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International Collaboration and ISTAG


The International Science and Technology Affairs Group (ISTAG), at CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow in collaboration with International S&T Affairs Directorate (ISTAD), CSIR Head Quarters, New Delhi spearheads the CSIR-NBRI’s linkages with international scientific & technical agencies across the world for carrying out collaborative and contract research in frontier areas of Plant Science. Over the years institute has developed several international linkages.

  • Institut National Polytechnique – Ecole Nationale Superieure Agronomique, Cedex France: Under IFCPAR/CEFIPRA joint collaborative Indo-French research programme on genomics and biotechnology of fruit quality (2005-2008).
  • WHO, Geneva: A “India Herbal Garden”, was developed at the Head Quarters of World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva (2006-2007)
  • Dept. of Biology, University of Eastern, Finland – For a collaborative project on “Ozone sensitivity of the most important Indian crop and tree species” (2011-2014).
  • Hayal Saeed Anam Group of Companies, Head Office at Taiz, Republic of Yeman – For a feasibility study of setting up a Touch and Smell garden (September 2012).
  • INSERM (Institut national de la santé et de la recherché medicale), France – Bilateral programme of CSIR and collaborative project on “Immunoprofiling of medicinal herbs from traditional leads: Studies on cellular and molecular mechanisms and development of herbal combinations (under BIOASIE Programe) (June 2013)
  • Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Nepal – For collaborative research work.
    Department of Plant Resources, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal – For training to Nepalese Scientists in the area of Plant Molecular Biology. (June 2014)
  • International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines – For exploring potential collaboration on drought response in rice (February 2016).
  • Natural Resources Institute (NRI), Greenwich University, London, U.K. – For discussing and developing whitefly control strategy ( December 13-14, 2016)
  • Laboratoire Géomatériaux et Environment, France – For providing three month research project study and training to Dr. Ana Carolina AGNELLO on the topic titled, “Biochemical and molecular-based techniques to study microbial diversity of the rhizosphere and its application to soils of anthropized environments (September 14, 2016 to December 5, 2016)
  • University of Cologne, Germany – For a collaborative project and exchange visits on Light dependent flavonol biosynthesis by MYB transcription factors: Identification of interacting factors (2015-2017)
  • Department of Botany, Tribhuban University, Kahmandu, Nepal, and INSA-NAST bilateral exchange programme (March 2017)
  • KfW (Kreditianstalt fur Wiederaufbau, Franfurt, Germany: For advisory consultancy on feasibility study for the programme ‘Forest and Biodiversity Management of the Himalayas’ in Nagaland (July 2017)
  • Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine – For a collaborative project on “Phylogentic grouping South Asian Lichen of the Teloschestaceae (Ascomycota) for biotechnological purposes” including scientists’ exchange visits (August 2015- February 2019)
  • UNIDO, Vienna, Austria for collaborative project : For collaborative project , titled, “Development and Promotion of non-POPs alternatives to DDT: Propagation of new dwarf cultivars of neem with early maturity and higher limonoids yield (2018)
  • The Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Italy under CSIR-TWAS Postgraduate fellowship programme
  • National Institute of Agricultural Research (hereafter INIAP, Ecuador), Ecuador: For collaborative R&D programme and technical support on Nelumbo nucifera (2019).

