Dr. Hemant Kumar Yadav
Senior Principal Scientist
Research Interests
Molecular breeding aims at the genetic enhancement of crops through the application of principles of Mendelian Genetics and modern tools and techniques of cell and molecular biology. Many breeding programs also include induced mutations with either or both physical and chemical mutagens and focus on the improvement of traits such as high yield, multiple resistance to major disease, insect pests and tolerance to abiotic stresses and improved quality.
In our R&D work, we focus on development and deployments of genetic/genomic resources for crop improvement in linseed which is an industrially important crop. The genetic resources include germplasm, core-germplasm, MAGIC population, RILs population and mutant populations of aforementioned crops. Germplasm and core-germplasm of linseed consists a diverse set of accessions for oil and fibre traits which were evaluated for phenotypic variability and utilized in association studies.
Dr. Hemant Kumar Yadav
Senior Principal Scientist
Research Summary
Several bi-parental mapping populations (Recombinant Inbred Lines) of linseed have been developed and are being utilized for linkage/QTL mapping.Further, eight parent based MAGIC (Multiparent Advance Generation Inter Cross) populations in linseed are also in developmental stage. To create induced variability, EMS mediated mutagenesis have been attempted in linseedand a large population of mutant lines developed.
The genomic resources consists of a large set of molecular markers (SSR, SNPs) developed in linseed. SSR markers-based diversity assessed in 168 accessions of linseed and a set of diverse accessions identified for genetic improvement of linseed.SSR based linkage/QTL map of linseed have been developed and QTLs for Alternaria blight resistance identified through QTL mapping and through BSA (Bulk Segregant Analysis). The SNP markers based genetic diversity and association studies havealso been carried out which revealed several potential QTLs associated with important agronomic traits.
Dr. Hemant Kumar Yadav
Senior Principal Scientist
– Singh N, Agarwal N andYadav HK(2019): Genome-wide SNP-based diversity analysis and association mapping in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). Euphytica. 215-139.
– Singh N, Kumar R, Kumar S, Singh PK, Singh B,Kumar U, Khatoon B and Yadav HK(2019): Bulk segregant analysis identifies SSR markers associated with Alternaria blight resistance in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.).Journal of Environmental Biology, 40:1137-1144.
– Kumar V and Yadav HK (2019) Assessment of genetic diversity in Lepidium sativum L. using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) marker. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 25:399-406.
– Chandrawati, Singh N, Kumar R, Kumar S, Singh PK, Yadav VK, Ranade SA and Yadav HK* (2016)Genetic diversity, population structure and association analysis in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (Online available) DOI 10.1007/s12298-016-0408-5.
– Singh N, Chandrawati, Kumar R, Kumar S and Yadav HK* (2016) Study on genetic combining ability estimates for yield and related traits in linseed (Linum usitatissiumu L.). Australian Journal of Crop Science, 10:1594-1600.
– Ansari A, Sikarwar PS, Lade S, Yadav HK and Ranade SA (2016) Genetic diversity clusters in germplasm of cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L., Taub), an important food and an industrial legume crop. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 18: 1393-1406
– Maurya R and Yadav HK (2016) Development of interspecific hybrid of J. curcas x J. integerrima and its molecular characterization using SSR markers.Journal of Agroecology and Natural Resource Management. 3:101-105.
– Yaseen M, Kumar B, Ram D, Singh M, Anand S, Yadav HK, Samad A (2015) Agro-morphological, chemical and genetic variability studies for yield assessment in clary sage (Salvia sclarea L.). Industrial Crops and Products, 77:640–647.
– Mittal N, Saxena RS, Yadav R, Bhardwaj J, Yadav N, Kumar A, Yadav HK, Kumar R (2015) Comparative quantitative gene expression analysis between salinity tolerant and susceptible varieties of chickpea. Vegetos, 28: 103-110.
– Singh R, Suresh BG, Yadav HK and Pandey RM (2015) Genotype × Environment interactions and stability analysis for grain yield and protein content in grain amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.). Trends in Biosciences, 8.
– Maurya R, Gupta A, Singh SK, Rai KM, Chandrawati, Katiyar R, Sawant SV, Yadav HK* (2015). Genomic-derived microsatellite markers for diversity analysis in Jatropha curcas.Trees, 29:849-858.
– Kumar B, Kumar U and Yadav HK* (2015). Identification of EST–SSRs and molecular diversity analysis in Mentha piperita. The Crop Journal 3: 335-342.
– Maurya R., Kumar U, Katiyar R and Yadav HK* (2015). Correlation and path coefficient analysis in Jatropha curcas L. Genetika, 47(1): 63-70.
Dr. Hemant Kumar Yadav
Senior Principal Scientist
Dr. Hemant Kumar Yadav
Senior Principal Scientist
Research Scholars
Ms. Annu Lata, UGC-SRF
Mr. Bushra Khatoon, DST-SRF
Ms. Rajni Gautam, RGNF-SRF
Mr. Umesh Kumar, CSIR-SRF
Ms. Pooja Singh Sikarwar, UGC-SRF
Ms. Suchita Lade, PA-II
Mr. Vinay Kumar, RGNF-SRF
Ms. Neha Singh, PA-II
Mr. Vinukonda Rakesh Sharma, DST-JRF
Ms. Sharfa Naaz, PA-II
Dr. Hemant Kumar Yadav
Senior Principal Scientist
Plant Genetic Resources and Improvement
CSIR-National Botanical Resaerch Institute, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001
Phone no.: 0522-2297938
Email: h.yadav@nbri.res.in