Chemical and Biological Sciences, 2014, 1(1):1-6 Int J Chem Biol Sci (IJCBS) 0 Microbiology
932 Akansha, Ranjana, Kumar Satish, Singh Shilpi , Rastogi RR, Roy RK – Studies on reproductive parts of flower and palynology of Gladiolus (Gladiolus L.) varieties.International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2014, 3(10) 823-29. Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 0 Floriculture
933 Babiah PS, Upreti DK, John SA – An in vitro analysis of antifungal potential of lichen species Parmotrema reticulatum against phytopathogenic fungi.  International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2014, 3(12): 511-18. Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 0 Lichenology
934 Mishra GK, Upreti DK – An enumeration of lichens from the Bageshwar district of Kumaun Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2014, 3(11) 420-35. Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 0 Lichenology
935 Mishra GK, Upreti DK – Accumulation of heavy metals of foloiose lichens growing in industrial area of Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand. Int J Curr Res Acad Rev, 2014, 2(10):48-54. Int J Curr Res Acad Rev 0 Lichenology
936 Patel S, Shende S, Arora S, Singh RRB, Rastogi S, Rawat AKS – Antioxidant potential of herbs and spices during deep frying of ghee. Int J Dairy Technol, 2014,67(3): 365-72. Int J Dairy Technol 0.943 Herbal Drugs
937 Chaudhary LB, Kumar Anoop, Mishra AK, Sahu N, Pandey J, Behera SK, Bajpai O – Tree resources of Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India with especial emphasis on conservation status, phenology and economic values. International Journal of Environment , 2014, 3(1):122-33. Int J Environ 0 Angiosperm
938 Bhat M, Verma S, Upreti DK – Lichens for sustainable environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Development, 2014, 4(4):325-28. Int J Environ Res Dev 0 Lichenology
939 Mishra S, Singh SN – Biodegradation of benzo(a)pyrene mediated by catabolic enzymes of bacteria. Int J Environ Sci Technol, 2014, 11(6): 1571-80. Int J Environ Sci Te 2.19 Environmental Sciences
940 Sharma J, Gupta SS, Kumar BP, Upreti DK, Khare R, Rao ChV – Effect of usnic acid and Cladonia furcata extract on gastroesophageal reflux disease in rat. International Journal of Experimental Pharmacology, 2014, 4(1) : 55-60. Int J Exp Phrmacol 0 Lichenology
941 Mishra Shubhra, Dwivedi AK, Kulshreshtha K – To study the effect of texture of flower petal and moisture content during floral dehydration. International. Journal of  Latest Research in Science and Technology, 2014, 3(2):144-46. Int J Latest Res Sci Technol 0 Floriculture
942 Roy RK, Singh S – Urban landscape and amelioration of environment by trees: methods and approaches. International. Journal of  Latest Research in Science and Technology, 2014, 3(3):98-104. Int J Latest Res Sci Technol 0 Floriculture
943 Verma Pritt, Singh SP, Vind SK, Kumar GR, Rao ChV – Protective effect of Acacia nilotica (Bark) against anti tubercular drug induced hepatic damage an experimental study.International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2014, 6(9):75-79. Int J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci 0 Pharmacology
944 Singh NK, Rai UN, Verma DK, Rathore G – Kocuria flava induced growth and chromium accumulation in Cicer arietinum L. Int J  Phytoremediat, 2014, 16(1): 14-28. Int J Phytoremediat 1.739 Environmental Sciences
945 Dixit P, Mishra T, Pal M, Rana TS, Upreti DK – Polyalthia longifolia and its pharmacological activities : Review. International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research, 2014, 2(1): 17-25. Int J Sci Innovative Res (IJSIR) 0 Phytochemistry
946 Singh Suchita, Singh Sanchita, Mishra RM, Pal M – Preliminary Phytochemical Screening of Calotropis gigantea Leaf. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2014, 4(2):1-4. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 0 Phytochemistry
