06:19:39 PM Wednesday, 19 February 2025
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Supply / Purchase / Work Order / Award
Please find all of our tender information in CPP Portal (https://etenders.gov.in/) search by “Tenders by Organisation” -> “Council of Scientific and Industrial Research” or search by “Tenders Status” -> “Tender ID” »

“Central Public Procurement Portal”


Purchase_Order(Above_25_Lac) Award of contract for providing security services
Award of contract for Manpower (Civil work, Services) Award of contract for sanitation
Public Auction Single Tender without PAC Certificate
E-procurement switchover notice to Bidders Procurement Plan 2024-25 along with next two FY 2025-27.
Award of Contract for Catering Services Terms and conditions for RFQ
Award for providing of Unskilled/Skilled/Workers Independent External Monitors (IEM’s) Contact Details
List of Vendors Rate Contract Extension w.e.f 01-10-2023 to 30-03-2024. Award of contract for providing of Unskilled/Skilled Workers
Final Annual Rate Contract List for Chemical/Glassware/Plasticware etc. for 2024-25

Tender Detail

S. No. Description Date of advertisment

Tender Submission

(Last Date)

Tender Opening  
      Date Time Date Time Download
1 Renovation of Botanic Garden office/Lab and Horticulture office at Garden NBRI Lucknow. (Tender ID : 2025_CSIR_225699_2) 2025-02-14 20-02-2025 03:00 PM 21-02-2025 03:30 PM
2 Renovation of seed store, tractor shed and propagation area in garden at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID : 2025_CSIR_226147_1) 2025-02-08 14-02-2025 05:00 PM 17-02-2025 10:00 AM
3 Face-lifting of various scattered structures on execution charges basis in the Garden at NBRI Lucknow.(Tender ID: 2025_CSIR_226150_1) 2025-02-08 14-02-2025 05:00 PM 17-02-2025 10:00 AM
4 Development and construction of Heritage Garden at Banthra Lucknow.(Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_226152_1) 2025-02-08 14-02-2025 05:00 PM 17-02-2025 10:00 AM
5 Execution charges of laying of interlocking paver blocks in garden including shifting of interlocking paver from Guest house to garden at Botanic Garden NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2025_CSIR_224600_1) 2025-01-22 28-01-2025 03:00 PM 29-01-2025 03:30 PM
6 Replacement of door at security gate No.3, provision of cupboards/wardrobe below stairs and other allied works in guest room at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID- 2025_CSIR_223863_1). 2025-01-14 20-01-2025 03:00 PM 21-01-2025 03:30 PM
7 Repair/maintenance of Polyhouse and Glasshouse in garden at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID- 2025_CSIR_223861_1). 2025-01-13 20-01-2025 03:00 PM 21-01-2025 03:30 PM
8 Renovation of room (false celling, flooring and painting etc.) adjacent to ICT at KN Kaul Block NBRI Lucknow (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_222776_1). 2025-01-04 09-01-2025 03:00 PM 10-01-2025 03:30 PM
9 Development of pathway for Garden at Banthra Research Station, Lucknow. (Tender ID:  2024_CSIR_222204_1) 2024-12-31 06-01-2025 03:00 PM 07-01-2025 03:30 PM
10 Misc. carpentry and other allied works Lab/office at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID- 2024_CSIR_221583_1). 2024-12-27 02-01-2025 03:00 PM 03-01-2025 03:30 PM
11 Development of partly open class room for Gardening and Nursery Training at Botanic garden NBRI Lucknow (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_221558_1). 2024-12-27 02-01-2025 03:00 PM 03-01-2025 03:30 PM
12 Construction of Net House Behind Pilot Plant at Botanic Garden NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_221345_1). 2024-12-26 01-01-2025 03:00 PM 02-01-2025 03:30 PM
13 Renovation of peeling plaster & external painting of various plant houses on execution charges basis at Botanic Garden NBRI Lucknow (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_221164_1). 2024-12-24 30-12-2024 11:00 AM 31-12-2024 11:30 AM
14 Honey Bee Boxes Wooden. (Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_218322_1). 2024-12-07 23-12-2024 02:00 PM 24-12-2024 02:00 PM
15 Repair/renovation  and change of damaged AC sheet, floor, doors and painting of Nursery Store room, Tractor store room, Guest House power supply room, workshop, Generator room and store near workshop at Banthra, Lucknow. (Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_ 217949_1) 2024-12-05 12-12-2024 03:00 PM 13-12-2024 03:30 PM
16 Renovation of roof of glass house in garden at NBRI Lucknow (Tender ID- 2024_CSIR_ 216895_1) 2024-11-28 05-12-2024 03:00 PM 06-12-2024 03:30 PM
17 Dismantling and rebuilting of lift machine room, rising of RCC shaft, resizing of lift pit, water proofing work etc at T.N. Khoshoo block at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_214660_1) 2024-11-14 20-11-2024 03:00 PM 21-11-2024 03:30 PM
18 Fabrication and Installation of Poly House in Andman and Nicobar and Sambalpur Odisha under Floriculture Mission. (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_214152_1) 2024-11-12 19-11-2024 03:00 PM 20-11-2024 03:30 PM
19 Construction of 100 Nos raised small water ponds for the cultivation of aquatic plants in garden at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_214149_1) 2024-11-12 19-11-2024 03:00 PM 20-11-2024 03:30 PM
20 Supply, Fabrication and installation of 2 (two) nos Poly House (Naturally ventilated) at Amrut Biodiversity Park at New Delhi (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_214146_1) . 2024-11-11 19-11-2024 03:00 PM 20-11-2024 03:30 PM
21 Special Repair of damaged RCC wall/ beams/chajja/bottom surface of ceiling at Sc. Apartment/Hostel at 21 Gokhale Marg, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_212401_1) 2024-10-24 30-10-2024 05:00 PM 01-11-2024 11:00 AM
22 High Performance Computing Cluster (Tender ID : GEM/2024/B/5526749) 2024-10-21 12-11-2024 12:00 PM 12-11-2024 12:30 PM
23 Solvent Extraction Unit (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_212061_1) 2024-10-22 18-11-2024 01:00 PM 19-11-2024 01:00 PM
24 Repair/replacement of damaged/worn out door, windows and other allied works in vacant Type-B and C quaters at CSIR Colony Nirala Nagar, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_211721_1) 2024-10-17 23-10-2024 11:00 AM 24-10-2024 11:30 AM
25 Painting of vacant qtrs. at CSIR-Colony Nirala Nagar and Tagore Marg, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_211456_1) 2024-10-15 21-10-2024 03:00 PM 22-10-2024 03:30 PM
26 Provision of wall mounted wooden racks for storing chemicals, glasswares, plastic wares etc in newly constructed Plant Tissue Culture room at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_211209_1) 2024-10-12 17-10-2024 03:00 PM 18-10-2024 03:30 PM
