Dr. Manjoosha Srivastava
Senior Principal Scientist
Research Interests
Phytochemical investigation of gums, oils, dyes and secondary metabolites of medicinal and economically important plants for development of formulations and plant based products / technologies. There is substantial researches going on for development of stable bio-films for biodegradable materials.
Some of the major achievements are:
– Plant gum polymer based water soluble biodegradable stable films develop plastics and elastic in nature for substitution of synthetic polythene.
– Natural additives as binders, suspenders, stabilizers and water absorbers for food and pharamaceutical sectors.
– Microcapsule formed by gum polymers to stabilize unstable molecule as curcumin, anthocyanine and bixin
– Plant colours, hair dye and food colours using different colouring plants, gum binders and mordants.
– Bioactive markers for reference standards and therapeutic use.
Dr. Manjoosha Srivastava
Senior Principal Scientist
Research Summary
– Phytochemical studies of medicinal aromatic plant and economically useful plants for bioprospection of plant resources and natural products.Isolation, and characterization of plant seed gum along with rheological studies. Plant seed and exudate gum galactomannan and arabinogalactans are characterised and costituent sugars along with sugar ratios are determined using standard analytical methods and techniques. Modification of plant polysaccharideand derivatization studies are done for the production of specific derivatives for improved functional properties and commercial applications. Evaluation and pharmaceutical studies of seed gums as binders, suspenders and ,emulsifiers along with physicochemical, mechanical, preformulation and formulation studies to develop gums as plant additive materials are also the focussed area of research.
– Seeds are characterized for Fatty acid compositional analysis of some oil rich seeds.
– Stabilization of colouring phytomolecules using plant gums for development of natural hair dye and food colours as additive. Standardization of and their quality control.
– Development of herbal formulation/ natural products. Biodegradable stable polymeric materials as natural polythenic and glassy films through exploitation of available plant resources are developed in view of substitution of synthetic polymers. In recent,researches on Extraction and microencapsulation of nutraceuticals for effective delivery into food matrices”- explored some newer plant encapsulants and established methods/processes for encapsulation of nutraceutical and medicinal unstable and volatile extracts and compounds for acceptable uniform dosage and deliveries.Extraction/isolation of some lesser known natural gums carried for standardization, quality control, value addition and societal use..
Dr. Manjoosha Srivastava
Senior Principal Scientist
– Chaubey Manjoosha& Kapoor, V. P. (2001): Structure of a galactomannan from the seeds Cassia angustifolia Vahl. Carbohydrate Res.Vol.332, pp 439-444.
– Srivastava SK, ChaubeyManjoosha, Khatoon S, Rawat AKS and Mehrotra S (2001): Pharmacognostical evaluation of Coleus forskohlii Briq. Pharmaceutical Biology. Vol.40 (2), 129-134.
– Srivastava Manjoosha, Srivastava SK, Khatoon S, Rawat A.K.S., and Mehrotra S. (2002): Pharmacognostical evaluation of Butea monosperma seed Kuntze. Natural Product Sciences 8(3): 83-89.
– Srivastava Manjoosha& Kapoor, V. P. (2005): Seed galactomannan – An overview. Chem &Biodiversity (Special issue to Helv. Chemi Acta) Vol. 2, pp 295-317.
– Khatoon S, Srivastava Manjoosha, Rawat A.K.S., and Mehrotra S. (2005). HPTLC method for chemical standardization of Sida species and estimation of the alkaloid ephedrine. J of Planar Chrom. Vol 18, pp 364-367.
– Sharad Srivastava, Vartika Rai, Manjoosha Srivastava, A. K. S. Rawat and S. Mehrotra (2006). Estimation of heavy metal in different Berberis species and its commercial samples from different markets of India,Environmental Monitoring and Assesment.116 (1-3):315-320.
– Srivastava Manjoosha, Srivastava SK, Khatoon S, Rawat A.K.S., and Mehrotra S. (2006): Fatty acid composition of some medicinally useful seeds. J.of Herbal Pharmacotherapy. Vol.6 (1):41-47.
– Srivastava Manjoosha, Srivastava SK, Khatoon S, Rawat A.K.S., and Mehrotra S. (2006): Pharmacognostical evaluation of Cassia angustifolia Vahl. Pharmaceutical Biology Vol.44(3) :202-207.
– Srivastava S, Srivastava M, Mehrotra S, Rawat AKS (2009) HPTLC method for chemotaxonomic evaluation of some Curcuma Species and their commercial samples. JSIR.,68:876-880.
– Pal M, Kumar A, Srivastava M., (2010) Antibacterial activity of Wendlendia tinctoria DC, Journal of Complementary and Integrative medicine, 7(1- 41):1-6
– Srivastava M, Srivastava S, Rawat AKS, (2010) Chemical Standardization of Cassia angustifolia Vahl seed.Pharmacog.J., 2(13):554-560.
– Manjoosha Srivastava, Ankita Misra, Shobhit Srivastava, Swadesh Malhotra, “Phytochemical characterization and solution properties of commonly known Babool seed gum”, Traditional Medicine and Globalization- P.K. Mukherjee (Ed.), Maven Publishers, 2012, 459-468.