947 Brind L, Misra A, Srivastava SK – Evaluation of central nervous system stimulating and analgesic activity of Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng. leaves. Journal of Acute Medicine, 2014, 4(2):81-85. J Acute Medicin 0 Herbal Drugs
948 Srivastava SK, Rawat AKS – Quantification of Berberine in different Berberis Species and their Commercial Samples from Herbal Drug Markets of India through HPTLC. Journal of Advances in Chemistry, 2014, 8(3) : 1700-06. J Adv Chem 0 Herbal Drugs
949 Singh H, Dixit S, Verma PC, Singh PK – Evaluation of total phenolic compounds and insecticidal and antioxidant activities of tomato hairy root extract. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014,62(12):2588-94. J Agr Food Chem 2.912 Plant Transformation
950 Sahu Naveen, Alam A, Rawat KK, Verma Praveen – Spore morphology of some South Indian species of Asterella P Beauv (Marchantiophyta). J Am Sci, 2014,10(4): 18-24. J Am Sci 0 Bryology
951 Patel VK, Maji D, Singh AK, Suseela MR, Sundaram S, Kalra A – A natural plant growth promoter, calliterpenone, enhances growth and biomass, carbohydrate, and lipid production in cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803. J Appl Phycol, 2014, 26(1)279-86. J Appl Phycol 2.559 Algae
952 Dwivedi M, Sharma S, Shukla P, Mishra PR,  Paliwal SK, Rawat AKS – Development and evaluation of anticancer polymeric nano-formulations containing curcumin and natural bioenhancers. Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, 2014, 4(3): 198-202. J Biomater Tiss Eng 2.066 Herbal Drugs
953 Srivastava Nishi, Srivastava SK, Verma S, Khan AR, Rawat AKS – Evaluation of quantitative variation of secondary metabolites in Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) using high performance thin layer chromatography. J Biomed Res, 2014, 28(4):328-31. J Biomed Res 0 Herbal Drugs
954 Datt B, Baleshwar, Rana TS – Artemisia santolinifolia Turcz. ex Besser (Asteraceae) – An overlooked species in the Indian flora. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 2014, 111(1):67-68. J Bombay Nat Hist Soc 0 Angiosperm
955 Shukla SP, Khare PB – In vitro conservation of some threatened and economically important ferns belonging to the Indian subcontinent. Journal of Botany, 2014: 1-8,  Article ID 949028. J Bot 0 Pteridology
956 Asthana AK, Sahu V – New national and regional bryophyte records : Leptopterigynandrum decolour (Mitt.) M. Fleisch. Journal of Bryology, 2014, 36(2): 141-42 J Bryol 1.647 Bryology
957 Asthana AK, Srivastava A -New national and regional bryophyte records: Fissidens pellucidus Hornsch; Neckerposis andamana (Mull Hal) M Flesich. Journal of Bryology, 2014, 36(3): 228,231. J Bryol 1.647 Bryology
958 Gupta R, Nath V, Asthana AK – New national and regional bryophyte records : Lejeunea wightii Lindenb. In Gott, Lindenb. & Nees, Phaeoceros udarii Asthana & Nath. Journal of Bryology, 2014, 36(2): 141, 143. J Bryol 1.647 Bryology
959 Sahu V, Niranjan A, Asthana AK – In-vitro propagation and identification of phenol compounds of potential medicinal value in the moss Oxystegus stenophyllus (Mitt.) Gangulee. Journal of Bryology, 2014, 36(4): 325-27. J Bryol 1.647 Bryology
960 Verma PK, Rawat KK – Present status of genus Rectolejeunea A.Evans (Marchantiophyta) in India. Journal of Bryology, 2014, 36(2):160-62. J Bryol 1.647 Bryology
961 Asthana AK, Sahu V – New national and regional bryophyte records: Homalothecium neckeroides (Griff.) Paris; Microcampylopus khasianus (Griffith) Giese & J.-P.Frahm.  Journal of Bryology, 2014, 36(4): 311 & 313. J Bryol 1.647 Bryology
962 Verma A, Singh SN – Seasonal dynamics in air quality index and its role in pollution mapping. J Ecophysiol Occup Hlth, 2014, 14(1-2):32-47. J Ecophysiol Occup Hlth 0 Environmental Sciences
963 Singh Harsh, Husain T, Agnihotri P, Pande PC, Khatoon S – An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used in sacred groves of Kumaon Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India. J Ethnopharmacol, 2014, 154(1):98-108. J Ethnopharmacol 2.998 Ethnobotany
