Guidelines for Booking Accommodation at CSIR-NBRI Guest House
Check-in & Check-out time shall be on 24 hours basis.
(Billing will be based on the actual time of arrival and departure)
- Requests for booking accommodation at CSIR-NBRI Guest House should be invariably submitted online, well in advance with complete details.
- The accommodation can be requested/booked for a maximum period of 7 days, subject to availability. Beyond 7 days the rates will be doubled for that category in which the guest belongs and billed accordingly.
- The applicant is responsible for the correctness/genuineness of each of the guest’s details.
- Provisional confirmation of the booking will be given by E-mail. The management may at its discretion, cancel a booking, offer a shared accommodation or offer an alternate accommodation as per availability, without citing any reason.
- Any change in the arrival/departure of guests needs to be brought to the notice of Guest House staff immediately by email by mentioning the booking request number.
- Verbal/written request for change/extension of dates for accommodation (prefix/suffix) will not be entertained and the same should be separately applied online. Based on the room availability and/or at management’s discretion a decision will be taken and intimated online.
- Photo ID proof of the guest mentioned in the online application must be produced at the reception before Check-in. The photo ID proofs all the guests are mandatory, except the Distinguished Guests invited by the Director or on behalf of the Director, CSIR-NBRI, Members of Research Council and other high power committee.
- Research Scholar/Project Assistant/Student requiring accommodation for themselves and/or their parents/guests is required to apply online through their Guides/Project Leaders/Supervisors/HOD/mentors who are permanent employees from CSIR.
- Booking is not permitted for guests undergoing medical treatment for communicable disease or are bed ridden or who are seriously ill.
- Payment towards the Guest House accommodation charges will be accepted only through online/UPI and the transaction charges (if any) incurred towards same will be borne by the guest.
- Accommodation and food charges are billed separately and are to be separately settled as per rules.