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Prof. S.K. Barik, Director

Selected Publications


  1. Rao, P., Barik, S.K., Pandey, H.N. and Tripathi R.S. 1990. Community composition and tree population structure in a subtropical broad-leaved forest along a disturbance gradient. Vegetatio (Now Plant Ecology) 88: 151-162.
  2. Barik, S.K., Pandey, H.N., Tripathi, R.S. and Rao, P. 1992. Micro-environmental variability and species diversity in treefall gaps in a sub-tropical broad leaved forest. Vegetatio (Now Plant Ecology) 103:31-40.
  3. Barik, S.K.*, Rao, P., Tripathi, R.S. and Pandey, H.N. 1996. Dynamics of tree seedling populations in a humid subtropical forest of north-east India related to disturbance. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26(4):584 -589.
  4. Barik, S.K.*, Tripathi, R.S., Pandey, H.N. and Rao, P. 1996. Tree regeneration in a subtropical humid forest: effect of cultural disturbance on seed production, dispersal and germination. Journal of Applied Ecology 33: 1551-1560.
  5. Rao, P., Barik, S.K., Pandey, H.N. and Tripathi, R.S. 1997. Tree seed germination and seedling establishment in treefall gaps and understorey in a subtropical forest of north-east India. Australian Journal of Ecology 22: 136-145.
  6. Tiwari, B.K., Barik, S.K. and Tripathi, R.S. 1998. Biodiversity value, status and strategies for conservation of sacred groves of Meghalaya, India. Ecosystem Health 4: 20-32.
  7. Ralte, V., Pandey, H. N., Barik, S. K., Tripathi, R. S. and Prabhu, S. D. 2005. Changes in microbial biomass and activity in relation to shifting cultivation and horticultural practices in subtropical evergreen forest ecosystem of north-east India. Acta Oecologia 28:163-172.
  8. Barik, S.K.* and Mishra, S.K. 2008. Assessment of the Contribution of Forest to the Economy of the Northeastern States of India. The International Forestry Review (U.K.)10(2): 349-361.
  9. Upadhaya, K., Barik, S.K., Pandey, H.N. and Tripathi, O.P. 2008. Response of woody species to anthropogenic disturbances in sacred forests of north-east India. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 34 (3): 245-257.
  10. Kharlyngdoh, E. and Barik, S. K. 2008. Diversity, distribution pattern and use of bamboos in Meghalaya .Journal of Bamboo and Rattan 7 (1&2): 73-90.
  11. Upadhaya, K., Pandey, H.N., Barik, S.K. and Tripathi, R.S. 2008. Organic Matter, N and P Dynamics of Fine and Coarse Roots in Humid Subtropical Forest Ecosystem Exposed to Disturbance in Meghalaya, Northeast India. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science 12: 45-60.
  12. Barik, S.K.*, Kharlyngdoh, E.K. and Naithani, H.B. 2009. Taxonomic Identity, Ecological Niche and Distribution of Two restricted Range Bamboo Species of Meghalaya – Phyllostachysmaniigamble and Sinarundinaria griffithiana (Munro) C.S. Chao & Renvoize. Indian Forester 135(1): 67-77.
  13. Chettri, A., Barik, S.K., Pandey, H.N. and Lyngdoh, M.K. 2009. Forest fragmentation and tree diversity in Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve, Sikkim. Indian Forester 135(4):459-470.
  14. Baishya, R., Barik, S.K. and Upadhaya, K. 2009. Distribution pattern of aboveground biomass in natural and plantation forests of humid tropics in northeast India. Tropical Ecology 50(2): 295-304.
  15. Adhikari, D, Chettri, A. and Barik, S.K. 2009. Modeling the ecology and distribution of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) in the Indian subcontinent. Current Science 97 (1):73-78.
  16. Barik, S.K.*, N.J. Lakadong ,Baishya, R., Chettri, A. Das P., Kayang, H. and Marbaniang, D. 2009. A new record of Monotropa hypopitys: a myco-heterotrophic plant for India. Journal of Bombay Natural History Society 106 (1): 127-129.
  17. Kamei, J., Pandey, H.N. and Barik, S.K. 2009. Tree Species Distribution and its Impact on Soil Properties, and Nitrogen and Phosphorus mineralization in a Humid Subtropical Forest Ecosystem of Northeastern India. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39(1): 36-47.
