Dr. Bikarma Singh
Senior Scientist
Research Interests
My research group works in the area of bio-resource inventory (plant taxonomy/floristic/ethnobotany/etc), bioprospection (qualitative/quantitative analysis of natural products), ecology, reproductive biology-coupled with varietal development and conservation science of medicinal, aromatic and horticultural crops. My interdisciplinary research aims to solve taxonomy problems, explore biodiversity and evaluate the natural molecules for value addition and societal upliftment. Germplasm collection from far-flung areas helps in the enrichment of plant species and conservation of threatened species at the botanical garden.
Focused Research Area:
- Bio-resource inventory (taxonomy-floristic), mapping, evaluation and characterization.
- Bioprospection and resourcing of quality raw material for natural molecules
- Reproductive biology and threats status assessment of threatened plants
- Plant-people interaction (ethnobotany)
- Ecology (invasive species) and environmental impact assessment (EIA)
- Plant germplasm conservation (endangered species)-Tissue culture and botanic garden management
- Varietal development of medicinal, aromatic and horticultural crops
Dr. Bikarma Singh
Senior Scientist
Dr. Singh pursued research with passion and possesses 14 year’s research experience in Plant Sciences (Botany), more specialized in the field of bio-resource mapping and plant taxonomy and ecology of higher angiosperms, biotechnology, ethnobotany, ecology, biodiversity germplasm conservation, value addition from essential oils and EIA. He is serving as a reviewing member of several National and International Scientific SCI journals, undertaken as a lead leader for organizing many seminars and workshops. He authored/co-authored 11 books, 39 book chapters and published 86 scientific research papers/experimental findings in peer-reviewed international SCI, and national UGC-recognized journals. He has two patents on medicinal aspects, and worked as PI/Co-PI/Team member for more than 40 research projects funded by Govt. and Private Organizations. He is igniting 4 PhD researchers in Science to defend their doctorate. He is a member of several research committees and delivered invited talk as key-note speaker/lecturer under various themes in several conferences, seminars and workshops.
Dr. Singh has made a significant contribution through his publications in the field of plant taxonomy, ethnobotany, new species, new record and rediscovery of several species. He has published three species new to science, five new records for India, 32 new state record for states and more than 80 new record districts. He has contributed to the rediscovery of species after 100/50 years. He worked first time on the ‘Flora of Nokrek Biosphere Reserve’, ‘Flora of Gurez Valley and published several research papers on taxonomy, ethnobotany, phytochemistry, molecular fingerprinting and wild edible plants used by Garo and Sheena tribes, poisonous plant and threatened species of NBR, Meghalaya State. He also worked and published IUCN categorization of several rare, threatened and endangered plant species of India, associated in with biodiversity ecological survey and mapping of several hydroelectric projects, irrigation projects, coal mining project and limestone mining project. Currently, his research interest on bio-resource mapping, monitoring and evaluation of biodiversity through floristic inventory, ecology and ethnobotany documentation; morphological, molecular, tissue culture and chemical characterization of MAPs from unexplored areas of Himalaya; data-basing and DIVA-GIS modelling; IUCN categorization of endangered species; enrichment and up-gradation of herbarium and gardens.
(a) Taxonomic accomplishments
New Species Described
- Cleistanthus nokrensis B Singh (Euphorbiaceae)
- Laportea stolonifera BL Bhellum & B Singh (Urticaceae)
- Neoconopodium paddarensis S Thakur, B Singh, N Tashi & HC Dutt (Apiaceae)
New Records for India
- Agapetes neriifolia (King & Prain ) Airy Show (Ericaceae), Aglaonema nebulosumE.Br (Araceae), Anoectochilus papillosus Aver. (Orchidaceae), Cornus kousaBurger ex Hance subsp. kousa (Cornaceae), Juniperus chinensis L. (Cupressaceae), Pterocymbium tinctorium (Blanco) Merr. (Malvaceae)
- Haematocarpus validusf. ex Forman (Menispermaceae), Hemiorchis pantlingii King (Zingiberaceae), Streblus ilicifolius (S.Vidal) Corner (Moraceae), Antrophyum plantagineum Kaulf. (Pteridaceae) and Antrophyum reticulatum (G.Forst.) Kaulf. (Pteridaceae), Christisonia keralensis Erady (Orobanchaceae), Asteraceae members (Artemisia verlotiorum Lamotte, Ligularia amplexicaulis DC. and Ligularia sibirica (L.) Cass.).