– Manjoosha Srivastava and Shailesh Kumar; “Fatty acid compositional studies of lesser known Acacia tortilis seed oil”, Food Science and Nutrition,Vol. 4 No. 9A (Special Issue 05 – Fatty Acids), 2013.
– Manjoosha Srivastava, G Kumar, R Mohan and S Malhotra. Phytochemical studies and antimicrobial activity of babool seeds. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, Vol. 73, November (2014), pp. 724-728.
– Ankita Misra, Sharad Srivastava and Manjoosha Srivastava, Evaluation of Anti Diarrheal Potential of Moringa oleifera (Lam.) Leaves, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2014; 2 (5): 43- 46.
– Ankita Misra, Niket Tandon, Manjoosha Srivastava, Sharad Srivastava,Evaluation of in-vitro anti oxidant potential of Acacia tortilis seed endosperm, The Journal of Free Radicals and Antioxidants, 140 (2014) 332-338.
– Manjoosha Srivastava, Kushboo Gupta, Geetendra Kumar and Swadesh Malhotra,Phytochemical analysis of Zizyphus jujuba (Lam.) seed International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 7, 2, 2015.
– Shobhit Prakash Srivastava, Ashutosh Mishra, Manjoosha Srivastava, Commonly Called Baools: Plants of Multipurpose Medicinal Uses, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biotechnology, 2015; 2(2):21-31
– Sharad Srivastava, Manjoosha Srivastava, Ankita Misra, Garima Pandey, AKS Rawat, A review on biological and chemical diversity in berberis (berberidaceae), Excli Journal 2015;14:247-267 – ISSN 1611-2156
– Tripti Mishra, Manjoosha Srivastava, Mahesh Pal and S.K. Tiwari, “Chemical composition and termiticidal activity of Artimisia nilagirica essential oil growing in southern hilly region of India”, Journal of Essential Oil bearing Plants, Vol. 20(1), 2017, 247-252.
– Geetendra Kumar, Manjoosha Srivastava. Role of viscosity on Polymeric Behavior of Guar Gum, International journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 8, Issue 4, April 2018.
– A. P. Mishra, S. Saklani, B. Salehi, V. Parcha, M. Sharifi-Rad, L. Milella, M. Iriti, J. Sharifi-Rad, Manjoosha Srivastava. Satyrium nepalense, a high altitude medicinal orchid of Indian Himalayan region: chemical profile and biological activities of tuber extracts.
– V.P. Giri, S. Pandey, M. Kumari, S.K. Paswan, A. Tripathi, Manjoosha Srivastava, Ch. V. Rao, R. Katiyar, C.S. Nautiyal, A. Mishra, Biogenic silver nanoparticles as a more efficient contrivance for wound healing acceleration than common antiseptic medicine, FEMS Microbiology Letters, Vol. 366, Issue 16, August 2019.
– Kumar V, V Tomar, SA Ranade, HK Yadav and M. Srivastava. Phytochemical, antioxidant investigations and fatty acid composition of Lepidium sativum seeds. J. Environ. Biol., 2020 (Accepted).
Dr. Manjoosha Srivastava
Senior Principal Scientist
Patents: 6 nos.
– Pushpangadan P, Mehrotra S, Ojha SK, Rawat AKS, Khatoon S, Srivastava M, Seth PK, Rastogi S. Health protective herbal soft drink-1 [7429397 China 3/9/2008]
– Pushpangadan P, Mehrotra S, Ojha SK, Rawat AKS, Khatoon S, Srivastava M, Seth PK, Rastogi S. Health protective herbal soft drink-2 [2338431 Russia 20/11/2008]
– Pushpangadan P, Mehrotra S, Rawat AKS, Khatoon S, Srivastava SK, Rastogi S, Chaubey M, Agnihotri AK. Fermented herbal health drink from plant Andrographis [227860 India 22/01/2009]
– Pushpangadan P, Mehrotra S, Ojha SK, Rawat AKS, Khatoon S, Srivastava M, Seth PK, Agarwal AK, Kakkar P, Mohni A. The development of health protective herbal soft drink [233541 India 30/03/2009]
– Pal, M., Srivastava, M., Dixit, B.S. and Banerji, R. An improved dye [302NF2006]
– Pal M., Srivastava M, Banerji R. Natural hair dye and its applications [India 31/03/2010].
– Manjoosha Srivastava, Ankita Misra, Sharad Srivastava and A.K.S Rawat. An improved process for preparation of biofilms using plant gum formulation [3410DEL-2012]
Dr. Manjoosha Srivastava
Senior Principal Scientist
Research Scholars
Mr. Geetendra Kumar, Ph. D. Research Scholar
Mr. Muhammad Arif, ICMR- Senior Research Fellow, Ph.D. Research Scholar
Ms. Veenita Tomar, ICMR- Senior Research Fellow, AcSIR Ph.D. Research Scholar
Ms. Shobha Singh CSIR-SRF(GATE), AcSIR Ph.D. Research Scholar
Dr. Swati Sachdev, Research Associate
Ms. Siddhant Srivastava, Project Assistant II
Ms. Kajal Srivastava Project Assistant II
Dr. Manjoosha Srivastava
Senior Principal Scientist
Phytochemistry Division,
CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute,
Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow, 226001, India
Phone no.: 0522-2297913; 0522-2297911(Lab)