  18. Upadhaya, K, Barik, S.K., Adhikari, D., Baishya, R. and Lakadong, N.J. 2009. Regeneration ecology and population status of a critically endangered and endemic tree species (Ilex khasiana ) in north-eastern India. Journal of Forestry Research 20 (3): 223-228.
  19. Kamei, J., Barik, S.K. and Pandey, H.N. 2009. Inter-specific variation in leaf litter production, decomposition, and N and P mineralization in a humid subtropical forest ecosystem of north-east India. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39 (10): 1797-1805.
  20. Chettri, A., Barik, S.K., Lyngdoh, M.K. and Pandey, H.N. 2009. Plantae, Magnoliophyta, Gentianales, Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae, Ceropegia hookeri Clarke ex. Hook. f.: Distribution and rediscovery in eastern Himalayas, Sikkim, India. Check List 5 (3):695-698.
  21. Prabhu, S.D., Barik, S.K., Pandey, H.N. and Tripathi, R.S. 2010. Impact of landuse changes on plant species diversity of Nokrek Biosphere Reserve, Meghalaya, India. Journal of Bombay Natural History Society.107 (2): 146-158.
  22. Chettri, A., Barik, S.K., Pandey, H.N. and Lyngdoh, M.K. 2010. Liana diversity and abundance as related to microenvironment in three forest types located in different elevational ranges of the Eastern Himalayas. Plant Ecology and Diversity 3: 1-12.
  23. Sarma, K. and Barik, S.K. 2011. Coal mining impact on vegetation of the Nokrek Biosphere Reserve, Meghalaya, India. Biodiversity 12 (3): 154-164.
  24. Chatterjee, S, Ghosh, S., Sarma, J., Barik, S.K., Tiwari, B.K. and Das, K.C. 2011. Community Conserved areas in north-east India: some observations in Assam, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh. The Indian Forester 137 (8): 48-61.
  25. Thapa, N., Upadhaya, K, Baishya, R. and Barik, S.K. 2011. Effect of plantation on plant diversity and soil status of tropical forest ecosystems in Meghalaya, Northeast India. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 37 (1):61-73.
  26. Baishya, R. and Barik, S.K. 2011. Estimation of tree biomass, carbon pool and net primary production of an old-growth Pinus kesiya Royle ex.Gordon forest in north- eastern India. Annals of forest Science 68: 727-736.
  27. Adhikari, D., Barik, S.K. and Upadhaya, K. 2012. Habitat distribution modelling for reintroduction of Ilex khasiana , a critically endangered tree species of north-eastern India. Ecological Engineering 40:37-43.
  28. Chettri, A., Barik, S.K., Singh, B., Adhikari, D. and Lyngdoh, M.K. 2012. Cornuskousa Buerger ex Hance subsp. Kousa (Cornaceae), a new record from India. Taiwania 57 (1): 77-81.
  29. Singh, B., Chettri, A., Adhikari, D. and Barik, S.K. 2012. Taxonomic history, rediscovery, and assessment of threat status of Streblus ilicifolius (Moraceae) from India. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 6(2): 611-614.
  30. Sarma, K., Sarmah, R.K. and Barik, S.K. 2012. Soil erosion vulnerability mapping of Nokrek Biosphere Reserve, Meghalaya using Geographic Information System. Disaster and Development 6:19-34
  31. Chettri, A. and Barik, S.K. 2013. Assessing ethnobotanical value and threat status of Tetrastigma rumicispermum (Lawson) Planch, a lesser known liana species of Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve, Sikkim. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 12 (2):339-341.
  32. Sarma, K. and Barik, S.K. 2013. Landslide susceptibility zonation of Tawang district of Arunachal Pradesh using geospatial technology. Disaster and Development 7:97-113.
  33. Singh, B., Adhikari, D. Barik, S.K. and Chettri, A. 2013. Pterocymbium tinctorium (Merrill, 1901) (Magnoliophyta: Malvales:Sterculiaceae: Sterculioideae): New record from mainland India and extension of geographic distribution. Check List 9(3):622-625.
  34. Upadhaya, K., Thapa, N., Lakadong, J., Barik, S.K. and Sarma, K. 2013. Priority areas for conservation in northeast India: A case study in Meghalaya based on plant species diversity and endemism. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 39:125-136.
  35. Upadhaya, K., Thapa, N. and Barik, S.K. 2015. Tree diversity and biomass of tropical forests under two management regimes in Garo Hills of northeastern India. Tropical Ecology 56: 123-134.
