Dr. Vivek Srivastava
Senior Principal Scientist
(Head, Planning & TTBD)
Area of Work
- S&T management (updated information)
- Business development and transfer knowhow / technology of Institute to various Industries.
- IPR management, preparation of patent maps and Freedom to Operate documents.
- Organisation of training programmes.
- Popularisation of science among school children.
Dr. Vivek Srivastava
Senior Principal Scientist
Research Summary
Research Interest:
The key research areas focused on are S&T Management, Science Policy, Intellectual Property Rights, Science Communication, and Education Quality.
- Education quality is one crucial component of Research and teaching in all areas, including professional courses, which is an important area to research to uplift the rank of India’s education universities and institutions worldwide. The NEP 2020 has several domains which align with the quality of education. A study on management quality education in Uttar Pradesh was conducted, and an assessment scale was developed. We aim to take this research further for STEM public-funded research institution quality assessment, framework development, and policy aspects.
- Under the CSIR-Jigyasa, a student-scientist connect program, we focus on disseminating the research activities of the institute to government schools, i.e., Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV), Ekalavya Adarsh Awasiya Vidyalaya (EAAV) and Govt—Inter Colleges (GIC) of districts Uttar Pradesh but not limited to it. The three foremost attractions are the Botanic Garden, Herbarium, and Exposition, including the Central Instrumentation Facility of both blocks. A plant tissue culture lab, fragrance lab, pharmacognosy, phytochemistry lab, and ENVIS center have been included to help school students understand research in science and technology. The mode of programs has several variations, such as a workshop, one-day visit, scientist visit, virtual lecture, virtual lab, etc. The project staff and scientists also work on designing interactive content like movies, animation, games, presentations, speeches, etc., for Jigyasa.
The research on interactive content generation, modules for workshops and hands-on activities, and the impact of science communication are the research areas that are the thrust of this project.
- IP portfolio management includes assistance to the scientist of the institute who generates intellectual property and coordinates with the IPU division of CSIR-Headquarters to seek any IP—searching Prior Art, Drafting, and filing patents, NBA coordination, and other activities necessary. The research scientist of NBRI from the institute also assists in seeking trademarks and copyrights. The ‘freedom to operate’ documents were prepared.
- Being a technology transfer scientist for decades, I have seen the technology transfer process as an expertise domain. As the CSIR laboratories across India aim to produce technology related to products and processes, our focus was transferring and commercializing this and its associated IP protection.
Dr. Vivek Srivastava
Senior Principal Scientist
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals:
- Bharat Lal Meena, S. A.Khan, Vivek Srivastava. Current Scenario of GI-Certified Mango Varieties in India. Economic Affairs, 67(4), 681-690 (2022).
- Bharat Lal Meena, Vivek Srivastava, AK Gauniyal, Swati Sharma. Rose Flowers Marketing Its Problems, Channels, Price Spread: A Case Study Of Ajmer District, Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Volume: 2, No.2. (2016).
- Vivek Srivastava, Alok Kumar Rai. Role of Public Universities in Management Education in Uttar Pradesh” International Journal of Education and Psychological Research, Volume 5, Issue 2, Pg 64-68 (2016).
- Vivek Srivastava. A study on evolvement of management education in India and Its quality. International Journal of Education and Psychological Research, Volume:5, Issue 3, Pg 31-35 (2016).
- Shekhar Mallick, Navin Kumar, Sarita Sinha, Arvind Kumar Dubey, Rudra Deo Tripathi, Vivek Srivastava. H2O2 pretreated rice seedlings specifically reduces arsenate not arsenite: difference in nutrient uptake and antioxidant defense response in a contrasting pair of rice cultivars. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 20(4): pg.435–447 (2014).
Book Chapters in Books:
- Vivek Srivastava, Puneet Singh Chauhan, Sankalp Misra, Swati Sharma, Aradhana Misra and CS Nautiyal. Bioprospecting for improving soil health and crop productivity: Indian Patent Landscape. Intellectual Property Issues in Biotechnology, CABI Publication Chapter 7, pp.58-79. (2016).
- SKS Rathore, SK Tewari, Vivek Srivastava, Swati Sharma and S. Verma. Enhancement of Entrepreneurship through Herbal Technologies. Technologies for Sustainable Rural Development, Having Potential for Socio-Economic Upliftment, published by CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal: 69-74 (2014).
