Dr. Brahma N. Singh
Principal Scientist
Research Interests
Pharmacology division is working to elucidate putative mechanisms of action of bioactive phytochemicals for various pharmacological effects, including anti-microbial, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory, and hepato-protective etc. The novel drug delivery systems is also exploring in order to improve bioavailability and therapeutic efficacy of the drug phytomolecules for developing innovative herbal products/drugs development. It also supports formulation related preclinical (mouse and rats) studies for the herbal product/drug development.
Dr. Brahma N. Singh
Principal Scientist
Research Summary
Major areas
– Putative mechanisms of action elucidation of bioactive phytochemicals for anti-diabetic and anti-microbial activities.
– Novel drug delivery systems using nanotechnology is also exploring in order to improve bioavailability and therapeutic efficacy of the drug phytomolecules.
– Development and standardization of herbal products, including pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and cosmaceuticals.
Dr. Brahma N. Singh
Principal Scientist
– BN Singh, S Shankar, RK Srivastava. Green tea catechin, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG): mechanisms, perspectives and clinical applications. Biochemical Pharmacology 82 (12), 1807-1821
– D Prakash, BN Singh, G Upadhyay. Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities of phenols from onion (Allium cepa). Food Chemistry 102 (4), 1389-1393
– BN Singh, BR Singh, RL Singh, D Prakash, R Dhakarey, G Upadhyay and HB Singh. Oxidative DNA damage protective activity, antioxidant and anti-quorum sensing potentials of Moringa oleifera. Food and Chemical Toxicology 47 (6), 1109-1116
– D Prakash, S Suri, G Upadhyay, BN Singh. Total phenol, antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities of some medicinal plants. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 58 (1), 18-28
– D Prakash, G Upadhyay, BN Singh, HB Singh. Antioxidant and free radical-scavenging activities of seeds and agri-wastes of some varieties of soybean (Glycine max). Food Chemistry 104 (2), 783-790
– BN Singh, J Fu, RK Srivastava, S Shankar. Hedgehog signaling antagonist GDC-0449 (Vismodegib) inhibits pancreatic cancer stem cell characteristics: molecular mechanisms. PLoS One 6 (11), e27306
– BN Singh, BR Singh, RL Singh, D Prakash, DP Singh, BK Sarma and HB Singh. Polyphenolics from various extracts/fractions of red onion (Allium cepa) peel with potent antioxidant and antimutagenic activities. Food and Chemical Toxicology 47 (6), 1161-1167
– BN Singh, G Zhang, YL Hwa, J Li, SC Dowdy, SW Jiang. Nonhistone protein acetylation as cancer therapy targets. Expert Reviews in Anticancer Therapy 10 (6), 935-954
– BN Singh, BR Singh, RL Singh, D Prakash, BK Sarma, HB Singh. Antioxidant and anti-quorum sensing activities of green pod of Acacia nilotica L. Food and Chemical Toxicology 47 (4), 778-786
– BN Singh, D Kumar, S Shankar, RK Srivastava. Rottlerin induces autophagy which leads to apoptotic cell death through inhibition of PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway in human pancreatic cancer stem cells. Biochemical Pharmacology 84 (9), 1154-1163
– BN Singh, BR Singh, BK Sarma, HB Singh. Potential chemoprevention of N-nitrosodiethylamine-induced hepatocarcinogenesis by polyphenolics from Acacia nilotica bark. Chemico-Biological Interactions 181 (1), 20-28
– J Ren*, BN Singh*, Q Huang, Z Li, Y Gao, P Mishra, YL Hwa, J Li, SW Jiang. DNA hypermethylation as a chemotherapy target. Cellular Signalling23 (7), 1082-1093
– HB Singh, BN Singh, SP Singh, CS Nautiyal. Solid-state cultivation of Trichoderma harzianum NBRI-1055 for modulating natural antioxidants in soybean seed matrix. Bioresource Technology 101 (16), 6444-6453
– M Shoeb, BR Singh, JA Khan, W Khan, BN Singh, HB Singh, AH Naqvi. ROS-dependent anticandidal activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesized by using egg albumen as a biotemplate. Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 4 (3), 035015
– BN Singh, A Singh, SP Singh, HB Singh. Trichoderma harzianum-mediated reprogramming of oxidative stress response in root apoplast of sunflower enhances defence against Rhizoctoniasolani. European Journal of Plant Pathology 131 (1), 121-134
– BN Singh, HB Singh, A Singh, BR Singh, A Mishra, CS Nautiyal. Lagerstroemia speciosa fruit extract modulates quorum sensing-controlled virulence factor production and biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Microbiology158 (2), 529-538
– D Prakash, G Upadhyay, BN Singh, R Dhakarey, S Kumar, KK Singh. Free-radical scavenging activities of Himalayan rhododendrons. Current Science 92 (4), 526-532
– BN Singh, AKS Rawat, W Khan, AH Naqvi, BR Singh. Biosynthesis of stable antioxidant ZnO nanoparticles by Pseudomonas aeruginosarhamnolipids. PloS One 9(9):e106937.