964 Misra A, Tandon N, Srivastava M, Srivastava S – Evaluation of in-vitro anti oxidant potential of Acacia tortilis seed endosperm.  Journal of Free Raidcals Antioxidants, 2014, 140 : 332-38. J Free Raidcals Antioxidants 0 Herbal Drugs
965 Srivastava A, Kumar S, Raj SK – Association of Pedilanthus leaf curl virus with yellow mottling and leaf curl symptoms in two jasmine species grown in India. J Gen Plant Pathol, 2014, 80(4):370-73. J Gen Plant Pathol 0.966 Virology
966 Ramana KV, Trivedi MH, Reddy PRK, Rao ChV – Evaluation of anti inflammatory and analgesic activities of Cordia monoica Roxb roots. Journal of Global Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2014, 5(1):1446-49. J Global Trends  Pharmaceut Sci 0 Pharmacology
967 Lal K, Kushwaha AK, Chaudhary LB -Taxonomic notes on Hedysarum astragaloides (Fabaceae). Journal of Japanese Botany, 2014, 89: 230-35. J Jpn Bot 0 Angiosperm
968 Veena N, Arora S, Kapila Suman, Singh RRB, Katara Antariksh, Pandey MM, Rastogi S, Rawat AKS – Immunomodulatory and antioxidative potential of milk fortified with Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari). Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies, 2014, 2(6): 13-19 J Med Plants Studies 0 Herbal Drugs
969 Srivastava SK, Verma D, Srivastava A, Tiwari SS, Dixit B, Singh RS, Rawat AKS – Phytochemical and nutritional evaluation of Amorphophallus campanulatus (Roxb.) Blume corm. Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, 2014, 4(3): 1000274. J Nutr Food Sci 0 Herbal Drugs
970 Misra A, Srivastava SK, Srivastava M – Evaluation of anti-diarrheal potential of Moringa oleifera (Lam.) leaves. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2014, 2(5): 43-46. J Pharmacog Phytochem 0 Herbal Drugs
971 Janoti DS, Rana M, Rawat AKS – Comparative antioxidant activity of essential oil of leaves of Citrus limettioides and Citrus pseudolimon of Nainital district. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2014, 2(5): 24-26. J Pharmacog Phytochem 0 Herbal Drugs
972 Singh K, Rao ChV, Hussain Z, Pahuja R – Evaluation of in-vivo antioxidant and oral glucose tolerance test of ethanolic extract of Calotropis gigantea Linn. against streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2014, 2(5): 59-65. J Pharmacog Phytochem 0 Herbal Drugs
973 Ranade SA, Yadah H – Universal molecular markers for plant breeding and genetics analysis. Journal of Plant Biochemistry & Physiology, 2014, 2:1 (1000e121) J Plant Biochem Physiol 0 MB
974 Khan MS, Tiwari AK, Raj SK, Srivastava Ashish, Ji SH, Chun SC – Molecular epidemiology of begomoviruses occurring on some vegetables, grain legume and weed species in the Terai belt of north India. J Plant Dis Prot, 2014, 121(2):53-57. J Plant Dis Prot 0.679 Virology
975 Soni A, Niveden A, Nath V, Kumar Anil – Uses of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers in the altitudinal diversity of Plagiochasma appendicualtum. J Plant Sci, 2014, 9(1): 1-13. J Plant Sci 0 Bryology
976 Soni Arvind, Niveden A, Nath V, Kumar Anil – Uses of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers in the altitudinal diversity of Plagiochasma appendicualtum. J Plant Sci, 2014, 9(1): 1-13. J Plant Sci 0 Bryology
977 Bag MK, Adhikari B, Dwivedi S, Tripathi RD – Consequences of arsenate exposure on important yield-associated traits of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Plant Science Research, 2014, 1(2):01-04. J Plant Sci Res 0 Environmental Sciences
978 Sahu V, Nath V, Asthana AK, Yunus M – Marchantia paleacea Bertol. as quantitative biomonitor of atmospheric heavy metals deposition. J Recent Advances in Appl Sci (JRAAS), 2014, 29:22-27. J Recent Advan Appl Sci 0 Bryology
979 Srivastava M, Kumar G, Mohan R, Malhotra S – Phytochemical studies and antimicrobial activity of babool seeds.  Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 2014, 73: 724-28. J Sci Ind Res 0.5 Herbal Drugs