  36. Adhikari, D., Tiwary, R. and Barik, S.K. 2015. Modelling hotspots for invasive alien plants in India. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0134665. doi:10.1371.
  37. Tripathi, R.S., Prabhu, S.D., Pandey, H.N. and Barik, S.K. 2015. Vegetation change during recovery of shifting cultivation (Jhum) fallows in a subtropical evergreen forest ecosystem of north-eastern India. International Journal of Plant and Environment 1: 30-44.
  38. Baishya, R. and Barik, S.K. 2015. Ecosystem level carbon and net primary productivity of an old-growth and regenerating humid tropical forest of north-eastern India. International Journal of Plant and Environment 1: 126-140.
  39. Mylliemngap, W., Nath, D. and Barik, S.K. 2016. Changes in vegetation and nitrogen mineralization during recovery of a montane subtropical broadleaved forest of North-eastern India following anthropogenic disturbance. Ecological Research 31:21-38.
  40. Ojha, A., Tak, N., Rathi, S., Chouhan, B., Rao, S.R., Barik, S.K., Joshi, S.R., Sprent, J.S., James, E.K. and Gehlot, H.S. 2017. Molecular characterization of novel Bradyrhizobium strains nodulating Eriosema chinense and Flemingia vestita, important unexplored native legumes of the sub-Himalayan region (Meghalaya) of India. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 40: 334-344.
  41. Chrungoo, N.K., Rout, G.R., Balasubramani, S.P., Rajasekharan, P.E., Haridasan, K., Rao, B.R.P., Manjunath, R., Nagduwar, G., Venkatasubramanian, P., Nongbet, A., Hynniewta, M., Swain, D., Salamma, S., Souravi, K., Jena, S.N., and  Barik S.K. Establishing taxonomic identity and selecting genetically diverse populations for conservation of threatened plants using molecular markers. Current Science 114: 539-553.
  42. Lyngdoh, M. K., Chettri, A., Adhikari, D., and Barik, S. K. 2018. Metapopulation modelling of threatened plants to assess conservation status and determine minimum viable population size. Current Science 114: 532-538.
  43. Barik, S. K.*, Rao, B. R. P., Haridasan, K., Adhikari, D., Singh, P. P., and Tiwary, R. 2018. Classifying threatened species of India using IUCN criteria. Current Science 114: 588-595.
  44. Panda, P. C., S. Kumar, J. P. Singh, P. Gajurel, P. K. Kamila, S. Kashung, R. N. Kulloli, P. P. Singh, D. Adhikari, and S. K. Barik. 2018 Improving macropropagation and seed germination techniques for conservation of threatened species. Current Science 114: 562-566.
  45. Adhikari, D., Reshi, Z., Datta, B.K., Samant, S.S., Chettri, A., Upadhaya, K., Shah, M.A., Singh, P.P., Tiwary, R., Majumdar, K. and Pradhan, A., Thakur ,M. L., Salam, N. , Zahoor,  , Mir, S. H. , Kaloo,  Z. A. and Barik, S. K. 2018. Inventory and characterization of new populations through ecological niche modelling improve threat assessment. Current Science 114:.519-531.
  46. Haridasan, K., Mao, A.A., Janarthanam, M.K., Pandey, A.K., Barik, S.K., Srivastava, S.K., Panda, P.C., Geetha, S., Borthakur, S.K., Datta, B.K. and Rao, B.R.P., 2018. Contributions of plant taxonomy, herbarium and field germplasm bank to conservation of threatened plants: case studies from the Himalayas and Eastern and Western Ghats. Current Science 114: 512-518.
  47. Singh, B., Adhikari, D. and Barik, S.K. 2018. Aglaonema nebulosum (Araceae), Range extension and first record from India. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 12:239-243.
  48. Kaushik, Adhikari, D. Barik, S.K. 2018. Identifying corridors for landscape connectivity using species distribution modeling: A case of Hydnocarpuskurzii (King) Warb. a threatened species from Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 14: (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11355-018-0353-2)
  49. Behera, Mukunda Dev, Gupta, Atul Kumar, Barik, Saroj K.,  Das, Pulakesh,  Panda, Rajendra Mohan. Use of Satellite Remote Sensing as a Monitoring Tool for Land and Water Resources Development Activities in an Indian Tropical Site. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 190:
  50. Jaiswala, Virendra, Saxena, Sangeeta, Kaur, Ispreet, Dube, Priya, Nanda, Sampurn, Naseem, Mariya, Singha, Suman B., Srivastava, Pankaj Kumar, Barik, Saroj Kanta. 2018. Application of four novel fungal strains to remove arsenic from contaminated water in batch and column modes. Journal of Hazardous Materials 356:98-107.