(b) Floristic accomplishments
- Arboreal Flora of Nokrek Biosphere Reserve, Meghalaya
- Comprehensive Checklist of Endemic Flora of Meghalaya
- Fagaceae Contribution to Floral Wealth of Himalaya
- Orchids diversity of Nokrek Biosphere Reserve, Meghalaya
- Phenology of Lycophyta and Fern flora in Nokrek Biosphere Reserve, Meghalaya
- Floristic Diversity of Gurez Valley, Jammu and Kashmir
- Eco-taxonomy of Bani Valley and Sarthal Mountain, Jammu and Kashmir
- Plant and fungi diversity of Devi Pindiyan Valley in Trikuta Hills of Northwestern Himalaya
(c) Ethnobotanical accomplishments
- Ethnobotanical plants in Sacred Groves of Meghalaya
- Assessment of ethnobotanical plants used by Garo tribe of Meghalaya
- Documentation of wild plants used by Sheena, Gujjar, Dugars, Bakarwal tribe of Jammu and Kashmir
- Investigation of Amchi (Sowa-Rigpa) system in Ladakh
- Ethnobotanical plants used for gastrointestinal aliments by the inhabitants of Kishtawar Plateau in Northwestern Himalaya
- Assessing ethnobotanical values and threat status of wild asparagus (Stemona tuberosa)
(d) Bioprospecting plants and natural products
- Species-specific study: Valeriana jatamansi, Bergenia ciliata, Berberis lyceum, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Lepidium didymum Catharanthus roseus, Tanacetum gracile, Butea monosperma, Boerhaavia diffusa
- Different species of genus Iris, Artemisia and Phyllanthus
(e) Monographs:
- Aconitum heterophyllum, Aegle marmelos, Aloe vera, Asparagus racemosus, Berberis aristata, Bergenia ciliata, Crocus sativus, Picrorhiza kurroa, Piper longum and Saussurea costus.
(f) Ecological perspective
- Evaluation of alien weeds of Kashmir Himalaya
- Assessment of Lagerstroemia minuticarpa in the Indian Eastern Himalaya
- Conservation planning for Nepenthes khasiana in Meghalaya
- Phytosociological investigation in district Kupwara, Reasi and Doda
(g) Agro-technologies developed: The group also involved in developing agro-technologies for mass propagation of high value medicinal, aromatic and horticultural crops.
(h) Concepts & Processes: New extraction protocol for extraction of berberine from Berberis lycium by soxhlet apparatus using CCD-RSM.
(i) Skill development programme: We also conduct skill development-cum-training programme for common peoples, entrepreneurs, schools, college, universities, farmers, NGOs and industry sectors. Some training programme includes Bonsai techniques, home gardening, dehydrated floral craft, tree talk, and several other society related out-reach programmes.
Dr. Bikarma Singh
Senior Scientist
Research Papers (Selected):
- P Singh, V Bajpai, N Khandelwal, S Varshney, AN Gaikwad, M Srivastava, Bikarma Singh and B Kumar. Determination of bioactive compounds of Artemisia plant extracts by LC-MS/MS technique and their in-vitro anti-adipogenic activity screening. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2020, (International, SCI). (IF=3.2, NAAS=8.98; doi: https://doi.org/ 10.1016/ jpba.2020.113707.
- S Thakur, Bikarma Singh*, N Tashi and HC Dutt. Neoconopodium paddarensis, a new species of Apiaceae endemic to Paddar Valley, J&K, Himalaya, India. Phytotaxa 2020, 459(4): 285-290; doi: https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.459.4.4 (International, SCI Expanded). (IF=1.2, NAAS=7.17).
- B Singh, Bikarma Singh*, A Kishor, S Singh, MN Bhat, O Surmal and CM Musarella (2020). Exploring plant-based ethnomedicine and quantitative ethnopharmacology in protected area: Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants utilized by population of Jasrota Hill in Western Himalaya, India. Sustainability 2020, 12(18): 7526; doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/su12187526 (IF=2.576, NAAS= 8.59) (International, SCI).
- SM Haq, M Hamid, FA Lone and Bikarma Singh* (2020). Himalayan hotspot with alien weeds: biological spectrum, phenology and diversity of weedy plants of high altitude mountains. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B. Biological Sciences 2020. (International) (IF=0.396, NAAS=5.00).