– BN Singh, HB Singh, A Singh, AH Naqvi, BR Singh. Dietary phytochemicals alter epigenetic events and signaling pathways for inhibition of metastasis cascade. Cancer and Metastasis Reviews 33 (1), 41-85
– BN Singh, G Pandey, V Jadaun, S Singh, R Bajpai, S Nayaka, AH Naqvi, D.K. Upreti. Development and characterization of a novel Swarna-based herbo-metallic colloidal nano-formulation–inhibitor of Streptococcus mutans quorum sensing. RSC Advances 5 (8), 5809-5822
– BN Singh, H Zhou, J Li, T Tipton, B Wang, G Shao, EN Gilbert, Q Li, SW Jiang. Preclinical studies on histone deacetylase inhibitors as therapeutic reagents for endometrial and ovarian cancers. Future Oncology 7 (12), 1415-1428
– BN Singh, DK Upreti, BR Singh, G Pandey, S Verma, S Roy, AH Naqvi, AKS Rawat. Quercetin sensitizes fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans to induce apoptotic cell death by modulating quorum sensing. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 59 (4), 2153-2168
– BR Singh,BN Singh, A Singh, W Khan, AH Naqvi, HB Singh. Mycofabricatedbiosilver nanoparticles interrupt Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing systems. Scientific Reports5:13719.
– BN Singh, Prateeksha, AKS Rawat, RM Bhagat, BR Singh. Black Tea: Phytochemicals, Cancer Chemoprevention and Clinical Studies. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 3;57(7):1394-1410
– BN Singh, Ch. V. Rao, Prateeksha, AKS Rawat, DK Upreti, BR Singh. Antimicrobial nanotechnologies: what are the current possibilities? Current Science 108 (7), 1210
– A Srivastava*, BN Singh*, D Deepak, AKS Rawat, BR Singh. Colostrum hexasaccharide, a novel Staphylococcus aureus quorum-sensing inhibitor. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 59 (4), 2169-2178
– Prateeksha G, Balwant Singh Paliya, Rajesh Bajpai, Braj Raj Singh, Jatinder Kumar, Sanket Kumar, V Jadoun, Dulip Kumar Upreti, SanjeevaNayaka, Yogesh Joshi and BN Singh. The genus Usnea: a potent phytomedicine with multifarious ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology. RSC Advances 6, 21672
– V Jadaun, BR Singh, BS Paliya, DK Upreti, CV Rao, AKS Rawat and BN Singh. Honey enhances the anti-quorum sensing activity and anti-biofilm potential of curcumin. RSC Advances 5 (87), 71060-71070
– BN Singh, C. Saha, D. Galun, D.K. Upreti, J. Barry and S. Kaveri. European Viscum album: a potent phytotherapeutic agent with multifarious phytochemicals, pharmacological properties and clinical evidence. RSC Advances6, 23837-23857.
– S Shankar, BN Singh, RK Srivastava. Plant polyphenols and their role in cancer prevention and chemotherapy. Nutrition, Diet and Cancer, 209-234
– N. Srivastava, B.N. Singh, A. Srivastava, A.R. Khan, S. Srivastava, A. Sharma, …Evaluation of Phenolic Content Recoveries in Hydrolyzed Extracts of Bergeniaciliata Using RP-HPLC, GC–MS after Silylation, and Validation through Antioxidant Potential. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 38 (19), 1722-1730
– BN Singh, Prateeksha, DK Upreti, BR Singh, VK Gupta, AO De Souza, HB Singh , JCM Barreira, ICFR Ferreira and K Vahabi and D Tom. Bactericidal, quorum quenching and anti-biofilm nanofactories: a new niche for nanotechnologists. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology37(4):525-540
– BN Singh,Prateeksha, DK Upreti and VK Gupta. Endolichenic fungi:a hidden reservoir of next generation biopharmaceuticals. Trends in Biotechnology 35(9):808-813.
– Prateeksha, BR Singh, AH Naqvi, S. Sharma, VK Guptaand BN Singh. Scaffold of selenium nanoparticles and honey phytochemicals for enhanced anti-virulence activity. Frontiers in Cellular and Infectious Microbiology 7,93.
– B.N. Singh, Prateeksha1, V.K. Gupta, J. Chen and A.G. Atanasov. Organic nanoparticles-based combinatory approaches for gene therapy. Trends in Biotechnology. 35(12):1121-1124.