27 Exterior painting, corridor, stair case, Farmers Hostel, main gate and front boundary wall up to Kisan Bhavan  at BRS Banthra, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_211208_1) 2024-10-12 18-10-2024 05:00 PM 21-10-2024 10:30 AM
28 Water proofing treatment of some qtrs at CSIR Colony Nirala Nagar, Lucknow (Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_211207_1) 2024-10-12 18-10-2024 05:00 PM 21-10-2024 10:30 AM
29 Replacement of AC sheet roofing with profile/fibber sheet roofing in garden at NBRI, Lucknow.(Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_208012_2) 2024-10-12 18-10-2024 05:00 PM 21-10-2024 10:30 AM
30 Repair and renovation of Virology (BSL) Laboratory at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_207956_2) 2024-10-05 11-10-2024 03:00 PM 14-10-2024 03:30 PM
31 Replacement of existing wooden window to double glazed hermetically sealed aluminium windows and installation of curtain in the CIF in garden at NBRI, Lucknow.(Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_ 209670_1) 2024-09-27 04-10-2024 05:00 PM 07-10-2024 10:30 AM
32 Replacement of damaged/torn Poly sheet in existing Poly House at Distant Research Centre Gehru, Lucknow. (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_209122_1) 2024-09-24 30-09-2024 03:00 PM 01-10-2024 03:30 PM
33 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer 8/29/24-P (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_208975_1) 2024-09-21 21-10-2024 03:00 PM 22-10-2024 03:00 PM
34 Plant Growth Chamber 8/15/24-P (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_208973_1) 2024-09-21 21-10-2024 03:00 PM 22-10-2024 03:00 PM
35 DNA Sequencer 8/30/24-P (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_208972_1) 2024-09-21 21-10-2024 03:00 PM 22-10-2024 03:00 PM
36 Replacement of existing Z-section window (03 nos) to UPVC windows and other allied works of ground floor of K.N. Kaul Block at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_208552_1) 2024-09-18 24-09-2024 03:00 PM 25-09-2024 03:30 PM
37 Replacement of AC sheet roofing with profile/fibber sheet roofing in garden at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID- 2024_CSIR_208012_1) 2024-09-11 19-09-2024 03:00 PM 20-09-2024 03:30 PM
38 Provision of Meeting cum Dining hall facility at 21 Gokhale Marg Campus, Lucknow (Tender ID- 2024_CSIR_207967_1) 2024-09-11 19-09-2024 03:00 PM 20-09-2024 03:30 PM
39 Repair and renovation of Virology (BSL) Laboratory at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID- 2024_CSIR_207956_1) 2024-09-11 19-09-2024 03:00 PM 20-09-2024 03:30 PM
40 Handmade Paper Making Machine 8/57/24-P (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_207842_1) 2024-09-10 26-09-2024 04:00 PM 27-09-2024 04:00 PM
41 Provision of waiting lounge for Students and Teachers related to Jigyasa activities at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_207531_1) 2024-09-06 12-09-2024 03:00 PM 13-09-2024 03:30 PM
42 Plant Growth Chamber (2024_CSIR_206531_1) 2024-08-30 21-09-2024 12:00 PM 23-09-2024 12:00 PM
43 Upgradation of Narcotic store room near Opium Poppy and Cannabis experimental field in garden at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_204669_1) 2024-08-12 19-08-2024 03:00 PM 20-08-2024 03:30 PM
44 RFQ for Sequencing Services.(2024_CSIR_204241_1) 2024-08-08 22-08-2024 02:00 PM 23-08-2024 02:00 PM
45 RFQ for Sequencing Services. (Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_204238_1) 2024-08-08 22-08-2024 02:00 PM 23-08-2024 02:00 PM
46 RFQ for Sequencing Services.(Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_204242_1) 2024-08-08 22-08-2024 02:00 PM 23-08-2024 02:00 PM
47 Design and Development of CSIR NBRI Website with Bilingual Security Audit GIGW 3.0 Compliance and STQC Certificate. (Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_201818_1 ) 2024-07-18 25-07-2024 03:00 PM 26-07-2024 03:30m PM
48 Replacement of worn-out Kitchen cupboards and racks, and doors, windows and other allied works in Qtrs. at CSIR Colony Nirala Nagar and Tagore Marg, Lucknow. (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_ 201651_1) 2024-07-16 23-07-2024 03:00 PM 24-07-2024 03:30 PM
49 Server (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_201583_1) 2024-07-16 13-08-2024 04:00 PM 14-08-2024 04:00 PM
50 Automated DNA Sequencer (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_201534_1) 2024-07-16 13-08-2024 03:00 PM 14-08-2024 03:00 PM
51 RFQ for FTIR Microscopy System (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_201528_1) 2024-07-16 13-08-2024 03:00 PM 14-08-2024 03:00 PM
52 Fan Pad Cooling System Poly House (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_201095_1) 2024-07-11 01-08-2024 02:00 PM 02-08-2024 02:00 PM
53 RFQ for Biochemical Analyzer (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_201115_1) 2024-07-11 01-08-2024 03:00 PM 02-08-2024 03:00 PM
54 Renovation/up-gradation of Hydroponic and Aeroponic units in garden at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_200817_1) 2024-07-09 16-07-2024 05:00 PM 18-07-2024 11:00 AM
55 Renewal of full Guard plus (SOPHOS) 3 years (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_200047_1) 2024-07-02 17-07-2024 03:30 PM 18-07-2024 03:30 PM
56 Construction of Media preparation work slab in the newly constructed culture room (Old GC rooms, Near Pilot plant) in garden at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID :  2024_CSIR_199832_1) 2024-06-29 05-07-2024 05:00 PM 08-07-2024 11:00 AM
57 Design & Development of CSIR-NBRI Website with Bilingual, Security Audit, GIGW 3.0 Compliance & STQC Certificate. (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_199503_1) 2024-06-26 03-07-2024 03:00 PM 04-07-2024 03:30 PM
58 Repairing of RET Propagation House in Botanic garden at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID :  2024_CSIR_197979_1) 2024-06-11 18-06-2024 11:00 AM 19-06-2024 11:30 AM
59 Providing Marble top platform and replacement of damaged cupboard underneath at 2nd floor of Director’s wing at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_197989_1) 2024-06-11 18-06-2024 11:00 AM 19-06-2024 11:30 PM
60 Providing Aluminium glazed partitions to provide big hall in to four laboratory of plant ecology and climate Change Science Lab situated at the 3rd floor hall of T.N. Khoshoo block at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_197643_1) 2024-06-07 18-06-2024 11:00 AM 19-06-2024 11:30 AM
61 Execution charges for masonry work around Lotus Jheel at BRS Banthra Lucknow (Tender ID- 2024_CSIR_196957_1) 2024-05-30 06-06-2024 03:00 PM 07-06-2024 03:30 PM