Foreign Deputation of Scientists/Officers


S.N. Year Name of Scientist/Officer Place of Visit Deputation Period Purpose of Visit
1 2009-10 Dr. L.B. Chaudhary Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico (UNAM), Mexico November 6-11, 2009 To attend Tree BOL & Third International barcode of Lice Conference at the Institute of Biology, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City
2 2009-10 Dr. M.R. Suseela Fuzhou, China November 2-06, 2009 To attend and present a paper in the International Congress on Biological Invasions held at Fuzhou, China, Nov 2-6, 2009
3 2009-10 Dr. T.S. Rana Guanzhou, China May 05-08-, 2009 To participate and present a paper in the 2nd International Symposium of the family Magnoliaceae at Guangzhou, China
4 2009-10 Dr. Sribash Roy Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico (UNAM), Mexico November 6-11, 2009 To attend the Tree BOL & Third International barcode of Life Conference at the Institute of Biology, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City
5 2010-11 Dr. D.K. Upreti Field Museum Chicago, USA May 14-16, 2010 To attend EOL Synthesis Meeting on the Parmeliaceae held on May 14-16, 2010 at Field Museum, Chicago
6 2010-11 Dr. A.K. Sharma Dhaka, Bangladesh December 03-05, 2010 To attend 6th International Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology Conference at University of Dhaka
7 2010-11 Dr. Tariq Husain The New York Botanic Garden, New York April 15-18, 2010 To attend TreeBol symposium at New York Botanic Garden held on 16.4.2010
8 2010-11 Dr. Sribash Roy New York Botanic Garden, New York April 15-18, 2010 To attend TreeBol symposium at New York Botanic Garden held on 16.4.2010
9 2010-11 Dr. D. Chakraborty Tainan, Taiwan May 17-21, 2010 To attend 3rd International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment
10 2010-11 Dr. Samir V. Sawant New York December 5-8, 2010 To attend the International Symposium on “Automated Imaging ad High-throughput Phenotyping at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, USA
11 2010-11 Dr. A.K.S. Rawat Klagenfurt, Austria October 01-04, 2010 To attend Ist Internal Ayurveda Congress
12 2010-11 Dr. R.D. Tripathi Dhaka, Bangladesh October 18-20, 2010 To attend International workshop in Arsenic in rich South South Exchange Network for International Collaboration (ARSSENIC)
13 2010-11 Dr. Sanjay Dwivedi Dhaka, Bangladesh October 18-20, 2010 To attend the International workshop in Arsenic in rich South South Exchange Network for International Collaboration (ARSSENIC), October 18-20, 2010
14 2011-12 Dr. Alok Lehri Colombo, Sri Lanka March 13-14, 2012 To attend Technical Assessor to conduct reasssessment audit at SGS Lanka, colombo, Sri Lanka in Chemical & Biological Fields following his nomination by NABL, DST, New Delhi
15 2011-12 Dr. S.A. Ranade Japan March 5- March 25, 2012 A lecture on use of PCR methods for examination of molecular systematics and genetic diversity in Pteridophytes and consultation of Makino Herbarium and understanding of Herbarium Management Practices and discussion for future collaboration
16 2011-12 Dr. Nandita Singh USA September 13-16, 2011 To attend the 8th International Phytotechnologies Conference at Portland, Oregon, USA
17 2011-12 Dr. Sanjeeva Nayaka Bangkok, Thailand January 9-13, 2012 To attend 7th International Association for Lichenology Symposium
18 2011-12 Dr. Sribash Roy Adelaide, Australia November 28 to December 03, 2011 To attend the  Fourth International Barcode of Life Conference at Adelaide, Australia
19 2011-12 Dr. Vivek Pandey Prague, Czech Republic June 01-16, 2011 To visit University of Eastern Finland, Finland from June 1-13, 2011 under GAP 2313 Project  and attend an Internaitonal conference on “Ozone, Climate Change and Forests” at Prague, Czech Republic