- AK Katare, Bikarma Singh*, P Shukla, S Gupta, K Yalamanchili, N Kulshrestha, B Singh, R Bhanwaria, AK Sharma, S Sharma, Sneha, DP Mindala, S Roy and R Kalgotra. Rapid determination and optimization of berberine from Himalayan Berberis lycium by Soxhlet Apparatus using CCD-RSM and its quality control as a potential candidate for COVID-19. Natural Product Research 2020, doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/ 14786419.2020.1806274 (IF =2.158, NAAS= 7.93) (International, SCI).
- B Goel, A Sharma, N Tripathi, N Bhardwaj, B Sahu, G Kaur, Bikarma Singh and S Jain. In-vitro antitumor activity of compounds from Glycyrrhiza glabra against C6 Glioma cancer cells: Identification of natural lead for further evaluation. Natural Product Research 2020, doi: https://doi.org/10.1080 /14786419.2020.1786830 (IF=2.158, NAAS=7.93)(International, SCI)
- S Thakur, N Tashi, B Singh, HC Dutt and Bikarma Singh*. Ethnobotanical Plants used for gastrointestinal aliments by the inhabitants of Kishtawar Plateau in Northwestern Himalaya, India. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 2020, 19(2):288-298. (International, SCI Expanded) (IF=1.02, NAAS=7.06).
- D Adhikaria, R Tiwary, PP Singh, K Upadhaya and Bikarma Singh*, KE Haridasan, BB Bhatt, A Chettri and SK Barik. Ecological niche modelling as a cumulative environmental impact assessment tool for biodiversity assessment and conservation planning a case study of critically endangered plant Lagerstroemia minuticarpa in the Indian Eastern Himalaya. Journal of Environmental Management 2019, 243: 299-307; doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.jenvman.2019.05.036. (International, SCI) (IF=5.647, NAAS=10.01).
- Bharate, V Kumar, SS Bharate, Bikarma Singh, G Singh, A Singh, M Gupta, D Singh, A Kumar, S Singh and R Vishwakarma. Discovery and preclinical development of IIIM-160, a Bergenia ciliata-based anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic botanical drug candidate. Journal of Integrative Medicine 2019, 17(3):192-204. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joim.2019.03. 001. (International, SCI Expanded) (IF=2.446, NAAS=NIL).
- Bikarma Singh*, S Singh, B Singh, S Kitchlu and V Babu. Assessment of ethnic traditional knowledge, biology and chemistry of Lepidium didymum, lesser known wild plants of Western Himalaya. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B. Biological Sciences 2019, 89(3): 1087-1094; doi:10.1007/s40011-018-1027-4. (International) (IF=0.396, NAAS=5.00).
- S Thakur, HC Dutt, Bikarma Singh*, Y Sharma, N Tashi, R Singh, RS Charak, G Sharma, OP Vidyarthi, T Iqbal, B Singh and K Kumar. Plant and fungi diversity of Devi Pindiyan Valley in Trikuta Hills of northwestern Himalaya, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 2019, 11(14): 14827-14844; doi: https://doi.org/10.11609/ jott.4792.11.14.14827-14844. (NAAS= 5.10) (International).
- S Kumar, BKumara, Bikarma Singh, L Bahadur and ML Simultaneous determination of terpene indole alkaloids in ethanolic extracts of Catharanthus roseus by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2018, 151: 32-41; doi: 10.1016/j.jpba. 2017.12.040. (International, SCI) (IF=3.255, NAAS=8.98).
- V Mahajan, R Chouhan, S Kitchlu, K Bindu, S Koul, Bikarma Singh, YS Bedi and SG Gandhi. Assessment of chemical and genetic variability in Tanacetum gracile accessions collected from cold desert of Western Himalaya. 3 Biotech 2018, 8:284; doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-018- 1299-7. (International, SCI Expanded) (IF=2.351, NAAS=7.79).
- V Bajpai, A Singh, P Singh, Bikarma Singh, P Pratap, R Maurya and B Kumar. Development of ultra performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for simultaneous identification and quantitation of potential osteogenic phytochemicals in Butea monosperma. Journal of Chromatographic Science 2018, 56(8): 738-745; doi:10.1093/ chromsci/bmy050. (International, SCI) (IF=1.280, NAAS=7.22).