62 NBRI/2023-24/RC/SEQUENCING SERVICES (Tender ID:2024_CSIR_196883_1). 2024-05-29 13-06-2024 02:00PM 14-06-2024 03:00 PM
63 Repair/renovation of Poly Carbonate House (02 No) and Shade Net House (01 No) at BRS Banthra, Lucknow (Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_195392_2). 2024-05-29 06-06-2024 03:00 PM 07-06-2024 03:30 PM
64 Supply and fixing of Glass partitions along with two doors at CIF, ground floor, TN Khoshoo Block of CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow(Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_196752_1) 2024-05-28 06-06-2024 03:00 PM 07-06-2024 03:30 PM
65 Horizontal Laminar Air Flow (Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_195913_1) 2024-05-18 03-06-2024 02:00 PM 04-06-2024 02:00 PM
66 NBRI-2024-25-RC-SPE CHEMICALS CONSUMABLES GASES (Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_195920_1) 2024-05-18 03-06-2024 02:00 PM 04-06-2024 02:00 PM
67 Repair/renovation of Poly Carbonate House (02 No) and Shade Net House (01 No) at BRS Banthra, Lucknow. (Tender ID:2024_CSIR_195392_1) 2024-05-11 21-05-2024 11:00 AM 22-05-2024 11:30 AM
68 External painting of Guest House Block (02 No) and boundary wall at 21 Gokhale Marg, Lucknow.(Tender ID:2024_CSIR_195370_1) 2024-05-10 21-05-2024 11:00 AM 22-05-2024 11:30 AM
69 Replacement of broken Asbestos cement sheet and providing water proofing of the roof in desired colour and other allied works to protect water leakage during rains of Mini Pilot Plant in Garden at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_193999_1) 2024-04-23 30-04-2024 03:00 PM 01-05-2024 03:30 PM
70 RFQ for NBRI/2024-25/RC/Chemicals and Consumables. (Tender ID: 2024_CSIR_192096_1) 2024-03-21 08-04-2024 04:00 PM 09-04-2024 04:00 PM
71 Covering the open space between Farmer’s Hostels and newly constructed Guest Rooms with Poly carbonate roofing over MS structure at BRS, Banthra Lucknow (Tender ID:2024_CSIR_186492_1) 2024-02-15 21-02-2024 03:00 PM 22-02-2024 03:30 PM
72 Renovation/modification and water proofing treatment and other allied works of Raceway pond (1st chamber) in garden at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID:2024_CSIR_184793_1) 2024-02-06 12-02-2024 11:00 AM 13-02-2024 11:30 AM
73 Providing laminate over cupboards and loft shutter in rooms of NBRI, Guest House at 21, Gokhale Marg, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_182321_1) 2024-01-18 24-01-2024 10:00 AM 25-01-2024 10:30 AM
74 Supply, Fabrication and installation of 2 (two) nos Poly House (Naturally ventilated) at Amrut Biodiversity Park at New Delhi (Tender Id : 2023_CSIR_177552_3) 2024-01-16 22-01-2024 10:30 AM 23-01-2024 11:00 AM
75 Renovation of Lab Including repair of damaged plaster, replacement of door, cupboards, internal and external painting and other allied works at Aurawan Research Centre, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2024_CSIR_181799_1) 2024-01-15 22-01-2024 03:00 PM 23-01-2024 03:30 PM
76 Grading of roof, re-plaster of damaged wall and water proofing of some qtrs severely affected by water seepage at CSIR colony Nirala Nagar, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_178854_2) 2024-01-12 17-01-2024 03:00 PM 18-01-2024 03:30 PM
77 Renovation of rooms to be converted for lab behind T.N. Khoshoo block in garden at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID:2024_CSIR_180737_1) 2024-01-06 12-01-2024 05:30 PM 15-01-2024 11:00 AM
78 Supply, Fabrication and installation of 2 (two) nos Poly House (Naturally ventilated) at Amrut Biodiversity Park at New Delhi (Tender_ID:2023_CSIR_177552_2) 2024-01-04 10-01-2024 03:00 PM 11-01-2024 03:30 PM
79 Providing some civil works  in hall and rooms related to Jigyasa activities at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_178879_1) 2023-12-21 28-12-2023 03:00 PM 29-12-2023 03:30 PM
80 Grading of roof, re-plaster of damaged wall and water proofing of some qtrs severely affected by water seepage at CSIR colony Nirala Nagar, Lucknow. (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_178854_1) 2023-12-21 28-12-2023 03:00 PM 29-12-2023 03:30 PM
81 Supply, Fabrication and installation of 2 (two) nos Poly House (Naturally ventilated) at Amrut Biodiversity Park at New Delhi (Tender ID: 2023_CSIR_177552_1) 2023-12-12 20-12-2023 03:00 PM 21-12-2023 03:30 PM
82 Renovation of Guest House at 21, Gokhale Marg, Lucknow (Phase-I) (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_174217_2) 2023-11-25 01-12-2023 05:00 PM 04-12-2023 10:30 AM
83 Replacement of damaged/worn out door, windows, kitchen cupboards and other allied works in qtrs. at CSIR Colony Nirala Nagar and Tagore Marg, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_175703_1) 2023-11-24 01-12-2023 05:00 PM 04-12-2023 10:30 AM
84 Installation of Poly House in different states of India under Floriculture Mission (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_173261_2). 2023-11-24 01-12-2023 05:00 PM 04-12-2023 10:30 AM
85 High Performance Computing Cluster (Tender ID : GEM/2023/B/4242452) 2023-11-22 14-12-2023 02:00 PM 14-12-2023 02:30 PM
86 Renovation of Director’s secretariat and Gladiolus Hall in K.N. Kaul Block at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_174190_2) 2023-11-23 29-11-2023 03:00 PM 30-11-2023 03:30 PM
87 Providing carpentry repair in different Lab at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID:2023_CSIR_174683_1). 2023-11-16 23-11-2023 03:00 PM 24-11-2023 03:30 PM
88 Empanelment of Clearing cum Forwarding Agent for CSIR-NBRI and CSIR-CDRI (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_174562_1) 2023-11-15 09-12-2023 06:00 PM 11-12-2023 09:00 AM
89 Renovation of Guest House at 21, Gokhale Marg, Lucknow [Phase-I]. (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_174217_1) 2023-11-10 21-11-2023 03:00 PM 22-11-2023 03:30 PM
90 Renovation of Director’s secretariat and Gladiolus Hall in K.N. Kaul Block at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_174190_1) 2023-11-10 21-11-2023 03:00 PM 22-11-2023 03:30 PM
91 RFQ for Automatic Seeding Machine (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_173289_1) 2023-11-04 18-11-2023 04:15 PM 20-11-2023 04:15 PM
92 RFQ for Cold Storage Facility (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_173288_1) 2023-11-04 18-11-2023 04:15 PM 20-11-2023 11:00 AM
93 Renovation of Algology Lab in main building at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_173280_1) 2023-11-04 13-11-2023 03:00 PM 14-11-2023 03:30 PM