20 2011-12 Dr. A.P. Sane New Zealand March 16-26, 2012 To attend IX International Conference on the Plant Hormone Ethylene (Ethylene 2012) at Rotorua, New Zealand
21 2011-12 Dr. Vidhu A. Sane Rotorua, New Zealand March 16-26, 2012 To attend 9th International Conference on the Plant Hormone Ethylene (Ethylene 2012) at Rotorua, New Zealand
22 2011-12 Dr. Kamla Kulshrestha Taipei, Taiwan February 14-19, 2012 To attend Conference entitled Asia Pacific Association of Study of Liver (APSAL)
23 2011-12 Dr. P.K.Trivedi San Diego, California, USA January 14-18, 2012 To attend the Plant & Animal Genomes confrence XX (PAG)
24 2012-13 Dr. Kamla Kulshrestha Hayal Saeed Anam Group of Copmpanies, Head Office at Taiz, Republic of Yeman September 06-12, 2012 Preliminary visit to finalize the project and feasibility study of setting up a Touch and Smell garden
25 2012-13 Mr. Ashutosh Kumar Pandey Finland April 1, 2012 -July 31, 2012 To attend Bilateral Exchange Programme for  collaborative project entitled “Ozone Sensitivity of the most important Indian Crop and Tree Species” (GAP 231325)
26 2012-13 Dr. Vivek Pandey Copenhagen, Denmark Feb 25-28, 2013 To attend the workshop on COST Action FP0903 ‘Climate Change and Forest Adaptation and Mitigation in a Polluted Environment’
27 2012-13 Dr. A.K.S. Rawat Rockville, MD, USA September 06-08, 2012 To attend 4th International Conference on Medicinal Plants & Herbal Products at Rockville, USA
28 2012-13 Dr. Vivek Pandey Finland April 10-20, 2012 Visit under ongoing collaborative project entitled “Ozone Sensitivity of the most important Indian Crop and Tree Species” (GAP 231325) funded by Academy of Finland.
29 2012-13 Dr. L.B. Chaudhary Nepal June 04-23, 2012 Visit under bilateral Exchange Programme to study the specimens of genus Astragalus L. housed at Naitonal Herbarium (KATH) and Tribhuvan University Herbarium (TUCH)
30 2013-14 Dr. A.K.S. Rawat Milford, Massachusetts,  USA August 25-30, 2013 To attend the Pharmaceutical and Life Science Technology Forum (India Executive Technology Forum 2013) and deliver a keynote lecture o the application of liquid chromatography in developing standardize quality herbal drugs.
31 2013-14 Dr. Vivek Pandey Kuopio, campus, Finland August 26-30, 2013 Ozone sensitivity of the most important Indian crop and Tree species (GAP 231325)
32 2013-14 Dr. S.K. Srivastava Paris, France June 25-July 03, 2013 To attend Bilateral programme of CSIR and collaborative project on “Immunoprofiling of medicinal herbs from traditional leads: Studies on cellular and molecular mechanisms and development of herbal combinations (IMPROMHERB)
33 2013-14 Dr. P.C. Verma Providence, Rhode Island (USA) July 20-26, 2013 To attend Plant Biology-2013 Conference and satellite meeting, Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation in Plants (PGRP) at Providence, Rhode Island(USA)
34 2013-14 Dr. C.S. Nautiyal Nepal Acadey of Science and Technology, Nepal July 18-19, 2013 NAST-CSIR Collaboration Workshop
35 2013-14 Dr. A.K.S. Rawat Paris, France June 25- July 03, 2013 Under bilateral programme of CSIR and collaborative project on “Immunoprofiling of medicinal herbs from traditional leads: Studies on cellular and molecular mechanisms and development of herbal combinations (IMPROMHERB)
36 2014-15 Dr. Samir V. Sawant Bankok , Thailand November 26-28, 2014 To attend 6th ASIAHORC Symposium on “The impact of climate change to Food and Health
37 2014-15 Dr. T.S. Rana Kuwait Institute for Scientific Reseach (KISR), Safat, Kuwait November 10-13, 2014 To visit Genetic characterization of native plants, KISR, Safat, Kuwait
38 2014-15 Dr. A.K.S. Rawat Kunming, China July 27-30, 2014 brain storming session on “Traditional knowledge and medicine”.