  51. Rathi, Sonam, Tak, Nisha, Bissa, Garima, Chouhan, Bhawana, Ojha, Archana, Adhikari, Dibyendu, Barik, Saroj K., Rao, Satyawada Rama, Sprent,  Janet S., James, Euan K.,  Gehlot, Hukam S. 2018. Selection of Bradyrhizobium or Ensifer symbionts by the native Indian caesalpinioid legume Chamaecrista pumila depends on soil pH and other edaphic and climatic factors. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. (https://doi.org/10.1093/femsec/fiy180)
  52. Barik, S. K.*, N. K. Chrungoo, and D. Adhikari. 2018. Conservation of Threatened Plants of India Preface. Current Science 104: 468-469.
  53. Barik, S.K.*, Tiwari, O. N., Adhikari, D., Singh, P. P., Tiwary, R., and Barua, S. 2018. Geographic distribution pattern of threatened plants of India and steps taken for their conservation. Current Science 114: 470-503.
  54. Agnihotri, P., Husain, D., Sahoo, D. and Barik, S.K. 2018. A new species and typification in Pedicularis series Curvipes (Orobanchaceae). Phytotaxa 371: 260-266.
  55. Behera, S.K., Kushwaha, A.K., Khare, P.B. and Barik, S.K. 2019. A new fern species of Christella (Thelypteridaceae) from India. Phytotaxa 397: 246-252.
  56. Aditya P, Deliza R Barik, S.K. 2019. Begonia panchtharensis (Begoniaceae), a New Record to India from Sikkim, Eastern Himalaya. Journal of Japanese Botany 94 (1), 56-57.
  57. Prateeksha, Barik, Saroj Kanta and Singh, Brahma Nand. 2019. Nanoemulsion-loaded hydrogel coatings for inhibition of bacterial virulence and biofilm formation on solid surfaces. Scientific Reports 9: Article No. 6520.
  58. Adhikari, Dibyendu, Tiwary, Raghuvar, Singh, Prem Prakash, Upadhaya, Krishna, Singh, Bikarma, Haridasan, Krishnankutty Ezhuthachan, Bhatt, Bharat Bhushan, Chettri, Arun, and Barik, Saroj Kanta. 2019. Ecological niche modeling as a cumulative environmental impact assessment tool for biodiversity assessment and conservation planning: A case study of critically endangered plant Lagerstroemia minuticarpa in the Indian Eastern Himalaya. Journal of Environmental Management 243: 299–307.
  59. Prateekha, Rao, Ch. V., Das, A.K., Barik, S.K. and Singh, B.N. 2019. ZnO/Curcumin Nanocomposites for enhanced inhibition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence via LasR-RhIR quorum sensing systems. Molecular Pharmacology: 16(8): 3399-3413.
  60. Tiwary, Raghuvar, Singh, Harsh, Adhikari, Dibyendu, Singh, Prem Prakash, Barik, Saroj Kanta. 2019. A new species of Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) from Eastern Himalaya. Phytotaxa 413: 054-060.
  61. Mylliemngap, Wishfully and Barik, S. K. 2019. Plant diversity, net primary productivity and soil nutrient contents of a humid subtropical grassland remained low even after 50 years of post- disturbance recovery from coal mining. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-019-7688-5).
  62. Upadhaya, Krishna, Kharbhih, Vandolf M., Nongbri, Gardinia, Debnath, Gargee,  Gupta, Anita,  Ojha, Archana,  Barik, Saroj Kanta. 2019. Traditional bun shifting cultivation practice in Meghalaya, North East India. Energy, Ecology and Environment 5:
  63. Tiwary, Raghuvar, Singh, Harsh, Adhikari, Dibyendu, Singh, Prem Prakash, Barik, Saroj Kanta. 2019. Discovery of Aconitum haridasanii (Ranunculaceae), a new species from Arunachal Pradesh, India. Phytotaxa.