94 Installation of Poly House in different states of India under Floriculture Mission (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_173261_1) 2023-11-04 15-11-2023 03:00 PM 16-11-2023 03:30 pm
95 Procurement of water Purification System. 2023-10-28 20-11-2023 05:00 PM 20-11-2023 05:30 PM
96 Procurement of Gel Doc System. 2023-10-28 09-11-2023 03:00 PM 09-11-2023 03:30 PM
97 RFQ for LCMS/MS System (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_172466_1). 2023-10-28 21-11-2023 05:00 PM 22-11-2023 05:00 PM
98 RFQ for CHNS Analyzer (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_172277_1) 2023-10-27 20-11-2023 03:00 PM 21-11-2023 03:00 PM
99 Ultra low temperature laboratory deep freezer (Q3) (Tender ID : GEM/2023/B/4130418) 2023-10-25 09-11-2023 06:00 PM 09-11-2023 06:30 PM
100 RFQ for Spectroradiometer (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_171632_1) 2023-10-20 13-11-2023 03:00 PM 14-11-2023 03:00 PM
101 Renovation and extension of Existing Guard room, toilet facility,storage facility and other allied works at BRS Banthra Lucknow. (Tender ID- 2023_CSIR_168488_1) 2023-09-21 29-09-2023 05:30 PM 03-10-2023 11:00 AM
102 Conversion and renovation of the Lab (previously Phytotron Facility) to the Plant Tissue and transformation facility in the garden at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_165266_2) 2023-09-13 19-09-2023 03:00 PM 20-09-2023 03:30 PM
103 RFQ for UV VIS Flash Chromatography Buy Back (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_165758_1)   2023-08-25 12-09-2023 06:00 PM 13-09-2023 06:00 PM
104 Providing false ceiling and other civil works in Jigyasa Training Hall at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_166126_1) 2023-08-30 05-09-2023 03:00 PM 06-09-2023 03:30 PM
105 High quality water purification system (Q2) (Tender ID : GEM/2023/B/3873360) 2023-08-25 15-09-2023 07:00 PM 15-09-2023 07:30 PM
106 RFQ for Fan Pad Cooling System Poly House (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_165763_1) 2023-08-25 11-09-2023 06:00 PM 12-09-2023 06:00 PM
107 Providing a shallow tubewell in Gheru Campus-I at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID:2023_CSIR_165254_1) 2023-08-22 30-08-2023 03:00 PM 31-08-2023 03:30 PM
108 Conversion and renovation of the Lab (previously Phytotron Facility) to the Plant Tissue and transformation facility in the garden at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID:2023_CSIR_165266_1) 2023-08-22 30-08-2023 03:00 PM 31-08-2023 03:30 PM
109 Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_164667_1) 2023-08-16 18-09-2023 05:30 PM 19-09-2023 05:30 PM
110 RFQ FOR GCMS SYSTEM (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_164636_1) 2023-08-16 18-09-2023 05:00 PM 19-09-2023 05:00 PM
111 Furbishing/construction of room for Establishment of Perfumery Lab in CIF main building at NBRI, Lucknow.(Tender ID:2023_CSIR_164533_1) 2023-08-14 21-08-2023 03:00 PM 22-08-2023 03:30 PM
112 Repair/replacement of damaged poly carbonate sheet in roofing/ wall of Transgenic Tomato Glass House in Garden at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID- 2023_CSIR_163428_1) 2023-08-04 10-08-2023 03:00 PM 11-08-2023 03:30 PM
113 Development of propagation house including shade-net inside Indian Cycas Garden at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID: 2023_CSIR_162793_1) 2023-07-31 07-08-2023 03:00 PM 08-08-2023 03:30 PM
114 Cold Storage Facility. (Tender ID: 2023-CSIR_162164_1) 2023-07-24 14-08-2023 05:20 PM 16-08-2023 03:00 PM
115 Renovation of a hall and adjacent room to be converted in to the Lab at BRS Banthra Lucknow  (Tender ID- 2023_CSIR_161519_1) 2023-07-18 26-07-2023 03:00 PM 27-07-2023 03:30 PM
116 Renovation and extension of Farmers Hostel at Banthra, Lucknow (Civil Work) (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_160751_1) 2023-06-26 19-07-2023 03:00 PM 20-07-2023 03:30 PM
117 Renovation of a hall to be used for Wellness Centre in garden at NBRI, Lucknow (Civil Work) (Tender ID: 2023_CSIR_158957_1) 2023-06-26 03-07-2023 03:00 PM 04-07-2023 03:30 PM
118 Execution charges for internal and external painting of Lab at BRS Banthra Lucknow.(Tender ID:2023_CSIR_157361_1) 2023-06-13 19-06-2023 03:00 PM 20-06-2023 03:30 PM
119 Repair/replacement of damaged/worn out door, windows, kitchen cupboards and other allied works in qtrs. at CSIR Colony Nirala Nagar & Tagore Marg, Lucknow.(Tender ID: 2023_CSIR_157343_1) 2023-06-13 19-06-2023 03:00 PM 20-06-2023 03:30 PM
120 Providing water proofing treatment to the roof, replacement of window glass panes, repair of MS windows, Aluminium door, sofa set and other allied works in the BRS Lab at Banthra Lucknow.(Tender ID:2023_CSIR_157325_1) 2023-06-13 19-06-2023 03:00 PM 20-06-2023 03:30 PM
121 Maintenance of Toilets of T.N. Khooshoo Block and CPMB in garden and toilets near reception in main building at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender_ID:2023_CSIR_153264_1 ) 2023-05-03 10-05-2023 03:00 PM 11-05-2023 03:30 PM
122 Stereo Microscope (Tender ID: 2023_CSIR_151155_1). 2023-04-06 01-05-2023 05:00 PM 02-05-2023 05:00 PM
123 Harvester Disc Stack Separator.(Tender ID: 2023_CSIR_151143_1). 2023-04-06 17-04-2023 04:00 PM 18-04-2023 04:00 PM
124 Repair of Tubewell at BRC Banthra, Lucknow. (Tender ID:2023_CSIR_150012_1 ) 2023-03-23 29-03-2023 05:30 PM 31-03-2023 11:00 AM
125 Renovation of Lab (internal and external painting, repair of plaster etc) and repair and painting of damaged walls of Farmers Hostel at BRS Banthra Lucknow. (Tender ID:2023_CSIR_150018_1) 2023-03-23 29-03-2023 05:30 PM 31-03-2023 11:00 AM
126 Miscellaneous carpentry and other allied works in different Labs/Building/Guest House at NBRI, Lucknow. (2023_CSIR_144624_1) 2023-03-20 28-03-2023 03:00 PM 29-03-2023 03:30 PM
127 Providing Catering Service to CSIR-NBRI at Main Building, Garden Block and Guest House (Three canteens) 2023-03-18 06-04-2023 03:00 PM 07-04-2023 03:30 PM
128 Renovation of labs (Plant Genomics, Microbiology Lab room No 303,304, 323 & 325 CIF garden, Sale Section and Director’s office and attached rest/wash room), window blinds, curtains and other allied works at NBRI, Lucknow.(Tender ID: 2023_CSIR_148660_1) 2023-03-13 18-03-2023 05:30 PM 20-03-2023 11:00 AM
129 Renovation of insectary near new culture room of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology labs and painting & replacement of rotten venetian blinds etc in Pteridology Lab at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID: 2023_CSIR_148063_1) 2023-03-06 13-03-2023 10:00 AM 14-03-2023 10:15 AM
