02:56:53 PM Wednesday, 26 March 2025
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Advt No. 02/2024



Syllabus for Trade Test and concerned subject (Paper-III) for recruitment to the posts of Technical Assistant and Technician (1)
Recruitment of Technical and Support Staff vide Advertisement No. 02/2024: Disposal of representations received against CSIR-NBRI Notice dated 13.01.2025
Corrigendum No. 3-2/2(Gr.III & II)/2024-R&A dated 29.01.2025.
Advertisement for recruitment to the posts of Technical & Support Staff.”.
Notice for the post of Technical Assistant (PostCode TA-01022024 to TA-05022024)
Brief Synopsis Chart of the applicants against Advt. No. 02/2024 TA01 TA02 TA03 TA04 TA05
List of Shortlisted Candidates for trade Test for the posts of Technical Assistant against Advt. No. 02/2024 TA01 TA02 TA03 TA04 TA05
Notice for the Post of post of Technician(1) (PostCode T-01022024 to T-08022024 against Advertisement No. 02/2024
Brief Synopsis Chart of the applicants against Advt. No. 02/2024 T01 T02 T03 T04 T05 T06 T07 T08
List of Shortlisted Candidates for trade Test for the posts of Technician (1) against Advt. No. 02/2024 T01 T02 T03 T04 T05 T06 T07 T08

Advt No. 01/2024


 Security Officer against CSIR-NBRI Advertisement No. 01/2024 Notice the posts of Security Officer against CSIR-NBRI Advertisement No. 01/2024 List of eligible candidates List of ineligible candidates
Recruitment of Junior Stenographer vide Advt. No. 01/2024-Disposal of representations received against CSIR-NBRI Notice dated 13.01.2025.” Annexure-A
Recruitment Advertisement No. 01/2024 for the post of “Security Officer, Junior Stenographer and Jr. Hindi Translator – 2024”.
Junior Stenographer (Hindi/English) against CSIR-NBRI Advertisement No. 01/2024 Notice the posts of Junior Stenographer (Hindi/English) against CSIR-NBRI Advertisement No. 01/2024 List of eligible candidates List of ineligible candidates List of duplicate applications

Advt No. 02/2021


Recruitment to the post of Junior Secretariat Assistant (Gen/F&A/S&P) at CSIR-NBRI- List of candidates shortlisted for Proficiency Test in Computer Type Speed and in using computer as per the prescribed norms fixed by DoPT from time to time – reg.Weblink to download Admit Card for Proficiency in Computer Type Speed and in using computer.
Notice Dated 22.01.2025
Final Answer Key Paper I
Final Answer Key Paper II
Answer Key
Issuance of Admit Cards for Written Examination -Junior Secretariat Assistant (Gen. /F & A/S&P)-CSIR-NBRI Advt. No.02/2021-reg. “Weblink for Admit Card”
Notice dated 11.11.2024.
Notice dated 08.11.2024.
OM dated 04.11.2024 –Methodology for resolution of Tie cases wherever two or more candidates have secured equal aggregated marks – reg.
Notice dated 04.11.2024 –Written Examination for the posts of JSA (Gen/F&A/S&P) – reg.
Notice dated 15.10.2024 –reg.
List of Applications received after due date –reg.
List of Ineligible Candidates –reg.
List of Eligible Candidates –reg.
Corrigendum dated 16.08.2024 –reg.
Recruitment Advertisement No. 02/2021 for the post of Junior  Secretariat Assistant [Last Date: 30.09.2021 at 6: 00 pm]
Application Format 
Syllabus for  Junior  Secretariat Assistant


Notification regarding appointment on Compassionate Grounds

Advt No. 03/2021

CSIR-NBRI Recruitment Advt. No. 03/2021 –Refund of fee of the candidates –reg.

Advertisement No.03/2021 for the recruitment of Scientific Posts stands cancelled with immediate effect.

Recruitment Advertisement No. 03/2021 for the post of Scientists [Date of commencement of online applications: 06.12.2021(from 10.00 A.M)

Last date for receipt of online applications :31-01- 2022 (upto 5.00 P.M.)

Last date of receipt of hard copy of online application : 21.02.2022 (upto 6.00 P.M.)]


