07:00:16 PM Friday, 14 March 2025
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Dehydrated flowers and floral craft is one of the important components of value added products. In the floriculture industry and cut flower trade there is always a great demand of new and novel cultivars of ornamental plants and their value added products. The floriculture basket comprises of flowers (loose and cut), fillers, live plants, seeds, plant propagules, cacti and succulents, house plants, tissue culture raised plants, value added products such as essential oils and the dry flowers.

Since the dry flower Industry is growing very rapidly and at present contributes about 70% of the earning of the total floriculture produce. In our country dry flower industry comprises of dehydrated flowers, foliage, fruits and seeds. Dehydrated flowers and the floral craft is used for making various useful products like greeting cards, landscapes, photo frames, table mats, coasters, wall hangings and potpourri items.

Our Institute being a pioneer in the development of the dry flower technology, has developed expertise with different ornamental plants on this line. The scientists have standardized the methodology of dehydration by pressing and embedding methods which retains the color and shape of the petals. They have added new dimension to this technology. Many training programmes, awareness camps and exhibition on dehydration of flowers and floral craft have been organized from time to time in different states of our country for unemployed youth, rural and urban women, retired persons, students and small farmers to uplift their social and financial status.

Dehydrated floral craft (Hindi)