130 Replastering of damaged wall plaster, PVC wall Panelling, painting and other allied repair work in the room of Scientist Incharge and attached toilet in PCAT building in garden at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_147063_1)   2023-02-27 06-03-2023 10:00 am 07-03-2023 10:15 am
131 Renovation of existing window in Room No.116,117and 118 of garden block, PVC flooring, duco spray painting of almirah and table top glass etc in PDSH Division, marble top working platform in Microbial Technology Division and other civil maintenance work in different labs at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID : 2023_CSIR_147073_1)   2023-02-27 06-03-2023 10:00 am 07-03-2023 10:15 am
132 Providing misc. repair and maintenance work in Herbarium at PDSH Division in main building at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID:2023_CSIR_146796_1) 2023-02-24 01-03-2023 03:00 PM 02-03-2023 03:30 PM
133 RFQ for HPLC System. (Tender ID:2023_CSIR_143856_1) 2023-02-02 08-03-2023 06:00 PM 09-03-2023 06:00 PM
134 Repair/maintenance of Glass House of Microbial Technologies Division including white washing, cleaning of windows & roof glasses and sealing to make water proof and other allied works at NBRI, Lucknow. 2023-01-30 06-02-2023 03:00 PM 07-02-2023 03:30 PM
135 Repair/replacement of damaged/worn out door, windows, almirah shutter and other allied works in Qtrs. at CSIR Colony Nirala Nagar & Tagore Marg, Lucknow. ( Tender ID: 2023_CSIR_143247_1) 2023-01-30 06-02-2023 03:00 PM 07-02-2023 03:30 PM
136 Supply,installation and commissioning of Inductively coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP MS) Model No-NexION 5000. (Tender ID: 2023_CSIR_695999_1) 2023-01-25 06-02-2023 06:00 PM 08-02-2023 10:00 AM
137 Renovation and modernization of AcSIR classroom in first floor of T.N. Khoshoo block at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID: 2023_CSIR_142915_1) 2023-01-25 01-02-2023 03:00 PM 02-02-2023 03:30 PM
138 Some civil maintenance work in Qtr. No. F-1 at CSIR Colony Nirala Nagar, Lucknow. (Tender ID: 2023_CSIR_142896_1) 2023-01-25 01-02-2023 03:00 PM 02-02-2023 03:30 PM
139 Special repair and reconstruction/rehabilitations of broken/ deteriorated stretches of RCC vertical drop and chajja at 2nd floorof K.N. Kaul Block at NBRI Lucknow.(Tender ID:2023_CSIR_142905_1) 2023-01-25 01-02-2023 03:00 PM 02-02-2023 03:30 PM
140 A. Change of 4 nos fixed windows to aluminium sliding windows and fixing of venetion blind in 8 nos windows of Plant Physiology Lab/CIF in garden at NBRI, Lucknow. B. Replacement of existing Z-section windows to UPVC windows, renovation of cupboards, water supply systems and painting etc. in plant Virology Lab at NBRI, Lucknow. C. Renovation of flooring, window curtains and wall paintings of the room (Dr. Manish) of TTBD division at NBRI, Lucknow. D. Providing and fixing tile flooring and painting in room No 232 of Publication and information Division and 325 and 327 of Planning Division at NBRI, Lucknow. E. Renovation of flooring, venation blind and cupboard etc. in SPO’s room & adjacent purchase meeting Room in main building at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID:2022_CSIR_138279_2) 2023-01-24 30-01-2023 03:00 PM 31-01-2023 03:30 PM
141 RFQ 10L Fermenter/Bioreactor. (Tender_ID: 2023_CSIR_142061_1) 2023-01-18 01-02-2023 01:00 PM 02-02-2023 01:00 PM
142 A. Providing civil works at HPLC facility and Plant breeding Laboratory in Garden at NBRI Lucknow. B. Providing aluminium partition in the Hall of PME Division in main building at NBRI Lucknow. (Tender ID:2023_CSIR_141520_1) 2023-01-13 19-01-2023 03:00 PM 20-01-2023 03:30 PM
143 Removal of pump set and providing PVC water supply line (110mm) with Gate Valve and other allied works at BRS Banthra, Lucknow. (Tender ID : 2022_CSIR_139745_1) 2022-12-28 04-01-2023 03:00 PM 05-01-2023 03:30 PM
144 Re-laying of damaged sewer drainage line of 21, Gokhale Marg, Lucknow. (Tender ID : 2022_CSIR_139751_1) 2022-12-28 04-01-2023 03:00 PM 05-01-2023 03:30 PM
145 Internal Painting of vacant qtrs. at CSIR-Colony Nirala Nagar and Tagore Marg, Lucknow. (Tender ID : 2022_CSIR_139754_1) 2022-12-28 04-01-2023 03:00 PM 05-01-2023 03:30 PM
146 A. Change of 4 nos fixed windows to aluminium sliding windows and fixing of venetion blind in 8 nos windows of Plant Physiology Lab/CIF in garden at NBRI, Lucknow. B. Replacement of existing Z-section windows to UPVC windows, renovation of cupboards, water supply systems and painting etc. in plant Virology Lab at NBRI, Lucknow. C. Renovation of flooring, window curtains and wall paintings of the room (Dr. Manish) of TTBD division at NBRI, Lucknow. D. Providing and fixing tile flooring and painting in room No 232 of Publication and information Division and 325  and 327 of Planning Division at NBRI, Lucknow. E. Renovation of flooring, venetion blind and cupboard etc. in SPO’s room & adjacent purchase meeting Room in main building at NBRI, Lucknow. Tender ID : 2022_CSIR_138279_1) 2022-12-14 22-12-2022 03:00 PM 23-12-2022 03:30 PM
147 Gel Document System (Tender ID : 2022_CSIR_137933_1) 2022-12-12 29-12-2022 04:00 PM 30-12-2022 04:00 PM
148 Supply fabrication and erection of wall mounted rack in TEM, SEM and 22C Lab room at NBRI, Lucknow.(Tender ID- 2022_CSIR_137474_1) 2022-12-07 12-12-2022 03:00 PM 13-12-2022 03:30 PM
149 Extension of store with temporary shed for storage of various things for Poly House near Gate No 2 of garden at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID- 2022_CSIR_137493_1) 2022-12-07 14-12-2022 03:00 PM 15-12-2022 03:30 PM
150 Development of surrounding of HT/LT panel enclosure including interlocking C.C. paver block etc and other allied works in garden at NBRI, Lucknow.(Tender ID- 2022_CSIR_137503_1) 2022-12-07 14-12-2022 03:00 PM 15-12-2022 03:30 PM
151 Expansion of space and seating for Jigyasa and related programs at NBRI, Lucknow.(Tender ID- 2022_CSIR_137515_1) 2022-12-07 14-12-2022 03:00 PM 15-12-2022 03:30 PM
152 Replacement of rotten/damaged existing MS windows to aluminium windows (04 Nos) and painting of Lab No 17/18 in CPMB building at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID- 2022_CSIR_137420_1) 2022-12-07 12-12-2022 03:00 PM 13-12-2022 03:30 PM
153 Supply fabrication and installation of flower/small potted plants stand in garden at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID- 2022_CSIR_137415_1) 2022-12-06 12-12-2022 03:00 PM 13-12-2022 03:30 PM
154 RFQ for Flow Cytometer. (Tender-ID: 2022_CSIR_136548_1) 2022-11-25 30-12-2022 05:30 PM 31-12-2022 05:30 PM
155 Some maintenance work in Qtr. No. F-3 at CSIR Colony Nirala Nagar, Lucknow (Tender ID- 2022_CSIR_136137_1) 2022-11-22 28-11-2022 11:00 AM 29-11-2022 11:15 AM
