02:27:46 AM Tuesday, 25 March 2025
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The R&D activities of Botanic Garden are focused mainly on germplasm collection and conservation of rare, endangered, threatened and ornamental species; development of new varieties and cultivars of floricultural crops; organization and participation in Flower Shows and Exhibitions; and organization of training programmes on various aspects of gardening. Towards varietal improvement, plant propagules/ cuttings of several ornamental species are gamma-irradiated for mutation induction. Botanic Garden of CSIR-NBRI is DUS Test Centre of PPV&FRA for Bougainvillea, Canna and Gladiolus. We also organize Annual Chrysanthemum & Coleus and Rose & Gladiolus Flower Shows in December and January each year. The training programmes on commercial floriculture, nursery management, dehydrated floral crafts, and home gardening were organized.

The Plant Conservation & Agro-technologies group is mainly been involved in the development of agro-technologies for non-traditional economically important medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) by introduction, domestication, nutrient management, aiming at economic utilization of partially reclaimed sodic lands. The group also conducts field experiments for development of agro-techniques in different cropping systems including inter-cropping with trees and other economic crops. The outreach programmes are organized towards popularizing CSIR-NBRI Green Technologies for economic upliftment of rural population.The outreach programmes/ extension activities are organized in the areas of agronomic management of medicinal and aromatic plants under sodic wastelands and betelvine cultivation under rural development programme.
