Dr. Priyanka Agnihotri
Principal Scientist
Research Interests
Monograph and revisionary studies on the genera Aconitum, Delphinium, Consolida, Berberis, Pedicularis, Corydalis, Gentiana, Androsace, Saxifraga etc.
Taxonomic studies in the family Poaceae from Western Himalaya.
Floristic studies with special expertise in the flora of Indian Himayalan Region and NE India.
Floristic and Conservation studies in protected areas such as Bhimbetka WHS, GWLS, KWLS, sacred groves and unexplored regions of NE India.
Databasing and digitization of Herbarium.
Conservation status assessment and Reproductive biology of threatened flowering plantspecies.
Discovery of 14 new sacred groves from Himalayan region.
New plant species discovered:
– Heterostemma barikiana Agnihotri, D.Husain, P.Katiyar, D.Sahoo, Rodda & T.Husain
– Pedicularis husainiana Agnihotri, D.Husain, Sahoo & Barik
– Delphinium lahulensis Agnihotri, D.Husain & Husain
– Aconitum arunii Agnihotri, D.Husain& Husain
– Pedicularis pectinata subsp. pectinata var. roseus Agnihotri & Husain
– Gentianella tumailica Shabir, Agnihotri, Tiwari & Husain
– Gentianella pringlei Shabir, Agnihotri, Tiwari & Husain
Dr. Priyanka Agnihotri
Principal Scientist
Research Summary
Dr. Priyanka Agnihotri
Principal Scientist
– Priyanka Agnihotri, V. Dixit, H. Singh, A.K. Paliwal and T. Husain. 2014. Rare and endemic taxa of Leucas (Lamiaceae) in India. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 6(2): 5507-5511.
– V.Srivastava, K.Mishra, T. Husain and Priyanka Agnihotri. 2014. Karyotypic analysis in Western Himalayan species of Berberis L. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 5 (2). 1244-1251.
– V. Dixit, D. K. Purshottam, Priyanka Agnihotri, T. Husain & P. Misra. 2014. A highly efficient Shoot organogenesis system of Acorus calamus L. – a threatened medicinal plant of Indian Himalaya. The Experiment. 21(1): 1453-1461.
– H. Singh, Tariq Husain and Priyanka Agnihotri, P.C. Pande and S. Khatoon. 2014. An Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used in sacred groves of Kumaon Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 154: 98-108.
– K.Mishra, V.Srivastava, T. Husain and Priyanka Agnihotri. 2014. Cytological studies on few Berberis L. Species. Research Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences. 2 (1) :80-84.
– Priyanka Agnihotri, V. Dixit and T. Husain. 2014. Conspectus of the genus Veronica Linnaeus (Plantaginaceae) in India. Pleione 8(1): 9-16.
– Priyanka Agnihotri, D. Husain and T. Husain. 2014. A new species of the genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) from Lahul valley of Himachal Pradesh, India. Phytotaxa. 186 (5)- 287-291.http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.186.5.6. (IF- 1.79).
– Priyanka Agnihotri, H. Singh, D. Husain and V. Dixit. 2014. Notes on the ethnobotanically important genus Geranium Linnaeus (Geraniaceae) in India. Pleione 8(2):396-407.
– Priyanka Agnihotri, S.N.Jena, D.Husain and T. Husain. 2014. Perspective of the genus Delphinium Linnaeus (Ranunculaceae) in India. Pleione 8(2):344-352.
– V.Dixit, P.Verma, Priyanka Agnihotri, A.K.Paliwal, C.V.Rao and T. Husain. 2015. Antimicrobial, antioxidant and wound healing properties of Leucas lanata Wall. ex Benth. The Journal of Phytopharmacology. 4(1):9-16.
– V. Dixit, S. Irshad, Priyanka Agnihotri, A.K.Paliwal and T. Husain. 2015. Evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of Leucas urticaefolia (Lamiaceae). Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 5 (Suppl 1): 039-045. (IF- 0.654).
– Priyanka Agnihotri, D.Husain and T. Husain. 2015.An Assessment of Diversity, Endemism and Distribution of the Genus Aconitum L. (Ranunculaceae) from India.Pleione 9(1): 95-102.
– Priyanka Agnihotri, D.Husain and T. Husain. 2015. Lectotypification of the name Aconitum naviculare (Ranunculaceae). Phytotaxa. 218 (2): 195-196.
– H. Singh, Priyanka Agnihotri, V Dixit, P.C. Pande and T. Husain. 2015. An assessment of ethnomedicinal plant diversity in Haat Kali Sacred Grove in Kumaun Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India. Pleione 9(2): 456-464.
– Priyanka Agnihotri, D.Husain, H. Singh and T. Husain. 2016. Revisiting the Delphinium viscosum Hook. F. & Thoms. (Ranunuculaceae) complex in Himalaya. Taiwania 61 (1):16-20.
– D. Husain, P. Katiyar, Priyanka Agnihotri& T. Husain. 2016. (203) Proposal to add a new paragraph to Recommendation 9A. Taxon 65(2): 413.
– D. Husain, P. Katiyar, Priyanka Agnihotri& T. Husain. 2016. (199–201) Proposals to add the term lectoparatype to the Code. Taxon 65(2): 410-411.