980 Srivastava M, Kumar G, Mohan R, Malhotra S – Phytochemical studies and antimicrobial activity of babool seeds. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 2014, 73: 724-28. J Sci Ind Res 0.359 Herbal Drugs
981 Pandey AK, Bajpai AK, Kumar Ashok, Pal M, Baboo Vikas, Dwivedi A – Isolation, identification, molecular and electronic structure, vibrational spectroscopic investigation, and anti-HIV-1 activity of Karanjin using density functional theory. J Theor Chem, 2014 (2014): Article ID 680987, 1-13. J Theor Chem 0 Phytochemistry
982 Mohabe S, Reddy AM, Devi BA, Nayaka S, Shankar PC -Further new additions to the lichen mycota of Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2014, 6(8):6122-26. J Threatened Taxa 0 Lichenology
983 Tiwari R, Sudhakar  JV, Srivastava Awadesh Kumar, Chaudhary LB, Murthy GAS, Durgapal A – Taxonomy, distribution and diversity of Ficus palmata Forssk. subsp. virgata (Roxb.) Browicz (Moraceae) in India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2014, 6(9): 6172-85. J Threatened Taxa 0 Angiosperm
984 Agnihotri P, Dixit V, Singh H, Paliwal AK, Husain T  – Rare and endemic taxa of Leucas (Lamiaceae) in India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2014, 6(2): 5507-11. J Threatened Taxa 0 Angiosperm
985 Srivastava Nishi, Verma Shikhar, Pragyadeep S, Srivastava SK, Rawat AKS – Evaluation of successive fractions for optimum quantification of bergenin and gallic acid in three industrially important Bergenia species by high-performance thin-layer chromatography. JPC – Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC, 2014, 27(1): 69-71. JPC-J Planar Chromat 0 Herbal Drugs
986 Dixit Prateek , Pal M, Upreti DK – Comparative studies on the analytical and antioxidant activities of the medicinally important stem bark of Holoptelea integrifolia. JPC – Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC, 2014, 27(3) : 162-65. JPC-J Planar Chromat 0 Phytochemistry
987 Srivastava S, Verma S, Gupta A, Rahan S, Rawat AKS – Studies on chemotypic variation in Centella asiatica (L.) urban from Nilgiri range of India. JPC – Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC, 2014, 27(6): 454-59. JPC-J Planar Chromat 0 Herbal Drugs
988 Lal Bahadur, Tiwari DD – Nutrient management in mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) Through sulphur and biofertilizers. Legume Research, 2014, 37(2):180-87. Legume Res 0.146 Soil Science
989 Tripathi A, Indoliya Y, Tiwari M, Tiwari P, Srivastava D, Kumar Verma P, Verma S, Gautam N, Chakrabarty D – Transformed yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) overexpressing rice Tau class glutathione S-transferase (OsGSTU30 and OsGSTU41) shows enhanced resistance to hexavalent chromium. Metallomics, 2014, 6(8):1549-57. Metallomics 3.585 Plant Transformation
990 Tripathi RD, Tripathi Preeti, Dwivedi S, Kumar Amit, Mishra A, Chauhan PS, Norton GJ, Nautiyal CS – Roles for root iron plaque in sequestration and uptake of heavy metals and metalloids in aquatic and wetland plants. Metallomics, 2014, 6(10):1789-1800. Metallomics 3.585 Environmental Sciences
991 Rao ChV, Lubla A,  Gupta SS – Phytochemical and pharmacological review on Andrographis serpyllifolia: potential herbal cure-all. Mintage Journal of Pharmaceutical Medical Sciences, 2014,3 (Suppl 3):1-3. Mintage J Pharmaceutical Medical Sci 0 Pharmacology
992 Mishra Sandhya, Srivastava Suchi, Nautiyal CS – Differential gene expression profile in Pseudomonas putida NBRIC19-treated wheat (Triticum aestivum) plants subjected to biotic stress of Parthenium hysterophorus. Molecular Biology Reports, 2014, 41(1):1385-99. Mol Biol Rep 2.024 Plant Transformation
993 Srivastava R, Rai KM, Srivastava M, Kumar V, Pandey B, Singh SP, Bag SK, Singh BD, Tuli R, Sawant SV – Distinct role of core promoter architecture in regulation of light mediated responses in plant genes. Mol Plant, 2014, 7(4):626-41. Mol Plant 6.337 MB