156 Expansion and refurbishment of open Air Interpretation Centre and its adjoining room and repair/renovation of Cycad House and Jurassic Gallery in Garden at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID- 2022_CSIR_136151_1) 2022-11-22 29-11-2022 03:00 PM 30-11-2022 03:30 PM
157 Providing carpentry work in kitchen and almirah in qtrs. at CSIR Colony Nirala Nagar and Tagore Marg, Lucknow (Tender ID : 2022_CSIR_136188_1) 2022-11-22 29-11-2022 03:00 PM 30-11-2022 03:30 PM
158 Water proofing treatment of roof top and painting of corridors of Pharmacogonosy Division in Main Building at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID :  2022_CSIR_136177_1) 2022-11-22 29-11-2022 03:00 PM 30-11-2022 03:30 PM
159 LCMS/MS System (Tender_ID:2022_CSIR_135055_1). 2022-11-10 05-12-2022 04:00 PM 06-12-2022 04:00 PM
160 HPLC System (Tender_ID : 2022_CSIR_134768_1) 2022-11-09 29-11-2022 04:20 PM 30-11-2022 04:20 PM
161 Repair and maintenance work of Poly House under UNIDO Project and Cotton Net House in garden at NBRI, Lucknow(Tender ID:2022_CSIR_134507_1) 2022-11-04 11-11-2022 05:00 PM 14-11-2022 10:30 AM
162 Repair and increasing length of column pipe of Tube well (installed near O.H. Tank) at 21, Gokhale Marg, Lucknow. (Tender ID : 2022_CSIR_133383_1) 2022-10-25 01-11-2022 03:00 PM 02-11-2022 03:30 PM
163 Servicing and repair of Fountains (08 Nos) and other allied works installed at different location at NBRI, Lucknow. (Tender ID- 2022_CSIR_132169_1) 2022-10-14 20-10-2022 03:00 PM 21-10-2022 03:30 PM
164 Water proofing treatment of roof top of Auditorium building in Main campus at NBRI Lucknow.(Tender ID- 2022_CSIR_132173_1) 2022-10-14 20-10-2022 03:00 PM 21-10-2022 03:30 PM
165 Repair of damaged portion of Moss House in garden due to uprooting of tree and providing MS grills and other allied works of the windows of Recruitment section at NBRI, Lucknow.(Tender ID- 2022_CSIR_132079_1) 2022-10-14 20-10-2022 03:00 PM 21-10-2022 03:30 PM
166 A. Providing vitrified tiles in Lab (F-17) in CPMB and Lab of Plant Ecology and Environmental Science Lab in main building at NBRI, Lucknow. B. Supply, fabrication and erection of wall mounted rack, venetion blinds PVC flooring and other allied works in Plant Diversity Systematics and Herbarium Division at NBRI, Lucknow.(Tender ID- 2022_CSIR_132095_1) 2022-10-14 20-10-2022 03:00 PM 21-10-2022 03:30 PM
167 A. Renovation of wall mounted racks, tables and working platform with cupboards underneath and venetion blinds in Plant Ecology and Environmental Technology Lab at NBRI, Lucknow B. Supply and fabrication of wooden working table with cabinets in room No 307 of Lichenology Lab of PDSH Division at NBRI, Lucknow.(Tender ID- 2022_CSIR_132112_1) 2022-10-14 20-10-2022 03:00 PM 21-10-2022 03:30 PM
168 Water proofing treatment of roof top of Ram Jharokhe building in garden at NBRI Lucknow (Tender ID : 2022_CSIR_131306_1) 2022-10-07 14-10-2022 05:00 PM 17-10-2022 10:30 AM
169 UPHPLC System with Auto Sampler Facility Tender ID : 2022_CSIR_130518_1 2022-09-29 29-10-2022 12:00 PM 31-10-2022 12:00 PM
170 Construction of Ponds for Conservation of Lotus accession at Gheru Centre Banthra, Lucknow.(Tender ID-2022_CSIR_129562_1) 2022-09-20 27-09-2022 03:00 PM 28-09-2022 03:30 PM
171 Repair and renovation of a store including replacement of roofing & flooring etc. at Banthra Research Station, Lucknow.(Tender ID-2022_CSIR_124515_2) 2022-09-07 13-09-2022 03:00 PM 14-09-2022 03:30 PM
172 Annual rate contract for the chemicals glasswares plasticwares gases pipettes and liquid handling items and sequencing services etc.(Tender ID: 2022_CSIR_126796_1) 2022-08-25 14-09-2022 03:00 PM 15-09-2022 03:00 PM
173 Supply and fabrication of wooden display board &tables and other allied works in PDSH Division at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID: 2022_CSIR_125974_1) 2022-08-17 25-08-2022 03:00 PM 26-08-2022 03:30 PM
174 Replacement of MS Section windows to aluminium glazed windows (02 No) with granite sills and painting of room No 113 and 110 of T.N. Khoshoo Block in garden at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID: 2022_CSIR_125978_1) 2022-08-17 25-08-2022 03:00 PM 26-08-2022 03:30 PM
175 Painting of vacant qtrs. at CSIR-Colony Nirala Nagar & Tagore Marg, Lucknow (Tender ID: 2022_CSIR_125970_1) 2022-08-17 25-08-2022 03:00 PM 26-08-2022 03:30 PM
176 Provision of interlocking C.C. Paver approach path connecting main road to workshop at Banthra Distant Research Station, Lucknow (Tender ID-2022_CSIR_125667_1) 2022-08-12 22-08-2022 03:00 PM 23-08-2022 03:30 PM
177 E-Tender for Empanelment of Chemist Shops on cashless basis. (Tender ID: 2022_CSIR_124973_1 ) 2022-08-05 29-08-2022 03:00 PM 30-08-2022 03:30 PM
178 Renovation of flooring of corridor of first floor and Virology Lab of CPMB building at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID: 2022_CSIR_124499_1) 2022-08-02 10-08-2022 03:00 PM 11-08-2022 03:30 PM
179 Repair, painting and anti termite treatment of garden office at Banthra Research Station, Lucknow (Tender ID: 2022_CSIR_124466_1) 2022-08-02 10-08-2022 03:00 PM 11-08-2022 03:30 PM
180 Repair and renovation of a store including replacement of roofing and flooring etc. at Banthra Research Station, Lucknow (Tender ID: 2022_CSIR_124515_1) 2022-08-02 10-08-2022 03:00 PM 11-08-2022 03:30 PM
181 Providing Anti Bird Net Facility for Opium Poppy research field plot in garden at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender_ID: 2022_CSIR_124147_1) 2022-07-30 08-08-2022 03:00 PM 09-08-2022 03:30 PM
182 RFQ for LC/MS/MS System (Tender_ID: 2022_CSIR_124045_1) 2022-07-29 08-09-2022 04:00 PM 09-09-2022 04:00 PM
183 Conversion of hall in to processing room of for herbarium at first floor over stores/bank in main building at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender_ID: 2022_CSIR_123652_1) 2022-07-26 02-08-2022 03:00 PM 03-08-2022 03:30 PM
184 A. Providing wooden cabinet in Plant Diversity Systematics and Herbarium Division at NBRI, Lucknow. B. Supply, fabrication and installation of working platform with cupboards underneath in Lab (room No. 202) in main building at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender_ID:2022_CSIR_123676_1) 2022-07-26 02-08-2022 03:00 PM 03-08-2022 03:30 PM
185 Repairs/renovation of qtr. No A-1 and extension of a hall to be used for canteen at CSIR Colony Nirala Nagar, Lucknow (Tender_ID: 2022_CSIR_123639_1) 2022-07-26 02-08-2022 03:00 PM 03-08-2022 03:30 PM
186 Replacement of irrigation system and mist, green netlon set, painting of iron structure and other allied works of Fern House at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender_ID:2022_CSIR_123408_1) 2022-07-23 28-07-2022 03:00 PM 29-07-2022 03:30 PM