  64. Misra, Ankita, Kumar, Sanjeev, Shukla, Pushpendra Kumar, Kumar, Manish, Agrawal, Pawan Kumar, Barik, Saroj K., and Srivastava, Sharad K. 2020. Chemotaxonomic studies on natural population of Gloriosa superba (L.) collected from Gangetic plain (India) and their in vitro antigout activity for the identification of elite germplasm(s). Journal of Ethnopharmacology


  1. Hoft, M., Barik, S.K. and Lykke, A.M. 1999. Quantitative Ethnobotany: Application of multivariate and statistical analyses in ethnobotany. People and Plant Working Paper 6. UNESCO, Paris. (Total citations: 218)
  2. Tiwari, B.K., Barik, S.K. and Tripathi, R.S. 1999. Sacred forests of Meghalaya: Biological and cultural diversity. Regional Centre, National Afforestation and Ecodevelopment Board,Shillong.
  3. Mohapatra, C.,  Barik,  S.K.  and  Rao,  C.S.  2000.  Man  and  Environment.  1st edition, 2ndRevised and Enlarged edition, Star Publishing House,Shillong.
  4. Barik, S. K., Darlong, V. T., Palit, S., Poffenberger, M., Roy, I., Tiwari, B. K., and Upadhyay, S. 2007.Community forest management in northeast India.Community Forestry International, USA.
  5. Sarma, K. and Barik, S.K. 2015. Analysis of Impact of Coal Mining on Environment. Global Book Organization, NewDelhi.
  6. Barik, S.K., Darlong, V.T., Palit, S., Poffenberger, M., Roy, I., Tiwari, B.K. and Upadhyay, S. 2005. Community Forestry in North-East India: Recommendations for Action. Community Forestry International,USA.


  1. Malhotra, K.C., Barik, S.K., Tiwari, B.K. and Tripathi, R.S. 2004. Joint Forest Management in North-East India: A trainers’ resource book. Regional Centre, National Afforestation and Ecodevelopment Board, Shillong and Ford Foundation, NewDelhi.
  2. Husain Zahid and Barik, S.K. 2004. Development and Environment. Regency Publications, New Delhi.
  3. Pandey, H.N. and Barik, S.K. 2006. Ecology, Diversity and Conservation of Plants and Ecosystems in India. Regency Publications, NewDelhi.
  4. Malhotra K.C., Barik, S.K. and Tiwari, B.K. 2013. Micro-level people’s perception on climate change. Astral International  Publications, NewDelhi.
  5. Tandon, V. and Barik, S.K. 2015. Bamboo flowering and rodent control. Astral International Publications, NewDelhi.


  1. Adhikari, D. and Barik, S.K. 2011. A Manual on Ecological Niche Modelling for Predicting potential Areas of Distribution and Introduction for Threatened Plant species. Department of Botany, NEHU and Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi.
  2. Barik, S.K. 2015. Perspective Plan for Development of Tawang River Basin. Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change, Government of India, New Delhi.


  1. Barik S.K., Tiwari, B.K. and Tripathi, R.S. 1996. Plantation technique and management, and growth features of Thysanolaena maxima, a minor forest produce species of North-east India. In: Shiva, M.P. and Mathur R.B(eds.)Management of Minor Forest Produce for Sustainability, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 208-215 pp.
  2. Tiwari, B.K., Barik, S.K. and Tripathi, R.S. 1998. Sacred groves of Meghalaya. In: Ramakrishnan, P.S., Saxena, K.G. and Chandrashekara, U.M. (eds.) Conserving the sacred for biodiversity management. UNESCO, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi. 253-262 pp.
  3. Barik, S.K. 1998. Sloping Watershed Environmental Engineering and Technology (SWEET) – A potential agricultural land technology for midhill regions of Arunachal Pradesh. In: Behera, M.C. (ed.) Agricultural modernisation in Eastern Himalayas. Common wealth Publishers, New Delhi. 113-125 pp.
  4. Barik, S.K. and Darlong, V.T. 1999. A short note on fuelwood plantation: Reorienting its management as a key renewable energy source in North-East India. In: Athparia, R.P., Sarma, S. and Mukherjee, S.K (eds.) Renewable energy resources and its management. Reliance Publishing House, New Delhi. 64-68 pp.