994 Gupta S, Khare R, Rai H, Upreti DK, Gupta RK, Sharma PK, Srivastava K, Bhattacharya P – Influence of macro-scale environmental variables on diversity and distribution pattern of lichens in Badrinath valley, Western Himalaya.  Mycosphere, 2014, 5(1): 229-43. Mycosphere 0 Lichenology
995 Logesh AR, Upadhyay AK, Joshi S, Kalaiselvam M, Upreti DK, Shukla AC – Lichen as indicator of metal pollution in the vicinity of SIPCOT industries in Cuddalore southeast coast of India. Mycosphere, 2014, 5(5):681-87. Mycosphere 0 Lichenology
996 Niranjan A, Sahu V, Asthana AK – Phenolic compounds in thalloid liverworts growing in moss house.  Nat Prod, 2014, 10(1) : 30-33 Nat Prod 0 Phytochemistry
997 Joshi Y, Tripathi M, Bisht K, Upreti DK – Current distributional status of Remototrachyna adducta (Nyl.) Divakar & A. Crespo in India.National Academy Science Letters-India, 2014, 37(4): 397-99. Natl Acad Sci Lett (India) 0.292 Lichenology
998 Kumari A, Kumar S, Raj SK – First report of Canna Yellow Mottole Virus on Canna from India. New Disease Reports, 2014, 29:9. New Dis Rep 0 Virology
999 Kaur C,  Raj R,  Kumar S, Raj SK – First report of Bean yellow mosaic virus on Cape gooseberry in India. New Disease Reports, 2014, 29:17. New Dis Rep 0 Virology
1000 Khedgikar V , Kushwaha, Gautam J, Verma A, Sharma S, Sangwan, Trivedi PK, Mishra PR, Trivedi R – Osteoprotective effect and sustenance of trabecular micro-architecture by liposome-glycol-chitosan based delivery system of Withaferin a. Osteoporosis International, 2014, 25(Suppl-2): S351-S352. Osteoporosis Int 4.169 MB
1001 Srivastava RK, Singh A, Srivastava GP, Lehri A, Niranjan A, Tewari SK, Kumar K, Kumar S – Chemical constituents and biological activities of promising aromatic plant Nagarmotha (Cyperus scariosus R.Br.): A Review. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 2014, 80(3): 525-36. P Indian Natl Sci Acad 0 Phytochemistry
1002 Sahu V, Asthana AK – Two mosses new to west Himalayan bryoflora. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 2014, 84B(3):805-10. P Natl A Sci India B 0 Bryology
1003 Verma PK, Rawat KK – Anthoceros subtilis Steph: A rare disjunct species, new to north east India from Brahmaputra Valley. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 2014, 84(3):811-13. P Natl A Sci India B 0 Bryology
1004 Choudhary N, Siddiqui MB, Khatoon S –  Effect of seasonality and time after anthesis on the viability and longevity of Cannabis sativa pollen. Palynology, 2014, 38(2):235-41. Palynology 0.922 Herbal Drugs
1005 Gupta PC, Rao ChV – Gastroprotective effect of standardized leaf extract from Careya arborea on experimental gastric ulcers in rats. Pharm Biol, 2014, 52(8):1003-08. Pharm Biol 1.241 Pharmacology
1006 Singh R, Naskar J, Pathre UV, Shirke PA – Reflectance and cyclic electron flow as an indicator of drought stress in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2014, 90(3):544-51. Photochem Photobiol 2.266 Plant Physiology
1007 Singh Niraj, Bajpai R, Mahar KS, Tiwari V, Upreti DK, Rana TS – ISSR and DAMD markers revealed high genetic variability within Flavoparmelia caperata in Western Himalaya (India). Physiol Mol Biol Plants , 2014, 20(4):501-08. Physiol Mol Biol Plants 0 Lichenology
1008 Mallick S, Kumar Navin, Sinha S, Dubey AK, Tripathi RD, Srivastava Vivek – H2O2 pretreated rice seedlings specifically reduces arsenate not arsenite: difference in nutrient uptake and antioxidant defense response in a contrasting pair of rice cultivars. Physiol Mol Biol Plants, 2014, 20(4): 435-47. Physiol Mol Biol Plants 0 Environmental Sciences
1009 Kumar Akhilesh, Singh N – First report of Maconellicoccus hirsutus green infestation on Jatropha curcas saplings. Phytoparasitica, 2014, 42(1):71-73. Phytoparasitica 0.901 Eco-auditing
1010 Bajpai O, Srivastava Awadhesh K, Kushwaha AK, Chaudhary LB –  Taxonomy of a monotypic genus Indopiptadenia (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae). Phytotaxa, 2014, 164(2):61-78. Phytotaxa 1.318 Angiosperm