39 2014-15 Dr. Vivek Pandey Beizing, China May 18-23, 2014 To attend International  Conference on “Ozone and Plants” organized in Beijing, China
40 2014-15 Dr. Sunil Kumar Snehi San Antonio, USA October 06-08,2014 To attend 4th world congress on Virology
41 2014-15 Dr. S.A. Ranade Lumbani Nepal November 01-03, 2014 To Participation in the Asian Plant Sciences Conference
42 2014-15 Dr. Poonam Singh Lumbani Nepal November 01-03, 2014 Participation in the Asian Plant Sciences Conference
43 2014-15 Dr. Aradhana Mishra Lumbani Nepal November 01-03, 2014 To participation in the Asian Plant Sciences Conference
44 2015-16 Dr. A.K.S. Rawat Dhaka, Bangladesh Nov 6-9, 2015 For delivering invited lecture under theme Herbal Medicine for Health care in 21th Century at 20th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Research Applied to World Needs (CHEMRAWN XX)
45 2015-16 Dr. D. Chakraborty International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines Feb 08-14, 2016 To attend discussion potential collaboration on drought response in rice and to become familiar with the ongoing research and available genetic resources at IRRI
46 2015-16 Dr. Sribash Roy University of Guelph, Canada Aug 17-22, 2015 To present the paper based on abstract entitled “Plant DNA barcoding of a wild life sanctuary across a wide climatic zone in Uttarakhand, India” at the Sixth International Barcode of Life Conference
47 2015-16 Dr. P.K.Trivedi University of Cologne, Germany Nov 23, 2015 – Dec 01, 2015 To discuss progress and further planning on the project entitled “Light dependent flavonol biosynthesis by MYB transcriptions factors: identification of interaction factors” under CSIR-BMBF Cooperative Science Programme (2015-2017)
48 2015-16 Dr. O.P Sidhu University Darul Ta’zim, Malaysia Sep 27-Oct 13, 2015 To participate in the Natural Products Chemistry Training and Development
49 2015-16 Dr. Vidhu A. Sane Darwin, Australia Sep  28, 2015 – Oct 2, 2015 To attend the XI International Mango Symposium for oral presentation of paper entitled ” Sapatio-temporal regulation of ripening related genes in two differently ripening varieties of mango”
50 2015-16 Dr. P.K.Trivedi Grand Copthone Waterfron Hotel, Singapore Jul 13-15, 2015 To attend Plant and Animal Genome (PAG) ASIA conference as speaker and give a talk at Plant Genomics Workshop titled “Comparative transcriptome analysis of different chemotypes of Withania somnifera to elucidate biosynthetic pathway for specific withanoli
51 2015-16 Dr. Sudershan Kumar NPFC, Nantong, P.R. China October 26-30, 2015 To participate in the workshop on “Production and Application of Bio-botanical Pesticide Formulations” and to attend Tripartite Review/Project Management Committee (TPR/PMC) Meeting
52 2015-16 Dr. Puneet Singh Chauhan International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines Feb 08-14, 2016 To discuss potential collaboration on drought response in rice and to become familiar with the ongoing research and available genetic resources at IRRI
53 2016-17 Dr. D.K. Upreti Sunchon National University, South Korea July 20-23, 2016 To attend An International Symposium and workshop on “Lichen Biodiversity in Asia and Biloogical Activity of Lichen Bioresources”
54 2016-17 Dr. Alok Lehri Kathamandu, Nepal June 18-19, 2016 To attend Final assessment audit of “Instrument Section and Natural Product Research Lab, Department of Plant Resources”
55 2016-17 Dr. Pankaj Kumar Srivastava KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden June 19-23, 2016 To participating  for oral presentation in 6th International Congress Arsenic in the Environment – Arsenic Research and Global Sustainability (AS2016)
56 2017-18 Dr. D.K. Upreti M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine June 15-20, 2017 To work on the Indo-Ukrainian project entitled “Phytogenetic Grouping South Asian Lichen of the Teloschistaneae (Ascomycota) for Biotechnological Pruposes” funded by DST, New Delhi wthin the framework of Ukrainian-Indian joing bilateral exchange programme