  5. Tiwari, B.K., Tripathi, R.S. and Barik, S.K. 2000. Ecological and Economic Assessment of Joint Forest Management Programme in Tripura. In: Ravindranath, N.H., Murali, K.S. and Malhotra, K.C. (eds.) Joint Forest Management and Community Forestry in India: An Ecological and Institutional Assessment. Oxford and IBH Publications, New Delhi. 233-248 pp.
  6. Barik, S.K. and Darlong, V.T. 2001. Biodiversity conservation in North-East India: Lessons from people’s experience. In: Arunachalam, A. and Khan, M.L. (eds.) Sustainable management of Forests – India. International Book Distributors, Dehradun. 477-492 pp.
  7. Barik, S.K. 2002. Forest resources and their management in North-East India. In: Duttaray, B. and Alam, K. (eds.) Forest resources of North-East India. Omsons Publications, New Delhi. 39 – 51 pp.
  8. Barik, S.K. 2004. JFM in the north-east. In: Bahuguna, V.K., Capistrano, Doris, Mitra, Kinsuk and Saigal, Sushil (eds.) Root to Canopy: Regenerating forests through community-state partnerships. Commonwealth Forestry Association and Winrock International, India, New Delhi. 127-133 pp.
  9. Barik, S.K. 2004. Achieving decentralization and people’s participation in natural resource management and rural development programmes: Impact of globalization in north-east India. In: Behera, M.C. (ed.) Globalisation and Development Dilemma. Mittal Publications, New Delhi. 117-129 pp.
  10. Sarma, K., Barik, S.K. and Rai, R.K. 2004. Impact of coal mining on the Nokrek Biosphere Reserve of Meghalaya. In: Husain, Zahid and Barik, S.K. (eds.) Development and Environment. Regency Publications, New Delhi. 229 – 257 pp.
  11. Sarma, K., Rai, R. K. and Barik, S. K. 2005. Impact of coal mining on vegetation of Nokrek Biosphere Reserve, Meghalaya. In: Singh, O.P. (ed.) Mining Environment: Problems and Remedies. Regency Publications, New Delhi. 77-104 pp.
  12. Darlong, V.T. and Barik, S. K. 2005. Recent advances in EIA procedure for mining projects. In: Singh, O.P. (ed.) Mining Environment: Problems and Remedies. Regency Publications, New Delhi. 236-239 pp.
  13. Lakadong, N.J. and Barik, S.K. 2006. Diversity and distribution of endemic plant species of Meghalaya, India. In: Pandey, H.N. and Barik, S.K. (eds.) Ecology, Diversity and Conservation of Plants and Ecosystems in India. Regency Publications, New Delhi.274 -311 pp.
  14. Chetri, A., Lyngdoh, M. K., Pandey, H.N. and Barik, S.K. 2006. Ecosystem and species diversity in Kanchendzonga Biosphere Reserve, Sikkim. In: Pandey, H.N. and Barik, S.K. (eds.) Ecology, Diversity and Conservation of Plants and Ecosystems in India. Regency Publications, New Delhi. 141-174 pp.
  15. Barik, S.K. 2007. Spatial and temporal variations in shifting cultivation in north-east India: Is sustainable land use possible with jhum around? In: Saxena, K.G., Liang, L. and Rerkasem, K. (eds.) Shifting Agriculture in Asia: Implications for Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Livelihood. (Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun. 53-64 pp.
  16. Barik, S.K. 2008. Environmental issues and management of natural resources: Community participation and government intervention in Meghalaya. In: Meghalaya Human Development Report, Government of Meghalaya, Shillong.
  17. Barik, S.K. and Darlong, V.T. 2008. NRM Policy environment in Meghalaya. In: Darlong, V., Barik, S.K., Tiwari, B.K., Kumar, C. and Phanbuh, S. (eds.) Livelihoods from Forestry in northeast India. NERCORMP, IFAD, Shillong.
  18. Shree Ranjan, Barik, S.K. and Tariang, C.L. 2009. Development and Management of Natural Resources. In: Meghalaya State Development Report, 2008-2009, Planning Department, Government of Meghalaya, Shillong.
  19. Barik, S.K. and Adhikari, D. 2011. Predicting geographic distribution of an invasive species Chromolaena odorata L (King) & H.E. Robins in Indian subcontinent under climate change scenarios. In: Bhatt, J.R., Singh, J.S., Tripathi, R.S., Singh, S.P., Kohli, R.K. (eds.), Invasive Alien Plants—An Ecological Appraisal for the Indian Subcontinent. CABI, Oxfordshire, UK.
