Dr Devendra Singh
Principal Scientist
Research Interests
The main focus on our research work is development of agro-technologies for non-traditional economically important medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) by introduction, domestication, crop geometry and nutrient management, aiming at economic utilization of partially reclaimed sodic lands. Our emphasis includes designing and perfecting new cropping systems of MAPs. Different activities to achieve these objectives involve germplasm collection from different afro-climatic conditions, their ex-situ conservation, selection of elite material with good growth and yield attributes, development of their propagation for large scale multiplication and conducting field experiments for development of agro-techniques in different cropping systems including inter-cropping with trees and other economic crops. Under CSIR-800 mission and rural development initiative of CSIR, the outreach efforts towards popularizing CSIR-NBRI Green Technologies for economic upliftment of rural population are being undertaken through outreach programmes.
Dr Devendra Singh
Principal Scientist
Research Details
The soil of NBRI Farm sites belongs to Sodic Wastelands category, which has been subjected to various degrees of reclamation during the last few decades and put to diversified land use systems under different activities related to R&D projects and economic land utilization. The long term field experiments on sustainable development of sodic lands through biological means cover the maximum land area of the sites, mainly accommodating Man-made Forest, Tree Gene Bank of Indo-Gangetic Plains, Field Gene Banks of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Comparative Performance Evaluation Trials on various trees and shrubs in reclamation of sodic wastelands etc. The agro-technology and cropping systems research includes development of cropping systems with appropriate agro-technology for organic cultivation and conservation of medicinal and other economic plants, economically utilizing partially reclaimed sodic lands.
The current research includes following activities:
- Evaluation of non-traditional economic plants for sodic soil
- Standardization of agro-technology for sustainable utilization of sodic wastelands
- Providing R & D support services by conservation and enrichment of various germplasm, plant propagation
- Outreach programmes/ Extension activities
Dr Devendra Singh
Principal Scientist
- Devendra Singh, R C Nainwal, R S Katiyar and S K Tewari (2014). Influence of integrated management of growth and yield of garlic (Allium sativum) under partially reclaimed sodic soil. Progressive Research– An International Journal. 9: 783-788.
- R S Katiyar, R C Nainwal, Devendra Singh, V Chaturvedi and S K Tewari (2014). Effect of spacing and varieties on growth and yield of Coriander (Coriandrumsativum) on the reclaimed sodic waste soil. Progressive Research– An International Journal. 9: 811-814.
- C. Nainwal, D. Singh, R.S. Katiyar, L. Shrma and S.K. Tewari (2015). The response of garlic to integrated nutrient management practices in a sodic soil of Uttar Pradesh. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops. 24 (1): 33-36.
- Devendra Singh, R C Nainwal, L Bahadur & S K Tewari (2015). Integrated nutrient management in Calendula (Calendula officinalis) grown in partially reclaimed sodic soil condition. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops. 24 (2) : 129-132.
- Shweta Singh, Lalit K. Sharma, Suresh K. Sharma, Devendra Singh, Abhishek Niranjan, Manjul Dhima2 and Shri Krishna Tewari (2015). Selection of high-quality turmeric (Curcuma longa) genotype for sodic wastelands of Northern India. Medicinal Plants.7(2): 109-113.
- Devendra Singh, R.C. Nainwal, R.S. Katiyar and S.K. Tewari (2015). Integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of Garlic under sodic wasteland conditions. Indian Journal of Horticulture. 72(3): 434-437.
- Devendra Singh, R C Nainwal and S K Tewari (2015).Integrated nutrient management in non-traditional crop Oat (Avenasativa) under the partially reclaimed soil.Progressive Research– An International Journal. 10 (Sp-V): 2499-2502.
- S. Katiyar, R. C. Nainwal, Devendra Singh and S. K. Tewari (2015). Genetic characterization and performance of diverse cultivars of Damask Rose (Rosa damascene mill L.)in sodic soil.Progressive Research– An International Journal. 10 (Sp-V): 2643-2645.