- Bikarma Singh*, P Sultan and YS Bedi. Juniperus chinensis (Cupressaceae): a new taxa record for Himalaya and extension of geographic distribution in south Asia. National Academy Science Letters-India 2018, 41(1): 63-73; doi: 10.1007/s40009-018-0610-9. (International, SCI Expanded) (IF=0.596, NAAS=6.33)
- Bikarma Singh*, S Singh and B Singh. New distribution records of the leopard plants Ligularia amplexicaulis and Ligularia sibirica (L.) Cass. (Asteraceae) in the Indian Himalaya. Journal of Threatened Taxa 2018, 10(13):12854-12858. (NAAS=5.10) (National); doi: https://doi.org/ 10.11609/jott.4005.10.13.12854-12858.
- S Kumar, A Singh, Bikarma Singh, R Maurya and B Kumar. Structural characterization and quantitative determination of bioactive compounds in ethanolic extraction of Boerhaavia diffusa by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science Plus 2018, 1(9): 588-596; doi: 10.1002/sscp.201800056.
- Bikarma Singh, D Adhikari and SK Barik. Aglaonema nebulosum (Araceae), range extension and first record from India. Journal of Botanical Research Institute Texas 2018, 12(1): 239-243. (International).
- S Kumar, A Singh, V Bajpai, Bikarma Singh and B Kumar. Development of a UHPLC-MS/MS method for the quantification of bioactive compounds in Phyllanthus species and its herbal formulations. Journal of Separation Science 2017, 40(7): 3422-3429; doi: 10.1002/jssc.201 601361. (International, SCI) (IF=2.878, NAAS=8.52).
- Bikarma Singh* and YS Bedi. Rediscovery, taxonomic history and extended enumeration of Haematocarpus validusf. ex Forman (Menispermaceae) to Indo-Myanmar biodiversity hotspot. National Academy Science Letters-India 2016, 39(59): 383-387; doi: https://doi.org /10.1007/s40009-016-0483-8. (International, SCI Expanded) (IF=0.596, NAAS=6.33)
- BL Bhellum and Bikarma Singh*. A new species of Laportea (Urticaceae) from Himalaya, India. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2016, 23(2): 189-194. (International, SCI Expanded) (IF=0.6, NAAS=not yet).
- Bikarma Singh*, P Sultan, QP Hassan, S Gairola and YS Bedi. Ethnobotany, traditional knowledge and diversity of wild edible plants and fungi: a case study in the Bandipora district of Kashmir Himalaya, India. Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants 2016, 22(3): 247-248; doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/ 10496475. 2016.1193833. (International).
- Bikarma Singh* and SK Borthakur, Phenology and geographic extension of lycophyta and fern flora in Nokrek biosphere reserve of eastern Himalaya. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences 2015, 85(1):291-301; doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40011-014-0342-7. (International) (IF=0.396, NAAS=5.00).
- Bikarma Singh*, SK Borthakur and SJ Phukan. Cleistanthus nokrensis (Euphorbiaceae), a new species from Indian Himalaya. Taiwania 2014, 53(9): 197-205; doi:6165/tai.2014.59.197. (IF=0.647, NAAS=not yet) (International, SCI Expanded).
- Bikarma Singh*, SK Borthakur and SJ Phukan. A survey on ethnomedicinal plants utilized by the indigenous people of Garo Hills with special reference to the Nokrek biosphere reserve (Meghalaya), India. Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants 2014, 20(1): 1-30; doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/10496475.2013.819476. (International).
- Bikarma Singh*, D Adhikari, A Chettri and SK Barik. Pterocymbium tinctorium (Merrill, 1901) (Magnoliophyta: Malvales: Sterculiaceae: Sterculioideas): new record from mainland India and extension of geographic distribution. Checklist 2013, 9(3): 622-625; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.15560/9.3.622. (International). (IF=0.57, NAAS=not yet)
- Bikarma Singh*, BK Sinha, SJ Phukan, SK Borthakur and VN Singh. Wild edible plants used by Garo tribes of Nokrek biosphere reserve in Meghalaya, India. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 2012, 11(1), 166-171. (International, SCI Expanded) (IF=1.02, NAAS=7.06).
- Bikarma Singh, A Chettri, D Adhikari and SK Barik Taxonomic history, rediscovery, and assessment of threat status of Streblus ilicifolius (Moraceae) from India. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2012, 6(2): 611-614; doi: https://www.jstor.org/stable /41972449. (International)
- Bikarma Singh and YP Sharma (2021): Plants for Novel Drug Molecule-Ethnobotany to Ethnopharmacology. New India Publishing Agency (NIPA), New Delhi, India, 500 pages. ISBN: 978-9-38-957194-3. Status: National (edited book).
