04:38:13 AM Friday, 28 March 2025
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The Plant Ecology and Climate Change Science Division consists of a dynamic group with expertise in plant ecology, environmental science, physiology, and microbiology. The group broadly works on understanding plant eco-physiological and biochemical processes in response to air pollution and climate change, forest biomass and carbon sequestration, revealing physiological adaptation mechanisms of plants to abiotic stresses, monitoring and assessment of toxic elements pollution and its mitigation through bioremediation, biofortification of rice with Fe and Zn using microbes and nitrogen and phosphate management.The microbiology team focuses onplant microbe interactions and their application in agriculture. The team takes up both basic research as well as technology development to address the current problems and advancements in agriculture to ensure sustainable agriculture.

  • Plant eco-physiological and biochemical processes in response to air pollution and climate change.
  • Forest ecosystem, structural and functional analysis and Carbon sequestration.
  • Responses and adaptation mechanism of plants to abiotic stresses.
  • Microbial augmented bio-fortification of rice plants with Fe and Zn
  • Analysis of Flevel in different environmental matrices.
  • Development and application of microbe based technologies for sustainable agriculture to ensure food safety through abiotic/biotic stress amelioration, soil fertility and environmental safety.