- Vivek Srivastava, SKS Rathore, Swati Sharma and S. Verma. IPR: Its Significance and the Patent Portfolio at CSIR-NBRI. Diamond Jubilee Commemoration Volume, CSIR- NBRI pg. 491-501 (2014).
- SKS Rathore, Vivek Srivastava, Swati Sharma, S. Verma. Green Technologies and CSIR-NBRI, Diamond Jubilee Commemoration Volume, CSIR-NBRI pg. 483-490 (2014).
- SKS Rathore, RN Gupta, Seema Sharma, B Kumar, Vivek Srivastava. Gender Impact & performance in Research and Development: A case study of NBRI. Gender Budgeting and Women Empowerment in India. ISBN 8183873138: pg.100-110 (2010).
- Vivek Srivastava and RK Srivastava. Patents on Ashwagandha, Ashwagandha- A model Indian Medicinal Plant, ISBN 978-93-80235-29-5, pg.249-294 (2009).
Published Conference Proceedings:
- Bharat Lal Meena, Vivek Srivastava. Intellectual Property Rights (IPRS): It’s Role In Protection of Agriculture Technology and Innovation (Abstract), 2nd International Conference on Advance in Agricultural, Biological and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Future, 20-22 October 2018, Page-28 (2018).
- Vivek Srivastava, Bharat Lal Meena, Swati Sharma and Rameshwer Prasad. CSIR-NBRI Outreach Programme for Research and Development (R&D) Output., National Conference on Indian Botanical Gardens (NCIBG), published by CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow. (PR-14), pg. 108 ( 2015).
- SKS Rathore, Vivek Srivastava, Swati Sharma, Saurab Verma. Knowledge base generation of application: A case study of CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow. Vol 1, Pg 38; 10-11 March 2014. National Workshop on Innovation and Technology Transfer to Industries: Role of Universities at Center for Industry institute partnership program, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow (2014).
- SKS Rathore, AK Gauniyal, Vivek Srivastava, Swati Sharma. Scientific Temper: Process of its development & contribution of CSIR – NBRI. Pre-Proceedings of International Conference on Science Communication for Scientific temper, published by NISCAIR, CSIR pg.404-409 (2012).
- Vivek Srivastava, Sonjita Dey, AK Gauniyal, SKS Rathore and RK Srivastava. Patent Mapping of Withania- A case study (Abstract), National Conference on Traditional Knowledge Systems, Intellectual Property Rights and Their relevance for Sustailnable Development, 24-26 November 2008, pg.133 (2008)
Publications in Science Communication/Popularization
- विवेक श्रीवास्तव, भरत लाल मीना, एवं स्वाति शर्मा “विद्यार्थियों में वैज्ञानिक ढ़ृष्टिकोण विकास : जिज्ञासा” विज्ञानवाणी अंक 27, वर्ष 2021 पेज 67 – 69 l
- विवेक श्रीवास्तव एवं मनीष एस भोयर “बाँस : हरा सोना” विज्ञानवाणी अंक 27, वर्ष 2021 पेज -43 – 44
- भरत लाल मीना, विवेक श्रीवास्तव, रामेश्वर प्रसाद, स्वाति शर्मा। उत्तर प्रदेश में भौगोलिक संकेत: एक अध्ययन। विज्ञानवाणी, अंक: 22, वर्ष 2016 पेज 88 -91 l
- स्वाति शर्मा, संध्या श्रीवास्तव, भरत लाल मीना, विवेक श्रीवास्तव। सीएसआईआर- राष्ट्रीय वनस्पति अनुसंधान संस्थान द्वारा विकसित और बाज़ार में उपलब्ध प्रोधोगिकियाँ। विज्ञानवाणी, अंक: 22, वर्ष 2016 पेज 85 -87 l
संध्या श्रीवास्तव, स्वाति शर्मा, आर. एन. गुप्ता, विवेक श्रीवास्तव। सीएसआईआर- राष्ट्रीय वनस्पति अनुसंधान संस्थान में भविष्योन्मुखी शोध। विज्ञानवाणी, अंक: 22, वर्ष 2016 पेज 102 -104 l
Dr. Vivek Srivastava
Senior Principal Scientist
(i) Synergistic microbial formulation for arsenic removal (2022)
Dr. Vivek Srivastava
Senior Principal Scientist
Technology Transfer & Business Development Division
CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow
Email: vivek@nbri.res.in
Phone: +91/0 522-2297896
Mobile: +91-9453557975