1011 Agnihotri P, Husain D, Husain T – A new species of the Genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) from Lahul Valley of Himachal Pradesh, India. Phytotaxa, 2014, 186(5):287-91. Phytotaxa 1.318 Angiosperm
1012 Singh Shilpi, Kumar Satish, Prasad Rameshwar, Roy RK, Kumar S, Goel AK – Comparative analysis of growth and flowering characteristics of Canna cultivars in agro-climatic condition of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. Plant Arch, 2014, 14(2):935-38. Plant Archives 0 Floriculture
1013 Nigam D, Kavita P, Tripathi RK, Ranjan A, Goel R, Asif MH, Shukla A, Singh G, Rana D, Sawant SV – Transcriptome dynamics during fibre development in contrasting genotypes of Gossypium hirsutum L. Plant Biotechnol J, 2014, 12(2): 204-18. Plant Biotechnol J 5.752 MB
1014 Pandey A, Misra Prashant, Khan MP, Swarnkar G, Tewari MC, Bhambhani S, Trivedi R, Chattopadhyay N, Trivedi PK – Co-expression of Arabidopsis transcription factor, AtMYB12, and soybean isoflavone synthase, GmIFS1, genes in tobacco leads to enhanced biosynthesis of isoflavones and flavonols resulting in osteoprotective activity. Plant Biotechnol J, 2014, 12(1): 69-80. Plant Biotechnol J 5.752 MB
1015 Tiwari M, Sharma D, Dwivedi S, Singh M, Tripathi RD, Trivedi PK – Expression in Arabidopsis and cellular localization reveal involvement of rice NRAMP, OsNRAMP1, in arsenic transport and tolerance. Plant, Cell & Environment, 2014, 37(1): 140-52. Plant Cell Environ 6.96 MB
1016 Srivastava A, Kumar S, Raj SK – First report of Ageratum enation virus, Betasatellite and Alphasatellite causing leaf curl and enation disease of Amaranthus hypochondriacus in India. Plant Dis, 2014, 98(9):1285. Plant Dis 3.02 Virology
1017 Tiwari M, Sharma D, Trivedi PK – Artificial microRNA mediated gene silencing in plants: progress and perspectives. Plant Molecular Biology, 2014, 86(1-2): 1-18. Plant Mol Biol 4.257 MB
1018 Ranjan S, Singh R, Singh M, Pathre UV, Shirke PA – Characterizing photoinhibition and photosynthesis in juvenile-red versus mature-green leaves of Jatropha curcas L. Plant Physiol Biochem, 2014 Mar 13,79C:48-59. Plant Physiol Biochem 2.756 Plant Physiology
1019 Srivastava PK, Gupta M, Pandey A, Pandey V, Singh N, Tewari SK – Effects of sodicity induced changes in soil physical properties on paddy root growth. Plant Soil Environ, 2014, 60(4):165-69. Plant Soil Environ 1.226 Soil Science
1020 Pandey Vibha, Niranjan A, Atri Neelam, Chandrashekhar K, Mishra MK, Trivedi PK, Misra P –  WsSGTL1 gene from Withania somnifera, modulates glycosylation profile, antioxidant system and confers biotic and salt stress tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Planta, 2014, 239(6):1217-31. Planta 3.263 MB
1021 Agnihotri P, Dixit V, Husain T – Conspectus of the genus Veronica Linnaeus (Plantaginaceae) in India. Pleione, 2014, 8(1): 9-16. Pleione 0 Angiosperm
1022 Agnihotri P, Singh H, Husain D, Dixit V – Notes on the ethnobotanically important genus Geranium Linnaeus (Geraniaceae) in India. Pleione, 2014, 8(2):396-407. Pleione 0 Angiosperm
1023 Agnihotri P, Jena SN, Husain D, Husain T -Perspective of the genus Delphinium Linnaeus (Ranunculaceae) in India. Pleione, 2014, 8(2):344-52. Pleione 0 Angiosperm
1024 Thakur Nidhi, Upadhyay SK, Verma PC, Chandrashekar K, Tuli R, Singh PK  – Enhanced whitefly resistance in transgenic tobacco plants expressing double stranded RNA of v-ATPase A gene. PloS one, 2014, 9(3): e87235 (p1-9). PLoS One 3.234 MB
1025 Dasgupta GM, George BS, Bhatia A, Sidhu OP – Characterization of Withania somnifera leaf transcriptome and expression analysis of pathogenesis-related genes during salicylic acid signaling. PloS one, 2014, 9(4):e94803. PLoS One 3.234 Phytochemistry
1026 Kumar J, Dhar P,  Tayade AB,  Gupta D,  Chaurasia OP,  Upreti DK,  Arora R, Srivastava RB –  Antioxidant capacities, phenolic profile and cytotoxic effects of Saxicolous lichens from trans-Himalayan cold desert of Ladakh. PloS one, 2014, 9(6): e98696. PLoS One 3.234 Lichenology