– deOliveriaFilho JWG, Islam MT, Ali ES, Uddin SJ , Singh BN et al. A comprehensive review on biological properties of citrinin. Food and Chemical Toxicology 110:130-141.
– B.N. Singh†, B.R. Singh, V.K. Gupta, R.N. Kharwar and L. Pecoraro. Coating of microbial hydrophobins: a novel approach to develop smart drug nanoparticles. Trends in Biotechnology. 36(11):1103-1106.
– Prateeksha, BR Singh, VK Gupta, F. Deeba, AH Naqvi, V. Pandey, DK Upreti and BN Singh. Non-toxic and untra small biosilver nanoclusters target Ras signalling to induce ROS-mediated apoptosis in fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans. Biomolecules 9, 47.
– Prateeksha, M.A. Yusuf, B.N. Sing†*, S. Sudheer, R.N. Kharwar, S. Siddiqui, M. Abdel-Azeem, L.F. Fraceto, K. Dashora, and V.K. Gupta. Chrysophanol: A natural anthraquinone with multifaceted biotherapeutic potential. Biomolecules 9, 68.
– Prateeksha, S.K. Barik and B.N. Singh. Nanoemulsion-loaded hydrogel coatings for inhibition of bacterial virulence and biofilm formation on solid surfaces. Scientific Reports, 9 6520.
– B. N. Singh, A.S. Raghubanshi, M. Koffas and V.K. Gupta. Microbial engineering biotechnologies. Biotechnology Advances 1;37(6):107399
– Prateeksha, Ch.V. Rao, Arun K. Das, S.K. Barik and B.N. Singh. ZnO/curcumin nanocomposites for enhanced inhibition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence via LasR-RhlR quorum sensing systems. ACS Molecular Pharmaceutics 5;16(8):3399-3413.
– R. Kannaujia, C.M. Srivastava, V. Prasad, B.N. Singh, V. Pandey. Phyllanthusemblica fruit extract stabilized biogenic silver nanoparticles as a growth promoter of wheat varieties by reducing ROS toxicity. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 142: 460–471.
– Prateeksha, R. Bajpai, M. Yusuf, DK Upreti,VK Gupta and BN Singh. Endolichenic fungus, Aspergillus quandricinctus of Usnealongissima inhibits quorum sensing and biofilm formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Microbial Pathogenesis DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2019.103933.
Dr. Brahma N. Singh
Principal Scientist
Patents: 7 nos.
– Pharmaceutically viable nutritional composition rich in iron and calcium. Indian Patent (0203NF2015). Ch.V. Rao, D.K. Upreti, A.K.S. Rawat, B.N. Singh, S.S. Gupta, S.P. Singh, R. Bajpai, and A.R. Logesh.
– Herbal formulation for the management of ROS-mediated oxidative stress. Indian Patent (0139NF2017). Singh, B.N.,Rawat, A.K.S., Rao, Ch.V. and Pandey, M.M.
– Alcohol free herbal hand sanitizer gel for germ free skin. Indian Patent (0137NF2017). Singh, B.N.,Rawat, A.K.S. and Pandey, M.M.
– Polyherbal toothpaste for oral care. Indian Patent (0221NF2017 CAP). Kumar D., Agrawal S., Singh P., Pal A., Khare P., Chinoutya C.S., Shankar K., Kalra A., Rawat A.K.S., Pandey M.M. and Singh B.N.
– Anti-fungal formulation for controlling vulvovaginal candidiasis. Indian Patent (0104NF2018). Singh, B.N., Prateeksha, Jadoun, V., Ch.V. Rao and Barik, S.K.
– A herbal emulsion based anti-acne formulation and a process for the preparation thereof. Indian Patent (0027NF2019). Barik, S.K., Singh, B.N., Hiland, K., Gagurel, P., Prateeksha.
– Herbal emulsion based formulation of an essential oil for dental treatment and a process for preparation thereof. Indian Patent (0096NF2019). Barik, S.K., Singh, B.N., Ch.V. Rao, Prateeksha.
Dr. Brahma N. Singh
Principal Scientist
Research Scholars
Ms. Prateeksha,
Mr. B.S. Paliya
Mr. S. Sharma
Mr. S.K. Chaudhary
Mr. V.K. Sharma
Mr. N.K. Nagpure
Mr. V. Jadoun
Dr. Brahma N. Singh
Principal Scientist
Nanobiotechnology Lab, Pharmacology Division
CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap Marg, PO 436 Lucknow-226001, Uttar Pradesh, India
Phone no.: 0522-2297900
Email: bn.singh@nbri.res.in