187 Special repair/maintenance and redevelopment of Tube well at Farm site Gheru Banthra , Lucknow (Tender_ID:2022_CSIR_123406_1) 2022-07-23 28-07-2022 03:00 PM 29-07-2022 03:30 PM
188 Replacement old wornout of MS Z-section windows to UPVC windows in plant Molecular Genetics Lab and const. of granite top working platform and cupboard underneath in Plant Breeding Lab at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID-2022_CSIR_123366_1) 2022-07-22 28-07-2022 03:00 PM 29-07-2022 03:30 PM
189 Providing and laying PVC water supply line 90/110mm (200 mtr.length) and gate valves dia 150 (02 No.)/100(08 No)/50mm (12 Nos) at BRC (Banthra, Biomass and Aurawan) Lucknow (Tender_ID:2022_CSIR_122926_1) 2022-07-19 26-07-2022 03:00 PM 27-07-2022 03:30 PM
190 Provision of wall mounted wooden racks for storing chemicals, glassware’s, plastic wares etc. in Plant Genetic Resources and Improvement Division Lab in garden at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender_ID:2022_CSIR_122916_1) 2022-07-19 26-07-2022 03:00 PM 27-07-2022 03:30 PM
191 Providing roof top water proofing treatment with APP membrane sheet to prevent water seepage of block E-3, C-6 to C-10, C-41 to C-45 and Qtr. No C-16 & C-18 at CSIR-Colony Nirala Nagar, Lucknow (Tender ID:2022_CSIR_121939_1) 2022-07-11 18-07-2022 03:00 PM 19-07-2022 03:30 PM
192 Replacement of worn-out Kitchen cupboards and racks, and doors, windows and other allied works in Qtrs. at CSIR Colony Nirala Nagar, Lucknow (Tender ID: 2022_CSIR_121782_1) 2022-07-08 14-07-2022 03:00 PM 15-07-2022 03:30 PM
193 17/8/AMC-22-23 AMC (Tender ID: 2022_CSIR_115836_1) 2022-05-13 02-06-2022 04:00 PM 03-06-2022 04:00 PM
194 Const. of interlocking flooring, shed, platforms, water supply line and other allied works to recently developed Hydroponic Unit in Garden at NBRI, Lucknow. 2022-06-29 07-07-2022 03:00 PM 08-07-2022 03:30 PM
195 AMC 17-09-AMC-22-23 (Tender ID: 2022_CSIR_115833_1) 2022-05-13 02-06-2022 04:00 PM 03-06-2022 04:00 PM
196 Agri-Horticulture operations in Botanic Garden, Main Building (K.N.Kaul Block) and Guest House, CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID:2022_CSIR_115240_1) 2022-05-09 30-05-2022 03:00 PM 31-05-2022 03:30 PM
197 Development of Monoclonal antibodies (Tender ID: 2022_CSIR_114819_1) 2022-05-04 30-05-2022 04:00 PM 31-05-2022 04:00 PM
198 Global tender of Advanced  Confocal  Laser Scanning Microscope (Tender ID: 2022_CSIR_109737_1) 2022-03-12 20-04-2022 03:00 PM 21-04-2022 03:00 PM
199 Global tender of Inductively Coupled plasma triple quadrupole (or equivalent technology) mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) (Tender ID: 2022_CSIR_109561_1) 2022-03-11 09-04-2022 04:00 PM 11-04-2022 04:00 PM
200 Flash Chromatography System (Tender ID: 2022_CSIR_107844_1) 2022-02-28 19-03-2022 06:00 PM 21-03-2022 06:00 PM
201 Naturally Ventillated Polyhouse (Tender ID: 2022_CSIR_107405_1) 2022-02-24 18-03-2022 6:50 PM 19-03-2022 6:50 PM
202 Advance Polyhouse (Tender ID : 2022_CSIR_106446_1) 2022-02-18 10-03-2022 05:00 PM 11-03-2022 05:00 PM
203 Automated Greenhouse (Tender ID: 2022_CSIR_105255_1) 2022-02-10 02-03-2022 03:00 PM 03-03-2022 03:00 PM
204 Supply of Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer(ICP-MS) (Tender ID : 2022_CSIR_100967_1) 2022-01-07 05-02-2022 05:30 PM 07-02-2022 10:00 AM
205 Refurbishment of non working Tissue Culture Facility for Floriculture Mission at NBRI, Lucknow 2022-01-04 17-01-2022 03:00 PM 18-01-2022 03:30 PM
206 S/I/T/C OF 500KVA DG SET FOR GARDEN BLOCK 2022-01-05 15-01-2022 06:50 PM 17-01-2022 10:00 AM
207 RFQ for Aeroponic Module (Tender ID : 2021_CSIR_99390_1) 2021-12-23 15-01-2022 06:00 PM 17-01-2022 06:00 PM
208 RFQ for Hydroponic Module (Tender ID : 2021 CSIR_96929_1) 2021-12-03 25-12-2021 12:00 PM 27-12-2021 12:00 PM
209 Auction for Disposal of Unserviceable Scrap Materials (Tender ID : 2021_CSIR_94672_1) 2021-11-12 07-12-2021 05:50 PM 08-12-2021 05:50 PM
210 Procurement of ICP-MS (Bid Number: GEM/2021/B/1615775) 2021-10-22 19-11-2021 05:00 pm 19-11-2021 05:30 pm
211 RFQ for Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) (Tender ID : 2021 CSIR_93466_1) 2021-11-01 22-11-2021 02:00 pm 23-11-2021 02:00 pm
212 Providing Catering Service to CSIR-NBRI at Main Building, Garden Block and Guest House (Three canteens) 2021-09-24 07-10-2021 03:00 pm 08-10-2021 03:30 pm
213 RFQ for Herbarium Scanner (Tender ID: 2021_CSIR_87230_1) 2021-09-06 21-09-2021 01:00 PM 22-09-2021 01:00 PM
214 Extension of existing LAN (Tender ID: 2021_CSIR_86327_1) 2021-08-27 16-09-2021 05:30 PM 17-09-2021 05:30 PM
215 Modernization of plant houses (Nursery, Cactus and Succulent, Cycad, Bonsai and Conservatory) in garden at NBRI, Lucknow (Phase-I) 2021-07-07 16-07-2021 03:00 PM 19-07-2021 11:00 AM
216 Replacement of shed and repairs of plaster/internal painting of Pilot Plant including suitable flooring of Pilot Plant at CSIR-CFTRI Resource Centre, Lucknow 2021-06-26 07-07-2021 03:00 PM 08-07-2021 03:30 PM
217 LC/MS/MS System (Tender ID: 2021_CSIR_71205_1) 2021-02-23 18-03-2021 06:20 PM 19-03-2021 06:20 PM
218 Construction of VVIP suit cum meeting hall on second floor of dining hall building at Guest House 21, Gokhale Marg, Lucknow (Tender ID:2021_CSIR_69700_1) 2021-02-09 01-03-2021 03:00 PM 02-03-2021 03:30 PM
219 Plant Growth Chamber (Tender ID: 2021_CSIR_69313_1) 2021-02-05 24-02-2021 04:30 PM 25-02-2021 04:30 PM
220 Engraving Machine (Tender ID: 2021_CSIR_69325_1) 2021-02-05 25-02-2021 04:30 PM 26-02-2021 04:30 PM
221 Workstation (Tender ID: 2021_CSIR_68721_1) 2021-02-01 22-02-2021 01:00 PM 23-02-2021 01:00 PM
222 AMC for Air Conditioner and water cooler (Tender ID: 2021_CSIR_68797_1) 2021-02-01 22-02-2021 05:30 PM 23-02-2021 05:30 PM
223 HPLC (Tender ID:2021_CSIR_68294_1) 2021-01-27 17-02-2021 05:00 PM 18-02-2021 05:00 PM
224 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) (Tender ID: 2021_CSIR_68305_1) 2021-01-27 17-02-2021 05:15 PM 18-02-2021 05:15 PM
225 Water proofing treatment to the roof of Sc. Apartment block at Gokhale Marg, Lucknow. (Tender ID: 2021_CSIR_67609_1) 2021-01-20 29-01-2021 05:00 PM 01-02-2021 11:00 AM
226 Provision of Lab working platform with cupboard underneath, table with Chemical racks, and sitting arrangement etc. for Tissue Culture Lab in garden block at NBRI, Lucknow. ( Tender ID: 2021_CSIR_66068_2) 2021-01-20 28-01-2021 03:00 PM 29-01-2021 03:30 PM
227 Spectrophotometer (Tender ID: 2021_CSIR_66145_1) 2021-01-05 25-01-2021 03:00 PM 27-01-2021 03:00 PM
228 -80 degree Deep Freezer (Tender ID: 2021_CSIR_66155_1) 2021-01-05 25-01-2021 03:00 PM 27-01-2021 03:00 PM
