Dr. Sandip Kumar Behera
Senior Scientist
Research Interests
I have been working in different aspects of research in Pteridophytes like collection of germplasms, its identification and documentation, studies on reproductive biology, cytology, tissue culture, bioprospection and conservation. One of my endeavors is to develop protocols for mass propagation of some RET species.
Dr. Sandip Kumar Behera
Senior Scientist
Research Summary
I am actively engaged in different aspects of research in Pteridophytes like collection of germplasms, its identification and documentation, studies on reproductive biology, tissue culture, conservation and bioprospection. I worked in different research projects funded by different funding agencies and have collected more than 1000 pteridophytes from Kumaon Himalayas, Pachmarhi Biosphere, Govind Wild Life Sanctuary and other phytogeographical regions of India. Presently, I am working on the Pteridophytes of Odisha. After identifying and processing the herbaria of these plants, we deposit in the Pteridophytes herbarium of NBRI (LWG). We have studied and also been studying the reproductive biology of different RET species like Cythea spinulosa Wall ex Hook., Microsorium punctatum (L.) Copel and Dipteris wallichii (R. Br. ex Hook. et Grev.) T. Moore and Macrothelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Ching etc. to know the causes of threatens in nature and the probable mode of their conservation. Collected many live plants of ferns and its allies from the nature and planted in the fern house of NBRI for the ex- situ conservation and of course to enrich the fernery. We have standardized the protocols of tissue culture for the micropropagation of some ferns.
We collect many Pteridophytes from different natural habitats and provide to Pharmacognosy Division and Proteomics Laboratory for the bioprospection and drug discovery. We studied and compared chromium accumulation in two ferns i.e. Adiantum capillus-veneris Linn. and Microsorium punctatum (Linn.) Copel in collaboration with other groups and the role of antioxidants were also investigated towards metal tolerance in order to assess the use of ferns in phytomediation/ phytostabilization.
Additionally I am taking care of both SEM & TEM facilities of the Institute.
Dr. Sandip Kumar Behera
Senior Scientist
Research Articles
- K. Behera, L. Nayak and B. Biswal (2003). Senescing leaves posses potential for stress adaptation: the developing leaves acclimated to high light exhibit increased tolerance to osmotic stress during senescence. J. Plant. Physiol. 160: 125-131.
- B. Khare, S. K. Behera, Ruchi Srivastava and S. P. Shukla (2005). Studies on reproductive biology of a threatened tree fern, Cyathea spinulosa Wall. Ex Hook. Current Science. 89 (1): 173-177.
- K. Behera, Archana Srivastava and S. Chandra (2006). The vasculature of the rhizome of Dryopteris marginata (Walls. Ex Clarke) Christ. Indian Fern J. 23: 28-34
- Ruchi Srivastava, Jyoti Srivastava, Sandip K. Behera and P.B.Khare (2008). In-vitro studies on development of gametophyte, sex- ontogeny and Reproductive Biology of a threatened fern, Microsorium punctatum (L.) Copel. Indian Journal of Biotechnology. 7: 266 – 269.
- Sandip Kuamr Behera, Vineet kumar Rawat, Ajit Pratap Singh and P. B. Khare (2011). Studies on the spore germination, developmental pattern and sexuality of gametophytes in Dipteris wallichii (R. Br. ex Hook. et) T. Moore. Indian Fern J. 28 : 172-178.
- Geetgovind Sinam, Sandip kumar Behera, Rohit Kumar Mishra, Sarita Sinha, Shekhar Mallick, P.B. Khare. (2012). Comparison of two ferns (Adiantum capillus-veneris Linn. and Microsorium punctatum (Linn.) Copel) for their Cr accumulation potential and antioxidant responses. International J. Phytoremediation. 14: 629-642.
- Shweta Singh, Sayyada Khatoon, Harsh Singh, K. Behera, P. B. Khare, A. K. S. Rawat (2013). A report on pharmacognostical evaluation of four Adiantum species, Pteridophyta, for their authentication and quality control. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia Brazilian J. Pharmacognosy. 23(2): 207-216.
- Sandip K. Behera and Prem B. Khare (2014). First report of Pteridophytes from Govind Wildlife Sanctury, Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand, India. Tropical Plant Research. 1(2): 37–47.
- Sandip K. Behera, Sanjay Mishra and Lal Ji singh (2015). Adiantum latifolium (Adiantaceae) – An addition to the Pteridophytic flora of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Geophytology. 45(2): 261-264.
- Sandip Kumar Behera, Geetgovind Sinam, Lalitendu. Nayak, Padmanav Joshi & Basanti Biswal (2018). High Light Acclimated Developing Primary Leaves of Wheat Seedlings Generate Signal for Stress Adaptation through Super Oxide Dismutase. International Journal of Plant and Environment. 4 (2): 68–
- Niranjan Mishra and Sandip Kumar Behera (2018). Tree Ferns and Giant Ferns in India: Their Significance and Conservation. In V. Shukla, N. Kumar (eds.), Environmental Concerns and Sustainable Development. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. Pp.45-62.
- Sandip kumar behera, Arun kumar Kushwaha, Prem Behari Khare & Saroj kanta Barik (2019). A new fern species of Christella (Thelypteridaceae) from India. Phytotaxa. 397 (3): 246–252.
- निरंजन मिश्र एबं संदिप कुमार बेहेरा (२०१८). फ़र्न के लिए उपयुक्त्त मिट्टी. बिज्ञानबाणी, बै. औ. अ. प.- राष्ट्रीय वनस्पति अनुसंधान संस्थान, लखनऊ. अंक २४: ५३-५६.
- NiranjanMishra, TribhubanPanda, Neelu Lodhiyal, Sandip KumarBehera (2019). Studies on the gametophytic development, mating behaviour and reproductive biology of Macrothelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Ching (Thelypteridaceae). Micron. Vol.124. In press, accepted manuscript. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micron.2019.102700
Dr. Sandip Kumar Behera
Senior Scientist
Dr. Sandip Kumar Behera
Senior Scientist
Research Scholars
Shri Niranjan Mishra
Dr. Sandip Kumar Behera
Senior Scientist
Plant Diversity, Systematics & Herbarium Division
CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001
Phone no.: 0522-2297830
Email: sandip.behera@nbri.res.in