Dr. Sharad K. Srivastava
Chief Scientist
Research Interests
The group is engaged in pharmacognostic studies of high value medicinal plants and published research papers on more than 100 medicinal species. Some of the recent outcomes are on: Gloriosa superba, Coleus forskohlii, Berberis spp., Ephedra gerardiana, Costus Speciosus, Hemidesmus indicus, Plumbago zeylanica, Centella asiatica, Bacopa monerii, Ageratum conyzoides, Zanthoxylum armatum, etc.
The group also conducted more than 150 field trips for the collection of medicinal plants from almost all the phyto-geographical zones of the country required for different research activities.
Dr. Sharad K. Srivastava
Chief Scientist
Research Summary
Chemotaxonomic studies and identification of quality planting materials for commercial cultivation: Working in the area of chemotaxonomic studies on medicinal crops, the group has made excellent contribution by identifying best chemotypes of Gloriosa superba, Coleus forskohlii, Origanum vulgare, Valeriana jatamansi, Hedychium spicatum, Acorus calamus, Tribulus terrestris, and Centella asiatica, etc. some of which were registered to NBPGR.
Development of Monographs and Botanical Reference Standard (BRS): The group is involved in development of monographs and BRS for regulatory bodies of country: Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Indian Pharmacopoeia, and ICMR.
Development of Phytochemical Reference Standard (PRS): Our group has also started developing and supply of PRS for Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC), Ghaziabad.
Herbal Product development: Our group has developed a number of herbal products as pharmaceutical, cosmacetucial and nutraceutical products. Such as, a potential herbal combination for alleviating urolithiasis, nephrolithiasis and post lithotripsy conditions (URO-5), health promoting functional foods fortified with herbs (Nutri-Jam), fruit based fermented health drink (herbal beer from plant resources), novel herbal antitick formulation, functional aphrodisiac rolled herbal bidis and cigarettes, functional herbal cigarettes in controlling body weight and composition, plant based supplement for gouty conditions, anti-dandruff hair oil and nutraceutical supplement for diarrheal condition.
Agro-technologies developed: Our group also involved in developing agro-technologies for mass propagation of high value medicinal plants such as Hedychium, Origanum and Valeriana, etc with the help of ICAR institutions.
Concepts & Processes: New extraction protocol for extraction of berberine from Berberis spp. New Method for quantification of Colchicine in Gloriosa superba through OPLC
Skill development programme: We also conduct skill development programme (SDP) of 200 hrs duration on developing “quality analyst” for herbal drug industries. This programme is recognised from Ministry of AYUSH.
Dr. Sharad K. Srivastava
Chief Scientist
Dr. Sharad K. Srivastava
Chief Scientist
Dr. Sharad K. Srivastava
Chief Scientist
Research Scholars
Dr. Sharad K. Srivastava
Chief Scientist
Pharmacognosy Division
CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute
Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow – 226001