229 Plant Ploidy Analyser (Tender ID: 2021_CSIR_65922_1) 2021-01-01 27-01-2020 03:00 PM 28-01-2020 03:00 PM
230 Flash Chromatography System (Tender ID:2021_CSIR_65931_1) 2021-01-01 27-01-2021 05:00 PM 28-01-2021 05:00 PM
232 SANITATION WORK (Tender ID: 2020_CSIR_64483_1) 2020-12-15 05-01-2021 03:00 PM 06-01-2021 03:30 PM
233 Inductivity Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (Tender ID: 2020_CSIR_64432_1) 2020-12-14 11-01-2021 12:25 PM 12-01-2021 12:30 PM
234 RFQ for LC/MS/MS System (Tender ID: 2020_CSIR_63331_1) 2020-12-01 30-12-2020 02:00 PM 31-12-2020 03:00 PM
235 Repair of damaged plaster and external painting of administrative block main building campus at NBRI, Lucknow. 2020-11-25 03-12-2020 11:00 AM 04-12-2020 11:30 AM
236 INSTALLATION OF NEW LT DISTRIBUTION PANEL FOR 750KVA TRANSFORMER, GARDEN BLOCK(Tender ID: 2020_CSIR_62439_1) 2020-11-18 01-12-2020 11:00 AM 02-12-2020 11:00 AM
237 Rotavapour (2020_CSIR_62038_1) 2020-11-11 04-12-2020 05:00 PM 07-12-2020 05:00 PM
238 Vertical Autoclave (2020_CSIR_62019_1) 2020-11-11 02-12-2020 05:00 PM 03-12-2020 05:00 PM
239 UV Hybridization Chamber and Cross linker (2020_CSIR_61917_1) 2020-11-10 25-11-2020 06:00 PM 26-11-2020 06:00 PM
240 Spares part for HPLC (2020_CSIR_62246_1) 2020-11-13 18-11-2020 05:00 PM 19-11-2020 05:00 PM
241 Rotary evaporator system (2020_CSIR_62083_1) 2020-11-12 05-12-2020 12:00 PM 07-12-2020 12:00 PM
242 Service for Toxicity Assy (2020_CSIR_62095_1) 2020-11-12 05-12-2020 01:00 PM 07-12-2020 01:00 PM
243 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) (2020_CSIR_62097_1) 2020-11-12 05-12-2020 01:00 PM 07-12-2020 01:00 PM
244 Deep Freezer (2020_CSIR_62121_1) 2020-11-12 05-12-2020 05:00 PM 07-12-2020 05:00 PM
245 Flash Chromatography system (2020_CSIR_62123_1) 2020-11-12 05-12-2020 05:00 PM 07-12-2020 05:00 PM
246 Textile Tensile analyzer (2020_CSIR_61991_1) 2020-11-11 02-12-2020 03:00 PM 03-12-2020 03:00 PM
247 Autoclave (2020_CSIR_62031_1) 2020-11-11 02-12-2020 05:00 PM 03-12-2020 05:00 PM
248 pH Meter (2020_CSIR_61999_1) 2020-11-11 02-12-2020 03:00 PM 03-12-2020 03:00 PM
249 Herbal Plant Extractor 8-48-20-P (Tender ID: 2020_CSIR_61995_1) 2020-11-11 02-12-2020 03:00 PM 03-12-2020 03:00 PM
250 Microplate and Microvolume Spectrophotometer (2020_CSIR_62014_1) 2020-11-11 02-12-2020 04:00 PM 03-12-2020 04:00 PM
251 Extension of existing Net House (pertaining to Dr. A P Sane) in Garden at NBRI, Lucknow 2020-10-19 04-11-2020 03:00 PM 05-11-2020 03:30 PM
252 RFQ for CO2 Incubator (2020_CSIR_56546_1) 2020-09-02 07-09-2020 02:10 PM 08-09-2020 02:10 PM
253 Vertical Autoclave (2020_CSIR_59589_1) 2020-10-12 30-10-2020 03:00 PM 31-10-2020 03:00 PM
254 Workstation Dell/HP/Lenovo (Tender ID: 2020_CSIR_53743_1) 2020-07-24 13-08-2020 04:00 PM 14-08-2020 04:00 PM
255 RFQ for CO2 Cylinders (Refilling) (Tender ID: 2020_CSIR_51391_1) 2020-06-24 10-07-2020 01:00 PM 13-07-2020 01:00 PM
256 Request for Quotation of Consumable Items (Single Tender) 2020-05-04 09-05-2020 11-05-2020
257 Request for Quotation of Consumable Items (Single Tender) 2020-05-04 09-05-2020 11-05-2020
258 Request for Quotation of Consumable Items (Single Tender) 2020-05-04 09-05-2020 11-05-2020
259 RFQ for Biosafety Cabinet Model BioVanguard 4 (Single Tender) 2020-04-30 08-05-2020 11-05-2020
260 Development of BSL-3 Laboratory for Covid-19 testing at 1st floor in Animal House building in garden at NBRI, Lucknow. (Revised Specifications) 2020-04-27 02-05-2020 05:00 PM 04-05-2020 10:00 AM
261 Development of BSL-3 Laboratory for Covid-19 testing at 1st floor in Animal House building in garden at NBRI, Lucknow. 2020-04-27 02-05-2020 05:00 PM 04-05-2020 10:00 AM
262 Short Read Sequencing Platfrom NovaSeq 6000 Sequencing System 2020-03-12 17-03-2020 04:00 PM 18-03-2020 04:00 PM
263 Supply of Manpower (Tender ID: 2020_CSIR_42920_1) 2020-02-13 05-03-2020 03:00 PM 06-03-2020 03:30 PM
264 RFQ for LCD Projector 2020-03-04 23-03-2020 01:00 PM 24-03-2020 01:00 PM
265 Empanelment of Chemist Shops on cashless basis 2020-02-04 25-02-2020 03:00 PM 26-02-2020 03:30 PM
266 Development of Transgenic Glass House in Garden at NBRI, Lucknow (Tender ID: 2020_CSIR_41160_2) 2020-02-10 17-02-2020 03:00 PM 18-02-2020 03:30 PM
267 Development of Monoclonal Antibody etc (Tender ID: 2020_CSIR_40902_1) 2020-01-22 24-02-2020 02:30 PM 25-02-2020 03:00 PM
268 Hybridization Chamber (Tender ID: 2020_CSIR_40826_1) 2020-01-21 10-02-2020 02:00 PM 11-02-2020 03:00 PM
269 Vertical Autocalve (Tender ID: 2020_CSIR_40820_1) 2020-01-21 10-02-2020 02:00 PM 11-02-2020 03:00 PM
270 -80 Degree Deep Freezer (Tender ID: 2020_CSIR_40838_1) 2020-01-21 10-02-2020 02:00 PM 11-02-2020 03:00 PM
271 HMT Software (Tender ID: 2020_CSIR_40821_1) 2020-01-21 27-01-2020 02:00 PM 28-01-2020 03:00 PM
272 Anaerobic workstation/ Anaerobic Chamber (Tender ID: 2020_CSIR_40700_1) 2020-01-21 10-02-2020 02:00 PM 11-02-2020 03:00 PM
273 RFQ for PCR Machine 8-120-19-P.(Tender ID:2019_CSIR_37193_1) 2019-12-02 19-12-2019 04:00 PM 20-12-2019 04:00 PM
274 RFQ for pH meter.(Tender ID:2019_CSIR_37191_1) 2019-12-02 19-12-2019 04:00 PM 20-12-2019 04:00 PM
275 RFQ for Refrigerated Centrifuge.(Tender ID:2019_CSIR_37224_1) 2019-12-02 19-12-2019 05:00 PM 20-12-2019 05:00 PM
276 RFQ for Laminar Flow.(Tender ID:2019_CSIR_37227_1) 2019-12-02 19-12-2019 06:00 PM 20-12-2019 06:00 PM
277 RFQ for Vertical Autoclave.(Tender ID:2019_CSIR_37177_1) 2019-12-02 19-12-2019 02:00 PM 20-12-2019 02:00 PM
278 RFQ for Real-Time PCR.(Tender ID:2019_CSIR_37238_1) 2019-12-19 19-12-2019 06:00 PM 20-12-2019 06:00 PM
279 Extension of existing LAN (Tender ID: 2019_CSIR_37445_1) 2019-12-05 01-01-2020 02:00 PM 02-01-2020 02:00 PM
280 Aeroponic and Hydroponic facility (Tender ID: 2019_CSIR_38351_1) 2019-12-17 16-01-2020 02:30 PM 17-01-2020 04:00 PM
281 Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC/SEC) System (Tender ID: 2019_CSIR_38360_1) 2019-12-17 16-01-2020 02:30 PM 17-01-2020 03:00 PM
282 High end inverted fluorescence Microscope with Camera (Tender ID: 2019_CSIR_38522_1) 2019-12-19 20-01-2020 05:00 PM 21-01-2020 05:00 PM
283 RFQ for CHNS Analyzer (Tender ID: 2019_CSIR_38723_1) 2019-12-23 09-01-2020 02:00 PM 10-01-2020 02:00 PM
284 Renovation of Tissue Culture Lab in Garden at NBRI, Lucknow 2019-12-23 30-12-2019 03:00 PM 31-12-2019 03:30 PM
285 Furniture items for Guest House (Tender ID: 2019_CSIR_38799_1) 2019-12-24 13-01-2020 02:00 PM 14-01-2020 02:00 PM
286 RFQ for HPLC (Tender ID: 019_CSIR_39206_1) 2019-12-31 30-01-2020 02:30 PM 31-01-2020 03:00 PM
287 RFQ for Short Read Sequencing Platform (Tender ID: 019_CSIR_39274_1) 2019-12-30 30-01-2020 02:30 PM 31-01-2020 03.00 P.M