  20. Darlong V.T. and Barik, S.K. 2011. Community-based approaches to local natural resource management. In: Krishna, Sumi (ed.) Agriculture and Changing Environment. Routledge (An Imprest of Taylor and Francis).335-372 pp.
  21. Chettri, A. and Barik, S.K. 2011. Predictive distributional modeling of Toricelliatiliifolia – A poorly known taxa in the Indo-Himalayan region. In: Choudhary, M.D., Sharma, G.D., Choudhary. S., Talukdar, A.D. (eds.) Status and conservation of Bio-Diversity in North East India. Swastik Publishers, New Delhi. 444 pp.
  22. Barik S.K. and Darlong V.T. 2013. Managing sustainability in natural resource based rural development programmes. In: Behera MC (ed.) Northeast and Globalization: Issues Betwixt and Between. DVS Publishers, Guwahati.
  23. Barik, S.K. 2013. Strengthening Evaluation and Monitoring mechanism under National Afforestation Programme. In: Gupta, H. S., Sinha, V. K., Singh, R.K. and Sharma, D. K. (eds.) Afforestation in India: dimensions of evaluation. The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi. 17-28 pp.
  24. Barik, S.K., Adhikari, D. and Kharlyngdoh, E. 2015. Ecological impact assessment and predictive modeling of bamboo flowering. In: Tandon, V. and Barik, S.K. (eds.) Bamboo flowering and rodent control. Astral International Publications, New Delhi.
  25. Barik, S.K., Adhikari, D., Chettri, A. and Singh, P.P. 2015. Diversity of lianas in Eastern Himalayas and North-Eastern India. In: Parthasarathy, N. (ed.) Biodiversity of Lianas. Springer. 99-121 pp.
  26. Adhikari, D. and Barik, S.K. 2016. Climate envelope modelling of Pandanus tectorius Soland ex Parkins. (Screwpine) for its conservation in the Eastern Himalayan and Northeastern region of India. In: Upadhaya, K(ed.)Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation. Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.159-166 pp.
  27. Kharlyngdoh, E, Adhikari, D. and Barik, S.K. 2016. Modelling the distribution of a few lesser known bamboo species of Meghalaya and determining areas for their conservation. In: Upadhaya, K. (ed.) Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation. Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 202-216 pp.
  28. Barik, S.K., Prabhu, S.D., Pandey, H.N. and Tripathi, R.S. 2018. Ecosystem and plant species diversity in Nokrek Biosphere Reserve of Meghalaya in northeastern India. In: Barik, S.K. (ed.) Ecosystem and Plant Diversity. Astral International Publications, New Delhi.
  29. Chettri, A., Barik, S.K., Pandey, H.N. and Lyngdoh, M. K. 2018. Ecosystem and plant diversity as affected by forest fragmentation in Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve, Sikkim. In: Barik, S.K. (ed.) Ecosystem and Plant Diversity. Astral International Publications, New Delhi.
  30. Singh, B., Adhikari, D. and Barik, S.K. 2018. Diversity and distribution of Fagaceae in north-eastern India. In: Barik, S.K. (ed.) Ecosystem and Plant Diversity. Astral International Publications, New Delhi.
  31. Kamei, J., Barik, S.K. and Pandey, H.N. 2018. Impact of tree diversity on leaf litter decay, and N and P release pattern in a humid subtropical forest ecosystem of north-eastern India. In: Barik, S.K. (ed.) Ecosystem and Plant Diversity. Astral International Publications, New Delhi.
  32. Barik, S. K. Singh, P. P., Adhikari, D. and Tiwary, R. 2018. Status and strategies for conservation of threatened plants in North-Eastern India. In: Das A.P., and Bera, S. (eds.) Plant Diversity in the Himalaya Hotspot Region. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun.
  33. Nongbri, Lucy B., Barik, S.K. and Kharwanlang, Ladaplin. 2019. Taxonomy, Ecology and Phenology of Panax species in North-Eastern India. In: Singh, B. (ed.) Plants for Human Survival & Medicine. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.
  34. Adhikari, D., Singh, P.P., Tiwary, R. and Barik, S.K. 2019. Modelling the environmental niche and potential distribution of Magnolia campbelli f. &Thomson for its conservation in the Indian Eastern Himalaya. In: Sigh, B. (ed.) Plants of commercial values. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.