Dr. Khuraijam Jibankumar Singh
Senior Scientist
Research Interests
My area of research is plant taxonomy, floristic studies, evolution and diversification of gymnosperms and conservation biology. As a passionate field botanist and plant conservationist, I believe in expanding our current understanding of species complexes, restricted distribution and evolution of ancient vascular plant groups. My interdisciplinary research aims to solve taxonomy complexity, and understand evolution and adaptability of species to varied environmental conditions over the time. Besides botanical research, I am also involved in varietal development of floricultural crops and domestication of wild ornamentals.
Taxonomic accomplishments
Cycas divyadarshanii Khuraijam & Rita Singh
Cycas nayagarhensis Rita Singh, P.Radha & Khuraijam
Cycas orixensis (Hianes) Rita Singh & Khuraijam
Cycas subsect. Orixenses Rita Singh & Khuraijam
Dr. Khuraijam Jibankumar Singh
Senior Scientist
Research Summary
Focal Research Areas
Botanical Science
- Taxonomy and phylogeny of South Asian Cycas
- Evolution and diversification of gymnosperms
- Monographic revision of the genus Gnetumin India
- Revisionary work on Nymphaeaof India
- Diversity and Conservation of Indian Hoya(Apocynaceae)
Floriculture Science
- Improvement of floricultural crops and ornamental plants
- Domestication and breeding of wild ornamental plants
Conservation Biology
- Conservation of Threatened Plants
- Reproductive science
Dr. Khuraijam Jibankumar Singh
Senior Scientist
Publications [Selected]
- Khuraijam JS, Upadhaya AK, Gogoi R & TS Rana. 2021. A synopsis of the genus Erythrina(Fabaceae) in India. Annales Botanici Fennici 58: 275-283. [IF 0.626] [Read]
- Bisht S, Khuraijam JS& R Singh. 2021. Revisiting the taxonomy of the names Cephalotaxus mannii and griffithii (Taxaceae). Phytotaxa 501(1):189-194. [IF 1.171] [Read]
- Singh S, Batra A, Yadav S, Prasad MG, Khuraijam JS& SK Tewari. 2021. The mesmerizing yellow flowers. Floriculture Today 25(10): 28-33.
- Khuraijam JS& R Singh. 2020. Taxonomic status of the Cycas pectinata Cycads 5(1): 59–76. [Read]
- Khuraijam JS, Singh R & J Mazumdar. 2020. A synopsis of genus Gnetum(Gnetaceae) in India. Annales Botany Fennici 57(1-3):131-137. [IF 0.626] [Read]
- Tang W, Xu G, Marler T,Khuraijam JS, Singh R, Lindström AJ, Radha P, Rich S, Nguyen KS & P Skelley. 2020. Beetles (Coleoptera) in cones of cycads (Cycadales) of the northern hemisphere: diversity and evolution. Insecta Mundi 0781:1-19. [Read]
- Khuraijam JS, Mazumdar J & J Weirsema. 2019. Typification of the Himalayan endemic conifer Abies spectabilis(Pinaceae) revisited. Taxon 68(3): 574–579. [IF 2.817] [Read]
- Khuraijam JS& J Mazumdar. 2019. An updated checklist of Indian Western Himalayan gymnosperms and lectotypification of three names. Journal of Threatened Taxa 11(9): 14204-14211. [Read]
- Khuraijam JS, Mazumdar J & J McNeill. 2019. Commentary on the place of valid publication and type designation of Abies densa(Pinaceae). Phytotaxa 411(2): 119-122. [IF 1.171] [Read]
- Khuraijam JS, Singh R, Calonje M & J Mazumdar. 2018. Proposal to conserve the name Cycas pectinata(Cycadaceae) with a conserved type. Taxon 67(6): 1213. [IF 2.817] [Read]
- Khuraijam JS, Singh R, Calonje M & J Mazumdar. 2018. Lectotypification of Cycas beddomei (Cycadaceae). Phytotaxa383 (1): 121-124. [IF 1.171] [Read]
- Singh R, Khuraijam JS & P Radha. 2018. Threats to populations ofCycas orixensis, an endangered species endemic to Odisha, India: A report. Cycads 3(2): 22-23.
- Tang W, Vovides AP, Pérez-Farrera MA, Steyn T, Kamoga D &JS Khuraijam. 2018. Village nursery projects for cycads: review and assessment. Cycads 3(2): 5-11.
- Husain D, Agnihotri P, Srivastava, AK, Singh H, Khuraijam JS, Katiyar P & Husain T. 2018. Lectotypification of the name Dillenia indica(Dilleniaceae). Taxon 67(4): 787-788. [IF 2.817][Read]
- Khuraijam JS, Agnihotri P, Katiyar P, Husain D, Sahoo D, Husain T & SK Barik. 2017. Occurrence of Globally Threatened Hoya pandurataTsiang (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) in Manipur – A new record for India. Pleione 11(2): 501-504. [Read]
- Khuraijam JS, Kipgen L, Puri K & HK Badola. 2017. Complexity in conserving bioresources of Koubru Hill range of Manipur, India. Asian Journal of Conservation Biology 6(1): 55-58. [Read]
- Khuraijam JS, Singh R, Sharma SC, Roy RK, Lavaud S & S Chayangsu. 2017. Abnormal forking of pinnae in some Asian cycads. Cycads2(1): 19-21.