1027 Singh BN, Rawat AKS, Khan W, Naqvi AH, Singh BR – Biosynthesis of stable antioxidant ZnO Nanoparticles by Pseudomonas aeruginosa rhamnolipids. PloS one, 2014, 9(9): e106937(Page 1-12.) PLoS One 3.234 Herbal Drugs
1028 Upadhyay RK, Gupta A, Ranjan S, Singh R, Pathre UV, Nath P, Sane AP – The EAR motif controls the early flowering and senescence phenotype mediated by over-expression of slerf36 and is partly responsible for changes in stomatal density and photosynthesis. PloS one, 2014, 9(7): e101995. PLoS One 3.234 Plant Physiology
1029 Katiyar RS, Nainwal RC, Singh D, Chaturvedi V, Tewari SK – Effect of spacing and varieties on growth and yield of Coriander (Coriandrum  sativum L.) on reclaimed sodic waste soil. Progressive Research, 2014, 9:811-14. Prog Res 0 Biomass
1030 Singh D, Nainwal RC, Katiyar RS, Tewari SK –  Influence of  integrated management of growth and yield of garlic (Allium sativum L.) under  partially reclaimed sodic soil. Progressive Research, 2014, 9: 783-88. Prog Res 0 Biomass
1031 Patel GK, Gupta AK, Gupta A, Mishra M, Singh PK, Saxena AK, Sharma AK – Purification and Physicochemical Characterization of a Trypsin Inhibitor from Cassia absus Linn. Protein Peptide Lett, 2014, 21(2): 108-14. Protein Peptide Lett 1.068 MB
1032 Srivastava Suchi, Pandey Richa, Kumar Sushil, Nautiyal CS – Correspondence between flowers and leaves in terpenoid indole alkaloid metabolism of the phytoplasma-infected Catharanthus roseus plants. Protoplasma, 2014, 251(6):1307-20. Protoplasma 2.651 Microbiology
1033 Singh K, Singh B, Verma SK, Patra DD – Jatropha curcas: A ten year story from hope to despair. Renew Sust Energ Rev, 2014, 35: 356-60. Renew Sust Energ Rev 5.901 Biomass
1034 Mishra K, Srivastava V, Husain T, Agnihotri P – Cytological studies on few Berberis L. species. Research Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences, 2014, 2(1):80-84. Res J Chem Env Sci 0 Angiosperm
1035 Gupta SS, Kumar GR, Sharma M, Pandey Garima, Mohapatra PK,  Rao ChV – Effects of flavonoids from Morus alba leaves extract on experimentally induced Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) in rats. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2014, 5(1): 1021-30. Res J Pharmaceut Biol Chem Sci (RJPBCS) 0 Pharmacology
1036 Srivastava V, Mishra K, Husain T,  Agnihotri P – Karyotypic analysis in Western Himalayan species of Berberis L. Res J Pharmaceut Biol Chem Sci, 2014, 5(2) : 1244-51. Res J Pharmaceut Biol Chem Sci (RJPBCS) 0 Angiosperm
1037 Choudhary N, Siddiqui MB, Khatoon S, Shazia B – Variation in extract yield in different parts of Tinispora cordifolia. Res J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, 2014, 6(1):01-04. Res J Pharmacol Pharmacodynamics 0 Herbal Drugs
1038 Srivastava Nishi, Srivastava Amit, Srivastava S, Rawat AKS, Khan AR  – HPTLC-densitometric determination and Kinetic studies on antioxidant potential of Monomeric phenolic acids (MPAs) from Bergenia species.RSC Advances,  2014: 4, 52647-57. RSC Adv 3.84 Herbal Drugs
1039 Srivastava SK, Mishra Ankita, Shukla PK, Kumar Bhanu, Lata S, Rawat AKS – A validated over pressured layered chromatography (OPLC) method for separation and quantification of colchicine in Gloriosa superba (L.) tubers from different geographical regions. RSC Advances, 2014,4: 60902-906 RSC Adv 3.84 Herbal Drugs
1040 Tiwari M, Sharma D, Singh M, Tripathi RD, Trivedi PK – Expression of OsMATE1 and OsMATE2 alters development, stress responses and pathogen susceptibility in Arabidopsis. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4: Article number: 3964 (01-12). Sci Rep 5.578 MB
1041 Pandey A, Misra Prashant, Bhambhani S, Bhatia C, Trivedi PK –  Expression of Arabidopsis MYB transcription factor, AtMYB111, in tobacco requires light to modulate flavonol content. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4: Article number: 5018 (01-10). Sci Rep 5.578 MB