– Priyanka Agnihotri, P. Katiyar and T. Husain. 2016. Ethnobotanically important plants of Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India. Pleione10(1):32-42.
– D. Husain, P. Katiyar, Priyanka Agnihotri& T. Husain. 2016. (305–307) Three more proposals on typification and the definition of a gathering. Taxon 65(4): 898-899.
– Priyanka Agnihotri, D.Husain and T. Husain. 2016. Aconite from Sikkim Himalaya, India. Current Science. 111 (6): 984-985.
– D. Husain, P. Katiyar, Priyanka Agnihotri& T. Husain. 2016. Lectotypification of the Names of Two species of Omphalogramma (Primulaceae). Phytotaxa. 280 (3): 297-300.
– Priyanka Agnihotri, D.Husain, P. Katiyar and T. Husain. 2016. Notes on the typification of four Himalayan Aconites.Kew Bull. 71: 52.
– V.Dixit, S. Irshad, H.Singh, Priyanka Agnihotri, T.Husain and S. Khatoon. 2017. High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatographic Determination of Three Therapeutic Phenolic Components in Leucas Species. Journal of Planar Chromatography. 30(1): 25–31.
– Priyanka Agnihotri, T.Husain, P. A. Shirke, O. P. Sidhu, H. Singh, V.Dixit, A. A. Khuroo, D.V. Amla and C. S. Nautiyal. 2017. Climate change-driven shifts in elevation and ecophysiological traits of Himalayan plants during the past century. Current Science. 112 (3): 595-601.
– M.Shabir, Priyanka Agnihotri, D.Husain, J.K.Tiwari and T. Husain. 2017.On the current status of the genus Gentiana L. (Gentianaceae) in India. Pleione11(1):16-24.
– M.Shabir, Priyanka Agnihotri, D.Husain, J.K.Tiwari and T. Husain. 2017. Lectotypification of the Names of Three species of Gentiana L. (Gentianaceae) occurring in India. Phytotaxa. 324 (3): 293-297.http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.324.3.6 (IF- 1.79).
– Priyanka Agnihotri, D.Husain and T. Husain. 2017. Lectotypification of three names in genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) from India. Phytotaxa. 329 (2): 187-189.
– J.S. Khuraijam, Priyanka Agnihotri, P. Katiyar, D. Husain, D.Sahoo, T. Husain and S.K. Barik. 2017. Occurrence of globally threatened Hoya pandurata Tsiang (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) in Manipur – a new record for India. Pleione.11(2): 501 – 504. ISSN: 0973-9467.
– M.Shabir, Priyanka Agnihotriand T. Husain. 2018. A note on the taxonomy of Jaeschkea microsperma (Gentianaceae). Annals of Plant Sciences. 7(1): 1964-1965.
– M.Shabir, Priyanka Agnihotri, J.K.Tiwariand T. Husain. 2018. Gentianella tumailica (Gentianaceae) – A new species from cold deserts of northwest Himalaya, India. Nordic Journal of Botany. e01919 . doi: 10.1111/njb.01919.
– D.Husain, Priyanka Agnihotri, A.K.Srivastava, H.Singh, J. S. Khuraijam, P. Katiyar and T. Husain. 2018. Lectotypification of the name of Dillenia indica (Dilleniaceae). Taxon. 67(4): 787-788.Doi http://doi.org/10.12705/674.8.
– M.Shabir, Priyanka Agnihotri, J.K.Tiwariand T. Husain. 2018. Gentiana aperta (Gentianaceae) – a new record to India from the Ladakh Himalaya. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 10(9):1-4.
– M.Shabir, Priyanka Agnihotri, J.K.Tiwariand T. Husain. 2018.Gentianella pringlei (Gentianaceae) – A new species from cold deserts of Ladakh Himalaya, India. Taiwania. 63(4): 356-359.
– Priyanka Agnihotri, D. Husain, D.Sahoo, S.K. Barik. 2018.A new species and typification in Pedicularis series Curvipes (Orobanchaceae).Phytotaxa. 371 (4): 260–266.https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.371.4.3
– M. Shabir, A. A. Khuroo, Priyanka Agnihotri, J.K. Tiwari, T. Husain. 2019. A range extension of Gentiana capitata Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don subsp. harwanensis (G.Singh) Halda (Gentianaceae) to Ladakh Trans-Himalaya, India. Checklist. 15 (1): 105–108.
Dr. Priyanka Agnihotri
Principal Scientist
Dr. Priyanka Agnihotri
Principal Scientist
Research Scholars
Mr. Danish Husain, Senior Research Fellow
Ms. Shailja Tripathi, Junior Research Fellow
Mr. Raza Waris, Junior Research Fellow
Mr. Shubham Jaiswal, Junior Research Fellow
Ms. Rekha Yadav, Junior Research Fellow
Mr. Dileshwar Prasad, Junior Research Fellow
Ms. Pravesh, Junior Research Fellow
Mr. Ravindra Kumar, Junior Research Fellow
Dr. Priyanka Agnihotri
Principal Scientist
Plant Diversity, Systematics and Herbarium Division
CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001
Phone no.: 0522-2297827
Email: p.agnihotri@nbri.res.in, priyagni_2006@yahoo.co.in