Dr. Puneet Singh Chauhan
Senior Principal Scientist
Research Interests
Working in the area of plant-microbe interactions to understand the complex interaction between soil, microbes and plants. Group is working on the importance of rhizosphere competent plant growth promoting microbes for enhancing plant productivity and soil fertility. By combining fundamental genomic and ecological research perspectives significant contributions made in this important domain not only from the perspective of basic science to understand the role of plant associated bacteria in determining plant gene function but also from the angle of commercial exploitation of the leads obtained through development of products and associated technologies for enhanced crop yield under abiotic and biotic stresses.
Current R&D activities of the lab include:
– Screening and characterization of microbes with plant growth promoting attributes
– Physiological and molecular mechanisms of microbes involved in plant growth promotion
– Signalling among microbes and plants
– Microbial ecologyof agricultural soils using metagenomics approach
– Microbes mediated stress ameliorating plant gene(s), protein(s) and metabolite(s) during their interaction
– Decipher the mechanism of microbial endophytes mediated induction insecondary metabolite production, stress tolerance and growth promotion.
– Development of microbes based biostimulants and biopesticides
Dr. Puneet Singh Chauhan
Senior Principal Scientist
Research Summary
Dr. Puneet Singh Chauhan
Senior Principal Scientist
– Bisht N, Chauhan PS. 2020. Comparing the growth-promoting potential of Paenibacilluslentimorbus and Bacillus amyloliquefaciensin Oryzasativa L. var. Sarju-52 under suboptimal nutrient conditions. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 146: 187-197
– Pandey S, Phulara SC, Mishra SK, Bajpai R, Kumar A, Niranjan A, Lehri A, Upreti DK, Chauhan PS. 2020. Betula utilis extract prolongs life expectancy, protects against amyloid-β toxicity and reduces Alpha Synuclien in Caenorhabditis elegans via DAF-16 and SKN-1. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 228: 108647
– Bisht N, Mishra SK, Chauhan PS. 2019. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens inoculation alters physiology of rice (Oryzasativa L. var. IR-36) through modulating carbohydrate metabolism to mitigate stress induced by nutrient starvation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.09.154
– Chauhan PS, Lata C, Tiwari S, Chauhan AS, Mishra SK, Agrawal L, Chakrabarty D, Nautiyal CS. 2019. Transcriptional alterations reveal Bacillus amyloliquefaciens-rice cooperation under salt stress. Scientific Reports9(1):11912
– Bisht N, Tiwari S, Singh PC, Niranjan A, Chauhan PS. 2019. A multifaceted rhizobacteriumPaenibacilluslentimorbus alleviates nutrient deficiency-induced stress in Cicer arietinum L. Microbiological Research 223: 110-119
– Kumar M, Chauhan AS, Kumar M, Yusuf MA, Sanyal I, Chauhan PS. 2019. Transcriptome sequencing of chickpea (Cicer arietinumL.) genotypes for identification of drought-responsive genes under drought stress condition. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. 37: 186-203
– Misra S, Dixit VK, Mishra SK, Chauhan PS. 2019. Demonstrating the potential of abiotic stress-tolerant Jeotgalicoccushuakuii NBRI 13E for plant growth promotion and salt stress amelioration. Annals of Microbiology 69: 419-434
– Singh A, Rai A, Banyal R, Chauhan PS, Singh N. 2018. Plant community regulates soil multifunctionality in a tropical dry forest. Ecological Indicators 95: 953-963
– Dixit R, Agrawal L,Singh SP,Prateeksha, Singh PC, Prasad V, Chauhan PS. 2018. Paenibacilluslentimorbus induces autophagy for protecting tomato from Sclerotiumrolfsii infection.Microbiological Research 215: 164-174
– Agnello AC, Potysz A, Fourdrin C, Huguenot D, Chauhan PS. 2018. Impact of pyrometallurgical slags on sunflower growth, metal accumulation and rhizosphere microbial communities. Chemosphere 208: 626-639
– Pandey S, Tiwari S, Kumar A, Niranjan A, Chand J, Lehri A, Chauhan PS. 2018 Antioxidant and anti-aging potential of Juniper berry (Juniperuscommunis L.) essential oil in Caenorhabditis elegans model system. Industrial Crops & Products 120: 113-122
– Chauhan PS, Mishra SK, Misra S, Dixit VK, Pandey S, Khare P, Khan MH, Dwivedi S,Lehri A. 2017. Evaluation of fertility indicators associated with arsenic contaminated paddy fields soil. International Journal of Environment Science and Technology 15: 2447-2458.
– Misra S, Dixit VK,Khan MH, Mishra SK, Dviwedi G, Yadav S, Lehri A,Chauhan PS. 2017. Exploitation of agro-climatic environment for selection of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase producing salt tolerant indigenous plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. Microbiological Research 205: 25-34
– Baruah R, Mishra SK, Kalita DJ, Silla Y, Chauhan PS, Singh AK,Deka Boruah HP. 2017. Assessment of bacterial diversity associated with crude oil-contaminated soil samples from Assam. International Journal of Environment Science and Technology 10: 2155-2172
– Mishra SK, Khan MH, Misra S, Dixit VK, Khare P, Srivastava S,Chauhan PS. 2016. Characterisation of Pseudomonas spp. and Ochrobactrum sp. isolated from volcanic soil. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 110: 253-270
– Kumar S#, Chauhan PS#, Raj R, Yadav S, Agarwal L, Singh PC, Raj SK, Nautiyal CS. 2016. Paenibacilluslentimorbus inoculation enhances tobacco growth and extenuating the virulence of cucumber mosaic virus. PLoS One 11:e0149980
– Kumar M, Mishra S, Dixit V, Kumar M, Agarwal L, Chauhan PS, Nautiyal CS. 2016. Synergistic effect of Pseudomonasputida and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens ameliorates drought stress in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Plant Signaling&Behaviour 11:e1071004
– Dixit R, Agrawal L, Gupta S, Kumar M, Yadav S, Chauhan PS, Nautiyal CS. 2016. Southern blight disease of tomato control by 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase producing Paenibacilluslentimorbus B-30488. Plant Signaling& Behaviour11:e1113363
– Tiwari S, Lata C, Chauhan PS, Nautiyal CS. 2016. Pseudomonas putida attunes morphophysiological, biochemical and molecular responses in Cicer arietinum L. during drought stress and recovery. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry99: 108-117
– Chakrabarty D#, Chauhan PS#, Chauhan AS, Indoliya Y, Lavania UC, Nautiyal CS. 2015. De novo assembly and characterization of root transcriptome in two distinct morphotypes of vetiver, Chrysopogonzizaniodes (L) Roberty. Scientific Reports5: 18630
Dr. Puneet Singh Chauhan
Senior Principal Scientist
Dr. Puneet Singh Chauhan
Senior Principal Scientist
Research Scholars
Ms. Srishti Kar, Project Assistant II
Ms. Arpita Singh, CSIR-Senior Research Fellow
Mrs. Swati Gupta, Ph.D. Scholar
Mrs. Nikita Bisht, CSIR-Senior Research Fellow
Ms. Priya Jaiswal, CSIR-Junior Research Fellow
Dr. Sankalp Misra, ICMR-Research Associate
Mr. Swapnil Pandey, ICMR-Senior Research Fellow
Mr. Vijay Kant Dixit, CSIR-Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Puneet Singh Chauhan
Senior Principal Scientist
Microbial Technologies Division,
CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute
Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow – 226 001, (U.P.) INDIA
Phone no.: 0522-2297999 (O), 2297926 (Lab)
Email: puneet@nbri@res.in