1042 Shri M, Dave R, Dwivedi S, Shukla D, Kesari R, Tripathi RD, Trivedi PK, Chakrabarty D – Heterologous expression of Ceratophyllum demersum phytochelatin synthase, CdPCS1, in rice leads to lower arsenic accumulation in grain. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4(5-6): Article number: 5784. Sci Rep 5.578 Environmental Sciences
1043 Bhat M, Shukla V, Upreti DK, Verma S, Sharma G, Ananad R- Assessment of air quality of Rajouri town, Jammu & Kashmir using lichen transplant technique. Sci Technol J, 2014, 2(1):15-19. Sci Technol J 0 Lichenology
1044 Gupta P, Khatoon S, Tandon PK, Rai V- Effect of cadmium on growth, Bacoside A and Bacopaside I of Bacopa monnieri (L.), A memory enhancing herb. Sci World J, 2014: Article ID 824586. Sci World J 0 Herbal Drugs
1045 Yadav KS, Yadav NP, Rawat B, Rai VK,  Shanker K, Rao ChV – An assessment of wound healing potential of Argyreia speciosa leaves. Sci World J, 2014: Article ID 406921. Sci World J 0 Pharmacology
1046 Koul B, Srivastava Sugandha, Sanyal I, Tripathi B, Sharma V, Amla DV – Transgenic tomato line expressing modified Bacillus thuringiensis cry1Ab gene showing complete resistance to two lepidopteran pests. SpringerPlus 2014, 3:84 (1-13). SpringerPlus 0 MB
1047 Singh RK, Srivastava Smriti, Sane VA – Biology and biotechnology of fruit flavor and aroma volatiles. Stewart Postharvest Rev, 2013, 9(4):1-13. Stewart Postharvest Review 0 MB
1048 Dixit V, Purshottam DK, Agnihotri P, Husain T, Misra P – A highly efficient shoot organogenesis system of Acorus calamus L. – A threatened medicinal plant of Indian Himalaya. The Experiment, 2014, 21(1):1453-61. The Experiment 0 Tissue Culture
1049 Logesh AR, Joshi S, Ingle KK, Upreti DK – Some new additions to the lichen family Roccellaceae (Arthoniales) from India. Tropical Plant Research, 2014, 1(1):1-3. Trop Plant Res 0 Lichenology
1050 Behera Sandip K, Khare PB – First report of pteridophytes from Govind Wildlife Sanctury, Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand, India. Tropical Plant Research, 2014, 1(2):37-47. Trop Plant Res 0 Pteridology
1051 Kumar J, Rai H, Khare R, Upreti DK, Dhar P, Tayade AB, Chaurasia OP, Srivastava RB – Elevational controls of lichen communities in Zanskar valley, Ladakh, a Trans Himalayan cold desert.  Tropical Plant Research, 2014, 1(2):48-54. Trop Plant Res 0 Lichenology
1052 Sahu V, Asthana AK – Pogonatum perichaetiale subsp. thomsonii (Mitt.) Hyvönen – An uncommon species from western Himalaya. Tropical Plant Research, 2014, 1(3):13-15. Trop Plant Res 0 Bryology
1053 Srivastava Neha, Suseela MR, Toppo K – Fresh water Cyanobacteria of Sai river near Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Tropical Plant Research, 2014, 1(2):11-16. Trop Plant Res 0 Algae
1054 Singh M, Ranjan Sanjay, Verma KK, Pathre UV, Shirke PA –  Photosynthetic characteristics of red and green leaves in growing seedlings of Jatropha curcas. Turk J Biol, 2014, 38:457-68. Turk J Biol 1.343 Plant Physiology
1055 Ingle KK, Nayaka S, Bajpai R, Rawal JR, Upreti DK, Trivedi S – An Account of Lichen Diversity in Islands of Marine Protected Area, Jamnagar, Gujarat. Uttar Pradesh State Biodiversity Board, 2014, 23-30. Uttar Pradesh State Biodiversity Board 0 Lichenology
1056 Kumar Susheel, Gautam KK, Raj SK – Molecular identification of Cucumber mosaic virus isolates of subgroup IB associated with mosaic disease of eggplant in India. VirusDisease, 2014, 25(1): 129-31. VirusDisease 0 Virology
1057 Gautam KK, Raj R, Kumar S, Raj SK, Roy RK, Katiyar R – Complete sequence of RNA3 of Cucumber mosaic virus isolates infecting Gerbera jamesonii suggests its grouping under IB subgroup. VirusDisease, 2014, 24(3):398-401. VirusDisease 0 Virology
1058 Shukla V, Upreti DK, Bajpai R, Yunus M –  Spatial distribution of metallic content in himalayan ecosystem monitored using lichens. Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 2014, 225(2): 1859-64. Water Air Soil Poll 1.554 Lichenology