Advt No. 01/2020


Advertisement No. 01/2020 for the recruitment of posts of Vehicle Driver stands cancelled with immediate effect.
Syllabus for the post of Driver w.r.t Advt No. 01/2020
Syllabus for the post of Driver w.r.t Advt No. 01/2020
Notice Dated 10.12.2021 w.r.t Advt No. 01/2020
Notice Dated 10.09.2021 w.r.t Advt No. 01/2020
Recruitment Advertisement No. 01/2020 for the post of Vehicle Driver [Last Date: 27.02.2021 at 6: 00 pm]
Application Format (Vehicle Driver)

Advt No. 01/2019

CSIR-NBRI Recruitment Advt. No. 01/2019 –Refund of fee of the candidates –reg.
Advertisement No.01/2019 for the recruitment of Scientific Posts stands cancelled with immediate effect.
Notice Dated 21.10.2021 w.r.t Advt No. 01/2019
Notice Dated 08.10.2021 w.r.t Advt No. 01/2019
Notice Dated 30.09.2021 w.r.t Advt No. 01/2019
Notice Dated 03.09.2021 w.r.t Advt No. 01/2019
Advertisement for the post of Scientists (Advertisement no. 01/2019)(Last Date: 31.07.2019 at 06:00 pm)
Application Format

Advt No. 01/2021


Advertisement No. 01/2021 for the recruitment of Technical Posts stands cancelled with immediate effect.
Notice dated 23.05.2022 (Post Code T-02) w.r.t. Advt. No. 01/2021
List of Shortlisted Candidates (Post Code T-02) against Advertisement No. 01/2021
Brief Synopsis / Evaluation Chart of the applicants [Post Code T-02]  against Advt. No. 01/2021
Notice dated 23.05.2022 [Post Code T-01(b)] w.r.t. Advt. No. 01/2021
List of Shortlisted Candidates [Post Code T-01(b)] against Advertisement No. 01/2021
Brief Synopsis / Evaluation Chart of the applicants [Post Code T-01(b)]  against Advt. No. 01/2021
Recruitment Advertisement No. 01/2021 for the post of Technical Staff [Last Date: 23.07.2021 at 6: 00 pm]
Application Format 

Advt No. 02/2020

Advertisement No. 02/2020 for the recruitment of Scientific Posts stands cancelled with immediate effect.
Recruitment Advertisement No. 02/2020 for the post of Scientists [Last Date: 27.02.2021 at 6: 00 pm]
Application Format (Scientific Posts)

Advt No. 03/2019


Notice regarding refund of application fee in respect of Advertisement No. 03/2019.
Advertisement No. 03/2019 for the recruitment of posts of Technical and Support Staff stands cancelled with immediate effect.
Syllabus for the written examination for the posts of Technical Assistant & Technician(1) w.r.t Advt No. 03/2019
Notice Dated 07.06.2021 w.r.t Advt No. 03/2019
Notice Dated 13.05.2021 w.r.t Advt No. 03/2019
Corrigendum No. 3-2/2/(Gr. III & II)/2019-R&A dated 26.02.2021
Notice Dated 25.02.2021 w.r.t Advt No. 03/2019
List of Shortlisted Candidates (Post Code T-02 to T-08) against Advt. No. 03/2019
Brief Synopsis/Evaluation Chart of the applicants (Post Code T-02 to T-08) against Advt. No. 03/2019
Notice Dated 02.02.2021 w.r.t Advt No. 03/2019
List of Shortlisted Candidates against Advt. No. 03/2019
Brief Synopsis/Evaluation Chart of the applicants against Advt. No. 03/2019
Application Format (Technical & Support Staff)
Recruitment Advertisement No. 03/2019 for the post of Technical & Support Staff [Last Date: 31.01.2020]

Advt No. 02/2017

Notice Dated 05.07.2021 w.r.t Advt No. 02/2017
Notice Dated 24.02.2021 w.r.t Advt No. 02/2017
Notice Dated 27.01.2021 w.r.t Advt No. 02/2017
Notice Dated 25.01.2021 w.r.t Advt No. 02/2017
Notice Dated 06.11.2020 w.r.t Advt No. 02/2017
List of Shortlisted Candidates against Advt. No. 02/2017
Brief Synopsis/Evaluation Chart of the applicants against Advt. No. 02/2017

Advt No. 02/2019

Notice dated 14.01.2022 w.r.t. Advt No. 02/2019
Notice dated 22.12.2020 w.r.t. Advt No. 02/2019
Recruitment Advertisement No. 02/2019 for the post of Vehicle Driver [Last Date: 31.10.2019 at 6: 00 pm]
Application Format (Vehicle Driver)

Advt No. 01/2014

Notice Dated 03.12.2020 w.r.t Advt No. 01/2014

Advt No. 01/2017

Notice Dated 17.10.2020 w.r.t Advt No. 01/2017
Notice Dated 05.03.2020 w.r.t Advt No. 01/2017
Corrigendum Dated 04.03.2020 w.r.t Advt No. 01/2017
Notice Dated 20.02.2020 w.r.t Advt No. 01/2017
Notice Dated 04.02.2020 w.r.t Advt No. 01/2017
Notice Dated 10.01.2020 w.r.t Advt No. 01/2017
List of Shortlisted Candidates against Advt. No. 01/2017
Brief Synopsis/Evaluation Chart of the applicants against Advt. No. 01/2017

Advt No. 03/2015

विज्ञापन संख्या 03/2015 के अधीन ग्रुप II / टेकनीशियन(1) पद के परिणाम सूचना