- Skelley P, Xu G, Tang W, Lindstrom A, Marler T, Khuraijam JS, Singh R, Radha P & S Rich. 2017. Review of CycadophilaXu, Tang & Skelley (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Pharaxonothinae) inhabiting Cycas (Cycadaceae) in Asia, with descriptions of a new subgenus and thirteen new species. Zootaxa 4267 (1):1-63. [IF: 1.091] [Read]
- Khuraijam JS& RK Roy. 2016. Indian Cycas under severe threat. Current Science 111(11): 1756-1758. [Read]
- Khuraijam JS& RK Roy. 2016. In search of Cycas pectinata in Bihar, India. The Cycad Newsletter 39(1, 2): 4-5. [Read]
- Khuraijam JS& RK Roy. 2016. Ex-situ conservation of Cycads at CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow. Cycads 1(1): 26-27.
- Khuraijam JS& R Singh. 2016. Illegal trade of Cycas cones in India, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Cycads 1(1): 20-21.
- Singh R & JS Khuraijam. 2016. Epitypification of Cycas circinalisorixensis, basionym of Cycas orixensis (Cycadaceae). Asian Journal of Conservation Biology 5(1&2): 89. [Read]
- Khuraijam JS& RK Roy. 2016. Conservation of Orchids at CSIR-NBRI Botanic Garden. Orchid Conservation News (IUCN/SSC OSG) 2: 3-5.
- Khuraijam JS& R Singh. 2015. Gymnosperms of Northeast India: distribution and conservation status. Pleione 9(2): 283-288. [Read]
- Singh R, Radha P & JS Khuraijam. 2015. A new species, a new combination and a new subsection of Cycasfrom Odisha, northern Eastern Ghats of India. Asian Journal of Conservation Biology 4(1): 3-14. [Read]
- Khuraijam JS& RK Roy. 2015. Propagation of Threatened Nepenthes khasiana: Methods and Precautions. Notulae Scientia Biologicae 7(3): 313-315. [Read]
- Khuraijam JS& RK Roy. 2015. Propagation of Indian Cycads: Methods and Precautions. Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity 23(1): 102-105. [Read]
- Roy RK & JS Khuraijam. 2015.Ex-situ conservation of Cacti and Succulents at CSIR-NBRI Botanic Garden, Lucknow, India. CactusWorld 33(3): 205-207. [Read]
- Roy RK & JS Khuraijam. 2015.Conservation and popularization of Cacti and Succulents at CSIR-NBRI Botanic Garden, Lucknow (India). The Cactus Explorer 14: 72-74. [Read]
- Khuraijam JS& R Singh. 2015. Ethnobotany of Cycas pectinata in Northeast India. Encephalartos 119: 18-23. [Read]
- Khuraijam JS& AK Goel. 2015. Enumeration of the genus Magnolia in India with its conservation status. Phytotaxonomy 15: 107-113. [Read]
- Khuraijam JS& AK Goel. 2015. Cycas beddomei Dyer (Cycadaceae) from wild to CSIR-NBRI Botanic Garden. Encephalartos 119: 15-16. [Read]
Book Chapters [Selected]
- Khuraijam JS& RK Roy. 2020. Botanic Gardens of India – An Overview. In Roy & Khuraijam (eds.) Indian Botanic Gardens. Astral International (P) Ltd. New Delhi.
- Khuraijam JS. Wild Flowers and Native Ornamental Plants of India: An Overview. In Khuraijam JS (ed.) Wild ornamental plants of India. Astral International (P) Ltd. New Delhi.
- Aslam M, Bazaz MJ, Hussain SA, Sharma OP &JS Khuraijam. Wild ornamental plants of Gurez Valley, Kashmir Himalaya, India: A study to explore and document the traditional medicinal knowledge of the area. In Khuraijam (ed.) Wild ornamental plants of India. Astral International (P) Ltd. New Delhi.
- Khuraijam JS, Dinabandhu S & P Agnihotri. 2018. The Genus Hoya Brown (Apocynaceae: Aclepiadoideae) In India. In Agnihotri & Khuraijam (eds.) Angiosperm systematics: Recent trends and emerging issues. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India.
- Roy RK & JS Khuraijam. Botanic Gardens of India – An Overview. In Roy & Khuraijam (eds.) Indian Botanic Gardens(in press). Astral International Private Limited, New Delhi.
- Goel AK & JS Khuraijam. 2015. Cycads: An Overview. In Bahadur et al. (eds.) Plant Biology and Biotechnology. Volume I: Plant Diversity, Organization, Function and Improvement. Springer India, New Delhi. pp 349-360.
Books edited
- Roy RK& JS Khuraijam. 2020. Indian Botanic Gardens. Daya Publishing House, New Delhi.
- Agnihotri P & JSKhuraijam. 2019. Angiosperm Systematics: Recent Trends and Emerging Issues. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun.
- Khuraijam JS. 2019. Wild ornamental plants of India. Daya Publishing House, New Delhi.
- Lopez-Gallego, C., Calonje, M, Griffith, MP & JS Khuraijam. 2020. Proceedings of Cycad 2015: 10thInternational Conference on Cycad Biology, Medellin, Colombia. Cycads 5(1). IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group.
Dr. Khuraijam Jibankumar Singh
Senior Scientist
Dr. Khuraijam Jibankumar Singh
Senior Scientist
Prakhar Tripathi, PhD Student, PA-I
Anisiya Naorem, PhD Student, CSIR-JRF
Dr. Khuraijam Jibankumar Singh
Senior Scientist
Botanic Garden Division
CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow – 226001
Phone no.: 0522-2297963
Email: khuraijam.js@nbri.res.in