- Rohit Kumar Verma, Devendra Singh, R C Nainwal, Ajay Kumar and V.Rajamani (2015). Study on plant diversity of Vijay Sagar Bird Sanctuary, a wetland of Mahoba district of Uttar Pradesh. Progressive Research– An International Journal. 10 (Sp-V): 2660-2665.
- Ajay Kumar, Devendra Singh, R C Nainwal, Rohit Kumar Verma and T. Thomas (2015). Assessment of various soil and their properties of different districts of Uttar Pradesh. Progressive Research– An International Journal. 10 (Sp-V): 2757-2759.
- Goyat, Shalini; Grewak, Anita; Singh, Devendra; Katiyar, R S; Tewari, SK; Nainwal, R C and HimaBindu K. (2016). Evaluation of genetic diversity of Piper betel cultivars using ISSR markers, International Journal of Advances Research. 4(1): 571-579.
- C. Nainwal, Devendra Singh, R.S. Katiyar, S.S. Tripathi, S.K. Sharma, S. Singh, L.K. Sharma, V. Chaturvedi and S.K. Tewari (2016). Rehabilitation of sodic waste land through agroforestry system. International Journal of Plant and Environment 2(1-2): 29-35.
- C. Nainwal, R.S. Katiyar, Devendra Singh and S.K. Tewari (2016). Genetic studies in relation to improvement of gladiolus grown in partially reclaimed sodic soil. Indian Journal of Horticulture. 73(3): 396-399.
- Devendra Singh, C. Nainwal, Lal Bahadur and S.K. Tewari(2016). Site specific nutrient management in oat (AvenasativaL.) under partially reclaimed sodic soil. Progressive Research– An International Journal. 11 (Sp-VIII): 5230-5233.
- K. Gupta, R.C. Nainwal, Devendra Singh and A.K. Singh (2016). Response of irrigation scheduling on growth and yield of late sown wheat. Progressive Research– An International Journal. 11 (Sp-VIII): 5307-5310.
- C. Saxena, Rakesh Chandra Nainwal and Devendra Singh (2016). Evaluation of integrated nutrient management practices for soy bean based crop ping systems in Uttrakhand. Progressive Research– An International Journal. 11 (Sp-VIII):5432-5434.
- ShaliniGoyat, Anita Grewal, K. HimaBindu, Devendra Singh, R.S. Katiyar, S.K. Tewari& Rakesh Nainwal (2018). Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) based genetic diversity studied in Betel vine (Piper betle) L.East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal. 83:1-14. DOI: 10.1080/00128325.2017.1364479
- Devendra Singh, R.C. Nainwal, A. Bajpai and S.K. Tewari (2018). Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth and flowering yield of African marigold (Tageteserecta) in partially reclaimed sodic waste land condition. Progressive Research– An International Journal. 13 (2):122-125.
- ShaliniGoyat, Anita Grewal, K. HimaBindu, Devendra Singh, R.S. Katiyar, S.K. Tewari& Rakesh Nainwal (2018). Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) based genetic diversity studied in Betel vine (Piper betle) L. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal. 83:1-14. DOI: 10.1080/00128325.2017.1364479.
- Bajpay, R.C. Nainwal, D. Singh and S.K. Tewari (2018) Medicinal value of Cyprus rotundus Linn: An updated review. Medicinal Plants10(3): 165-170. DOI: 10.5958/0975-6892.2018.00027.8.
- Bajpay, R.C. Nainwal andDevendra Singh (2019) Coptisteeta: A potential endemic and endangered medicinal plant of Eastern Himalayas. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 84(4): 245-248.
Dr Devendra Singh
Principal Scientist
Dr Devendra Singh
Principal Scientist
Research Scholars
Durgesh Kumar Mishra (Project Assistant-I)
Mohan Kumar Singh (Project Assistant-II)
Avanish Kumar (Project Assistant-II).
Dr Devendra Singh
Principal Scientist
Plant Conservation and Agrotechnologies
CSIR- National Botanical Research Institute
Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow – 226 001, Uttar Pradesh
Email: dev.singh@nbri.res.in
Phone: 0522-2297953