- YP Sharma and Bikarma Singh (2021): Human-Plant Relations and Future Drug Discovery. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, India, 450 ISBN: 978-9-38-954797-9. Status: National (edited book).
- Bikarma Singh (2020): Botanical Leads for Drug Discovery. Springer Nature, Singapore Pte Ltd., Singapore, 340 pages. doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-5917-4. ISBN (eBook) 978-9-81-155917-4, 978-9-81-155916-7 (Hardcover). Status: International (edited book). Link: https:// www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811559167.
- B Kumar, S Tiwari, V Bajpai and Bikarma Singh (2020): Phytochemistry of Plants from Genus Piper. Book Series: Phytochemical Investigations of Medicinal Plants (Series Editor: Brijesh Kumar). CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group; 88 pages. ISBN 978-0-36-785757-8, CAT# 345318. Status: International (reference book). Link: https://www. crcpress.com/Phytochemistry-of-Plants-from-Genus-Piper/Kumar-Tiwari-Bajpai-Singh/p/ book/9780367857578.
- Bikarma Singh (2019): Plants of Commercial Values. Jointly published by CRC Press Taylor & Francis, UK and New India Publishing Agency (NIPA), New Delhi, India, 394 pages. ISBN: 978-9-38-797350-3 (NIPA), 978-0-36-781936-1 (CRC Press), CAT# K458058. Status: International (edited book). Link: https://www.crcpress.com/Plants-of-Commercial-Values/Singh/p/book/ 9780367819361
- Bikarma Singh (2019): Plants for Human Survival and Medicine. Jointly published by CRC Press Taylor & Francis, UK and New India Publishing Agency (NIPA), New Delhi, India, 524 pages. ISBN: 978-9-38-797351-0 (NIPA), 978-0-36-781894-4 (CRC Press); CAT# K455460. Status: International (edited book). Link: https://www.crcpress.com/Plants-for-Human-Survival-andmedicines/Singh/p/book/97 8036781 8944.
- Bikarma Singh, D Vyas, N Kumar, PL Sangwan, P Misra, S Gairola, S Gandhi and SK Lattoo (2018): Plants for Wellness and Vigour. Surrinder K. Lattoo and YS Bedi (Content Coordinators). VL Chopra and Ram A Vishwakaram (Editors). New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, India, page 399. ISBN: 978-9-38-654603-6. Status: International (Reference book: monograph).
- Bikarma Singh (2015): Himalayan Orchids: distribution and taxonomy. Write & Print Publications, New Delhi, India; 224 pages. ISBN: 978-9-38-464911-1.
Dr. Bikarma Singh
Senior Scientist
- Gastroretentive sustained release formulations of Bergenia ciliata. Authors: Sonali Sandip Bharate, Rohit Singh, Mehak Gupta, Bikarma Singh, Anil Kumar Katare, Ajay Kumar, Sandip Bibishan Bharate and Ram Vishwakarma. International Publication Number: WO2019/077620A1, dated 25.04.2019.
- Standardized extract of Bergenia ciliata for the treatment of inflammatory disorders. Authors: Sandip Bibishan Bharate, Surjeet Singh, Gurdarshan Singh, Shreyans Kumar Jain, Ajay Kumar, Bikarma Singh, Ajai Prakash Gupta, Rajneesh Anand, Amarinder Singh, Manoj Kushwaha, Mehak Gupta, Gourav Sharma, Ashwani Sharma and Ram Vishwakarma. Patents filed in IN, US, CA, EP. CSIR Ref No. 201611002826.
Dr. Bikarma Singh
Senior Scientist
Ph.D. Students/CSIR Fellows
- Sumit Singh (UGC-NET)
- Mudassir Nazir Bhatt (CSIR-NET)
- Opender Surmanl (CSIR-NET)
- Abhishek Dutta (CSIR-NET)
Dr. Bikarma Singh
Senior Scientist
Botanical Garden, Plant Conservation and Agro-Technologies Division, CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow -226001, Uttar Pradesh
Phone no.: 0522-2297967 (Landline)
Email: drbikarma.singh@nbri.res.in;
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2677-3346
Research gate Link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bikarma_Singh/research