Dr. Sanjeeva Nayaka
Chief Scientist
Research Interests
Dr. Sanjeeva Nayaka heads Lichenology and Algology Laboratory of the institute. CSIR-NBRI is a pioneer organization for lichen research in the country since 1980s. The institute has state of the art infrastructure for carrying out research on diverse aspects of lichenology. The Lichenology Laboratory of the institute iscurrently dealing with systematics of lichenized, lichenicolous and endolichenic fungi (taxonomic revision, floristic studies and quantitative assessment), and their bioprospecting for human welfare. The lichen taxa presently being revised are order Arthoniales, genera Buellia, Riniodina and group pyrenocarpous.Also, diversity of lichenicolous fungi growing over parmelioid lichens and endolichenic fungi in Parmotrema are being assessed. Extracts of some potential lichens and endolichenic fungi are tested for antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. Gold and silver nanoparticles are synthesized from lichens extract for biological activities. Lucknow city has experienced sever air pollution in the recent days. To measure the level of air pollution in various parts of Lucknow city lichens are utilized and heavy metal accumulated in them are analyzed. The lichen study in India is mostly restricted to inventory of species. However, quantitative assessment of their diversity is rare. Therefore, lichens of North-eastern India are being quantitatively assessed along with bryophytes, pteridophytes and soil micro fungi under a Department of Biotechnology sponsored project.
The Algology Laboratory deals with documentation of algal diversity in fresh water bodies of India; development of algal biofuel; nutritional analysis and biological assays (antimicrobial, antioxidant) of potential species. The group is currently engaged in documenting the algal diversity in Corbett Tiger Reserve, Uttarakhand.
Dr. Sanjeeva Nayaka
Chief Scientist
Research Summary
Dr. Sanjeeva Nayaka
Chief Scientist
– Nayaka, S., Upreti, D.K.,Gadgil, M. and Pandey, V. 2003. Distribution pattern and heavy metal accumulation in lichens of Bangalore City with special reference to Lalbagh Garden. Current Science 84(5): 64-68.
– Nayaka, S., Singh, P.K. and Upreti, D.K. 2005. Fungicidal elements accumulated in Cryptothecia punctulata (Ascomyecetes lichens) of an arecanut orchard in South India. J. Environ. Biol. 26(2): 299-300.
– Nayaka, S. and Upreti, D.K. 2005. Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica, a lichenologically interesting region. Current Science 89(7): 1069-1071.
– Nayaka, S., Upreti, D.K. and Lumbsch, T.H. 2006. Two new species of Lecanora from India. Lichenologist 38(5): 421-424.
– Nayaka, S. and Upreti, D.K. 2006. Chroodiscushimalayanus, a new species from India. Mycotaxon98: 247-251.
– Nayaka, S., Ranjan, S., Saxena, P., Pathre, U.V., Upreti, D.K. and Singh, R. 2009. Assessing the vitality of Himalayan lichens by measuring their photosynthetic performances using chlorophyll fluorescence technique. Currenst Science 97(4): 538-545.
– Nayaka, S. and Upreti, D.K. 2013. Lichens of Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh State Biodiversity Board, Lucknow.
– Nayaka, S., Reddy, M.A., Ponmurugan, P., Anjali, D.B., Ayyappadasa, G. and Upreti, D.K. 2013. Eastern Ghats, biodiversity reserves with unexplored lichen wealth. Current Science 104(7): 821-825.
– Nayaka, S., Upreti, D.K., Ponmurgan, P. and Ayyappadasan, G. 2013. Two new species of saxicolous Pyxinewith yellow medulla from Southern India. Lichenologist 45(1): 3-8.
– Manndotra, S.K., Kumar, P., Suseela, M.R., Nayaka, S. and Ramteke, P.W. 2016. Evaluation of fatty acid profile and biodiesel properties of microalga Scenedesmusabundans under the influence of phosphorus, pH and light intensities. Bioresource Technology 201: 222-229.
– Dixit, R.B., Patel, A.K., Toppo, K. and Nayaka, S. 2017.Emergence of toxic cyanobacterial species in the Ganga River, India, due to excessive nutrient loading. Ecological Indicators 72: 420-427.
– Singh, S.M. and Nayaka, S. 2017. Contributions to the floral diversity of Schirmacher Oasis and Larsemann Hills, Antarctica. Proc Indian NatnSciAcad 83(2): 469-481.
– Nayaka, S., Toppo, K. and Verma, S. 2017. Adaptation in algae to environmental stress and ecological conditions. In Plant Adaptation Strategies in Changing Environment. Shukla V., Kumar S., Kumar N. (eds). Springer, Singapore. Pp. 103-115.
– Dudani, S., Nayaka, S., Ingle, K.K. and Joseph, S. 2018. New species and new records of lichenized Ascomycota from tropical deciduous forests of the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot, India. Turkish Journal of Botany 42: 346-353.
– Joseph, S., Dudani, S.N. and Nayaka, S. 2018. First report of lichens from St. Mary’s Islands, the south west coast, India.Studies in Fungi 3(1): 264-270.
– Dasgupta, C.N., Nayaka, S., Toppo, K., Singh, A.K., Deshpande, U. and Mohapatra, A. 2018. Draft genome sequence and detailed characterization of biofuel production by oleaginous microalga Scenedesmusquadricauda LWG002611. Biotechnology for Biofuels 11: 308.
– Rai, H., Nayaka, S., Upreti, D.K. and Gupta, R. 2019. A new recordofCanomaculina(Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) from Western Himalaya, India. National Academy Sciece Letters 42(5): 429-431.
– Daimari, R., Bhuyan, P., Hussain, S., Nayaka, S., Mazumder, M.A.J. and Hoque, R.R. 2020. Biomonitoring by epiphytic lichen species – Pyxine cocoes (Sw.) Nyl.: understanding characteristics of trace metal in ambient air of different landuses in mid-Brahmaputra Valley. Environ Monit Assess 192: 27.
Dr. Sanjeeva Nayaka
Chief Scientist
Dr. Sanjeeva Nayaka
Chief Scientist
Research Scholars
Dr. Siljo Joseph, DST INSPIRE Faculty
Dr. Gaurav Kumar Mishra, Post Doctoral Fellow
Ms. Jyotsana Chakravarti, CSIR-JRF
Ms. KirtiKumari, DST INSPIRE JRF
Mr. Roshnikumar Ngangom, UGC-JRF
Mr. Phraphool Kumar, CSIR-JRF
Ms. Shweta Sharma, CSIR-JRF
Mr. Prashant Kumar Behera, Project Assistant II
Mr. Abhinav Sharma, Project Assistant II
Mr. Vishal Chauhan, Project Assistant II
Dr. Sanjeeva Nayaka
Chief Scientist
Lichenology Laboratory,
CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001
Phone: 0522-2297856
Email: sanjeeva_n@nbri.res.in; nayaka.sanjeeva@gmail.com