57 2017-18 Dr. P.K. Singh Ronda/Malaga, Spain November 26-29, 2017 To attend “3rd Annual Meeting” of entitled “African Cassava Whitefly: Outbreak and Sustainable Solutions”
58 2017-18 Dr. Charu Lata University of Queensland, Brisbain, Australia June 21- September 20, 2017 For Carrying out work on the projects titled “Analysis of Heat Strss Response Genes in the Developing Wheat using IsoSeq Transcripts”
59 2017-18 Prof. S.K. Barik Dhaka, Bangladesh April 25-27, 2017 To participate and deliver a lecture in the workship on “Methodology of River Basin, Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) and Carrying Capacity Assessment”
60 2017-18 Dr. P.K.Trivedi Botanical Institute and Cluster of Excellence on Plant Science, Univesity of Cologne, Germany May 15-28, 2017 To work on the joint research project entitled “Light dependdent flavonol biosynthesis by MYB transcriptions factors: Identification of interacting Factors” between CSIR-NBRI and CEPLAS, University of Cologne, Germany
61 2017-18 Dr. P.K. Singh International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Office, Nairobi, Kenya September 25-28, 2017 To visit International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Office at Nairobi, Kenya “to discuss the future collaboration for Whitefly control in Cassava”
62 2017-18 Dr. T.S. Rana Kuwait Institute for Scientific Centre (KISR), Kuwait November 20-23, 2017 For participating in International Symposium and workshop on “Native seeds in Restoration of Dryland Ecosystem” to present a case study on Assessment of genetic and chemotypic variability in high altitude medicinal plant: Berginia ciliagta (Haw) Sternb. (
63 2017-18 Dr. Sanjay Dwivedi Desy, Hamburg, Germany June 29-July 10, 2017 To carry out the experiment on DESY, Germany on the project proposal “Changes in metal (loid) compartmentation at the sub-cellular level induced by Arsenic toxicity
64 2018-19 Dr. Alok Lehri Balaju, Kathamandu, Nepal September 30, 2018 to October 1, 2018 To attend Technical Assessor, nomination by NABL-DST, New Delhi for reassessement at Nepal Bureau of Standards and Metrology, Nepal Govt., Ministry of Industry, Chemical Laboratory, Balaju, Kathmandu
65 2018-19 Dr. Alok Lehri Thimbhu, Bhutan November 16-17, 2018 To attend Technical Accessor for reassessment audit of National Food Laboratory, Bhutan Agriculture & Food Regulatory Authority (BAFRA), Yusipang Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Thimpu, Bhutan
66 2018-19 Dr. P.K. Singh Dhaka, Bangladesh September 15-17, 2018 To attend South Asia Bio-Safety Conference (SABC)
67 2018-19 Dr. Abhishek Niranjan Bhaktapur, Nepal June 23-24, 2018 Nominated as Technical Accessor by NABL-DST, Govt. of India for reassessment at Zest Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. Bhaktpur, Nepal
68 2018-19 Dr. Sanjeeva Nayaka Ukraine January 22-30, 2019 To visit MG Kholodny Institute of Botany National Academy of Science, Ukraine
69 2019-20 Dr. Puneet Singh Chauhan Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon Hong Kong Jun 12-15, 2019 To attend the third International Conference as invited Speaker in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon Hong Kong
70 2019-20 Dr. Priyanka Agnihotri Beijing, Chaina July 8-14, 2019 To attend a Conference organised on “From sea level to world roof: Uplift history and biological evolution of the himalaya” and to deliver a lecture on the “Flora of Pan-Himalaya”
71 2019-20 S.K. Tewari Ecuador November 13-15, 2019 To attend the technical meeting to provide assistance on exploring Nelumbo nucifera as an alternative crop for production in the flood-prone areas of the Ecuadorian coast.
72 2019-20 Prof. S.K. Barik Ecuador November 13-15, 2019 To attend the technical meeting to provide assistance on exploring Nelumbo nucifera as an alternative crop for production in the flood-prone areas of the Ecuadorian coast.
73 2019-20 Prof. S.K. Barik Ecuador February 10-15, 2020 To attend the workshop on Governance of Global Taxonomic Lists, Charles Darvin University, Australia (February 10-12, 2020) and to undertake field visit and discussion on cannabis research with Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia (February 13-15, 2020)